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we consider cases like those related in this chapter. Is not the

resistant power the Will operating along subconscious lines, in
response to the general mental attitude and Will positivity of
the individual? It surely is a positive degree of something. From
what we know of the Will, are we not justified in assuming that
it, the Will, is that something?
Chapter XII.
The Subconscious Will.
To the old-time orthodox psychologist, the mention of
unconscious Will was a particularly annoying heresy, and
one which merited and received severe condemnation.
Will was regarded as so essentially a conscious mental operation,
that the term unconscious as applied to it was regarded as
contradictory and meaningless. But the advance in the science
of psychology has uncovered many unsuspected regions of
the mind, and many unsuspected qualities residing therein,
and so to-day the term unconscious Will is understood and
accepted as designating a well-established phase of mental
activity. In fact, many leading psychologists now claim, that the
greater part of the activities of Will among living creatures are
performed in the subconscious regions of the mind. Among
the lower forms of life, there is little consciousness, but very
much Will activity; and even in the higher animals and in man
we find the various reflex and habitual movements occasioned
by Will along unconscious, or rather subconscious lines. The
importance attached to the Subconsciousness by the New
Psychology, has led to an extensive investigation of the Will
activities of this interesting area of the mind.
The Will

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