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PART A (Practice 2-A.mp3)

Listen to the conversation and choose the right answer.
1. What did Sam do about the room yesterday?
A. He previously booked the room.
B. He asked about the room by calling the landlady.
C. He already paid for the room.
D. He promoted the room to his friends.
2. What does the landlady say about putting on posters on the walls?
A. Sam can put on posters as long as he usese sellotape.
B. Sam can put on posters as long as he does not use sellotape.
C. Sam can put on posters as long as he removes it later.
D. Sam can put on posters as long as he repaints the room.
3. What is Sams attitude towards animals?
A. He loves animals very much.
B. He has a good bond with animals.
C. He doesnt like animals, but he loves dog.
D. He doesnt want animals under no circumstances.
4. What does the landlady say about watching TV after midnight and having a party?
A. Sam can only have a party because she watches the TV after midnight.
B. Sam can do both things because the neighbours are considerate.
C. Sam cannot do both things because the neighbours are bad-tempered.
D. Sam cannot do both things because the neighbours might get agitated.
5. What does the landlady say about showering between 6-7 oclock in the evening?
A. Sam can only have a bath around that time of the day.
B. It is the best time for Sam to have a bath because it is her evening meal.
C. She always showers around that time before her evening meal.
D. She always showers around that time after her evening meal.

PART B (Practice 2-B.mp3)

Listen to the news summary. Indicate whether the statementa are true or false bywriting T
or F.
1. BBC fired Tony Blackburn due to a sexual abuse case reported


by Jimmy Savile.
2. Tony Blackburn ha not guiven any comments bacause of the BBC.


3. Six prisoners have commited suicide for the last seventy months.


4. The officials will reduce the ppopulation of inmates, increase the number


off staffs, and introduce a new drug test in prisons to address the legal highs issue.
5. The new border regulation of Austria and other Balkan countries forbid refugees _____
to travel to Northern Europe.
6. Manchester Citys victory in Kiev proved the criticisim about Pellegrinis


strategy was right.

7. Adele won Best British Album, Best Single, and two othe prizes in


the Brit Awards.

8. Singer Van McCann beat Catfish and the Bottleman in British Breaktrough Art.


9. The weather will be sunny and cloudy for most of the UK.


10. It will still snow in some areas including the West of Outh Wales.`


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