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2. The operation of feelings, desire, or similar forms of

emotional motive force, which sets into operation the process
which, if uninterrupted, leads to volition. The word emotive
well describes this mental activity. This phase of Will involves
the feelings and emotions.
3. The forming of the mental picture by the Imagination,
which gives the mind its pattern, mould or general working
plan of action, which is followed by the Will in its subsequent
stages or steps.
4. The operation of judgment, reason and thought, in
the direction of weighing and deciding upon the merits of
the proposed action the striking of the balance between
conflicting desires, memories and other motives. This is the
decisive stage of Will.
5. The manifestation of actual volition or will to will, which
is the final act of Will the pulling of the trigger of action the
releasing of the spring of outward manifestation.
In any scientific plan or general method of Will-Development,
all of these various stages or phases of the manifestation of the
Will must be considered and taken into account in the detailed
methods to be applied. If any one of these stages is ignored, the
entire general plan will be weakened, for a chain is no stronger
than its weakest link; and if the method be defective or lacking
in strength in any of the stages mentioned, it follows that the
entire method must lack strength and perfection. The average
student of Will-Development is apt to be impatient when he is
asked to develop and perfect himself in all the various stages of
the Will. He seeks to begin with Volition and Action, and chafes
at the preliminary stages. But we assure him that these first steps
are necessary and so far as volition is concerned he will have
full opportunity to manifest it in mastering these preliminary
stages. For in the mastery of the first steps of Will-Development,
there is called for a manifestation of a strong Will in holding
the mind down to its task, and in enforcing the application of
firm control over the rebellious faculties. It is true, although
Phases of Will Development

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