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Grading Policy Example

Attendance 15%
Audience Grade 10%
Homework 20%
In Class Assignments / Quizzes 20%
Tests 15%
Final Exam 20%

Attendance 15%
Weekly after school rehearsal/sectional 5%
o Each week there will be one required before or after school rehearsal or sectional.
o Every Friday the students will be given the next following weeks schedule. This will allow
students to know in advance and make the appropriate communication with other teachers
about after school tutorials.
o If a student knows they are going to be late or absent; email or talk to the Band Director in
o If a student is tardy three times, he/she will be awarded one absence.
Performance Attendance 10%
o Every student is required to attend every concert he/she is performing in.
Audience Grade - 10%
Throughout the semester, each student is required to attend two (2) concerts.
These concerts can be performed by any high school ensemble, university ensemble, community ensemble
or professional ensemble.
Student must provide proof of attendance (program, photo with a performer) and write one (1) paragraph
summary of the concert.
Each concert is worth 5% of the final grade.
Homework 20%
There will be about approximately two written homework assignments per week.
In class assignments / Quizzes 20%
This is a daily grade.
This may include, but is not limited to:
o Equipment check.
o Class participation grade.
o Practice test.
o Written Quiz.
o Playing Quiz.
Tests 15%
There will be a test every Friday; the test may be a written or a playing test.
Students will be notified by the end of Wednesdays class as to what the test is going to be over.
o If there is not Friday class due to a academic or federal holiday, then students will be notified by the
end of Tuesdays class.
Final Exam 20%
Playing Grade 10%
o Students will perform the chromatic scale.
o Students will perform a predetermined scale(s) set in advance.
o Students will perform a line from the workbook.
o Students will be grade will be based on their tone, tempo, articulation, rhythm and note accuracy.
Written Grade 10%

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