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Francesco Rosano

7947 Valerie Court

Niagara Falls, Ontario
L2H 3H8
Home: 905-354-5369
Cell: 905-359-4023
Date of Birth:
December 22, 1998
Education: Currently attending Niagara College
Educational Ambition: Graduate with a degree
Work Availability: Summer anytime and weekends

Summer lawn cutting (2014)

Jack Pine Gift Shop (February 2016-May 2016)

Phone (905) 357-4419
Retail Cashier (part-time)
6039 Fallsview Blvd, Niagara Falls, ON
L2G 3V6

Pizza Pizza (May 2016-Present)

Phone (905) 354-7790
Cook (Full/Part-time)
6650 Niagara Pkwy, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada

Graduated St. Mary Elementary School (2001-2011)
Graduated - St. Paul Catholic High School (2011-2016) - Applied Level
Attending Niagara College (2016-Present) Taking Construction Engineering Technology
- Math
- English
- Drafting
- AutoCAD
- Construction Estimating
- Computer Applications
- Leadership (The Effective Learner)
Volunteer Work

Agape valley pancake house. (Bus-boy)

Helped serve meals at the community kitchen.
Helped with the St Paul High School Santa Claus Christmas Parade.
St Paul High School Pilgrimage.
Coached kids soccer team


Playing Soccer (Indoor/Outdoor)


Available upon request.

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