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NUJS MUN 2016 : International Press Allotments

United Nations Security Council (UNSC):

1. Tanisha Bose - Reuters
2. Sreemoyee Mukherjee - BBC
3. Prayas Biswas - Al Jazeera

United Nations General Assembly - Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee

1. Shayeri Mukherjee - Reuters
2. Trayambok Chakravarty - BBC
3. Pratik Ranjan Das - The Statesman
4. Shimanta Dutta - Al Jazeera

European Council (EC):

1. Ahana Roy - Reuters
2. Madhubrata Bhattacharya - BBC
3. Teerna Bhattacharya - Al Jazeera
4. Soumyajit Kar - The Huffington Post

All India Political Parties Meet (AIPPM):

1. Sunita Sarkar - Reuters
2. Shubhagata Choudhury - The Statesman
3. Debjyoti Chakravarty - BBC

1. Prerna Poddar

2. Devesh Sharma

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