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a Zina Abualeinan Professor Raymond UWRT 1104-004 10/4/16 Names During my research and family interviews I leamed a lot about the way we, Arabs, name ‘our children, My mom explained to me that a lot of Arabs do not have middle names, for example me, but when there is a middle name it is usually the father’s name. Middle names in the Middle East and Syria are not as popular and used as in America or other cultures. Having a middle name is completely optional and a lot of Syrians do not have it. ‘Alot of Arab families name their first bor grandson after the grandfather so the name of my sister named her son Abdul after her husband’s dad xe first grandson. This important name oe no some families take it ro) Rain NG important it used to show the social class of the family. For 7 Ww the family can live on. For example, because Abdul’s father is the oldest and his son is ther tradition is used a lot in the Middle East to help carry on the family name, very seriously. Family last names were really example the Habbal family is known for their blond hair and blue eyes, and the Abodahabs eee family is known for their wealth and kindness. Family last names also shows the families origin, oe are Palestinian. Mostly older generations care about it’s known that my family the Abualeinan, this, now itis not x popula, but back then before the 1900's families would not mary into we ° families if they had a bad word spread about them. In the past people were very careful not to * ruin their families last name, it was something taken very seriously; and even today some people still view family names are important. FS ey os

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