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and deciding by this faculty of the mind depend the actual

manifestation of the Will.
The fifth and final stage of Will-Activity the phase of volition
is the stage which comes nearer to meeting the requirements
of the popular idea of Will than any of those just mentioned.
Volition blends so closely into action that it is often mistaken
for it. The control and culture of volition is the development of
that which we most often think of as Will.
In addition to the chapters devoted to the consideration of
the above-mentioned phases of the Will-action, we shall also ask
you to consider the negative Will, or rather the characteristics
of those who lack positivity in Will. While we prefer to have you
fasten your attention upon the positive qualities of Will, rather
than upon the negative side of the shield, still we have deemed
it expedient to add the said chapter, for the purpose of giving
a warning and teaching you the advantages of being different
from the negative cases mentioned.
In passing on to the consideration of the various methods
of development of the mental faculties concerned with the
various stages of Will-action, we must remind the reader who
wishes to develop a positive Will that there is no royal road to
Will-Power. There is no magic wand which may be waved to
produce the desired result. There is nothing that can be taken
in spoonful doses from a bottle, which will change negative
Wills into Positive ones. There is no real method other than
that of careful, persistent, determined application and work.
But when one remembers what he may accomplish in this way,
the work seems as nothing in comparison.
Remember that in developing the Will, you develop the
character the Self in fact. In developing the faculties involved
in the various stages of Will, you are really developing an all
round, strong character, and by the culture and control of the
important faculties of the mind you are acquiring a Character.
The three general rules of application of the methods may be
summed up in three words: Patience, Persistence and Practice.
Phases of Will Development
Yes, to this thought I hold with firm persistence;
The last result of wisdom stamps it true:
He only earns his freedom and existence
Who daily conquers them anew. Goethe.
The Will

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