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Test the art of love

In this essay I am going to talk about the book of Erich Fromm "The art of love".
It seems to me that this is a very interesting topic because love is the most
important thing in the life of all human beings, we all need love to feel alive
and I very much agree that love is not merely a feeling, that love is also an art.
My position on this book is positive, as I fully agree with the ideas of Fromm.
Some people do not give so much importance to the love, but I believe that we
all have a bit of love in our lives, starting with our mother who loves us, our
brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, cousins, our friends, our partner, until
our pets we love differently because there are different types of love. Love
gives you happiness to our lives, if it did not exist we would be more unhappy,
so it is important to assess more love and give it the importance it deserves,
and that is something that this book does for us, he teaches us to love really, to
know all the types of love that exist. Erich seeks to ensure that we make
conscience, we bring our life in a proper way and we strive to love mainly to
ourselves and then to the other in order to achieve happiness. Soon I will have
more to say on what is for me the love, based on the book of Fromm and in
their views on this art, since he so considered.
In "The art of love", Fromm warns us that this book is not a manual about the
art of loving, rather seeks to make us see that love is not a feeling easy for
anyone. Loving ourselves cannot be achieved without the capacity to love
others. The majority of people believe in the love as a very pleasant sensation;
however, the author considers the love an art form that requires knowledge
and effort. The people fall into the error of assuming that there is nothing to
learn about the love, but there is so much that we do not know about love, this
book teaches us a lot, but there is still much more to discover on the love.
Fromm says that love relationships human follow the same existing schema in
the market of goods and labor, in the idea of an exchange mutually supportive.
"A woman or a man attractions are the prizes that you want to achieve." Many
people think that the physical is something very important, but I think that are
in an error because the inner beauty of the people is the real joy and that is
what we can lead to happiness. Love is an art, and all art needs a process of
learning in both the theoretical and the practical aspect. I think that you are not
going to know what is love until it do not carry it to the practice, if it is
something very important to read a book about love and you learn a lot, but is
not as live it in the flesh, to live the feeling of love, feel made by loving a
person. I fully agree with the ideas of Fromm, firstly because I think there is
nothing better than the feeling of being loved by another person, love matched
is something wonderful. For example what my mom feels for me the love of a
mother is a unique feeling that no one else can understand, more than people
who are expecting a child, who have children, never cease to worry about
them, and also what I feel sorry for my mother, there is no love more sincere
than it toward your parents or of them toward you.
It can also be considered as a love had the love that a couple of lovers there is
a sincere love as the two make to protect themselves, are concerned by the

other make things on the other without caring receive nothing in return, this
feeling is very valuable, the be with someone the rest of your life are makes me
something very nice. Secondly I am very much in agreement with the three
problems that raises Fromm, which are:

The problem is that people is based on being loved and not in his own capacity
to love. And it is true, on occasions, we are looking for someone to love us and
we do not realize our own inability to love. If we focus on to feel loved by a
person, we will go into a stage of selfishness, we should not think that what is
important is to receive, as mentioned above, the important thing is to give
without receiving anything in return.
The problem of love is that is based on an object and not in a faculty, let us call
it object to a person, because if I am an object of love and this goes, does not
have why take my faculty of love, on the other hand tend to be objects of Love,
leads us to want to be desirable, attractive to others and the people falls when
you think you have found the best object available to its scope.
I think that this problem is based on the idea of the icon sexual, for example
the artists to come out of the TV with little clothing, only to be desirable before
men, people do not understand that it is not love, that is not important, as
women, men muscular do not represent the love, or when two adolescents
have sex, do not do it for love if not by the desire that represents them
experience this feeling, or if they become pregnant, having a child under these
circumstances, what kind of love is going to receive that baby?, if their parents
are a few inexperienced that really do not love each other, rather they wanted
to experience brought by the desire.
In addition the love is something more than an object that is acquired, love is
not something that would be undone when you no longer want, love you can
cause suffering also, wounds in the hearts, we must be very careful with him
not to leave hurt.
We let ourselves be carried away by the impulses of falling in love, for example,
when two people newly are, feel close, these moments are the most
stimulating life, but to know each other better comes the disenchantment. We
must all learn to overcome the failure of love, anyone who does not know your
error is intended to return to repeat it. This can be contrasted with a married
couple, which lasted five years of boyfriends and decided to marry, but to live
already in the daily life of the marriage, they realize that not enough five years
to get to know each other completely, as they say, "you never stop knowing a
person", sometimes love is so complex that we never learn from him. The
author speaks of different types of love and their ideas are very logical and
easy to interpret, personally, I believe that he has reason in everything that we
already poses that the loving God is a value that not all people have the faith is
something sacred, and the motherly love is a way to feel safe, when we are so
defenseless and small. Thirdly, I agree with Fromm in his argument that love is
a theory, as well as I believe that man can not be alone, by nature need to
socialize with the other, since man was primitive needed to be in contact with
the other, since many arose the need to love.

No one can be forced to love, for example, when forced to young women to
marry older men, love is something that arises without pressure, love is
something very nice.
When you finish reading the book I came to the conclusion that love is a need
of the human being, is requires love to feel alive, love can give you happiness.
The love of our family is the love more valuable than it is, but there are also
love other types of love that, similarly, are honest; the love of couple, the love
of our pets, myself what I have experienced and I feel very proud to be a
person capable of loving me to myself and to love others. The love he must not
be taken as a game, because, when you play with the feelings you can exit
hurt. There are to learn every day more of love, to convert it into an art form in
our lives and to inspire us to grow as people. As they say, "Each head is a
world", we must learn to respect others and their views, and not all think the

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