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MICHAEL. ALEXANDER Jazz Age Jews Al Jolson te cout pay the innocent Wiha single purse ofhislin 8 Joh break yor heart Yt his eye aays seme 0 st Je he rom, parca to the prety es he EE toe thse eyes std hk eyerows that ould 9 ar tae of Jonah suring that ensaly A tans were pry Jewish. Hix sick was proudly me ey ight, fen ire Ise nights a yan be Jeni at ok lover that wih fe and pete ewe Black As mel act, everyone calle Jason the World's Grats Fane ent was nog sowofitch” George Jase 7 ae ge thn testy Yes fe Jolson death “bt he was ned hit a tho greatest entertainer I've ever see ‘hhh the tenfoiaton from oan henp, twos such «messy ali 8 Now York Tins of ae edhe dexterity with which Ms Jolson oles Mi ee eh es i fa wis lc Fist cme 2 ht eos and fingers. When the ork was to black eid hick costs the burnt cork bs aoe sy warmed his hands Joon woukd sD sr and then Me el left nd tah, Cause 1 a itn and ste, Hs Gos Manny's boy mouth Forme, Jolson ike! to pase cna rats noe, chin, bot, cas, ec: and he JP a tative, Only a wooker sllcsp remained. Fil, wile rae ished and in cing whe kc of ely At Tee oembnly hse agit of Aten es es react the 1910s ond 1, sometimes wah an oven ED a sherawat ons ead sot dane on nf Hr, but alys paced and bet Je ean performed unde of Hace routine ll ely mvented visions of Alrican-American culo Tul ove be considered tesbly offers ptnations of tho offense have been captared i Ee rereocs aad expacsons of Jlson's stage shows Tako, fo Bd entrpcce of olu's 1904 fla Wonder Bar, it aa gs Hemwen ena Mule,” whose choreoseny rivaled the oo the elborate dance fantasies of Depression-era Hel vera Mule” was an Al Jlson-Dusby Sond: it, “Gin to yarn abortion, Alou tis patton had nota dr Be, i as wel within the rated ine child peared in the stage version of Wo Treon of minstrel sists in which Jolson hs pat couse he choreneraphy fr a fl coud e more on tt stage production, yet erly production is te A i nha it isa grand cinematic tuto Jalon’ sare aoe ay Exton with bce. An tempt t maine lik tite Cain to Heaven ona Moles nothings than Jo Tons ia vision of coon heaven.” ee hde of sae’ cai, wit «barat-orked be ean the Bckdaced and oneal Al Jolson imagines ca ck ever, and farther imagines tht approache em the back fee ot Peter "Marny wats a those pel exes” Old Blak Mc pere, Unde Tom iether The Baupeor Joes there tnt Jee eters, backSced esters aa Yih newspfer a ean Eda Storn (Tx Garon of Een Stat) snd apse a edit Complete with waterons that dance, por cos srr he ce, cdot chickens ht fy, “Cab, Hane toe we Al Jolene seleengniznd masterpiece, He had aatnclf and ho knew f foon wis 2 taken wit the mrber hat he conadered it the greatest fl production ode sae or got have been tong to thinks. This was Busby Bete oteogaphy, aud he heaven sens would i shen, Fre, sd incorporate nt ho Eimer se eg The Ward of O: (938), Tay when Wonder Bor 5 er vaso mule” named Zeke, Standing nes 108 Gy en vn, usualy Ini at ght “Goi to Hesven om 8 hed Mule a seretly edited out becuse consent Jews perfumed tisk of ton and mone ften than sy oak were ubiquitous Af cron oer Jesh entertainers ere fer, Coorg Ba Healer Ted Vows all pt aos, however, nae ‘ste Sophie Tuc Jere Ba Wyn, ad es fr akave. Bae Thadscen bough he waste ‘etcen the fea sh Houdini got is stat Brie got hers. Singiohand fom te nut tent ane vo Theater, oned by ter Garden ‘Manta’ most tie to aninetresy tha it sta then bg 8 TB seein Solon’ mintrely ba erica blac Sand Doonbers 1 Ve11-12 and 1: Ismelites pre tre ofthe shave th pes of nee Ont a the vsalia fr she wd Back-to-Dise. fn ne 19208 asi nd in deer acl rete ina Jewish Bpewriters of the 19108 untty wos osnded 2 ere the Cit W thar hadn't exited sn pane arth fut (Minstrel pe Acan Americans Troup in America. Je rood ty AES! vie mouth roe Burs expend vad Tiga he was Td bea ro with a bigger one jlo was iter the at Wher Jenn frst pp eos, was «ing toUD® 3 fem 19 dine © ta the rnchy asl son transplan it with abi spo ‘pow, sme Hay se where Fanny tod belie to road. At the Wit bert be catered 0 ‘Winter Garden mses Wh pte ad Jolson led one-man tos sat had pecornance In th 3. dn wich the shee ge, Jewish sinstelY * fom he imagined ene ostoften in bis bli ah types, Jew ft Afpean-Amerian of ho esteloy: Mam J and 19805 het ad ty em Title Geo ie thee vines ered miosbel nin Hack. ely sation he bout a De and mae theater. Moreover en absent won of Bucs se sof tad Ju plte that helped sybelialyereumscibe an contrl the new ack presence inthe Nosh? Trades Disc was the older ofthe two homecoming sons TPC Stephen Foster establish rng “Old eer ome” (L851, while Dan Emmet?’ “Dis Land (18000 arp del ne, hardened iteven ore. The poplaiyofantebells akteDine songs waned er tho Ci War wile minstrels dete ae sant Jewish amisrast named Ding Bertin (bor sae Telne sp Rossa) suey revived the theme in 1912 with “When the afidniht Choo-Choo Lewes fr Alba” With the help of cain the South once again became Americ’ honorary homeland formers like jy Casland found them so much 0 that apple-nie ‘avo shoting “Saree” wel into the 1090 alls the Backt-Disle song, the Mammy sng was ot so ay tions elthough Al Jolon made colossal revislonst efforts. “Peon ave ben raking fan of Mazumy songs," Jolson once siped, st deat hink that i ight hat hey shoul, fr afer all Mammy songs are the fandaretal songs of our country.” Ten bls aston oftheir legtinay,Jolos bal he condence, in his eae ane Bln to sym Many with Une: Samy hat ame tise, Jlsor could even pas off joke about the antcty ofthe aeons when be sang bitterswrcly “wy Mammy maybe han aaa ad ne what Irn tay! Perhaps Jolson bad gots tar he ad only ntedced his Mammy eighteen years before, f ate the show Sinbod. Mamany songs, along, withthe vocation Mauany sage were inventions ofthe Jewish uz Age By he 1Ol0s and 19805 Al Jolson and other Faster Jows tn Ameren ha taken ver the Ametican projet of depicting Aion aarevom andl done so in thelr eng was; and fr thee aaa Ualke the posthelym minstrel wadition offegemony and aaascnriton, fewsh intel i he 19}0sand 1920 comsmany vith his sue dullness and i epresented “the salvag soa enesemneas” a Cibrt Seldes noted in 19248 The ewish minstee sane Nrayr ove amast step abead ofthe master. This more closely wee the Kanne of minstelsy ofthe antebelhu period, which ts Lott bas understood ata means by which a white working es eed bae dented with enslaved Afcan Americans, Bu Lott notes AL yousos hat whites could oaly identify with Wes a a pero when there caer et ptttona and handle vision betweon blak nd white ea a of slavery." By Al Joson'stine, however, thera rier in he gover ore porous ado suppose tat olson or his Kind a is to revive + bare through Blackice does not meet the Hee Te or Jewish minstreay, nlading the Uberatory themes of ngs and peeformances, Raber, Jolson’ acts were sew eltral Ait ond mista longing fr freedom. To Jol cae atest barr bebween binself and Afcan Amelews wus Faery is si, Even this be ted to vereone—cormetialy so ian nine black dito that he tok wth Bim everywhere ‘ita ed sytem interspersed with YiEd Jewish mint Ofcourse, Jlrs depictions ng serene The pve “imagined Blackness,” wed era, is in es detec cupbenis fr what was once known as “lay aa eam No matter what Jews mained about Afienn Ares cane or believed ca prema ertcan taiton that no branch scholarship Tabend and boat which this analysts a asda, chey were particpatng ian e an et clam to filly cae ame isrte perspective, Moreover, sme empsiing Teoh inagitgsoblacess were knoe imagined not ta ao Afeacaerican cltral forms. Over and an ‘mimes hom pace such as Swanee snd people ike Mama, long see he fnerian minstrel radian, once ain became stair eles sh eres ofthe repreentatio of laces throug the reviving nd necting the then 1 ofl yetur to mose fais ies acy of ewish Americas. D Swan and Mary wih 8 aoe seperate marginal culture, Eastern Jews in Am aaeered wor inArca-Amercan fe thei own try of © ce cih depetins cf blackness were expbeily en unamiy ead by Jews a «for of ideation, Jews believed aan ek own sty reenactd befire tem nthe orn of A Tecan clare, a Tonged to participa in that ols poet has become pat of he Jewish inuiation of the Teling The face Singer an its remakes, there [pond is that clam olson for ts ‘iowaphialnsption, while fans the Then no ewer than Bve Hs dover have ene to ow Lately, his story has been played on Brith, bun simi a8 “Jl oo Lith Canadian, sod America stages. Ast Yoon, ian tin America. Bat Joon shred «complsnt coms succes bad taken Seon Te sald in 1925 a dh older ia, made at succes entertaners His 0 gears "ve hid my’ heartaches, t es gan af his profession. “Thete were the months and months of te while Twas in vaudeville, but ony T appy ory, of haw Asa Yoelson he biterest dsappont can remember them nv." Tis seal Jolson star ofthe Sst king fi eanot be divided fom :pprt ofa sector of the ent ow Jolion caret bleface with the arse barnes and its accompanying culture, both of which were ly ‘Asa Yoelson Discovers the Theater Sowa: in March 1804, Hirsh Yoelson mudged his Mele trothen As onto the bak ofa ry wagon and jpmped up after i Mother Neonat snd daughters Rose and Etta were already oo bos the family wus on the fist log of cros-Aantc trip to America Mier four year job sear the United States, family pater aoe Menke Reuben Yoelon ad inal sent fr hs. He bad Faee pont a he rabbi ofthe Talmud Tord Congrezaton In Washington, D.C earn eagon was the most fniarinastring of vehicles inc ingle meddora and wontons to he exes of yang As, a wideesod re ght who bal ot vetsned such beyond the dist road along vm, Lithanda, The hay wagon brows ship in hind ic he was born i Sere The ily toa Tocomntive, which in tura brought it st rte pot of Mesa, rom which te next stop was Fiverpoo Ta Lvezpoch Asa fst spoted the acc ner ‘ning his ay to America Pa ater, Asa ws performing cw tbe American stage. Se 1ehs Topat Zangwill an Enghish-Jerish waiter of socally consis ra ls poplar bok, Tes Childe of the ato, ato bia, which would eared toured the stage aodotin thoughout the United States 2 ei show reached Washinton, D.C, Zangwill tlle the Slums for reli urchins whose i pay twenty-five cents pet Sree appear as extras in Children. Thore he found Wile As plac oct cher before Rabbi Yoesoa Inthe streets Ass was ovat vee red and oppo his son's clandestine stage carer. Perhaps seeder brother Hirsh whoa roconly run away to New York to i lackn the dear had trned the rabbi auinst show busines Perhaps the ungodly theme ofthe pay, whe Fert laced ly, bshere Rah Yodlson, Father wy, the the Bot the neil aetna including is tadoncy a8 a abl be nema Fas no place fr the rabbis Mething about Rabb Yoekson , was the pus racy nn esr to pst hat vaio 1 bis ibren. 1 Es ane ante and spot Jewish comsennal rare carr hod boon deteriorating ever since the reign of Tsar NCIS toa ape, Became Eastern Buopean rabbis bd flowed a tid aymagocnts in America, the bbiaats bad 13805 re hoe or pmy represented bn the eat migrations ofthe Leer ee Neverdless, the anetnenth-centary Eastern a ployent flowed tht rabbit to Americ, Ev) xo Toon fund congregation Washinton, DC Ne ite jament hi income by fining ibn od obs Having ad wy, Tab Yoelon wanted the advantages town to okt Chinatown tothe Pelham Cafe, eferetoby even one it Paes Niguet Mike's te nilame ofthe Kinky ale Jewish aan Me ae) thea considered Nev Yor’ premer sam ig plece Foot before the Juz Ag, before Ha she med, pot ws still the slogan se rete eat dle knowledge Since 1604, midtown Masha eae to te Pela Cafe to view the eller of Chinese ae Jou rst, aed sh Tansany polls Sr Mit Joie of Jewish and Ten ganas. Sopbis oe eiceameto Siete elbniy ite The sing sn yas in vogue ane wile ote sxkly atte, tect ca en andy Iso oat witha piano keyboa, coped rand scene tn sn an sean going by the nae Tz Baline, ving Bevin weed te Peta Caf, and he eto of Biss ee aeercec tis, Most have German, fish, Wallan, and Jewish Fen eras Berlin moved farther frm hissing waiter di des fee about tho dffeent ethnicities he had seen constacted ae than Cafe and increased the manor of ngs be wreak atthe Pe merization meat the display of vrs ethnicities ae ith mgnter of hour ofthe etry, ong aout ong eae eran Anerieans would become the daminant sng (0 12 ine end 190s, bets, the sce nghtclub would move uptown? on il tho sm of the canary, however inthe etic word nevi, when the Yoelson Cie vod tho word of he theater. Lite Ass, whose clemen ao a urbe soiology he ad leaned from Zag o aa ee The Children ofthe Choo, qucky tuned to lessons aac banat of te Hotel Raleigh a Weshington, D.C. They Ho end the pational powers who came end went all ae wenn inert hours of the day and night. “We kewl aula song.” fobs breher Hay remembered ey yy A re ne The Sidewals of Now York, Massie Nuphy's ar sD Bal Say Revol bt Not Gor By—but we found token of tho songs which the gray-aied states erat were ald nes that eted then dreaming beck past_Sianne ine, OH Kent Heme, ad When You and Were Young, Mage.” re Fo Fle Mistry sons wel Yared tthe kes of ones overs hice with a teruiaont woe Ot Seren en with pssity a Armes tl, Asn une) A vee ta led Hck & Hopp’ Big Company of Fan Nes He was eleven years ‘Ase Yortsow moved f dime mse, up se down the rs “pla” songs to the sndence to nde a sing se ats, Ocosionally ho took the stag: himself. At “tulbod enough in show basnes for his fae to aac the cover ie piece of shot musi, and wat bled a Al Jooton. til, Al often {lop at is father’s home penraess and unvahed, A node at ac. He searched fra specialty with which to cov up his everage voice, Eventually Jolin found his voice in black Although he elamnod that is flog use of buat eork was bom of Tuappy acident, olson was never one to e tahun thi wo Happy acident was the general method of entertainment nov this asthe ean ofthe typical show of raphy, entertiament press ate, ad other Prewlospigrapha, For perfranr t adit that any thought at all fa gn int erating » coef lage incarnation, particulary one mith which tue peformer becarae permanently identified, was con Sideved conte end countess, To concede that a stage gimmick fran meaning oF purpose exept as ra entertainment was ana tuna, This otto say that succes entertainers modesty thought thy bad just been bucky. Bach constered himself or hers the har text worker on the cre, wing 10 db most a cudlence Nevertheless, while most considered sweat before st Tight tobe par of 1 ongbt about tho innovation ‘age material was dened somehow unnatural any Brice, wife ofthe “bund Fagin” Nicky Arnstein, claimed that her camer started serendipity. This is her version ofp tal evening in 1910, and what earned out tobe the performance of her i a cara show to burlesque house to aboard. Usually his job og for cet of historical Invng Ben ok mn the ick rm an he layed Sadie Slom fh med sa.» So, of eorse, Iving sang “Sale Sloe vid Jonch scan {dt even udertandJonsh, colds speak ron oft Bat hg th Sg it Wal, Teame ap id wy vig ina’ he way Se Suomi the Sis eevee ing ovis cut Ad thar starched efor st piece you low ber, at Te og tsar A ig a the bees ving Thy ti isa at dig Soa longa eye ging Tey Brice recoguaed ths outve asthe birth of her carer. “T pe my soa int Sao Salo” Brice explains, “an Although she elaine ovr noYidlish ber Iearued Jewish hd her persona a «hapless but hysterical seductress ecame the tha peope with which she found fara and kept it forthe beter past ther erer, Brice raced these crucial aspects of her act 10 two veident, a aplitsocnd, backstage decision to sing with an ethnic proba to be ater unfair she rewarded me she claimed accent with wh ina the edousess ofthe lauudry attendant who starched er cos tun. Had Ing Ban suggested “an ish song and dove it witha va” Brice suppose “would kaye boon an rsh comedienne foreven”® One suspects that some planing helped Brice forge her mr ad tht her being Jewish had something todo with her ehoie A Bree well fein material fay fr reasons of poten Jeestood. "Tis oay or one Kishan to call another Isha sry thing any Kind of wane. Bu f you are not un Isha, keep the out shut The sce with ll people" Personal denticaton between player and character was the usual soure te le characters n= {ere the more eal erosive 19105 and 1920s, More often th wot bish porfrmers played Pat,” an Jews, “zy.” The mockery of wr cic group by oe ofits own was commonplace ven thas, ike vce, whe claimed they had litle experince with the people they wed on sags fl that they were somehow inthe know. “Ta is mag fan ofthe “yt Jewish [eer de, Twas’ standing a ren Brice mabtaed. “Teas te race, and what happened tm whe stage what euld app to theo... Tey identified with ssa hom taal gto getline, beasethey ween re a4 much a at these aes aplmded Fanny Brie’ Kind of ack The Auto ah and the Ascated Rabbis of Ameiet he wish caieature commonly pete wigoronsly ane oll a apse Jesh Tribune contained #=oP Theta rather sexing one a tho statement of spre Tori character, seeing aways named downs cheap mesic ed profession: "Izzy 08 ‘on his physio tented the type! Toop lei the “ie figure whch alls” The arte ea ook infrequently, was mao = xia ead the lsvious iy ofa Mbertine ommend on is wy "Teny bad the ee epeaking of ros and ‘Biles on bis voeabul ‘hicks when here si ey te ening ofthe serpent under is sa oo “ey eee cn of the alee en th aor Pe se ed thir considerable mite; and on bis deat hishairoversro¥n feontnes Tacuctand aberided dea marks the ore tan te ace was abot tho passing af Bon Kh sa oe caseedef eTebrew Comedians et gece oat tp, OF ous, Gears Jee Be ia bea pal George Price, und Fanny Bas conn os a ued in the 180 alo he was en Tier stage Jew! secs nly, hey were not vas Put ifthe power carat dann i ch wera source feb confsten he J choy ee Fr tng ere 0 make seme he Joh wh pati artes iit ba to be Insel some ia baekground of the char fhost belly in the senesog we si eye ome ois compet Ber Kes 0, oa A Spats Chplx bean the “eral Jovi SHemie an rte Jovsh Tribune wondered shout Chai oy 4 flea to rognze tho evar es Backes ITV eid ee werd ons comedian” The cre oud Bases student ipe pial Enis comodan” bene "Keon 281 Xeon sin, steed, but watch cl within’ a fe tae anos par excelence Cook th enit Sn 4, his American resource Froid. 1 his egpacty for rapid thn ew that males him surmount all obstacles." According to“ tea Jeb nner shedding biter es stig net ode lin em Pe heaor however, he Lite Temp was positively Vuish, "What they sant from him, the gaym?™ the ydishe mama ered, “Why rey Pek on hm? What he done to them?” Tho cre throughly ae hse Chapin is esse the viet, He provokes mer art eben he dws, defeated, rail helpless. He never ‘Mie, He only escapes. He emis wan, rcanso fife is too san Thus tran about Ifyou would forget Sat Chase thereto make fon yom would be icine to ery yousell” The Jewish pople ‘reco coom were Ihable only in their esiental victimization, 4 at ea sudness Because the Lil Tramp shared these characte sere SH bcaae Chaplin waft Jv, his act esa Jews samlbe einie sonnton between character and player ch sonal op nara to fos audiences, sany Jews began to notice the Increasing Jewish fascination with b led. “Mev curoat thing that ne are so many points of resemblance rane yows und Nesnoes” the Morgen Zhurnal pondered. "Is mee Ung hat a Tas hres of he most popular makers of asic rope Atma stage shoul be ech boys, two of whom Blacks at seen eam Many song while the thied has writen seer gs inthe Neo dalect* The three were l Jolson, ‘Canto, aa Ting Bein, ad they wee curious trio indeed. Bes seer st come later, but this how Cantor and Jolson Fest anne to depict Jer versions of Blackness With happy ace servings the pts an entrar came 1 his character, Pai seventy While youn le tam of Bedi and thu, Mpevtneting onc ght with Burst cork, Wal ry pc explaation of how entation. tudigewered and playing the thir wheel othe and vad himself, be eaimed, nto erp out of conte ‘ovtain wrinkles on his boyish fae, tho cork ses ‘The mor betel to fix his sake, the noe t colored hin Blade Facing dandy aut and wate evedsses which shiclded he elon for bis Sycs Horn cork dat, Cantor clad), he ad found ye ace incarnation: the feeble Nogr, a mas too ge vac. tn the fst it nwo ed nee ook nd ined Focus American plight, sampeone chased Cat nari pe two spnted thos the ass, an just sary ns winded Cantor pase drama 0 wen Bi Peat do he boil baal” Catan’ bay aon th the white spectacles, removed hit blake car fon on ots atent dpi backs. Even Ap Coo, fom a Prontry anstel dan, ad used «recoil Ce chly the srprise foe onde efictenes unde a neat mace Caton por slapstick routine aout mh) The blackface skit proved 30 populse neon is marque, "Bediah Miclenee somewhat sts Tut the old yd team pot 2208 2 aod Artur, Asistd by Bl Moloon's sexy is ao id with supposed eee tages of which shi aim ts A fan ngro tonal, Une Cantor eso, Joos Fa eduction to leface was ery mach he et Semel pri th a 204 wl ig es ae rth tame Joelon & Joon and Hay soe esq performer, Jor Faber. Recenly coined to swheceha ses was Fee el nny frends show business cicles one of ae en Shields, «songs shitter Sakdened the Professor rote ast for Falter TEweythin” about a doctor (azey peri fend’ new han fa the Jolson boys, “A Lith Frees ait Pliner) and a amie sty (AD The seer ay hr uncharacteristic competent siti Koeny's rere i Broly fora week, which was Tran una morale bos or ane. The stor ey rol ye te trait an, th Profesor msn sr An par, When the bos dbcovered the tae an st the Prose, fos 0 er the et Sine aor ang to pay 2 doctor and to nervous to ply the con yee eed comedian samed Janes Francis Dooley (Ph oe Th Arian, booked ina dfleent act atthe same theater Saeed tht Alper She pat of edly in Blackie Si et of Ait brash wt burtcorkcomes fas his ios raphe, Hesbert G Goldnan, ob fo the stu and it won be ecrenient to believe tee the ack der cial the story of happy acident that ed Jolon to his earoer incarnation Trish to ital orderly 1 it conveniently encrnpasss the minstrel tranaton fi Jesh, But is x wore key that dhe part ofthe stat writen spell for blaeiew, Service postions oro typical trimrel parts as they ater became ypieal pts for Black eto Hellywood ns Al wobbly red tact he parts written and found Ie was patel adapt t playing in blacker. Incidentally © not, its for ths act at oon changed is stage name to Jolson ai scoring to ere. Jolson worked exclusively in bacice for the nest five years. He etme weit is traveled frm cecil to urlesque hous, so oder beother times without, while he developed his vi sion of blades end timing, I 1908 Jolson played Porlnd, Oregon where Lew Dockstadr and his Minstrels werealso layne Docktalee caught Jolons show and war so impressed, he fered Jolson ob, Bcanse Docktader's troupe was considered one ofthe best inthe land, Jolson immediatly accepted Docktade's tr to join his taupe far seventy dollars u week. By Feb 1000, iter Doctader’s Minstrel played week at Springer’s Grand (Opera House in New York, Jolson ws blessed by Variety, already the it magi of the theater. “As stands now, Jolson’ fleeing is tapuble of ol ralvlle show" ‘One eamnot dl son wisdon of the vseville audience that edie groups tended to represent themselves on stage becas they felt most familiar wit hogs selEsepreseataive characters. And yet Jews hada parte roi fr playing African Ameria. In hs con yy a8 all other recolet enact by ialying ce was natal inspired. Inthe case of Jewish imple that Jews had been alle to play prt seemingly very diferent fom thei own imagined eles. Given the ethnic identfcatioa made between: carat that wo assumed by perbriers and sence alle, tho Jowish depiction of blackness etane a emusden, Why had Easter Jews, somne born inthe Russian Tale taken pon themselves the depton of African finmichs, serendipity wat acover tha refer cls, sevendi MATTER Blackface Arrives on Broadway wane Joxson tale with Lae Doct’ rts tht oa ie estes competition, the minstrel ats of Covey Me iy West, George Thatcher, and George Wioe, Mosh re tar cme fom is wine pace of making sae Armor hun arid sucssion of silent vests eels’ 1908-1009 season the ain fle of mi ttt whit stations in Hacc. This se peaboedars own dat “A Dull Dey atthe White Tote a Pepe Tey Roseelt nl alt sss Mk (no mn ee prngesivion, oy) Doeksader's 10-190 show Ce eo nay Tse played anes “musi comedy ian ey which Seventy Rel Minstrels" developed une, sion ndined an imagined wed of Backs wiht Mt acktader's malta dhow of 1908-1503, n which Jolson a etl ened the cuenta of he ich to make expdions re Pele T secon st began in “Boo Ho Land Hack va oad ft wih sted the proincl epes Fre, Jon Dues ew Docks) an is seramy ata Ae AY Meet tae epaere exp, bth in Bsace—so0 Sa themselves inthe teal soup pot Doct blacks tn ther “oat” env ca opr eleded fom white achnstions, THis tc on cm a sole of Fes mites. a in bon’ fre ee eT Gok te Heaven on a Male” routine Tews not unt ie ere over black, howe, tht the porta of ak whe ll Led ope again toward antebellom minstrel depletions cut white I (EDisie,Swane, and Mary fr nspation ease ie Jolin stale scene after soepein Dockstaer’ traveling soon learned flsou'srame, while several alent show Citi and fas ae cok intrest in his sage presence. But st was twenty fu sept at lei, lang etablisted nthe busines fn hi dys re dpe, who lly insprssed Jolson with his abit to iC proftable preformance. He bocane Jolson’ age eer dow dosed for the smancr in 1908, Ate devil iret The top om snintel up neville wt rae cd hichbrow compared to trogpe instr. Yet Klcin had The United Booking Ofce to arange It witout sles insoodite pat Jolson o ‘bo aneville was ienense, forever rate rollThen was wp to Jolson to perform wel oth tin, whic bedi easly. His and to guna vaudeville rep waajerile appearance took place at Hammerstetn's Veto Fe mater on December 27,1009. Lang famous as the premir That, he Victoria on Monday afernoons housed mainly producers, and ma vuide eso asinessaaonce Fellow perform mat the werybst ander talent, Tokaveasived ow after only a few on Oscar Hammerstein's stage for « Monday s aoa og. tho vedere cieut was a testament to both Jon's ‘come gif and bis ambition va aon Rothstein canis crap game fo the theat’s peop sous ob bxgan his routine Ua alerncon wth story sou is frend, Florens Zieh wat 90 own eras ra, Rothstein's offered an instant {ronsed by Jon's appearance that e reported Mtn, Jor’ reported reply was that he did do airs: et dar npested Joke snl To Shubor, and Jolson eventually sis bnacugh Brood role in their musical comedy Lt sen tok the sage as Era Spakler, 8 colored ais re ettng wie sat in Paris” This made cm tho rm aninsteel comedy i what was Jolhon the fe performer to pe! hen eile he Fiat theater? Toartbest brother intended for this show to open thelr sew Winn Ganon Tater nthe Broadvay distri of Mankato. Th Auoam of Low Fes, Fields the "Dutch tam of Weber e's Tar Hall. Inthe Winter Garden itself was the ceaiz afta his career n 188185 past ol ‘atthe Lower Fast ies estshes Fields, which premi succeeding thee de se comtreton ofa and Broadway theses of T Horse Exchange. When Fis el ‘h ‘he Shubert completed the the site of the old Aa his rend ad busin ter and planned to open ion March 1 Thocnute of added ehearsals, Mond’ Sil, none of the ast rte adjust ero Ker (he lator world ils, Mitt Hass, Stella Mayhese , March 30, became the eu open Witten by Frank Tours ad ite Show Boa, he groundbreaking mse! Tabada Pare tarred such top talent as Melle ary Fisher, Dorothy Jordon, George Wh a te aid wha performed he following duet with Jelsox ring bck gain to Ya a ‘Mamie Co tao ib agg ce Marner, Wong Je ousone Dat hw bw eat ‘al clea "wenth Hoe fr te co smousced him separately, and onrved ‘ars sa Paradiso Coons a yay, noah th New York World a ou, as Al Johnson. Jorome Kem had noted crap ene pore hospitable to blacks than America, and a pr Dockstadr’smisstrel ovation of jag ae race Thereby, trough oon, Kem brought “Pcs = Paradise for Coons” aad mstelsy to Broadway. viancah the Mayhew-Johon dat received pr eae es generally pane. Four hours Fog and with «plot eee ele standards et sloue fr Fancy Broadway te fom the Shnberts and their greatly antic he bei Ioose ov Aion expected mor ee Winer Garden Theatr. Even with entensve revises Fields ber fe Ta the fal i, he the Broad byeand at rosed second nigh ws no biter. On the hed night Jolson took extrrd ed the adienoe dieely and witha Seript in vandville fin, Ltof ne son ther, thr tht ary cant ed Came to thik rena of ve fe oi ar he ees we BL — Shag He Ew ou You wa nth ace ho as tie Tlie ‘Bie Beach Yon eed to Her my ae What the rte, you come int this sy it you thik yo sult ave od tne? Cm was the Hore xelang space sin so ah. emiember when ‘That's T gt ew sonst sgt ye ten? Apparel, they did. Aceoing tall ports and biographies the hind nehta the Winter Garden tua Jolson’ eareor He then went tn to fn all decades in tester without a ste lop. Later, olson ‘ried the esustation of LaBelle Pare, and the titistive of bring int nny to Broadway, ently to himsell dist il operat T ing nh, my umber ws The secon night did oso Tea a it Baton the third night pet ne en A eat nay aves Mes, bat I aoe very wel tat ena man i fot fished. So wet pe {dashed could pat ye A fat be swore ito me, bu asso to ht The main thing was thathel wane nd he thd ight my acted. Aer apd change scones ite Asuna Jolson's nemory changed the pasta he recounted The permance orally di nothappen this way because ater the Sst ‘awof alle Pore, te New York Hera lade folson's "gene Negro uncion”” Moreover, Jerome Ker's conception of colored erfatorat For San Juan Hil!” had been viten for bscice ‘Yet onc aga, olan’ version of the stony provides a pespoctive con th tats The presence of bkface in snainstroam entertainment and had boen ested by thoes Tad en a arg of many mate thea since minselsy first appeared in Uh nintoenth cen ty. The henomena that enabled Jolson to become the rst perfor ez ————— Broadway ¥eH cto” warned AME py now, Jolson’ “bind nha Hammerstein gprs, Lew Fields and dhate, and count fhe aticey celebrated, l Jlson s coms {Gow Magasin, “Joion and all his Kt faded Aru Klin ‘Should be evident tin Floren Ziel, Jorame Kem, the ling a Broad "elsaflent po Jes other Jews who eomstitted a nese” entertainment business To aunmaran, the ermergnce of Dak came bocaso of Jewish performer. Jew 0 for but by Jes are Neves, 3 Jaco onthe Broadway Si ste by a Jewish aot meron sge waite Dy 8 by Jews, which payed in the tainly as ant still Jewish Hany oath other peoples, the Jews 12 eterno ante! perth tear bo Become 0 Feri eo See eb ie th fashion instr, oe depart iain hp othe eter Hatake 2 dee intrest inthe depiction of Back ad vot sand sof he ced > other at kept reand ‘eed The Jews on Tin Pan Alley Pay, tthe heh of his stage cas veans ar La Be eon, feleon tock ont the flonase 1919 New Yeats ise of “Those who don't ae jealous Anshow Morey, "Beryody kes don'ta Merry Christmas Pers wishing those that do and those seer Hap New Year—Al Jolson.” Deiactors often ch this sot see dues evidence of folon's egomani. In fact, no mani se sre sameyear that Jolson tok at isa there were to bis ae pomedy prodvetins in America, Zesfelds Poles andthe Thu? sab, For Florenz Ziewos Folies of 1919, which the sed it las yar, Zifld had enlist Bert Willams, sec eritesbave since dal digo of blent including Eddie Cantor, Wil Rose Pe pre, Van and Scheack, Maryn Miler, Ane Pen Fae rosa brilant WC. Fields. The Shubert had only ane aan pls, Aloe, Jolson stood fast nd favorably against the em tires ofthe Fa foreach year inthe preceding doce Fes cary musieal comedy in wich he appeared. Mc enced to his sage presence and comic thing, which ves Tet ents also recognize that its whol by all scouts we Tels’ ity to deliver a song that made Ni a star A Jaa Sola atruced in Sinbad were “Swann” “Todka ie melody by which e has ‘Your Baly wl « Dis Melody,” and Sy leon after claimed bership of bs biggest hits 1 be cout pls, bo nove did wrt sng, Tat atte left hos so Pan Alley. eis x clever group of coundres that movopaie wish Trav noted proud tho rising game at present,” wiycec™ There was Gus Kabn, for instance, enor of many 8 orn in Eastern Europe in 1556 aon standard Kan was probly Jason eta Aeron six easter. Aer spending his adlescnoe puting clothes carts up the avers of Chicag's gumnent ds re pune his fst hit song, “Goo, 1 Wish I Had a Gil” Wt sold one ilo, sevens unde thousand copies. Bere Kahn's career was fhe had welded "Yo, Sir, Thats My Baby." “Toot, Toot, Too aye °C ina in the Moraiag” ard the entire scone of eto the worry ofthe Jazz Age ae what theres made forgo songs, aie Cantor's musical W ‘When asked by the Jewish Kal unreflively answered; "Oh, that's wench. Mother, ‘Sweet Theat Home, and Yeaming Foe You’ AI these simple eart e5 hv tfinte variations” F Seott Fitzgerald saw Kahn's wisdom ‘then be eaontzedl one of he songwetor's ris in theft chan Ue the Great Gatsby. "In the morug, in He evening, ant wo go fin?™—Fitegerald chose to partis question with comments about Irie character, regarding “the closal vitality ofhisasion™ ‘Gos Kal Tin Pan Ally mad ther ings by Bt cating the American ison with easly hummed melodies. Jews wre adept at this task fora variety of reasons, For one, the abundant the et Desenoe of fois songwriters in the American industies of theater rl song was much nftenced by soll and ecomome ators n the dine ofthe great Easier European Jovish migration, Tin Pan Alley {ould bo entered upon moe quickly than most pats open to East Jews irmigants. Tin Pa Alley as far less fn ‘wuld cine to be called Fashion Avenue, mostly beemae Wi Joos who were established in the songwriting lets of recently aeved sb the clothing industries eed to Tt aster Jewish industry tp less rewarded. Morover, Jows in Easter Europe had demon Stated proclivity forthe thestrical and musical as. On the other hind, Carolta nthe ntoring, noon, oF nightie, had ha very tle ted with Jowsh visions of the word while they were in Europe Sl the South became «subject of tho Eastern Jewish songwriting ioagination, and thereby took footing once again in the Ameriesn thagination Here's how tat happened By the tne Gus Ka arrived iu Chea atte ae fsx Charles 1 Harris « German Jw rae ia East Sagi, Michigan, and com bitable using such Yds (ermpered by ther equivalent Ang nus buses actively eutvated grants, while Westra n his 1926 autoiograpky, bad already funded a renin Mian to publish is own songs. It was the lays of dancing fore the grea gd Jzz had cracked his whip” Har ‘Heerute in that autobiogrphy. Before the fx ot ad even is ances tor the tukey tt, “onuples then glided about the crrcuting the wal, nniet, quelle, and yhotische T1892, wher Gus Kain came to Chicago as «young boy, Haris cis) as “mahuga (ray ot gracfly sold to allon copies of sheet sie ofa song he wrote hime, “rth Bll” Before “After he Ball” har on itscourse five allon copes hal been grabbed wy i 2 period when a success hit rarely Sold more than «milion, Hanis was one ofthe ist muse writers trcome aslFplshe, Ing Berlin woud later use this busines Tears lon the sheet msi of Hars's For Old Time's Sake that Al Jolson’ furtoen-yesr-old feo ad ist appeared. srry Von Tiaer, ancher Jewish song wrter of ths Gay Nineties au the early tenth cotory, learned Mars's son in selfpab- Tasting wd them went step fer. Having apprenticed with Mav- i Shai in th nt 1850s, Von Tee (bom Harry Gumin in De that) opened he Hay Von Tiler Music Publshiog Company In 1902 on 280 Stet along New York's Tin Pan Alley. where several years before, M_ Witmk ad Sons (so Jewish had Ted the muse Sas ization from the 14th Stet theater dist. Von ace dominated ase publishing throughout the fist docs century, mosh by publishing his own work. But se prolif and talented as Von Tiler was at writing and pub Tsing what hevelly loved to do was “plg'—tht is sell Yon Tier cond spend hears bragging of his best techniques. Typically, be tnd to mach financial advan fhe woul standup in is box sat and besa singing, "The audience ie statded. Ushers ran through the als. policeman comes in and rolls toward te box. About the tn the policeman s where he ean Ins sen by all fe ance, I stop out om to the stage in front of ain and bog the chorus, with the orcestea plying nd the oe that sw onto the gute, capa so hard it almost bi ters ts band Von Tze apprenticed Irving Berlin in the song publishing b nes, and Bern's st job i the industry was paging Hary Von Tizer Musi Publishing Von nf fxtotion withthe . ‘Down Where the Caton Blossoms Crow” (1901 ana “Alnander (Don Yow Love Your Baby No More?” 1004) paced the str standards "Down Whore the Swinee Rher Flows" (1916, written in part by brother Albert Von Tiber) and, of course, Irving Berlin's Alexander's Rage Ban” (1911). ary Von Tze found the most success, hawever, wth “What You Gon’ To Do Wha the Rent Comes Roxnd?” (1905) supposedly inspired by ‘on ize’ overhearing aback woman pully berate er humbled sous, one Rufus Rass Jorson Brow “Coon” songs used the Atm and stores on which Jolson bad boon raised as child performer and professions plugger, and ‘hese were the songs tat Jolson kod to se In hls Broadway reper= tere. One tha thoroughly captared Jolson’ attention and tho wih imagining ofthe South was “Wal on the Robert E. Le,” whose Tyres wone sntten by Le Wolfe Gilbert in 1912, “Walt on the Robert E, Lee” was about a pot “oy down on the levee, in old Alsbammy” where a back banj-paying crow!—with the biblical ames Ethan, Haramy, Nosh, nd Samnmy—axteredtolood cotton Steamer. Bor in Odes in 188, Wolfie Giller bad never seen Ala hunny. 1 Aflean-Amcrcanscalte Joy along the banks of the Asam was locted anywhere, i wns i the South ofthe Jowsh asp ntiatod tho Josh trad ‘When came to capturing tho larger American imagaatio, Jewish and othe, Irving Berlin was smeng the best that Aerie song ‘witng has produced. The Norman Rockwell of melody, Berlin cap tured the nce of American Me usig only the pian black keys. “T-wrte what the people want, what thy undetstand ‘what bits them and its me,” he declared. "I'm atiempting to get over an idea inthe simplest, most efoctve way." An example of his simple, elective way wit Iries comes fom one of his many World War Frans. "Thoy Were All Out f Step but Jin” a mothers song, sung a she watches er son march off to Europe, In that tut tte Bern managed io capture the buplss but earnest courage ago solder, all ie delight of « pad, the pride of Mama, and «| reper dow of langbter. That, he eat the very sir of American pattem i 107 Thy Weve ll Out of Step but in was oe of is est rene ‘ore ngs, Bern aptored America with songattor song, hundreds tines inacarer hat spanned fv full decades. "I don't mind what ‘peuple st aba my song,” he aid a burgeoning army of exit FP realize peretly well hat they are nt art. Tk vein thet cys an th mete, but 'm not writing fr the few, Tm wetingfor the mas, for the eo This wan prestiely what the snost alert crits of popular song “A pled erfein rjected Bern's songs as unttored and ‘hallow, "Popul sic is «matter ofthe foe ar than the 3 fo detnactorwaintained. Moreover, popular songwrites “are bora vo hi fnction a xan bees are bor to fui certain Fanesions in hive? High-Low erties considered songwriters an neultared It, the trouble to ears harmony, td tnamy of whom “donot even hogs cannot een writ down ancy, boing content to whistle or vi own composition, ot ick tout with ne finger dstoit on the plan, ling others to wie it down snd ps Soncemnng is ater pent, the ees happen to have been cx ect. To es: the burning gestion of Carles K, Hares fans who atraly woudes how was prs fr me to write mis when ven i is day T cant distinguish one note fom lal in is autobiography the work of is “sranger ses Wolkt Irving Bet’ fist biographer and then who ‘Gerad the 1912 Beans Rosethal murder forthe New York Times, Stell understood tht "Redlin ean neither read music or transenbe He ean nly gv hit to ‘Some who ctcized Berlin's sort of music wee rather sharp, Mr. ‘Anna Faslencz Obersorer of the General Felertion of Women’s nt nfluense upon labs elt hat poplar smusie had rato the young, "When one knows tat in one of Chicago's biggest and beat gst the students booght two thousand popular song in fro week” Obemorfer noted, “ind that tho commute of students abpotntd bythe schoo ound oaly forty which they consi rand ate to sing together, dot yo really think something ould happen to avaken American parent tthe Tn hor tel o eloinate the threat of poplar muse, Obert “d's imusieshop manager who confided that. “seventy sgh nothing bt tes, and she sid that they blushed when they “for it Whar trenager would aot lash to ask fr the sheet musi to the Jolson bit of aly 16, “Whore Did Robins on Saury Night” igh Sh ‘Grose Go with Fsiday they Had tig to Sorhey started contig he iis the Row nei Seay Frid counted thirteen, and Crusoe sal “rather, ‘You ow dete’ oly. Lats go get note every Satay ight they eat tt come tagzeing home ithe wid men and xa an Pray kno where tere are wld men ved there ste wld waren, shina Cre go wih Fide Stuy nit” Other ees, though they remaed ext, were less dani ‘The musi ofthe eultored wan” may dies fom th that tore eine” wra rst. Bot the sae col Mnmist would not cole Bat popular ruse “deteriorating Uae” open he ppl.” “Such claim absurd in view ofthe fat that tnt the esi which makes the people, but the people who use aut them. Popular mie not forced upon the veapley it ested ont oftheir wa sirit"® The American norte recta a oot of patotsn to that spit “Irving Beri is» mod veil of dat vagu something oF other we ell Americanization: Sear is songs, too, he kes to deserbe as “ypicaly Ameriea the product ofthat sin Fore which molded him into manhood.” The Jowich songwriters tended to ages, and fen spoke of Iie the Ameria conslousnes, Irving Berlin wanted now that “tho publ the fl aad supreme judge of song merit” and further, preditd that “ih tine wl come when his adie censor Ship wil produce sone tha wil express real bunan emotion nthe ‘ray such emotion shou be expressed Exceeding aware ofthe Tn of public opinion, Belin thought of himself as ts cond, 2 ‘eal Amesian Tfitndoed Bern and his lk perpetuated a senument of fltish na tioaiam in theiranderstanding ofthe creative process, twa Manly American versio, Which ther ation co nate of poplar sie es poit of ational pide? "sa dsintve forma se, tyieally melting pot Bern thought, “for is derived Froth music ofmany counties Despite the movement fr “10 the Gret War, the inimigrant they were mediating «counter sentiment for ation of rations, one that sprang det from “the people nnd noroover lat this sion ofa multicultural America was he lei fnte one. This was sigaBeandy more generous vision of he peo le than had been expressed even by the "people's Ler” ins Progressive Western Jew Lous Brandeis erin most stonaly exprestd how one might love an a tae the composite perce Ataris” chat came wi writes este th county fn Gs Bless Anerfen”a song written for his show ¥ Yop, so named fr the army basen Yap, Lox Balin was stoned forthe Bint Woed War, The army comin toned Sgt. Balin t write » susialfatoring milary personnel thuloding Belin kingof who tok He stage alone to sing “Ob, How 1 Hate to Get Up inthe Morin,” Bath AL Jolson and Baan Bi tttondedopenig night at the Century These, August 19,1918. vronth Iter, Yasha concluded is Brondway un with a final tn ‘Mhich the bovaterally marched of the stage, down the ales, end otto the trop arr that woud Bring them tothe trenches. Re tsk, Berin eased “Cod Bless Ameria” from the th ett did ot compare to George st "God Bless Amerie" Is a prayer wih Island where M, Cobaa's “Over There Ip! prison to rival even the Psa Coa es Aero, dt Th Stand bel be ard sie her To thet withthe i (Goa ies Aerie my hore set she songs all the nore impressive because isthe prayer of an rtnt fom Melle, Rusia, s ran raised in an Ameria shan ‘so spoke Vids with is mother. “At Wome ts sn New York” the Jewish press shed, “that does Fl hin at his mother's forthe regulation Sabbath meal ‘Year befor te Great Was, 19, this boy Tom the Lower East Side nmounced himself she principal mse ofthe peopl” by pro cine owen” song. "Alexander's Paatine Band” was an wy sated tempt to conve to Ameicathe sitoragtine, hen ssi pesos Ainesiany, By contetporar accounts and by ental eu anol ators sce, "Aletandes Ragtime Band” defintvely bridged ‘lack ragtime and white America and tance of jz, bles, ck’ roll and Treang Bean ha tations of ie proptetic fnetion. For “Alex at a Friday night rath way for white accep anders Rastime Band” he ted every songwriting technique in is vast play, end, above Tra. "Lat me lend you by the Ind,” the rics offered, and reins to Berlin's own esp analy, that was wt all, The so ee yords, vighasied by iediate epetilon—Come on ee heat Come and hea were sm inatation to ‘come: t join ‘Bein explained. Mareover Jae denon every tevepive autor witin shouting distance Theta apart of the happy ruction-—as idee pounded in again and vrs throughout dhe song in various ways—was the scret of the hive to announce rage widely. p nan heat the singer and bis 0 Ta "eton” since as been Tess thas happy. From the moment ofits publication, lines were drawn over wheter Berin or hs Kind aaa Rapable of writing "Akasider” Once it was well established That Ben had, he big question became wher “Alesander” wo rally rgd at all ldhough was appsretly ragtime enoush for Scat Joplin who accused Berlin of plagiarism. The ignailiy ofthe ut Bern far exceed any inaginable tr ofan Friday ight Lower Eat ple" by po critical “bride For Ale fg oi above al and The song's in ad his ind stblshed ally, or whether rs apealed whether Load handed the genre les han dogma Tues a ow from Chery Stet. Most ofthe te fe eedlesublched tations of antisemitism tha had bedevied both oilstein and Frankfurter, suc as hucktering, cultural dsl ty, and anprity, Tat Bevin had “pala Newro + townie Alesana” asthe prefered ibe ‘mitely, ane ofthe musical techniques Bertin left raat pasterpce was sypoopation, whi by all accounts d Fe tanoican give, As Berinacewowedged yearslate, Alex ary agtine Band syncopated in oly a singe verse, 8 PEPPY Faaee) masa Bein conoeded thats te tne he wrote the song ‘eth was to al one milion copes of shect music within thee Tod would ange th pace and ace of popular musics bo dd of his st anertand what agin was. The reine la “Alexander” rae Wale Girt’ Alabammy Lad been an invention ofthe Jowish eles, despite his so insagiaton. - vtythe, Bern would ater maintain tht “sy Tei, eso and is colleagues tied to pair synopation ations the sel of wi hei not exprenly about Afean Americans but aout o raed groupe an wel “The Yiddish Rag” of 190 wasn typical aa pats eopect to vbjet matter aid ieegan: “Have see ear that clever Yiddisha rag, its ads, 1 9 poo ering cooncy a twill set you half razy."® That gem happened rae jaediwork of geatles. Beelin himself toyed with the ° craton of “Jensh” themes in such ples as “Yi on Yo Fda ‘pecaton to rons lr han Hacks (sully to Jews oe ais een eventually such songs deteriorated ino sheer travesty. a » soe Ragtime” A often a songwriters tried to spoby Nr the songs newer worked ORY wens pragonist was not black, een “the pont ofthe sm bee ai fe attend apprortation of blake music andl dace by Co iM amon ‘alien’ group, t9 cont effec,” thks masic rane Chaser Hamm. "Ragtime rezained the asic of Amer asereakeedpopulaon™ Rather, one might sogset, ragtime aac vrasig tat Jews fnagined and therefore consiriced to be the musi ofall arginalznd peoples, including selves. More ver, Jews sarin ther own experiences and inthe experiences of Krican American something "ypially American” namely, antic marginal Bern thought tha the East Side" were able agers fraytine and ether “typically Amer cas? muses beease they foo ate the prodets of tat molting pot ‘ve ell '‘Americaniaton:" Betin's vison of “Arperiennzation” and the "melting pot” however, didnot agree with the al to the fmmsgants into the mainseeas socal order f Bedi boioved that his aptitude for writing ragtime was the zest tion” and that he was the tel voce af "the poopl,” then American foe Bevin was the call of the people o participate in Aiea American cult George and Irs Gerbwin, both bor in Wil lasburg, Brookiyn—an area of second sotlement for Eastern Jey ther deintvestaerant on rae Americanism in their frst collaboration, "The real American folksong »nact™ Right years ater wen Jews helped jaz replace ragtime asthe vogue musi the Jewish team of Rodgers and Hart expressed shia belie thet Americanzation sueast Identcation with magied Afar American culture. Note the paticalar attention that "Bugle Blow” {1926} pas to fowsh Amereaszation throw jaze while hetergene Russian Jewish boys who have grown pon We've are has et ogo With il renal nc that wt ‘wr ty ld theyre es ‘All were dient when te cn Ad terrace blend some

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