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Journal #3

Parents and teachers, why can't we all just get along? After reading this week's
article, I have a better understanding of why teachers and parents do not always
see eye to eye. The part that struck me most was the parent is extremely biased
towards their own child, while the teacher is focused on getting the entire class to
succeed. This can cause some conflicts between parent and teacher. What is cool,
is that both the parties are trying to do what's best for the student.
The largest factor of student success in the classroom is the participation and
involvement at home. This being the case, then working to keep the parents on the
same page as me, the teacher, is of utmost importance. There are not teachers or
parents who want to see a student fail. We want them to succeed, and not only
succeed, but to thrive and exceed all prior expectations. This is why we become
teachers, and why we become parents.

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