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vacuous, ecstatic smile of the mere dreamer of dreams, living in

the fool s paradise of an unrealized ideal. Listen to the voice of
the practical world around you which shouts in your ear Wake
up, man wake up! You re still here on Earth! Wake up and get
to work!
The Will
Chapter XVIII.
How to Develop Decision.
The phase of Decision is a most important stage or phase
of the operation of the Will. This phase manifests in the
weighing, judging and deciding upon a course of action,
or manifestation of volition. In its field lies the striking of the
balance between conflicting desires, feelings and emotions
between the conflicting mental images between the several
motives which present themselves and urge their claims upon
the Will. In the lower animals, and indeed among the lower
stages of human life there is very little deliberation, weighing,
or judging. The strongest immediate desire or inclination wins
the day, without regard to the future and without regard to
the possibilities of the advantage of sacrificing the immediate
desire for a greater one more remote. But as man advances
and intellect begins to manifest itself, the matter of choice and
decision becomes more complicated and the process more
complex. The more one knows and has seen, the greater is his
field of possible choice, and the greater degree of balancing and
of judgment is required and exercised by him.
To choose intelligently, one must needs exercise the intellect.
One must think. But thinking is not such an easy matter as it
might seem at first consideration. People, as a rule, do not like to
The Will

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