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Kate Ortiz
Lynn M. Raymond
UWRT 1104-004, Writing Prompt #7
November 2, 2016
Writing Prompt #7
I believe that the Family Tree Project has helped me push the broader question and dig
deep to find more information than what was originally asked for. An example of this correlating
with my semester long project was when I was conducting research for my Family Tree Project I
asked questions like what significant or life impacting events occurred in your life that you
would want to tell such as events in the military, starting a family, or any difficulty in life? I
asked these types of questions to pull out juicy stories that my relatives may want to reveal rather
than asking simple questions as what is your occupation? and Whens your birthday? This
correlated to my semester long project by me using this technique to find more information that
could lead me to a bigger discovery about my topic. On my topic instead of simply addressing
the disadvantages of the minorities I added in the history of racism and exclusion of minorities.
This is because I pulled on what was asked of me and provided information that I found
interesting into my project to inform my audience more and to educate them about the history of
Daily writing and discussions about our writing in class also helped me in my semester
long project. They helped me by generating ideas and discover research technique as well as
reminding me what I should do and what I should not do when piecing my project together. What
source challenged my critical thinking skills the most was my Western History and Culture
teacher. This is because the information taught in that class correlated a lot to the semester long

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project. He opened my mind to the reality of life and revealed to me the negative part of history
in the US. He provided evidence and examples of laws made against minorities and their
struggles throughout history.

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