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Drawing on the right side of the brain #3

choosing to use Negitive and positive spaces to draw can help you
focus on the actual shape of the object improve drawing, learning
about negitve spaces can help you use them and understand why they
help. drawing the object in detail and really studing the object insted of
just drawing what it should look like. realizing this really helped me
focas on the detail and value of the objects.
Drawing from perspecteve helps figure out dimension and how things
realate to eachother and the horizon line. learning how perspective
works can make it easier to make your pictueres multi dementional.
figuring out the correct porpotions will make you drawings more
realistic, this section really helped me see the correct way to draw the
porportions. If you drae the wrong porpotions it could throw off the
whole drawing and make it look funny.
if you dont use the space on your paper correctly you could end up
chopping off part of the profile it helped me use the space on the
paper without cutting parts out.when drawing faces you have to be
careful not to ruin the porportions of the face.

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