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Abraham had taken Isaac to be sacrificed but God showed Abraham the
sacrificial animal.
_ _ _ (Ram) (Gen 22:13)
2. It was the second plague that Egypt suffered from.
_ _ _ _ _ (Frogs) (Exo 8:1)
3. It was the eighth plague that Egypt suffered from and it was due to a tiny
_ _ _ _ _ (Locust) (Exo 10: 1)
4. The Israelites who fled from Egypt were fed with a bird as they were heading
to the Land of milk and honey.
_ _ _ _ _ (Quail) (Exo 16: 13)
5. The bird which brought bread and meat for the prophet Elijah when at the
Wadi Cherith.
_ _ _ _ _(Raven) (1 Kgs 17:4)
6. John described the Holy Spirit that came upon Jesus, in the form of?
_ _ _ _ (Dove) (Matthew 3:16)

7. In order to feed nearly five thousand people Jesus offered up five loaves and

(Fish) (Matthew 14:19)

8. The humble animal upon which the Lord of Lords arrived into Jerusalem.
_ _ _ _ _ _ (Donkey) (Matthew 21:5)

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