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10 Use ater page 16 Where Do I Begin (Love theme) from the Paramount Picture LOVE STORY Words by Carl Sigman Music by Francis Lai Arr, by Sharon Aaronson Slowly 5 yo mp ‘Where Do! Be-gin to tell the sto-ry of how |great a love can be, * 3 aaa e 2 s A peed. simile the sweet love sto-ry that is | old-er than the sea, the sim-ple truth a-boutthe love she brings to me? Where do congue, 72 rns sk cope | Copy Renowos 1996, 1209 and Assigned o Famous Must Corporation and Malor Songs Company ‘a Pgh for to word excluding tho U.S.A. Controlled and Adiistored by Famous Muse Corporation Inematonal Copyght Secured. All RightsReserved | e With her first hel - fo she gave a mean-ing to this mp emp-ty world of mine; there'd nev-er be an-oth-er | love an-oth-er time; she came in - to my life and |made the liv-ing fine. with ver - y 12 22] spe-cial things, with an-gel_ | songs, 2 25] with so much | love y. With her a -| long, oO its al-ways|" there. oo eS a 3 with wild im -] ag - in She fills my ——_ If that an - y-whereT J go Tm nev-er — S34 who could be | lone - ly? Leach forher How long does it last? Can love be meas-ured by the | hours in a day? | have no an-swers now, but| this much | can say: | know Fl need her til the stars all bum a - way and she'll be

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