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Roenere X-Ray Target Interactions X-ray photons are created when high speed electrons from the cathode strike the anode target. When this occurs there are 3 different types of interactions that occur within .25-.Smm of the surface. When the incident electrons, which are traveling at the half speed of light, hit the anode target, the thermionic cloud is created. This brings us to our first interaction which Is heat. Heat Interaction © The target interactions that produce the x-ray photons consist of less than 1% of the total kinetic energy of the electrons. Over 99% of the electrons are coveted to heat. When the electrons have high enough kinetic energy they transfer enough to energy to put the outer shells of the atom to transfer into an excited state. When they reach a certain point they emit infrared radiation as heat. There are 2 types of interactions that can produce diagnostic range x-ray photons. They are bremsstrahlung and characteristics interactions. The interaction that occurs will depend on the electron kinetic energy and the binding energy of the electron shells. The target material is also an important aspect. The higher the atomic number of the material the better it is. The most popular is tungsten. ree * These are slowed down radiation. These may only occur when the incident electrons interact with the force field of the nucleus of the atom. The energy of the incident electron must be high ‘enough to pass through all the orbital shells and be able to interact with the electrostatic force of the nucleus. Since these 2 have different charges they have am=n alike attraction to each other. When the electron approaches it is slowed down and is diverted in a different direction. ‘Asa result, the electron loses energy, and that energy that is lost during the process is emitted as an x-ray photon. The energy pf these photons is exactly the difference between the entering and exiting kinetic energy of the electron, which is also determined by the distance the electron is from the nucleus, BI - Bremsstrahlung Interactions - Pics Characteristic Interactions - Picture wt A These interactions will only occur when the incident electron interacts with the inner K shell. ‘The electron must have enough energy to be able to knock one of the 2 electrons in the k shell out of orbit, resulting in ionizing the atom, This is now an unstable atom. This will now start the characteristic cascade. Which is when the lower level shells start filling the holes in the atom. It is at this time the photon is emitted. The energy of the characteristic photon is exactly the difference between the binding energy of the outer shell and inner t Picture # 2 seesay er incident elec+rai e eyecer r: cid Veaning oestot e* es ance enkeray aN . 3 ut X-€Gy pent OY FP eg, Lov. ? ce eel

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