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This assignment reflects my new knowledge

of interior design in the following ways. First, I

have gained knowledge on the principles and
elements in interior design. Second, it has
taught me how to neatly draw and measure
floorplans. Third, I have learned a lot about
color that I would not have known otherwise. I
have learned all these new things and applied
them to my final project.
The principles and elements helped in my
design because I know all the guide lines that
make a design harmonious. They helped in a
lot of different ways, furniture arrangement,
color schemes, finishes, etc. Without them I
would have had a hard time designing a
functional space for my client. Learning to
draw floor plans has been so important in this
project. I wouldnt have been able to draw a
neat floor plan by hand for my client without
this knowledge. The color helped immensely,
it helps with the principles and elements as
well. It creates harmony for the space. All of
the knowledge I have gained in this class has
allowed me to design a functional space for
my client.

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