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Andres, Birel, Kallos, Mach, Maeus, Nep, Polem, Pyrrhus, Yars
Apro, Detra, Lysi, Noss, Nyki, Ondo, Persea, Sasso, Xora
Choose one set:
Moxie+1, Alert-1
Moxie+1, Magic-1
Power-1, Moxie+1
You start with this 1:
Descendants of the Divine: the Noblei are descended from the ancient god Sanglorious, as a result
they still retain some of his divine power in their blood:
when examining an environment you can always ask "Is there an ambush here?" in addition to any
other questions you ask, even on a missed roll
when you threaten someone, the move is considered advanced
when you discern the unnatural in an object, you never need to touch it
Available later:
Blood & Thunder: when you refuse to back down from a threat and goad your opponent into a fight,
roll+moxie. On a hit, you unnerve them and they attack you, but they're sloppy. On a 12+ you get
both +1forward and +1armor against them. On a 8-11, choose 1:
they back down and leave you alone, but they won't forget this
you both steel yourself for a straight up fight, no bonuses and no penalties
On a miss, you're the one who's unnerved and they're more difficult for you to hurt (how is the
Oracle's call).
Honorable Spirit: when an enemy is vulnerable before you, if you spare their life and/or let them go
you mark experience.
Sacred Warrior: when fighting with bare hands, you inflict stun-damage in addition to your normal
When Blood Sees Blood: when you see a +lover get hurt during a fight, hold 1. If you see a +lover
get killed while you're fighting, hold 3. You can spend your hold, 1 for 1, to:
avoid +1damage (after it's been reduced from armor)
take +1forward to inflict violence
You get:
1 custom weapon
custom armor
Custom weapon (choose 1):
bastard sword (4-damage melee messy)
battleaxe (3-damage melee area messy)
double-bladed staff (3-damage melee)
glaive (4-damage reach slow)
lance (3-damage reach slow)
longbow (3-damage ranged)
spear (3-damage reach)
Options (choose 1):
ancient (+rare)
big (+area)
magical (+1damage)
masterwork (+valuable)
ornate (+fancy)

spiked (+1damage)
Custom armor (3-armor and choose 2):
ancient (+rare)
magical (+1armor)
masterwork (+valuable)
military (+military)
ornate (+fancy)
spiked (+1damage)
On the others turns:
Choose which character you think is the most honorable. Whatever number that player tells you,
add 1 to it and write it next to the characters name.
Everyone else, whatever number they tell you, write it next to their characters name.
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which of your stats is
most interesting, and highlight it. The MC will have you highlight a second stat too.
When you and another character share a moment of intimacy, you can tag them as a +lover. If
they're a PC, they also get +1Hx with you. When you fight alongside a +lover, or fight a +lover, take
+1ongoing until the fight
ends. Your number of
+lovers cannot exceed your

I might revise the Noblei to fit with future notes (gear might go away), but I think it works so far.
I need to revise my previous notes obviously, which means all of those earlier posts are going to
disappear and/or transform.
Posted by Patrick Henry Downs at Wednesday, March 20, 2013 No comments:
Labels: Adventure World, Apocalypse World, hack, rules

Friday, February 1, 2013

Adventure World: notes

When you play Adventure World, your GM is called the Oracle.
Why the Oracle? Because I disdain the use of the word "master" in a title for a game that relies so
much on player input and agency. An oracle is a predictor and counselor, divining for knowledge from
the unknown. An oracle is a guide, not a dictator.

two 6-sided dice

Just like Apocalypse World, the Adventure World hack uses 2d6. But the success threshold is 8-11
for partial successes, and 12+ for total success. The maximum a single ability can be raised to is +5.
This means there is greater difficulty to achieve complete success in areas a character is not
specialized in, but the specialized areas where a character is maxed to +5 have less chances of

A +3 still misses on a roll of 2 or 3, a +5 only misses on a roll of 2.

Race separate from class.

Some classic conventions are cool. I had strongly considered the OSR approach of race-as-class,
but the more my private notes started to become very customized to races I realized that a non-dwarf
picking up special dwarf moves didn't make a lot of sense. In my next barrage of notes that I publish,
expect to see racial playbooks with class-like expansions.
My guidelines for designing races:
NAMES Name suggestions come from race, not class
STATS always balances to zero: one stat at +1 and another at -1
MOVES get one automatically; extra racial moves become improvements
GEAR sometimes, not always; gear primarily comes from class
HX only describes "on other players' turns" effect
SPECIAL sex move comes from race
My guidelines for designing classes:
STATS always balances to +1: two stats at +1 and another at -1
MOVES get one automatically; extra class moves become improvements
GEAR gear primarily comes from class
HX only describes "on your turn" effect
SPECIAL death move comes from class

Basic Moves
These are only slightly changed from the original rules. I'm still toying with the idea of expanding
some of the choices by separating the descriptions. I'll probably keep this the way it is though.
When you face danger, attempt to sneak, or act defensively, roll +Valor.
When you embark upon a journey, roll +Valor.
When you threaten someone, roll +Power.
When you inflict violence against someone, roll +Power.
When you seduce, charm or manipulate someone, tell them what you want and roll +Moxie.
When you read a person or examine your environment, roll +Alert.
When you attempt to discern the unnatural from an object you can touch, roll +Magic. (this is
essentially a limited form of Detect Magic / Legend Lore, but the key aspect is that everybody has
access to it)
When you attempt to commune with the shadows, roll +Magic.

Language Wheels
One of the things I wanted to add to my Adventure World hack was languages. Old school fantasy
RPGs always relied upon languages for communicating properly and some character classes even
had abilities for deciphering ancient languages. I wanted to convey the process of learning a
language or attempting to translate something into a relatively easy to understand mechanic. It was
suggested that I use the countdown clock and I thought this was a capital idea, so I turned what I
had written into the Language Wheel.
When you try to understand speech, roll+moxie. On a 12+, choose 2. On a 8-11, choose 1:
you make yourself understood
you understand more-or-less what they're saying
you don't come off looking like a fool
When you try to translate script, roll+alert. On a 12+, choose 2. On a 8-11, choose 1:
you understand the basic message of the script
you translate the script quickly
you learn another facet of the language, mark 1 segment of your language wheel
Every time you roll to understand a language you will mark 1 segment of the Language Wheel.
Having at least 1 segment in the wheel means that the PCs can communicate simple ideas like
"where is food?" and "can I sleep here?" but complex ideas like "can you help me scout this
mountain?" or let me show you how we should ambush those bastards in the valley! need a roll

until the Language Wheel is completely filled in. Once the Language Wheel is full, the character
understands the language and doesn't need to roll

Attempting to make a realistic system leads to
headaches (see GURPS, see Deadlands). Hit Points
are fine.
Everybody starts with 10. You can get more, but since
there is no leveling up, you have to sacrifice potential
skill for more health. Armor is still going to work like AW.
If you have 4-armor then it prevents 4 points of damage,

Death Moves
One of the things I've been toying with is the concept of
PC death affecting the other characters. This kind of
move would either give a permanent bonus to those who don't die, or a temporary shift of power that
lasts for the rest of the session.
When Obi-Wan Kenobi died: When you die your body disappears and everybody witnessing this gets
+1 Valor for the rest of the session.
When Gandalf died: After you die, you may return at the start of the next session as an angelic
version of yourself. You may not take Improvements anymore.
When Buffy died: When you die everybody else improves examine an environment.
When Charlie (on LOST) died: When you die tell the MC to reveal a secret, or a secret threat.
You can kind of see how this works. For actual death moves, the move would be something
beneficial but keyed into the character type that is dying. A fighter or barbarian who dies gives
everybody else a dot of experience. A thief who dies causes a distraction or reveals a secret as they
fall. Stuff like that.

I've tried to come up with a list of "regular" extras that characters might pick up through the course of
play. While these are not complete, this is a listing of ones I have already written. I suspect I might
end up writing a few that are custom to races.
Laboratory: Choose which of the following your laboratory includes. Choose 3: a stable, a tower, a
well-stocked pantry, a cellar, a private garden, skilled labor (apprentices), a mine of raw materials, a
forge, a fortified carriage, carpentry tools, alchemical equipment, gemstones and crystals, a target
range, a relic of the ancient past, booby traps.
When you go into your laboratory and dedicate yourself to making a thing, or to getting to the bottom
of some mess, decide what and tell the Oracle. The Oracle will tell you sure, no problem, but and
then 1 to 4 of the following:
its going to take hours/days/weeks/months of work;
first youll have to get/build/fix/figure out ___;
youre going to need ___ to help you with it;
its going to cost you a ton of gold;
the best youll be able to do is a crap version, weak and unreliable;
its going to mean exposing yourself (plus colleagues) to serious danger;
youre going to have to add ___ to your laboratory first;
its going to take several/dozens/hundreds of tries;
youre going to have to take ___ apart to do it.
The Oracle might connect them all with and, or might throw in a merciful or.
Once youve accomplished the necessaries, you can go ahead and accomplish the thing itself. The
Oracle will stat it up, or spill the beans, or whatever it calls for.
Hideout: By default, your hideout is in a secluded location, with food and lodgings for a half-dozen
people for a week (more at a stretch). Then, choose 2:
Your hideout is large (lodgings for several dozen)
Your hideout is well-stocked (food for a month)
Your hideout is hidden and guarded by traps

Your hideout is guarded by five loyal retainers (3-damage small band)

Your hideout is defensible (3-armor for a band defending it)
And choose one:
Your hideouts location is well-known (+famous)
Your hideout is difficult and dangerous to reach (+hazard)
Your hideout is filthy and ill-kept (+disease)
You share your hideout with someone you dont command (+rivalry)
Musicians: you have two to five musicians that follow you around, write songs about you, and play
instruments. At the beginning of the session, roll+music. On a 10+, your band have surplus. On a 7
9, they have surplus, but choose 1 want. On a miss, they have no surplus and are in complete want.
If their surplus lists gold, thats your personal share. These are loyal to you but not fanatical, and they
have their own lives apart from you (surplus: 1-gold, music +1, want: desertion). Name them.
Characterize them.
Choose 2:
the musicians are dedicated to you. Surplus: +1gold, and replace want: desertion with want: idle.
the musicians are educated and worldly. Surplus: +insight.
the musicians are dedicated to their craft. +1music.
the musicians are joyous and celebratory. Surplus: +party.
the musicians are shrewd and frugal. Surplus: +1gold.
the musicians are hard-working, no-nonsense. Surplus: +1gold.
you travel with a full compliment. Add four more musicians. Surplus: +2gold, Add want: hunger.
Choose 2:
the musicians arent really yours, more like youre theirs. Want: +judgment.
the musicians rely entirely on you for their lives and needs. Surplus: -1gold.
the musicians are sloppy and simple. -1music.
the musicians disdain fashion, luxury and convention. Want: +disease.
the musicians disdain law, peace, reason and society. Surplus: +violence.
the musicians are decadent and perverse. Want: +savagery.
Workshop: you have tools and the space to make some kind of craft. Choose 1:
leatherworks (projects: clothing, armor; cost: 1 gold; wants: skins, coal)
carpentry (projects: furniture, shelter; cost: 2 gold; wants: wood, skins)
smithy (projects: armor, weapons; cost: 2 gold; wants: metal, coal)
jeweler (projects: rings, necklace; cost: 3 gold; wants: metal, gems)
During downtime, you may attempt a project provided you have the materials needed by paying the
cost. Roll+alert. On a 12+, you make the project in the time allotted and have items worth twice the
cost. On a 8-11, youre lacking in materials and need to fulfill one of your wants before you can finish.
Your final project will be worth as much as the cost to build it. On a miss, the project is a disaster and
you lose all the materials associated with the project.
You can take Smithing multiple times, specifying a new craft each time you take it.
needs work
Warband: By default, your warband consists of 5 violent bastards with low quality weapons and
armor (3-damage band small 2-armor). They are not fanatical or mindless, but they are impressed by
you and pretty much do what you say. Then, choose 2:
your warband consists of 15 more violent bastards. Size: medium instead of small.
your warbands well-armed. +1damage.
your warbands well-armored. +1armor.
your warband will not betray you. +loyal.
your warband is well-educated. +insight.
your warband will fight to the death. +brave.
your warbands self-sufficient, able to provide for itself by raiding and scavenging. It gets +rich.
And choose 1:
your warbands weapons are makeshift and crude. It gets -1damage.
your warband disdains armor (why?). It gets -2armor.
your warband is a pack of undisciplined hyenas. It gets +savage.
your warbands loose-knit, with members coming and going as they choose. Vulnerable: desertion.
your warband is in significant debt to someone powerful. Vulnerable: obligation.
your warband is filthy and unkempt. Vulnerable: disease.
your warband is lax about security and likes to drink and brag. Vulnerable: reprisals.
your warband depends entirely upon you for their needs. Vulnerable: poor.

Any kind of followers who die will not be gradually replaced, but new followers can be acquired by
visiting towns and impressing the locals. If mistreated they might leave, but in time you might be able
to recruit replacements. Consult your Oracle for details.

ideas for improvements

+1 to stat
+1 to hit points
new race move
new class move
either XP would buy an improvement, or you just get a new one at the end of an adventure (2 to 3
Posted by Patrick Henry Downs at Friday, February 01, 2013 1 comment:
Labels: Adventure World, Apocalypse World, hack, rules

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Adventure World: of elves and regents

Okay, I'm just going to put this out there: I don't like elves. The fact that they're wedged into every
setting as these mysterious, nearly-immortal beings with access to ancient and otherworldly magics
and then a player is allowed to just take one as a character seems dumb. If the elves are awesome
then the player's character should be equally awesome, which signifies one of two things:
1) that elf character is not awesome and therefore elves are dumb
2) that player just wants to play an awesome character and wants to fast track it with an elf, which is
I'll eventually sit down and write up an elf playbook for my Adventure World hack, but right now I have
no interest in it. It feels like a chore.
Chalk it up to personal experience but I've only seen two players choose an elf in any game I've run
One was a player with no imagination, and every character he played was an elven fighter-mage. As
a fellow player, it was kind of annoying because he was always just playing the same guy no matter
what happened.
The other player used his status as an elf to halt the adventure. I was GMing the classic GDQ1-7
series of modules and when we got to the first drow section he said "Nope, these guys are elves, I'm
Soured, doubly so.
And as for the Regent? I'm not going to post the stats here, because 95% of the playbook is just
taken from the Hardholder playbook. Leadership and Wealth play off of Valor (as opposed to
Power), so that starting stats are:
Valor+2 Power=0 Alert=0 Moxie+1 Magic=0
Valor+2 Power+1 Alert+1 Moxie-1 Magic=0
Valor+2 Power+1 Alert-1 Moxie+1 Magic=0
Valor+2 Power=0 Alert+1 Moxie+1 Magic-1
And the
If another character swears fealty to you, they immediately change their sheet to say Hx+3 with you.
At your option, you mark +1Hx with them at the start of every session. If they ever break their fealty,
you mark experience and they can never be trusted by you ever again, change their sheet to say Hx3 with you and it will never change from this point forward.
When another character does what you say and they havent sworn fealty to you, you get +1Hx with
I thought about giving the Regent playbook a Bloodline from Birthright, but that might dramatically
alter the playbook. That's a little too much work for me right now, I want to focus on getting the basics
of the game down now and tweak the playbooks as needed.
That's about it.
ADDED: A friend of mine thought that Regent special was too powerful, saying "Why not just order

all non-vassals to do what they were going to anyway?"

I think intention is important for this kind of move, plus if the fiction doesn't support it than common
sense dictates that that wouldn't work. Right? Here are a few examples:
Klepto (a thief): I failed to pick Pluto's pocket.
Pluto (a warrior): I punch Klepto in the face
Bitch-trog (a regent): I command Pluto to attack Klepto
MC: Um... Pluto was already going to punch Klepto.
Bitch-trog: Yeah, but now I'll get History.
MC: No you won't! He was going to punch him before you told him to, stop being such a bitch Bitchtrog!
Bitch-trog: Awwww!
Bitch-trog: I command Pluto to attack Klepto
Pluto: I'm not going to do that!
Klepto: Well, I *did* steal your gold.
Pluto: You what?! I punch Klepto in the face!
Bitch-trog: Yay! I get History!
MC: Um... no you don't. He's punching Klepto because he stole, not because you told him too.
Bitch-trog: Awww!
Bitch-trog: I command Pluto to attack Klepto
Pluto: Yeah, why not? I stab Klepto in the face with my knife.
Klepto: What?
Bitch-trog: Yay, I get History!
MC: Yes. Yes you do Bitch-trog.
Posted by Patrick Henry Downs at Thursday, December 13, 2012 2 comments:
Labels: Adventure World, Apocalypse World, hack, rules

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Adventure World: the Dwarf



Azag, Bain, Dalin, Durin, Gimin, Khaz, Nogre, Telchar, Thorli
Akrip, Azduk, Kilild, Nalre, Nodred, Nurre, Ovbryn, Vulthra, Yurun
Choose one set:
Valor+1 Power+2 Moxie-1 Alert+2 Magic-2
Valor=0 Power+2 Moxie+1 Alert=0 Magic=0
Valor+1 Power+2 Moxie=0 Alert+1 Magic-1
Valor+1 Power+2 Moxie=0 Alert+1 Magic-1
You get this 1:
Stoneheart: when you come within melee range of a stone structure or any kind of stonework, its as
if you examined the environment and rolled a 10. You notice unusual stonework, such as sliding
walls, stonework traps, new construction (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone surfaces,
shaky stone ceilings, and the like. As long as its made of stone or rock, you can ask questions as if
you rolled a 10. Something that isnt stone but that is disguised as stone is instantly recognizable as
NOT-stone, but that is all you know until you examine the environment as normal. You can also intuit
depth, and always know exactly how far underground you are and which way is up.
Then choose 2:
Commander: when you help or interfere with someone, roll+power instead of roll+Hx.
Know the Land: you never get lost in the wilderness, and you avoid all natural hazards, such as

quicksand, rockslides or foul weather.

Master Your Craft: any project you finish in your workshop is worth +1gold.
Never Run Away: if you go straight into danger without knowing what youre up against, you get
+1armor. If you happen to be leading a warband or followers, they get +1armor too.
Never Trust Magic: you get +1ongoing when you defy magical danger. All uses of magic on you
suffer -1ongoing or +1armor, depending on what was used the MC will declare where the penalty
falls (magical healing would suffer -1 to the roll or the effect, +1armor would apply to a spell but not a
magical weapon, etc.)
Stout Hands and a Solid Swing: when wielding a 2-handed melee weapon you get +1armor, when
wielding an axe of some kind you deal +1damage, and yes you get both if youre wielding a 2handed axe.
Venom in Your Blood: you cannot be poisoned. You dont get drunk either.
Workshop: you have tools and the space to make some kind of craft. Choose 1:
carpentry (projects: furniture, shelter; cost: 3gold; wants: wood)
leatherworks (projects: clothing, armor; cost: 1gold; wants: skins)
smithy (projects: armor, weapons; cost: 2gold; wants: metal, coal)
jeweler (projects: rings, necklace; cost: 3gold; wants: metal, gems)
During downtime, you may attempt a project provided you have the materials needed by paying the
cost. Roll+alert. On a 10+, you make the project in the time allotted and have items worth twice the
cost. On a 7-9, youre lacking in materials and need to fulfill your want before you can finish. Your
final project will be worth as much as the cost to build it. On a miss, the project is a disaster and you
lose all the materials associated with the project. You can take this move multiple times, specifying a
new craft each time you take it.
You get:
1 weapon
oddments worth 1-gold
custom armor
Choose weapon:
bastard sword (4-damage 2-hand melee messy)
battleaxe (3-damage 2-hand melee area messy)
handaxe (2-damage melee messy) + shield (+1armor)
morningstar (3-damage melee) + shield (+1armor)
spear (3-damage 2-hand reach)
trident (3-damage 2-hand reach)
warhammer (3-damage 2-hand melee)
Custom armor (2-armor and choose 1):
ancient (+rare)
masterwork (+valuable)
military (+military)
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and outlook.
Take your turn.
List the other characters names.
Go around again for Hx. On your turn:
Choose whether you are by nature generous with your trust and resources, or reserved. If the
former, then tell everyone Hx+1. If the latter, then tell everyone Hx=0.
On the others turns, choose 1 or both:
One of them has been with you since before. Whatever number that player tells you, give it +1 and
write it next to the characters name.
Everyone else, whatever number they tell you, write it next to their characters name.
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which of your stats is
most interesting, and highlight it. The MC will have you highlight a second stat too.

If you escort another player out of danger and to safety, make something for them, or give them or
receive from them a gift worth 1-gold or more, you both mark +1Hx with each other.
When you die, everybody else marks experience.
Posted by Patrick Henry Downs at Wednesday, December 12, 2012 4 comments:
Labels: Adventure World, Apocalypse World, hack, rules

Monday, December 10, 2012

Adventure World: an explanation

I keep hearing criticisms from gamer friends that my Adventure Time playbooks are unnecessary
because somebody already made an Apocalypse World hack and it's called Dungeon World. Yeah, I
know. I have a copy of the Dungeon World pdf and it's an impressive piece of work. But if I wanted to
play Dungeons & Dragons using an Apocalypse World design philosophy, I would probably just play
Dungeons & Dragons and use the MC moves out of Apocalypse World.
I am not a fan of level-based role-playing game systems. D&D is usually the game everybody starts
with and so they just get used to this idea that power ascends gradually, but it's always felt
disconnected in some way. I remember trying to learn the magic system for the first time and it took
me a while to grasp that a 2nd-level wizard doesn't really have access 2nd-level spells. (I was 7
years old, and you'd think it didn't make sense too if you were that old.) When I first got exposed to
GURPS and a purely skill-based system it was to play a Star Trek game where I suddenly had a lot
of freedom to do whatever I wanted and so I focused on playing a fighter-type. It's what made me
comfortable, and I've found that I gravitate toward the same play style every time I'm exposed to a
new system.
Apocalypse World is probably the first RPG I've ever not played a warrior-type my first time playing.
Without knowing anything about it, it just seemed like a very alien kind of game at first and I dove in
with a somewhat random choice of playbook. I've come to really appreciate the game, and when I
was recently asked if I wouldn't mind taking over as a GM sometime soon I thought "Well, I'd like to
keep playing Apocalypse World, but in a fantasy setting."
That's where my Adventure World playbooks ave been coming from. I read through Dungeon World
and didn't like that they retained the level system of traditional D&D, so I decided to make my own
fantasy-themed playbooks that would owe more to the core game of Apocalypse World. I take
inspiration from multiple sources: the Apocalypse World playbooks and bonus playbooks, the
Dungeon World rules, and the Barf Forth Apocalyptica forums. I'm trying to make something unique
for my game and my group of players, that still recognizably looks like the core game I started with.
And I've only just started. These playbooks I've been writing are first drafts.
Posted by Patrick Henry Downs at Monday, December 10, 2012 7 comments:
Labels: Adventure World, Apocalypse World, hack, rules

Adventure World: the Bard



Cormac, Gilles, Gorse, Iolo, Jacques, Johan, Mikhail, Odo, William
Brenna, Dori, Helena, Hildy, Isadore, Onioth, Tara, Venus, Zara
Choose one set:
Valor=0 Power=0 Moxie+2 Alert+1 Magic=0
Valor+1 Power-1 Moxie+2 Alert=0 Magic+1
Valor=0 Power+1 Moxie+2 Alert+1 Magic-1
Valor-1 Power+1 Moxie+2 Alert+1 Magic=0
You get this 1:
Music Moves the World: when you perform your instrument before an audience, roll+moxie. On a
10+, spend 3. On a 79, spend 1. Spend 1 to name an NPC member of your audience and choose

this person must meet me

this person must hire me
this person must do something for me
this person must fight for me
this person loves me
this person must give me a gift
this person admires my patron
On a miss, you gain no benefit, but suffer no harm or lost opportunity. You simply perform very well.
Then, choose 2:
Around the World: choose a move from another playbook. (During initial character creation, choose
it from a playbook that isnt otherwise in play.)
Let the Music Do the Talking: you get +1moxie (Moxie+3).
Jack/Jill of All Trades: at the beginning of the session, roll+moxie. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold
2. You can spend a hold at any time to use +1forward for yourself. You may spend more than 1 on
the same roll. On a miss, youre feeling out of it and suffer -1ongoing for the session.
Jamming Good: while you perform your instrument during combat, but dont fight, roll+moxie. On a
10+, everybody you choose gets +1ongoing. On a 79, one person you choose gets +1ongoing. On
a miss, you become the primary target of your enemies.
Legend Lore: when first confronted with local notable peoples, interesting animals, unusual items, or
noteworthy places, you may ask the MC to answer one question about the thing. The MC will then
ask you what tale, song, or legend you heard that information from.
Motley Crew: you have two fellow musicians that follow you around and play support instruments. At
the beginning of the session, roll+alert. On a 10+, your band have surplus. On a 79, they have
surplus, but choose 1 want. On a miss, they are in want. If their surplus lists gold, like 1-gold or 2gold, thats your personal share. These two are loyal to you but not fanatical, and they have their own
lives apart from you (surplus: 1-gold want: desertion). Name them. Characterize them.
Choose 2:
Your bandmates are dedicated to you. Surplus: +1gold, and replace want: desertion with want: idle.
Your bandmates are educated and worldly. Surplus: +insight.
Your bandmates are joyous and celebratory. Surplus: +party.
Your bandmates are shrewd and frugal. Surplus: +1gold.
Your bandmates are hard-working, no-nonsense. Surplus: +1gold.
You travel with a full compliment. Add four more musicians. Surplus: +1gold, and replace want:
desertion with want: hunger.
Choose 2:
Your bandmates arent really yours, more like youre theirs. Want: +judgment.
Your bandmates rely entirely on you for their lives and needs. Want: +desperation.
Your bandmates disdain fashion, luxury and convention. Want: +disease.
Your bandmates disdain law, peace, reason and society. Surplus: +violence.
Your bandmates are decadent and perverse. Want: +savagery.
Under Pressure: when you read a person, roll+moxie instead of roll+alert.
Universal Language: you can mark 1 segment in a language wheel for free when you first interact
with somebody who speaks a language you dont know.
You get:
1 hidden weapon
1 fancy instrument
1 unusual item (you detail with MC)
oddments worth 2-gold
fashion suitable to your look (you detail)
Hidden weapon:
dagger (1-damage ap melee/thrown)

dart (1-damage thrown infinite)

net (s-damage thrown grapple)
sap (2-damage ko melee)
short Sword (2-damage melee)
throwing knives (2-damage thrown infinite)
Fancy instrument:
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and outlook.
Take your turn.
List the other characters names.
Go around again for Hx. On your turn, choose 1, 2, 3 or none:
One of them is your friend. Tell that player Hx+2.
One of them is your lover. Tell that player Hx+1.
One of them is in love with you. Tell that player Hx-1.
Tell everyone else Hx=0.
On the others turns:
For everyone, whatever number they tell you, give it +1 and write it next to the characters name.
You read people pretty easily.
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which of your stats is
most interesting, and highlight it. The MC will have you highlight a second stat too.
If your advice is asked for, it acts as insight for the other players character (p.212).
When you take something from another character, under any circumstances, you get +1Hx with
Posted by Patrick Henry Downs at Monday, December 10, 2012 3 comments:
Labels: Adventure World, Apocalypse World, hack, rules

Friday, December 7, 2012

Adventure World: the Halfling



Standing about 3 feet tall, halflings prefer simple lives, comfortable homes, and practical clothes.
They prefer actual comfort to displays of wealth. Halflings only adventure when they are pressed into
it by others, or when some form of deep curiosity must be sated. Sometimes both.
Berilac, Fosco, Hob, Longo, Mertram, Nob, Popo, Samwise, Togo
Bella, Blossom, Esmerelda, Honeysuckle, Marlyn, Pansy, Pepwin, Polly, Rose
Choose one set:
Valor+2 Power-1 Moxie=0 Alert+1 Magic+1
Valor+2 Power=0 Moxie+1 Alert+1 Magic-1
Valor+2 Power-2 Moxie-1 Alert+2 Magic+1
Valor+2 Power-1 Moxie+1 Alert+1 Magic=0
You get 1:
Small: halfings are small and almost unnoticeable. A number of things are different about you
because of this:
armor needs to be specially crafted for you and thus paid for.
your smaller size means you are less useful in combat. Opponents effectively have +1armor.
you can fit into places where most others cant, attempting to hide or escape is +1ongiong for you.
when you take payment or split treasure, you dont need as much and take less but somehow it
ends up being worth just as much. (If an NPC pays you 1-gold, you receive 2-gold. If your share of

the treasure is 2-gold its actually worth 3-gold.)

Then, choose 2:
Entourage: you travel with 3 to 5 other halflings. By default, they are rowdy and nave with makeshift
or scavenged weapons and no discipline (2-damage gang Halfling loud 1-armor). Then, choose 2:
there are actually a lot of them following you, 12 to 18 of them. +1armor.
theyve lived outside of a Halfling village for some time now. +1damage.
they know how dangerous the world is. Drop loud.
they are self-sufficient and able to provide for themselves. +rich.
they are strong individuals with their own ideas. +insight.
And choose 1:
they dont take care of themselves and they need constant attention. Vulnerable: reckless.
they are picky and always hungry. Vulnerable: slow.
they arent that loyal, coming and going as they choose. Vulnerable: desertion.
they, and you, are in significant debt to someone powerful. Vulnerable: obligation.
they are filthy and unwell. Vulnerable: disease.
Extraordinary Resilience: you always suffer -1damage. This is not armor, this is applied to damage
after armor has reduced it.
Full of Surprises: when you take damage, make this move instead of making the normal damage
move. Roll+damage taken. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 79, choose 1:
Its not so bad. Take -1damage.
Someone present drops 1-gold (doesnt increase to 2-gold with small).
Take +1forward against your attacker.
Treat a miss on this move as a 79 hit on the normal harm move.
Incredibly Capable: when you lay siege, roll+alert instead of roll+power.
Never Abandoned: when another character rolls+Hx to help you, they mark experience.
Stout Heart: when fighting unarmed, you inflict your +valor in damage.
What have I got in my pocket?: when you search your pockets and saddlebags for something,
roll+valor. It has to be something small enough to fit. On a 10+, you happen to have just the thing, or
close enough. On a 79, you happen to have something pretty close, unless what youre looking for
is valuable or rare, in which case no dice. On a miss, you used to have just the thing, but it turns out
that somebody stole it from you.
You get:
1 sentimental weapon
oddments worth 2-gold
fashion suitable to your look, including at your option a piece worth 1-armor (you detail)
Sentimental weapon (choose 1):
dagger (1-damage ap melee/thrown)
gauntlet (1-damage melee)
hammer (2-damage melee)
handaxe (2-damage melee messy)
pick (1-damage ap melee)
sap (2-damage ko melee)
short sword (2-damage melee)
shortbow (2-damage ranged)
sling (1-damage ranged)
throwing Knives (2-damage thrown infinite)
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and outlook.
Take your turn.
List the other characters names.
Go around again for Hx. On your turn:

Who was the first non-halfling you met outside of your home? Tell that person Hx+2.
Tell everyone else Hx+1.
On the others turns:
Whatever number everyone tells you, give it -1 and write it next to their characters name. You dont
really understand these tall folk sometimes.
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which of your stats is
most interesting, and highlight it. The MC will have you highlight a second stat too.
If you cook for another character and they eat the whole meal, you take +1Hx with them and they
take +1forward.
Whenever you have a chance to rest, eat well, smoke a pipe, and get drunk, mark an experience
Posted by Patrick Henry Downs at Friday, December 07, 2012 2 comments:
Labels: Adventure World, Apocalypse World, hack, rules

Adventure World: the Priest



You reach for the stars, shake the pillars of heaven and pull them down around you. Someday your
guidance will instruct kings on how to behave and where to give money. Anybody who doesnt
appreciate your vision needs to get slapped, and you have planned to do a lot of slapping! You know
youre right, because you work for god.
Achard, Enbane, Hezak, Laderic, Nidale, Perol, Sithik, Tousba, Zigmal
Chani, Errinaya, Gronalyn, Ilene, Lolinda, Peri'el, Teresse, Wellisa, Zynoa
Choose one set:
Valor+1 Power=0 Moxie+2 Alert-1 Magic+1
Valor+1 Power-1 Moxie+2 Alert=0 Magic+1
Valor+1 Power-1 Moxie+2 Alert+1 Magic=0
Valor+1 Power+1 Moxie+2 Alert=0 Magic-1
You get this 1:
Dedicated: choose a deity to whom you have dedicated your lifes work and committed your soul to
infinite spiritual service to. Each one grants you a unique move that requires some form of material
component and uses roll+valor:
Abzu: Pathfinder (Find the Path spell literally)
Cthulhu: Turn Animal (like Turn Undead, but works against mundane animals)
Horus: Divination (see into the future)
Sucellus: Bacchanal (gets others instantly drunk)
Vishvakar: Antimagic Field (the literal spell from the PHB)
Yinglong: Control Weather (make it rain! Or something)
Then choose 2:
Aid: when outside of battle, you can choose 1:
take -1forward to give somebody else +1forward
take -1ongoing to give somebody else +1ongoing.
take 1-damage to give somebody else +1armor. Once you heal, the armor is reduced.
Each choice can only be made once per session.
Blessing/Curse: when another players character moves and you are not present, you can help or
interfere but you reset your Hx with them to +0 afterward. This cannot be used with NPCs.
Charismatic: you get +1moxie. (max Moxie+3)
Communion: when you tap the arcane nexus, roll+moxie instead of roll+magic.
Divine Counsel: when a character comes to you for advice, tell them what you honestly think the

best course is. If they do it, they take +1 to any rolls they make in the doing, and you mark an
experience circle.
Lay on Hands: when you put your hands skin-to-skin on a wounded person and pray to your deity,
roll+moxie. On a 10+, heal 2 segments and take +2Hx with them. On a 79, heal 1 segment, take
+1Hx with them, and you have potentially incurred your deitys disapproval. On a miss, you dont heal
them and your deity definitely disapproves.
Turn Undead: when confronting an undead being with your holy symbol, roll+moxie. On a 10+,
choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 1:
deal +moxie damage ap
flees out of reach from you for a short time
momentarily dazed and take -1forward
all undead that you can see are affected
the effects of the turning last for the rest of the day
On a miss, the MC will declare how the undead react.
You get:
1 practical weapon
oddments worth 1-gold
fashion suitable to your look, including at your option a piece worth 1-armor (you detail)
Practical weapons (choose 1):
Hammer (2-harm melee)
Handaxe (2-harm melee messy)
Mace (3-harm melee)
Quarterstaff (2-harm melee)
Sap (2-harm ko melee)
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and outlook.
Take your turn.
List the other characters names.
Go around again for Hx. On your turn:
Any of them who follow your deity, tell their players Hx+2.
Any of them who dont follow your deity, tell them Hx-1.
On the others turns:
Choose the character whose soul you want to convert to your deity. Whatever number that player
tells you, ignore it; write Hx+3 next to the characters name instead.
Everyone else, whatever number they tell you, give it +1 and write it next to their characters name.
Youve insinuated yourself into their lives.
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which of your stats is
most interesting, and highlight it. The MC will have you highlight a second stat too.
If another character takes communion with you, you each hold 1. Either of you can spend your hold
any time to help or interfere with the other, at a distance or despite any barriers that would normally
prevent it.
When another character heals you, you get +1Hx with them.
Posted by Patrick Henry Downs at Friday, December 07, 2012 No comments:
Labels: Adventure World, Apocalypse World, hack, rules

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Adventure World: the Ranger



Avalin, Duren, Ellrin, Feddeth, Mezur, Nyfan, Seth, Teeves, Tyrad
Avile, Charon, Coren, Iska, Kelkale, Releri, Senes, Shadren, Vala
Choose one set:

Valor=0 Power+2 Moxie-2 Alert+2 Magic-1

Valor-2 Power+2 Moxie-1 Alert+2 Magic=0
Valor+1 Power+1 Moxie=0 Alert+2 Magic-1
Valor-1 Power+1 Moxie+1 Alert+2 Magic=0
You get this 1:
Animal Companion: you get a loyal animal companion that accompanies you and serves as a
mount, sentry, scout, or hunting animal, as appropriate and rather than as a protector.
Choose one of these animals:
Boar: Power+2 Moxie+1 1-armor 1-damage weakness+1
Cheetah: Power+2 Moxie+2 1-armor 2-damage weakness+2
Hawk: Power+1 Moxie+2 0-armor 1-damage weakness+1
Wolf: Power+2 Moxie+2 0-armor 1-damage weakness+1
Horse: Power+2 Moxie+1 1-armor 1-damage weakness+1
Crocodile: Power+2 Moxie+1 2-armor 2-damage weakness+2
Bison: Power+3 Moxie+1 0-armor 2-damage weakness+2
Choose strengths equal to its power:
Fast, aggressive, huge, uncomplaining, alert, attentive, quiet.
Choose looks equal to its moxie:
Sleek, powerful, muscular, pretty, scary.
Choose its weakness or weaknesses:
Slow, loud, sloppy, lazy, picky, messy, unreliable, skittish.
if you defy danger, add your companions power to your roll.
if you try to seize something by force, add your companions power to your roll.
if you go aggro, add your companions power to your roll.
if you try to seduce or manipulate someone, add your companions moxie to your roll.
if you help or interfere with someone, add your companions moxie to your roll.
if someone interferes with you, add your companions weakness to their roll.
Whenever you issue commands to, care for, or otherwise have to interact with your animal
companion, roll+alert instead of the normal roll.
If your animal companion dies or leaves your service for any reason, it requires days/weeks of
searching and weeks/months of training to acquire a replacement.
Then, choose 1:
Iron Horse: your animal companion (or one of them) is a giant or demonic version, your call. You can
ride it like a horse, it has some kind of special attack (3-damage melee area messy) and a chitinous
or extra thick skin (+1armor).
Menagerie: you get 2 additional animal companions.
Pack Rat: when you search your many pockets and saddlebags for something, roll+magic. It has to
be something small enough to fit. On a 10+, you happen to have just the thing, or close enough. On
a 79, you happen to have something pretty close, unless what youre looking for is valuable or rare,
in which case no. On a miss, you used to have just the thing, but it turns out that some thief stole it
from you.
Two Hands Are Better: when you wield two weapons, you can use them both to inflict damage or
use the smaller one as +1armor.
Weather Eye: when you access the arcane nexus, roll+alert instead of roll+magic.
You get:
1 handy weapon
oddments worth 2-gold
fashion suitable to your look (you detail), worth 2-armor
Handy weapons (choose 1):
handaxe (2-harm melee messy)
scimitar (2-harm melee fancy messy)

longsword (3-harm melee messy)

flail (3-harm reach area)
longbow (3-harm ranged)
spear (3-harm reach)
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and outlook.
Take your turn.
List the other characters names.
Go around again for Hx. On your turn, choose 1 or both:
One of them has been with you for days on the road. Tell that player Hx+2.
One of them once got you out of some serious shit. Tell that player Hx+2.
Tell everyone else Hx+1. Everybody knows a bit about who you are and where youve been.
On the others turns:
You arent naturally inclined to get too close to too many people. Whatever number they tell you,
give it -1 and write it next to their characters name.
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which of your stats is
most interesting, and highlight it. The MC will have you highlight a second stat too.
If you escort, guide, or protect another character, they get +1Hx with you on their sheet, but give
yourself -1Hx with them on yours.
Whenever any character (NPCs included) gives you anything, take -1forward. Youre no good at
taking compliments or faking social graces.
Posted by Patrick Henry Downs at Thursday, December 06, 2012 No comments:
Labels: Adventure World, Apocalypse World, hack, rules

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Adventure World: the Criminal



In Adventure World, versatility, adaptability, and resourcefulness will carry you further than words or
Bendrix, Buckley, Dixon, Dolarhyde, Leo, Nero, Prosser, Rook, Shade, Turpin
Amalia, Clodia, Dagny, Fox, Grace, Juli, Marozia, Mona, Sierra, Titania
Choose one set:
Valor+1 Power+1 Moxie=0 Alert+2 Magic-1
Valor+1 Power-1 Moxie+1 Alert+2 Magic=0
Valor=0 Power+1 Moxie+1 Alert+2 Magic-1
Valor=0 Power=0 Moxie+1 Alert+2 Magic=0
You get 1:
Night Moves: you are a member of a thieves guild and get 2-racket. Whenever theres a stretch of
downtime in play, or between sessions, choose a number of your jobs to work. Choose no more than
your racket. Roll+alert. On a 10+, you get profit from all the jobs you chose. On a 79, you get profit
from at least 1; if you chose more, you get catastrophe from 1 and profit from the rest. On a miss,
catastrophe all around. The jobs you arent working give you neither profit nor catastrophe.
Whenever you get a new job, you also get +1racket.
pretty much identical to the Operator's Moonlighting move
Then, choose 2:
Bat Out of Hell: when you defy danger, roll+alert instead of roll+valor.
Go Your Own Way: +1alert (Max Alert+3)
Reputation: identical to the Operator's Reputation move, uses roll+moxie

Sympathy for the Devil: when you are clearly unarmed, unarmored and surrendering, you cannot
be harmed by any person present.
Take the Money and Run: When you are in close proximity to a person or could conceivably pass
by them, you can try to swipe one of their belongings. Roll+alert. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9,
choose 2:
you can see what they have before you grab
you get what you want, if its there
you take it undetected
nobody else can see you
On a miss, against an NPC they either catch you or you get nothing. Against another character, they
get +2forward against you.
The First Cut is the Deepest: whenever you do damage to an opponent before theyve done
damage to you or been damaged by you, ignore armor.
Tools of the Trade: when you pick a lock or disable a trap, roll+alert. On a 10+, you do it. On a 7-9,
choose 1:
your tools break
you set off the trap / jam the lock
are caught in danger
On a miss, the MC chooses 2.
Your guild can consist entirely of the other players characters, or entirely of the MCs characters, or
any mix. If they include any of the MCs characters, sketch them out names (eg Gabble, Jaim, Pe,
Wasted) and 1-line descriptions with the MC. Make sure theyre competent and suited to the jobs
youve chosen.
You get:
1 signature weapon
oddments worth 1-gold
thieves tools
fashion suitable to your look, including at your option a piece worth 1-armor (you detail)
Signature weapon (choose 1):
folding hand crossbow (1-harm ap ranged reload concealed)
ornate dagger (2-damage melee valuable)
hidden knives (2-damage thrown infinite)
ornate sword (3-damage melee valuable)
antique sword (2-damage melee rare)
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and outlook.
Take your turn.
List the other characters names.
Go around again for Hx. On your turn, choose 1 or both:
One of them once faced down dedicated violence to get you out of a fix. Tell that player Hx+2.
One of them once let you down in a pinch and left you holding the bill. Tell that player Hx-1.
Tell everyone else Hx+1.
On the others turns:
For everyone, whatever number they tell you, give it -1 or +1 and write it next to the characters
name. Your choice for each.
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which of your stats is
most interesting, and highlight it. The MC will have you highlight a second stat too.
If you give another character a gift worth 1-gold or more, choose one:
You take +1Hx and they take -1Hx.
You take -1Hx and they take +1Hx.

Whenever another character takes something from you that you dont want them to take (gold, a
weapon, a lover, etc.), you take +1forward.
Posted by Patrick Henry Downs at Tuesday, December 04, 2012 No comments:
Labels: Adventure World, Apocalypse World, hack, rules

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Adventure World: the Kruoserer



Kruoserers are strange experts on magic. They have electric fingertips, poor dress sense, creepy
minds, dour expressions, and eyes like gilded knives. They stand at the back of the room and stare
out at everybody else like they are ants on a windowpane. They know your secrets before you do.
Theyre just the sort of tasteful retainer that no well-equipped lord can do without.
Akiro, Endlor, Gritch, Humfrey, Idelfyn, Montagar, Niven, Thulsa, Trent, Zarih
Atheri, Delia, Elinore, Iris, Jael, Judith, Kahina, Martine, Morrigan, Rezia
Choose one set:
Valor=0 Power=0 Moxie=0 Alert+1 Magic+2
Valor=0 Power+1 Moxie-1 Alert+1 Magic+2
Valor+1 Power-2 Moxie+1 Alert+1 Magic+2
Valor+1 Power=0 Moxie+1 Alert-1 Magic+2
You get this 1:
The Basic Arts: you twist energies out of your body in order to assist you with simple tasks. To
activate this spell you simply take -1ongoing and choose an effect which lasts as long as you want it
to, or until you rest:
a small light with the size and luminescence of a torch appears, either at arm's length above your
head or from an object held in your hand.
an independent telekinetic force will carry half your weight in items directly behind you.
minor illusions capable of producing incoherent sounds or a slowly moving image.
any nonmagical item that can be held in one hand can be mended or repaired.
You can choose to activate multiple effects, each one requires you spend -1ongoing. When you end
the spell, or rest, the -1ongoing also ends.
Then choose 2:
Arcane Armor: you are always protected by an arcane energy field and are always considered to be
wearing 2-armor. This doesn't add to worn armor, and if you're wearing armor with a better rating,
use that instead.
Breath of Life: you can breathe underwater. Alternately, if you prepare for it, you can hold your
breath indefinitely but suffer -1ongoing until you breathe air again.
Clairvoyance: when you examine an environment, roll+magic instead of roll+alert. You do not have
to be present to examine a room, as long as you know the location exists or have been there before.
Evocation: in battle, cast this spell to summon arcane energies to damage opponents. Spend 1crystal, and roll+magic. On a 10+ you inflict 3-damage ap to a perceived enemy. Choose the form:
fireball which sets things on fire
energy bolts which pierce objects and armor
icy spears which shatter on impact and momentarily blinds the target
black clouds which billow around your target, suffocating them
bolts of lightning that travel through the air and along objects
rats that burrow up out of the ground and bite at your opponent's feet
player details
On a 7-9, choose 2:
lose ap
-1damage (may be chosen twice)

the arcane nexus twists and you suffer -1magic ongoing until you rest
it works this time but you lose the Evocation spell until you rest
On a miss, the MC can choose 3.
Familiar: many kruoserers employ animals in their service. When you first acquire a familiar, and any
time you need to replace it in the future, you must first select what kind of animal it is: bat, cat, hawk,
lizard, owl, rat, raven, snake, toad, or weasel.
Second, while the familiar is in your presence, choose 1 of these stats to receive a +1ongoing: valor,
moxie, or alert.
Third, the animal is telepathically linked to you and can communicate easily and from any distance,
you can expect a familiar to be as intelligent as a well-educated child.
Lastly, the familiar grants you a special move. At the beginning of the session, roll+magic. On a 10+,
hold 2. On a 7-9, hold 1. You can spend a hold for the familiar to either have some special knowledge
which helps you or allows the familiar to interfere with another character without fear of being
harmed. On a miss, your familiar is absent (not dead) for the session.
Identify: whenever you handle or examine something interesting, roll+magic. On a hit, you can ask
the MC questions. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 79, ask 1:
who handled this last before me?
who made this?
what strong emotions have been most recently nearby this?
what words have been said most recently nearby this?
what has been done most recently with this, or to this?
how was this made?
whats wrong with this, and how might I fix it?
Treat a miss as though youve tapped the arcane nexus and missed the roll.
Invisibility: this spell can conceal you from sight. Spend 1-crystal and roll+magic. On a 10+, the
invisibility is complete and lasts for as long as the kruoserer wants. On a 7-9, choose 2:
the invisibility is hard to maintain, you cannot do anything more than move while invisible
the arcane nexus twists and you suffer -1magic ongoing until you rest
the invisibility is not complete, others can detect you if you move
it works this time but you lose the Invisibility move until you rest
On a miss, the MC chooses 2.
Paralyze: this spell lets you cripple an opponent by freezing them in place temporarily. Spend 1crystal, roll+magic and choose options. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 1:
you don't have to touch them
they're paralyzed for a longer time and are effectively helpless
they fall over
they are completely unaware of what is happening around them while paralyzed
On a miss, the spell doesn't work at all and cannot be used against the same character for the rest of
the session.
Summon Entity: with this spell you may call upon the arcane nexus to fashion or conjure a
companion who will defend and fight for you until their dying breath, until you summon a new one, or
until the current situation ends. Roll+magic. On a 10+, describe what your ally looks like and choose
3. On a 7-9, choose 1 and the MC will describe what your ally looks like.
has natural weapons that deal 3-harm (e.g. claws, bite)
has natural 2-armor (e.g. leathery skin, chitinous plating)
it has some power or ability that is useful right now
there is more than one (up to 3, MC decides)
pure arcane connection, while the ally is present and alive you get +1magic ongoing
telepathic connection, the ally grants some move to the kruoserer (MC chooses)
On a miss, the MC chooses 3 and whatever you summoned is not an ally, but might still help you.
You get:
2 fancy weapons
2 kruoserer gear
a Kruos crystal
oddments worth 2-gold
fashion suitable to your look

Fancy weapons (choose 2):

dagger (1-harm ap melee/thrown)
dart (1-harm thrown infinite)
hand Crossbow (1-harm ap ranged)
quarterstaff (2-harm melee)
short sword (2-harm melee)
shortbow (2-harm ranged)
sling (1-harm ranged)
throwing knives (2-harm thrown infinite)
whip (1-harm reach grapple)
Kruoserer gear (choose 2):
animal carrier (3-armor)
This is an ideal resting place for a your familiar.
arcane powder (tag alchemy)
Tagging someone gives you +1forward if you then use a move on them.
flashpowder (tag blind)
This can be used to temporarily blind an opponent instead of inflicting damage on them.
healing salve
For purposes of healing, gives you +1forward.
With lots of time and study, allows you to switch out one kruoserer move for another.
The Kruos crystal: this is how you focus and shape the arcane nexus to your will. It is a unique item
because it can't be stolen or taken from you by force (except through magic). It is always considered
on your person even if you are bound and stripped of all your clothing and belongings. You must
have it in one of your hands when you use a move above that has the word 'spell' in it's description,
thus you must have one of your hands free to use those moves.
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and outlook.
Take your turn.
List the other characters names.
Go around again for Hx. On your turn:
Choose the character you find most intelligent. Tell that player Hx+1.
Tell everyone else Hx-1. You keep yourself secret.
On the others turns:
Choose the character you figure for the biggest potential problem. Whatever number that player
tells you, give it +1 and write it next to the characters name.
One of them, youve been watching carefully for some time, in secret. Whatever number that player
tells you, ignore it; write Hx+3 next to the characters name instead.
Everyone else, whatever number they tell you, give it -1 and write it next to their characters name.
Youve got other stuff to do and other stuff to learn.
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which of your stats is
most interesting, and highlight it. The MC will have you highlight a second stat too.
If you sleep in the same room as another character, you automatically Identify them, as though they
were a thing and youd rolled a 10+, whether you have the spell or not. The other player and the MC
will answer your questions between them. Otherwise, that move never works on people, only things.
When you die, everybody else advances face danger.
+1 Valor (max. +2)
+1 Power (max. +2)
+1 Alert (max. +2)
+1 Magic (max. +3)
get a new Kruoserer move
get a new Kruoserer move
get a new Kruoserer move

get a laboratory (detail) and followers

get a move from another playbook
get a move from another playbook
Posted by Patrick Henry Downs at Saturday, December 01, 2012 No comments:
Labels: Adventure World, Apocalypse World, hack, rules

Friday, November 30, 2012

Adventure World: the Warrior

I started working on an Apocalypse World hack this week that I'm calling Adventure World. It's
essentially going to be my take on a fantasy setting for AW since I'm not too fond of the Dungeon
World hack.



Ash, Bjrn, Elmgen, Grendel, Koraxil, Maddox, Roland, Thorgrim, Wagner, Zukala
Amina, Bellona, Cordelia, Enyo, Freyja, Lillian, Qin Liangyu, Sonya, Valeria, Yennenga
Choose one set:
Valor+1 Power+2 Moxie-1 Alert+1 Magic=0
Valor+1 Power+2 Moxie=0 Alert+1 Magic-1
Valor+1 Power+2 Moxie+1 Alert=0 Magic-1
Valor+1 Power+2 Moxie=0 Alert=0 Magic=0
Choose 3:
Battle Stance: +1power
Blood and Thunder: in battle, you count as a gang
Bloodthirsty: +1damage.
Lightning Reflexes: always have 2-armor
To Live and Die By the Sword: roll+magic
On a 10+, name one NPC wholl die and one NPC wholl live.
On a 79, name one NPC wholl die OR one NPC wholl live.
On a miss, you foresee your own death.
Tough as Nails: all damage rolls made at +0
Veteran of War: when youve examined the environment and youre acting on the MCs answers,
take +2 instead of +1.
Violent Attraction: in battle, when another character suffers damage, roll+valor.
On a 10+, you protect them from all of the damage and suffer none yourself.
On a 79, choose 1:
you protect them from most of the damage but you both still suffer at least +1damage,
you protect them from damage by taking it yourself,
you protect them from damage but your armor is destroyed somehow.
On a miss, the MC will cause you both to suffer the damage or declare something equally bad.
Warband: you have 5 followers who wish to fight with you and on your behalf (2-damage gang small
1-armor). Then choose 2:
your warband will not betray you. +loyal.
your warband is well-armed. +1damage.

your warband is well-armored. +1armor.

your warband is well-educated. +insight.
your warband will fight to the death. +brave.
And choose 1:
your warband is filthy and unkempt. Vulnerable: disease.
your warband is indebted to somebody important. Vulnerable: obligation.
your warband is unruly and undisciplined. Vulnerable: savage.
your warband depends entirely upon you for their needs. Vulnerable: poor.
Followers who die will not be gradually replaced, but new followers can be acquired by visiting towns
and impressing the locals. If mistreated they might leave, but in time a warrior will be able to recruit
replacements. Consult your MC for details.
You also get the Leadership move.
You get:
1 custom weapon
1 serious weapon
1 backup weapon
custom armor
oddments worth 2-barter
Custom weapon (choose 1):
bastard sword (4-damage melee messy)
battleaxe (3-damage melee area messy)
double-bladed staff (3-damage melee)
glaive (4-damage reach slow)
lance (3-damage reach slow)
longbow (3-damage ranged)
spear (3-damage reach)
Options (choose 2):
ancient (+rare)
big (+area)
magical (+2damage)*
masterwork (+valuable)
ornate (+fancy)
spiked (+1damage)
*counts as 2 options
Serious weapon (choose 1):
flail (3-damage reach area)
scimitar (2-damage melee fancy messy)
short sword (2-damage melee)
spiked chain (2-damage reach)
throwing knives (2-damage thrown infinite)
Backup weapons (choose 1):
darts (1-damage thrown infinite)
dagger (1-damage ap melee/thrown)
hand crossbow (1-damage ap ranged)
pick (1-damage ap melee)
whip (1-damage reach grapple)
Custom armor (2-armor and choose 2):
ancient (+rare)
magical (+1armor)
masterwork (+valuable)
military (+military)
ornate (+fancy)
spiked (+1damage)
Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and outlook.
Take your turn.

List the other characters names.

Go around again for Hx. On your turn, choose 1 or both:
One of them has fought shoulder to shoulder with you. Tell that player Hx+2.
One of them once left you bleeding and did nothing for you. Tell that player Hx-2.
Tell everyone else Hx=0.
On the others turns:
Choose which character you think is smartest. Whatever number that player tells you, add 1 to it
and write it next to the characters name.
Everyone else, whatever number they tell you, write it next to their characters name.
At the end, find the character with the highest Hx on your sheet. Ask that player which of your stats is
most interesting, and highlight it. The MC will have you highlight a second stat too.
If you have sex with another character, you take +1 forward. They take +1Hx.
Whenever another character does something for you without expectation of payment (ex: healing,
crafting, gifts, etc.), you take +1Hx with them.

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