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Nria Oliv
Ignacio Reis
Vivian Regl

During our visit to the parliament of Catalonia, we discovered the history

behind this amazing institution. After walking through La Ciutadela park we
found a grand historical palace build as a military arsenal by the Flemish
engineer Prspero Verboom, during prince Felipe V government. At the visit,
our tour guide explained the history of this institution and its evolution through
the years. While we walked through the hallways she showed us the most
remarkable places.
First, the hemicycle also known as "la cmera", which is the salon where
parliamentarians from different parties, discuss in a formal way all the topics
concerning Catatonia`s agenda. After that, we visited the Sal Gris de Passos
Perduts or lobbying room, where the representatives negotiate off the record.
It is important to recall that the most outstanding topic during our visit
was Catatonia`s independency. At first, we had so many questions regarding
the reasons why some Catalonia`s citizens would like to be independent from
Spain. Also, we were willing to understand the context, facts and events that
lead to this breaking point.
The Parliament of Catalonia is considered one of the most antiques in
Europe. In 1283 Les Corts Catalanes were established as a model of
medieval parliament: representing the church, royal and military forces.
On September 11, 1714 Barcelona was seizure by Borbonic trops. After
this event, Catalonia stopped being independent to become part of the Aragn
Kingdom. Even it represented the downfall of their institutions, and some civil
liberties, this day is celebrated nowadays as Catalonia`s National`s Day, also
known as La Diada.
The parliament is officially established in 1931 as a body member of la
Generalitat de Catalunya. However, Spanish Civil war and Franco`s
dictatorship afterwards, implied the cease of their functions till 1980 after the
approval of lEstatut dAutonomia. This document meant Catalonia`s rights and
duties as a member state of Spain.

However during la diada of 2010, a massive civil protest took place in

Barcelona. People from all around Catalonia came to express their support to
the independency. As such, this day remains as a key breakpoint to Catalonia`s
independency process.
Five years latter, the path has been long. ELECTIONS The tensions
within Madrid and la Generalitat increased by the management
misunderstandings between the parts, and the insistence of Catalonias
government to become independent.

The truth is, independency has marked the way its own parliament is
organized. On one hand, we have on the left all the pro-independence
parliamentarians. On the other hand, it`s opposition.

Figure 1: Catalonia`s Parliament current seats distribution by political parties.

Source: Parliament of Catalonia`s official site

During the referendum carried out on November 9 th of 2014, 80,76%

voters expressed they wanted Catalonia to be totally independent from Spain.
Most of the reasons were the differences between the taxes management and
the rejection to politicians, monarchy, institutions and economic crisis measures.
Finally, the culture and traditions that unite Catalans along their history.
Votes value
The oldest parliament in Europe.
Brazo legislative
It`s not which is your party, it`s if you want the independence or not.

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