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Abel Pena
Professor Bevill
ENGL 1302-06
28 September 2016
President Bushs 9/11 Speech
September 11, 2001 will be a day most Americans will never forget, a violent terroristic
attack on the World Trade Center resulting in trillions of dollars in damage and about 9000
casualties. President Bush addressed the American public on September 20, 2001 in his Address
to a Joint Session of Congress on the 9/11 attacks. Bush speaks on the tragedy that has occurred
and the over whelming support of other countries. President Bushs use of knowledge of
American history, ethical juxtaposition, and band wagon appeal help to comfort and unify the
American people while also showing his belief in the strength in the state of the union.
Bushs knowledge of history comforts the American people. The president discusses how
for the past 136 years, [there] have been wars on foreign soil (Bush 2). America has been
able to endure for such a long period of time without any acts of terrorism on their soil, the
American people are fearful because they have never experienced such a tragedy before except
once. Since the people havent experienced this sort of terror before and are in shock, they are
overwhelmed and make this situation out to be a bigger issue than it really is. Americans are
scared of what is to come and Bush refers to a tragic day so long ago that was also an unknown
act of war. Through this reference, Bush shows that this is not the first time America has been
shocked and faced with a tragic situation. This gives a sense of stability to the nation by showing
that this will be sorted out and overcome like the previous incident has been solved. Bush also
explains why these radical terrorists are attacking Americans, he claims, They hatea

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democratically elected government. They hate our freedomsthese terrorists kill not merely to
end lives, but to disrupt and end a way of lifethey hope that America grows fearful... (Bush
3). This gives insight into why these terrorists are doing this and the freedoms they are trying to
take away from Americans. It shows the freedoms that other countries may not have and why
they are driven to threaten the American people. Bush is saying that these freedoms are what
makes America so great and why this country will prevail in a time of tragedy and calamity.
These freedoms are what makes the state of the union strong and unbreakable in the eyes of
terrorists like Al Qaeda.
Bush employs the use of ethos by contrasting radical Islamic terrorists and followers of
Islam. Americans now associate these terroristic attacks with the beliefs of Islam but Muslims
are not the ones responsible for the attack. Islams teachings are good and peacefulour enemy
is a radical network of terrorists and every government who supports them. (Bush). This
comforts the people by distinguishing between fellow American Muslims and the radical
terrorists who seek to destroy their freedom. This contrast shows that people should not target all
Muslims and portrays them in a positive light since President Bush believes them to be innocent
and have no connection to the terrorists behind 9/11. Muslims should not be prejudiced against
since the United States respects the people of Afghanistan but they do not tolerate what the
Taliban Regime stands for (Bush 2). Bush is able to establish his credibility by conveying to the
general populace that there is a major difference between the people of Afghanistan and the
Taliban. By contrasting these two groups, Bush is able to reassure the American people that the
Bush administration will not [stop] until every terrorist group of global reach has been found,
stopped, and defeated (Bush 3). which shows the determination of the president to stop this
widespread threat.

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Bush uses the bandwagon appeal to unify the American people. At the beginning of his
speech Bush says, In the normal course of events, Presidents come to this chamber to report on
the state of the Union. Tonight, no such report is needed. It has already been delivered by the
American people (Bush 1). Bush uses the bandwagon appeal to show he agrees with the
American people by stating his address has already been spoken by the actions taken by the
people of the nation. The actions of Americans have helped people in a time of tragedy, Bush has
seen the unfurling of the flags, the lighting of candles, the giving of blood, the saying of prayers
in English, Hebrew and Arabic (Bush 1). He is implying the state of the nation is strong
because many people from different ethnic backgrounds have come together in the light of this
tragedy to help one another out. He also gives a strong image of the efforts people have given
towards overcoming this horrific day in American history.
September 11 will always be remembered by the American people as a tragedy and the
day freedom was attacked. President Bush, in his Joint Session Address, hopes to combat the
fears and insecurities of the American people by giving them a sense of comfort on that day in
history. He achieves this comfort by using his knowledge of history, ethical juxtaposition
between radical terrorists and Muslims, and bandwagon appeal to demonstrate the strength of
America and her people.

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Work(s) Cited
Bush, George W. Address to a Joint Session of Congress on the 9/11 Attacks. State of the
Union Address, 20 September 2001, Washington, D.C. Transcribed by Michael
E. Eidenmuller, Keynote Address.

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