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Hurst 1

The Psychology Behind Music

Matthew Hurst
English IV Honors
Morehead High School
Eden, North Carolina

November, 2016

Hurst 2

Thesis Statement: Music can decrease the effects of physical pain, anxiety, and increase
positivity; which could be used as a better substitute for medication in most cases.


Music is an effective way to help release pain

A. Medication
1. Medication is used for a normal surgery
2. Has a high risk of side effects
B. Music
1. Side Effects are not seen
2. Familiarity with the lyrics in music
3. Music is able to relate to the listener


A. Music Uses Natural Body Functions
1. Uses Chemical Effects
2. Uses Dopamine in the Brain
B. Classical Pieces by Mozart Reduce Tension
1. Blood Pressure is Reduced
2. Spatial Imaging in the Brain


A. Reduction of Seizures
1. Tested with Classical Pieces by Mozart

Hurst 3

2. The amount of seizures was reduced by almost 40%

B. The Amount of Seizures Could Be Influenced By Positivity
1. The Recent Test was Tested on a Female who has Lennox-Gastaut
2. Music is a big reason, why Seizures could be decreased

Why Medicine Will Hurt In The Future

A. Cost
1. Nearly Two Million Face Extreme Debt
2. Many struggle with medicine bills from ages Nineteen to Twenty-Four
B. Music Therapy Should Be Categorized As First
1. Medicine should still be used for mild sickness
2. Music Therapy should be used first for diseases

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