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Pricing on LinkedIn New advertisers may find LinkedIn ads pricey with minimum bids set at $2. However, the competition on the network has most advertisers paying between $4 to $6 per click. Not all Network clicks are equal ‘When comparing the LinkedIn CPC prices to other networks, these may be considered high for some verticals. However, keep in mind that the platform was created specifically for B2B companies where deals and contracts tend to be larger in size. Performance may not reveal immediate results if your company has longer sales cycles. For some industries, keywords on AdWords have CPCs upwards of $50. Reaching a business decision maker on Linkedin for less than a tenth of that price demonstrates the possibilities that are available through LinkedIn Ads. The true value of reaching business prospects on the LinkedIn network stems from the business mindset they are in when they are using the platform, Members are looking to make connections and read about industry news and perspectives. VY AdStage The Complete Guide to Linkedin Ads 5

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