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NOTE BOOK #16 with. The lower the number the less photoelectric interaction, and vice versa. So there will differing interactions between air, muscle, fat, and bone because of their atomic numbers. Also the densities of these material are different, and will impact absorption as well. This interaction is why there are different contrasts on a film. They will create more black and white images, and a igh wave form. e- Protaelettron Croratiery Radiat oo c Compton Interactions This is a moderate energy level interaction as well. T outer shell loosely bound electrons. An electron is ejected and forms an ion pair. The energy of the photon emitted from the ejected electron will affect the angle of which it changes direction. During this process the kinetic energy is actually transferred to the binding electron, but will keep at least 2/3rds of its original energy as it goes ina different direction. These energy levels usually pass through the patient and hit the IR, resulting in scatter radiation. Scatter radiation will usually bounce forward but can ifferentiate between the angles of 0-180 degrees. These scatter photons will continue to interact until absorbed. This interaction is responsible for fogging of the image, most dosage emitted to the radiographer, and will result in a low contrast scale, which means more grays on the image. This will also result in a low wave form. This is the opposite of the PE absorption in the fact of the technique settings. The higher the kVp and lower the mAs, the more Compton interactions will occur and vice versa. iteraction occurs within the Recal electron 7 T ANGIE OF SCoHeEring a

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