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Elizabeth Cady Stanton gave women a voice by organizing the worlds first

womens rights convention in 1848, and, with the help of Susan B. Anthony,
forming the National Womens League in 1863. Stanton wrote The Declaration of
Sentiments in 1848, which was a revolutionary call for suffrage that soon spread
the idea of social, political, and professional equality for women. Elizabeth Cady
Stanton, and many others, helped convince the New York legislature to enact the
Married Womens Property Law of 1860. This meant married women had the right
to own property, engage in business, manage their wages and other income, sue
and be sued, and be joint guardian of their children. (Ibid) Eventually, every state
adopted womens suffrage, thanks to suffragists lectures. On August 18, 1920, the
Womens Rights Movement resulted in the 19th amendment, which allows all
citizens, both men and women, to vote. Without all these events, and Stantons
contributions to society, women in the US wouldnt have suffrage. Nowadays,
females perspectives are appreciated and have an effect/ influence on political
decisions, and most importantly, they can take their place as citizens of this
country. Furthermore, Stanton has progressed civilization, but not entirely- see
Conclusion for more details.

Voting Political Cartoons. (

The Nineteenth Amendment. (

Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes. (

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