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Alexia Morton

November 30,2016
Does Bae respect your boundaries
The event Does Bae Respect Your Boundaries was one that focused on the different types of
relationships that one can encounter while in college. Including: domestic relationships, business
relationships, roommate/ suitemate relationships, and friendships. This event was also open panel
and open discussion to the audience.
This event was very informative for me. I was able to learn from the experiences of other
people, as well as comparing them to my own. I went to this event with some of my friends, we
each went to the even for different reasons all together I think it was helpful to all of us. I like
that they had a panel of people set up with variety in age as well as race. I also thought that it
was very neat that they chose to make up a few scenarios and have the audience respond to them.
I remember one of the scenarios was dealing with roommates. I remembered this one because it
was similar to what I dealt with with one of my previous roommates from a different school.
From that I learned how I could have handled the situation differently and I also learned different
ways to approach a situation like that. There were many scenarios about relationships of course. I
took a lot of information from these as well. One being to know the signs of whether you may be
in an abusive relationship, how to report it if you are, and what you should do afterwards. I liked
that I was able to hear other peoples opinions and how they would handle a situation in
comparison to that of my own.
In closing I believe that the event was very successful and I am glad that I attended it, if there
happens to be more events like this one next semester I would make sure to be attendance. I
learned many things from this session and learned information I found useful and important to
share with friends.

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