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Tyler Carter
2 november 2016
English 4

The Stress That Military Recruiters Have to Cope With

Recruiters have stress that they have to cope with in schools and other places that
they need to cope with. Recruiters have long and stressful hours that they need to cope with.
Being a recruiter is considered to be one of the most stressful jobs in the military and a level
headed person is needed to be a good recruiter. many different events happen that induce stress
at a school that recruiters have to deal with like students just passing them or ignoring them
because they think that the military is just people going off to war in the front lines.

A Quota is needed for how many people needed to be recruited a month. With the
requirement to be recruited into the military going down it is easier for them to make their quota.
With the requirement decreasing for people to join it might increase in the quota that is needed
for each month. Kaplan, Fred explains that .The bad news is twofold. First, the number of
Category IV recruits is starting to skyrocket. Second, a new study compellingly demonstrates
that, in all realms of military activity, intelligence does matter. Smarter soldiers and units
perform their tasks better; dumber ones do theirs worse. The number of new recruits is starting
to increase in the military.
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Recruits are often hard working and honest people that often put in more hours in than
others in the military. Still after all of the hard honest hard working recruiters there are recruiters
that are lying. Powers, Rod explains I should also mention here that, in many cases, "lies" told
by a recruiter are actually cases of selected listening by recruits. A recruiter may say, " often
people will listen to a recruiter explaining things to them and when they hear it wrong or have
selective hearing that will often think that the recruiter lied to them or told them false

Recruiters can offer more than jobs at the front lines. But people don't understand that the
military can offer more to people the just jobs that leaves to serving in war. There is a wide
variety of jobs in the military that consist of plumbing, electronics, and food preparations people
often have the wrong idea about the military. Wells, Leah C Without even making eye contact,
one student walked straight past a recruiter and said, "Sorry, I don't feel like dying.".

there are many different stress inducing things at a school that recruiters have to deal with
like students just passing them or ignoring them because they think that the military is just
people going off to war in the front lines.

Work Cited
Kaplan, Fred. "The Military Has Lowered Its Standards to Meet Recruiting Quotas."
Military Recruiters. Ed. Lauri Harding. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2008. At
Issue. Rpt. from "GI Schmo: How Low Can Army Recruiters Go?" Slate
Magazine. 2006. Opposing Viewpoints in
Context. Web. 27 Oct. 2016.

Powers, Rod. "Bad Military Recruiters Are the Exception and Not the Rule." Military Recruiters.
Ed. Lauri Harding. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2008. At Issue. Rpt. from "What the
Recruiter Never Told You." Your Guide to the U.S. Military. 2007. Opposing Viewpoints
in Context. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.

Wells, Leah C. "Military Recruiters Should Not Have Access to Students' Contact Information."
Military Recruiters. Ed. Lauri Harding. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2008. At Issue. Rpt.
from "No Child Left Alone by Military Recruiters." Humanist 63 (Mar.-Apr. 2003).
Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.

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