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ies hi ot « . NRL Report 4433 DESIGN AND CALIBRATION OF MICROWAVE ANTENNA GAIN STANDARDS * William T. Slayton Microwave Antennas and Components Branch Electronics Division November 9, 1954 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY Washington. D.C CONTENTS Abstract Problem Status Authorization INTRODUCTION DESIGN CONSTRUCTION CALIBRATION REMARKS ACCURACY ACKNOWLEDGMENTS REFERENCES APPENDIX - Methods for Determining Horn Dimensions and Gain a ABSTRACT A set of antenna gain-standard horns covering the microwave range from 0.77 cm to 31.5 em has been designed and carefully cali- brated. The horn fabrication is simple and can be duplicated accurately from the drawings supplied. A simple method of extending and improving the accuracy of Schelkunoff’s gain curves is also described. PROBLEM STATUS This is a final report on this phase of the problem; work on the problem is continuing. AUTHORIZATION NRL Problem R09-03 Project NR 689-030 Manuscript submitted September 2, 1954 ii DESIGN AND CALIBRATION OF MICROWAVE ANTENNA GAIN STANDARDS INTRODUCTION ‘The need for accurate and practical microwave antenna gain standards has led to the design and calibration of a series of pyramidal horns covering the microwave bands from 0.77 cm to 31.5 cm. The series consists of eleven broadband horns having gains ranging from 24.7 db to 13.7 db. There is a horn for each waveguide size in the range. ‘The horns can be easily and accurately duplicated from drawings supplied in this report. DESIGN ‘Three requirements were considered of prime importance in the design: a useful gain figure, simplicity of construction, and accuracy of calibration. The fabricated type of horn (Fig. 1), with flat metal sheets forming the sides, was decided upon as the best means of satisfying the con- struction requirements. For simplicity, the horns wer designed so that the E- and H-plane flares meet the wave- guide in a common plane, Another consideration was the over-all size and weight. It was impractical to seale the horns from one band to another throughout the range, since the horns at the longer wavelengths would be too large and those at the shorter wavelengths too small. Accordingly, there are five different designs; each of the other six horns was scaled from one of these. ‘The 8-mm and 1.8-em horns were scaled from the 1.25-cm horn; the 4.75-cm horn from the 3.2-cm horn; the 3.95-cm and 6-cm horns from the 10-em horn; and the 15-cm horn from the 23-cm horn, In scaling, the values of ty hadtobealtered slightly in order to make a simple junction at the waveguide. This was necessary because, Fig. 1 - Physical dimensions with one or two exceptions, the inside dimensions of the "for calewiating the gain waveguides are not scaled from one band to another. The adjustment made only a very slight change inthe calculated gain (about 0.02 to 0.03 db). ‘The 3.95-cm horn represents an overlapping of the 3.2-cm band and the 4.75-cm band. However, it was decided to include this horn in the series because it fits a standard waveguide size (1.250 x 0.625 in. O.D.)/and it provided an opportunity to make experimental checks on the 10-cm horn from which it is scaled. 1 2 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY ‘The basic design data including the dimensions, operating range, and design-point gain for all the horns aresummarized in Table A-2.° Readers who are interested in a detailed design procedure are referredto the Appendix, where a simple means of extending the range of Schelkunoff’s gain curves and improving the accuracy of the gain figure obtainable from them is described. This method eliminates the necessity for long computations involving Fresnel integrals, and yields very close agreement with the detailed calculations. CONSTRUCTION ‘As mentioned previously, the fabricated type of horn using flat metal sheets was decided upon as most suitable, The one exception is the 8-mm design, where electro- forming was considered necessary because of the small size and close tolerances. Horns for the bands from 1.25 cm to 10 cm were made of brass sheets. At the 15-, 23-, and 30-cm bands, horns were fabricated from sheet aluminum using helium gas to facilitate welding the joints (heliare process). This construction reduced the weight considerably and was found to be satisfactory for producing accurate, uniform, and rugged horns. Dimensions for each set of horns are given in Figs. A-6 through A-17. CALIBRATION Experimental primary gain measurements (Fig. 2) were made in order to check the accuracy of the calculated gain.t Great care was taken in making these measurements. Both the horns and the bolometer detectors were carefully matched and the bolometer amplifier and output meter (VTVM) were calibrated accurately. The bolometer amplifier was found to be linear throughout the range used. The use of r-f coaxial cables was avoided because of instability, waveguide being used instead. Microwave absorbent mate- rial (1) was used to minimize reflections. Even so, difficulties were encountered at the longer wavelengths because of reflections and the large separation distances required. ‘As Braun has shown (2), true Fraunhofer field conditions do not exist until a separation distance between horns of many times 242/, is attained, d being the larger aperture dimension. Because of these difficulties, experimental gain measurements at 10 cm and above were abandoned. It was decided to scale the 3.95-em and 6-cm horns from the 10-cm horn in order to obtain reliable measurements at the shorter wavelengths. Figure 3 shows the anechoic test site. An example of the method used in evaluating the experi- mental data is given in the Appendix. wo ! 1 oer, t t le 1 waTCHI MATC! TRANSMITTER NEN [SEER Seer |r p x Fig. 2 - Experimental setup for gain measurements ‘with the exception of Fig. A-I, all figures and tables bearing the letter A are grouped at the end of the Appendix, aiid are Hsted on page 6. tror a general description of the methods used in making such measurements see Footno"+2, po? of the Appendix, ref. pp, 382-505. ‘The remarks in this reference about the minimum Reparation afstance for the horns should be re-evaluated in the hight of Ref. 2. NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY 3 hdd dudatnareneen | Polke ol Ra eo es Fig. 3 - Anechoic test site Measurements were made at several separation distances in each case, and were repeated many times, changing such variables as the power level and the peaking of the horns. See Figs. 3 and 4, ae Fig. 4 - Horn and transmitter on adjustable mount Gain curves for each band are shown in Fig. A-5 (a,b,c). Figures A-4 (a-f) show the field patterns for three basic horn designs. 4 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY REMARKS Horns representing four basic designs were measured for mismatch over their bands. ‘The greatest VSWR’s encountered in the various bands are as follows: Band Max VSWR 18em 1.10 32cm — 1.20 6 cm 1.25 which they were scaled. In any event, when the horns are used in gain measurements, the VSWR should be measured at the wavelength used, and for accurate measurements the horns should be carefully matched, or allowance should be made for any mismatch. In either case the bolometer must be well-matched. The use of flange-to-flange connections rather than chokes, is recommended whenever operating at a wavelength differing from that for which the chokes were designed, since at some wavelengths choke-to-flange joints may introduce considerable mismatch. ACCURACY ‘At any one wavelength the measured points showed a dispersion of less than 0.1 db. ‘As a function of wavelength, the gain curve is not monotonic, as would be predicted from the theory, but shows small, though definite, periodic wiggles (see Fig. A-5 (b)). After exhaustive checking it is felt that these wiggles are actually present, and not due to experi- mental difficulties. This effect can probably be attributed to higher modes in the aperture and currents on the outside of the horn, both of which are neglected in the theory. However, since the wiggles are small, and since a tremendous amount of additional data would have to be taken to reproduce the wiggles accurately, a curve drawn through the average of the measured points was used. Taking into account all possible deviations from the true gain over each band, it was decided that the maximum possible error would be less than 20.3 db up to and including the 10-em horns. 23 em = 1.20 ES ‘The horns for the other bands should have a VSWR close to that of the horns from ; At wavelengths longer than 10 em, where no direct experimental checks have been feasible, the gain has been calculated by means of Schelkunoff’s formula. To arrive at a reasonable tolerance at these wavelengths, it was noted that below 10 cm the greatest discrepancy between the average measured gain (using Braun's correction curves? for near field effects) and the calculated gain at the same wavelength was of the order of 0.2 db. In general the difference was much less than this figure. Therefore it is felt that a toler- ance of +0.5 db is reasonable for all horns above the 10-cm band. In all probability, the actual errors are considerably less than the maximum’ possible tolerances quoted. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ‘The author wishes to express his appreciation to E. H. Braun for his advice and cooperation and to F. W. Lashway for his suggestions in connection with the construction of the horns. REFERENCES 1, Simmons, A. J., and Emerson, W. H., “An Anechoic Chamber Making Use of a New _’ Broadband Absorbing Material,” NRL Report 4193, 7 July 1953 2. Braun, E, H., “Gain of Electromagnetic Horns,” Proc. LR.E., Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 109-115, Jan, 1953 parabes Fig. A-1 (a, b) Fig. A-2 (a, b) Fig. A-3 (a, b) Fig. A-4 (a-f) Fig. A-5 (a-c) Fig. A-6 to A-17 Table A-1 Table A-2 LIST OF APPENDIX ILLUSTRATIONS Title Braun’s E- and H-Plane Correction Curves Expanded E-Plane Theoretical Gain Curve Expanded H-Plane Theoretical Gain Curve E- and H-Plane Field Patterns Gain Curves and Conversion Chart Construction Drawings for the Gain-Standard Horns Data for E- and H-Plane Theoretical Gain Curves Summary of Gain-Standard Horn Data APPENDIX Methods for Determining Horn Dimensions and Gain BACKGROUND Schelkunoff’s gain curves in various forms!.2.3 were used for determining the ten- tative dimensions of the horns and for obtaining a first approximation to the gain. After the aperture dimensions had been chosen and a reasonable value for Ls (the E-plane slant, height) had been set, the H-plane slant height, Ly, was uniquely determined by the require- ment that the flared sides of the horn meet the waveguide in the same plane (Fig. 1, p. 1). For the purpose of calculating the expected gain, this value of fy Was approximated by the relation Sapo a waere = =H-plane aperture dimension b= E-plane aperture dimension w_ = E-plane inside dimension of the waveguide = H-plane inside dimension of the waveguide. After the tentative gain had been determined, the exact value of £4 was obtained from the formula « fer OST 2) Ischetkunoff, S. A., “Electromagnetic Waves," D. Van Nostrand, Inc., New York, pp. 363-365, 1943 2sitver, S., “Microwave Antenna Theory & Design,” McGraw-Hill Book Go., Inc., New York, pp. 588-589, 1949 Sschelkunoff, S. A., and Friis, H. T., “Antennas - Theory and Practice,” Yom Wiley and Sons. Ine., New York, pp. 528-529, 1952 8 : NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY In using Schelkunoff’s gain curves, it was found that no one family of curves in the references mentioned covered a range great enough to include all the desired sizes of horns. Furthermore, certain parts of the curves were found to be less accurate than others. To overcome these difficulties a new procedure has been devised. A brief review of the relationship of the curves to the gain formula will help to clarify the pro- cedure, The notation js substantially that used in the recent book by Schelkunoff and Friis,? and by Silver The Schelkunoff curves give the directive gain t& noms flared in either of the two principal planes; gy is the directive gain of a sectoral horn flared in the E-plane, and gy is the directive gain of a sectoral horn flared in the H-plane, The two sectozal gain curves are obtained from the following formulas, expressed in terms of the tabulated Fresnel integrals C(x) and S(x): a [feces =o} + (500) - s})] ® A gy = te [eo BS so] ; “ where A = wavelengtt™ a ‘The gain of a pyramidal horn is : [ew +70] [few -an} + {seu «oy ‘This result ean easily be obtained from the two sectoral curves by multiplying together (Valgy and Ob), , and dividing the result by 32/7 = 10,1859, yielding the convenient formula a3 fx (5) where A gy and A g, are read directly from the curves. Braun, E, H., “Calculation of the Gain of Small Horns," Proc. LR.E., Vol. 41, No. 12, pp. 1785-6, Dec. 1953 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY 9 EXTENSION AND APPLICATION Braun's method* provides a convenient means of extending the range of the gain curves and eliminating the inaccuracy arising from interpolations between curves. He introduces the arbitrary factors i, and ky to create a fictitious horn having these dimensions: eek by bake bp where A, B, Lz, and L, are the actual horn dimensions. By choosing the proper value for ky and ky, one can make £, and £,, fall exactly on one of the respective gain curves for each plane, After the gain of the fictitious horn (gr;cy,)_ is read from the curves, the gain of the actual horn (Racy, is obtained from the relation fice. Te ky Fact. Since both kp and k, are arbitrary, one gain curve for each plane is all that is necessary. The Schelkufioff curves for f, =50 and J, =S0- are convenient for this purpose and have been accurately recomputed and plotted on an expanded scale in Figs. A-2 (a,b) and A-3 (a.b) so that they may be read with such accuracy that it is no longer necessary to make the detailed calculations involved in using the gain formula, The curves were plotted from formulas (3) and (4). The values obtained from these formulas are tabulated in Tabie A-1, For maximum accuracy these values may be preferable to those obtained from the curves. Linear interpolation between points will yield good accuracy. ‘The table makes it possible to plot any desired portions of the curves on whatever scale is preferred. ‘An example will demonstrate the simplicity of the method. Actual horn: Az 8.13, Ly =19.72 B= 6.67, Ly =18.52 | 5 soak If it is desired to make use of the 50-, curves referred to above, the k's are chosen as follows: = 2.6998, ky = 1.643, 2.5355, Fictitious horn: b= kp B =10.96,, fe = 500, ekg A = 12.94. Jy = 500. From the 50-\ gain curves Aap =80.77 tn =90.92 + | 10 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY ‘From formula (5), "ict = Efict. . 299.88, or 24.77 ab. ct. 5 & ky Detailed calculations using the Fresnel integrals in the gain formula resulted in the same gain figure, 24.77 db. Similar comparisons at each of the other bands showed agreement within 0,01 db. USE OF CORRECTION CURVES The procedure for determining the true Fraunhofer gain from the primary gain test data, using Braun’s near field correction curves, Fig. A-1 (a,b), is shown in the following example taken from actual measurements: . X-band horn dimensions: «27.656 in., fy =19.484 in b =5.669 in., 2, 12. 598 in, A 23.20 en = |. 2598 in. R (distance between horns) = 140. 25 in, 4B. (12.5661(140.25) - 1398,9. x 1. 2598 antl 58s. where P, represents power transmitted and P, power received. 4oR Gainncorrected = = 1398.9 = 145.95, or 21.64 db. i 3388 PR Parameters for using the correction curves: NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY goo LOSS IN GAIN (db) 3 Fig. A-1 - Braun's E- and H-plane correetion curves u 12 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY ite 1,8413)( 1, 2598) = 2,320 He C tog AR = tog (1-2598)( 140.28) = tog 3.016 = 0.479 a 58, 584 Reading from the correction curves: E-plane correction 0.22 db H-plane correction om 0,28 db Total correction 0.50 db Uncorrected gain (above) .. 21.64 db Correeted gain 22.14 db The calculated gain, using Schelkunoff’s formula, in this case was the same: 22.14 db. DETERMINATION OF AN OPTIMUM HORN WITH SPECIFIED GAIN AND EQUAL BEAMWIDTHS. A simple means has been devised for finding the dimensions of a horn which satisfies the following requirements: (1) Specified gain (2) Cptimum horn* (3) Equal beamwidths at the half-power points. Although this can be done empirically, a set of factors was determined from Schelkunoff's gain formula, which yield the required horn parameters as a function of the absolute gain, g, alone. ‘these are as follows: “An optimum horn is one for which the aperture dimensions have been chosen to give maximum gain when the slant heights are held fixed. This is the case when a2 7 3.18A Ly and b? = 2,084 Ly Trhis has been worked out by E. H. Braun in an unpublished report. . NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY 13 2 0.468 be: b= 0.0463 ve Le = 0.05764 « : ener ieee 7 : fn = 0.06085 « . where a,b, £,, and fy are the usual parameters as defined (p.7). ‘A horn having these dimensions will have exactly the desired theoretical gain, and ‘will be exactly an optimum horn, However, it should be pointed out that where a simple joint between the flared horn and the waveguide is desired, the value of £ y must be modi- fied to make the horn fit the guide. This will change the gain by a small amount, usually a few tenths of a db, since the horn will no longer be exactly optimum, If a discrepancy of this magnitude is not important, £, can be calculated to fit the waveguide exactly, using formula (2), 4,7, . When a closer approach to the specified gain is desired, a slight change in the pro- cedure is necessary. This is accomplished by the following steps: p (1) Compute tentative parameters a’, b’, and fy’ in the same way as a, b, and Lp were computed above. (2) Obtain the approximate value, fq’ to fit the waveguide, using formula (1), p.7 . “ (9) Calculate the tentative gain, g’, by the method outlined on p. 9 using ‘ecm the primed parameters, (4) Recompute a, b, and Lp, substituting ¢7/e' fore (5) Obtain the exact value of Ly from formula (2) #. 7 (6) Recalculate the gain for the new parameters. , . Since the theoretical gain is obtained very accurately in step 6, it is easy to determine the discrepancy between the desired gain and that now resulting from the adjustment to fit the waveguide. m1 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY Fig. A-2 (a) Expanded E-plane theoretical gain curve NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY 10 - u bA 12 3 Fig. A-2 (b). Expanded B-plane theoretical gain curve 15 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY 16 Fig. A-3 (a). Expanded H-plane theoretical gain curve | Fig. A-3(b). Expanded H-plane theoretical gain curve 18 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY Curves of aell> o[tel]> ie ll* tall? ]ial|* [se 7.01 20.362] [4-6 46.307] [7-2]69. 4123] | 9-6]61.301 | ia-a [73.784] liso] 46.499] [17.6 19.910 3.1) aaa (4:7 |47362| |7-3] 69047] | 9-9] 81.426 | [iz-s 73.041 | [18-1] 45.268 17-7 19.316 3/2] 321 305| (4.8) 48. 326| 7-4| 70-855] |10.0| 81-819 | [ta.6|72.265| [1-2] 44.040 ||17-8|18.767 3:3) 23.410] (4.9]49.263| [7-5] 71-248||10. 1/81. 581 | [12-7 [71.459] [18.3] 42-813 [17-9] 18. 264 2.4| 24.425) |5.0|S0. 233] |7.6]71. 923] |10.2/81.611 | 12.8 70.621 | |15.4] 41.593 |/18.0 17.805 3.9) 25.420) [8.1 Sn. | [p-7 72:85] [10:3 81609 | 12-9 on-733| [18.5] 40.379 ||18.1 [17-395 3°6) a6. 456| (8.2 |s2-123| [r.6|73.219| [10-4 @1.573 | 108.886] 3-0] 9-274 [18-2 17-030, 3:5] 2r-479| (8-3 85.087 | [7-9|73.641| [toc [e1-s10 | [13:1 [e7. 901 ||1s-7] 37.982 | [ha 16.714 3.4] 3e-4et| $.8|83.985| [a0] 74-441| [10.6 [81.408 ||13. 266.980 ||18.8| 36-801 || 10.4 [16.445 3.9] 39.490] \5.5|s4, 908) |6-1)75.025) |10.7|81.277||13.3@6.003 ||159| 38-636] | 18-5 [16.223 | 3:0) 30-503] |s:6|ss.ea1 | ls-2| 5. sas| (10-8) 81.110 | [12-4 64.997 ||16.0) 34.488 | [18-6 [16.048 354) 3rssua| 5-7 56.728] [a3] 76.127 10-9) 80.909 | 13.5 [63.969 ||16.1) 33.359 [18.7 [15.921 3.2] 32's16| |s.8|s7.c26| [8-4] 76.45 ||11-0]80.676 | [3.6 [62.917 ||16.2| 32.250 ||18-8 [15.639 3:3)33. say [8.9 sa. s17| focs| 77. 142| [11-1 |aosaos ||13.7 e194 | |16.3| 31-264 [18-9 [15.804 3:4] 38. $30] [eco [s9-401 | fc6| 77-616] [11-2 80.108 ||13.8 60.748 | |16.4|30-104 | 19.0 lis. a4 3.5] 35.534| |6.1|60.272| |8.7|78.065| |11.3|79. 765 | |13.9|59.635 | |16.5/29.069 || 19.1 |15.870 3 316] 36.534] [6.2 esa 11.4|70-393 | [14:0 [58-801] |16.6| 28-063 || 1912 [18.967 3.9) 37/531] [6.3 s.9 11:5] 78-987 ||1421 57-381 16.7] 27,086 |}39-3 [16.108 3¢4| 38.830 [6.4 3.0 H16| 78:45 | [14.2 se. 188 ||t6-8| 26.142 ||19. [16.280 319|30.504] |e. jo:1 11:7]78°068 | a. 355.008 ||is.9] 25-232 [19-5 16.521 Sola0.sis| (o.6 2 13.6|79-359 ||t424 [sa-axe ||17-0|24.385 | [39-6 [16.769 S:a)an-so4| Joc 3 11.9]77.014|[ia’s|s2. 614 | 17-1]23.s4s [19.7 17064 4.2] 421490| [o.8 4 12.0 76.435 | [14.6 s1.40z||t7.2 22.713 ||19.8 [17.394 : 4.3]43-472| [6.9 3s 12-1 75-020 ||t4.7 |s0-48a | [17-3 |aL-as1 ||19.9 17.985 | 4.4| 44,450) 7.0 6 }12.2|75.176 | |14.8 48.959 | |17.4| 21,228 |/20.0 |18.147 % ai5,aseazs| |r. 7 12.3 |74.497|[14.9\47.731||17-5|20.548 | (b) W-Plane ly “lhe hey Ls [ke [* [ae 2.0]30.370| [4.6 2 30.633 15.0 [90.591 |[17.6 ps.a16 2.1] 21.387) |4.7 3| 91.195 '15:1}92.066 ||17.7 [74.701 2:2|22°402| {4.8 4 91.740 115.2] 91.528 ||17-8 [73.991 2.3) 23.422. 9] 5) 92.270 (15-3 90.972 ||17.9 |73.282 2.4| 24.439 | [5.0 a 2.701 90.400 j)18.0 {72.501 2's) 28.452) 5.1 3 jsa:z74 29.822 ||18.1 [71-886 «| 2elaecana| |s2 8 ss:754 1s.6[s9.214 lt8.2 1.199 2.7|29.488) [5.3 | 208 fs. |ea.601 [18.3 [ro-s16 2.8) 20. 50 |s.4 | 4-646 | 13-2 98-038 | [15.6 |87-976 ||18.4 (59.847 4 2.9)29.518| [5.3 1 95.007 | 13.3 98486 |13.9| 87.997 |[t@.s [oa 163 3.0) 30-532| /s.6 2 95.470) [13-4 98-300 ||16.0| 86-688 ||18.6 [8.534 3.1] 31-345] [5-7 57.438] [8.3 5) 98.48 | [13.5 08.114 16-186. 026 |[18.7 |o7-891 3/2|32:560| 5:8\58-377| [ava |a1-196| 11-0 96-207 ||19-6 97-9 | 16. 2/85.355 ||18-8 fo7-262 j 313}33: 573] [5.9 50-334 |b. 5 81.986] [11-1 o-se7 |l13.7 97-654 | 16.3 94.677 ||18.9 fs. 643 314]3a:579| [oso [60-280 | [av6| 2-703 | 11-2 |96-809 ||13-8 [97-387 | 16-4 |as. 990 ||19.0 fe.038 31$)38259s| ost [or-230 | [av7| 3-440 (11-3 or-tos ||12-9 97-201, tes 63.39 ||19.1 (5-447 3.6| 36, 605|(6.2\o2-176 | [| 84-164] [11-4 97-446 | [14,096,799 | 16.6|42. 594 ||19.2 [oa.872 3:5] 39ce1a| {o:3 3-418 |[a:9| 4-875] [11-5 97.702 ||14-1 [96-4 | [16.7 [e108 | [19.3 foa-305 3:4) 3-622] [esa [os:o4e |[9.0|as:507||11-6| 97-908 |14-2|96-219 | |16-8\ 81.179 19-8 es.758 3.9| 39.629] |6.5 64.975 | |9.1)36.250 ||11.7 |98. 149 ||14.3|95.740 | |16.9|80.461 ||19.5 |63.222 3 4$!0|0-633| {e-6[o8-89e | [9.2| 86-925 11-398. 34a ||14.4 95.248 | 17.0|79.742 ||19.6 [2.703 ; 4:1142.637| lo: |oe- 510 | [9.3 [87-579 || 11.0 oscsio ||14.s (94.936 | 17-1|79-02 | [19.7 fon. 201 i 4.2]42:645| [o-8 [o7-720 | [o-4au.2z1| [12-0 [oe.e58 ||14.6 4-504 [17.2|79.201 |l19.8 1.714 | 4:3] 43.639] |6-9|68. 623 | |9.5|88..844 ||12-1 98.783 ||14.7 [94.054 | |17.3|77.578 ||19.9 61.243 j 454] 44.641] [7:0 on:518| [9:6 | 99-400 ||12-2| 98-82 14-8 90-38 ||17-4| 76. 854 120.0 |o0. 708, 4:8}45: 835] [7:1 |focZ0r | [8:5 | 0-089 [12-3 fos. 96s ||t4:9 |oa-00s | [175] 76.194 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY (b) 1.87 cm, H-plane Fig. A-4. E- and H-plane field patterns | 20 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY h LA | \ rm. he ae (c) 3.20 em, E-plane i a . |_| ATT | Nu z (a) 3.20 cm, H-plane Fig. A-4. E- and H-plane field patterns NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY | | val (e) 6,67 cm, E-plane } | | | (f) 6.67 cm, H-plane Fig. A-4- E- and H-plane field patterns 22 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY TABLE A-2 Summary of Gain-Standard Horn Data ay Design- |Gain at Band Frequency Range | Dimensions (I-D.) | point | Design (in. ) Frequency | Point (db) a= 0.77 = 1.13 enfe = 2.720 b= 2.231] 0.85 em] 94 26,550 - 38,960 Mc|£, = 6.513 £,= 6.197 | 35,290 Mc ° 1.25 em] 1:13 - 1.66 emla = 4.000 b= 3.281] 1.25 em] 4 18,070 - 26,550 Mc|£y = 9.706 £Lp= 9.113 | 24,000 Mc 1.8 om | 166 - 242 cmja = 5.984 b= 4.908] 1.87 cm] 9, 12,400 - 18,070 Mc|£y = 14.333 L_= 13.633 | 16,040 Mc 2.42 - 3.70 emia = 7.654 5-669] 3.20 cm 3.2 cm 22.1 8100 - 12,400 Mc|fy = 13.484 12.598 | 9375 Me 4:75 cm| 289 - 5:20 omla = 11.360 8.415] 4.75 em] 9 | 5770 - 8330 Mc|4,, = 20.014 18.700 | 6315 Me 3.00 - 4.30 emla = 5.041 3.733 | 3.95 cm : 18.0 3-95 ©"! 980 = 10,000 Me|y = 7-447 6.555} 7595 Mc 5.10 - 7.60 cmla = 8.507 6.300 | 6.67 cm 6 cm 18.0 3950 - 5880 Mc|fy = 12.462 11.062 | 4500 Mc 7.60 - 11.5 emla = 12.760 9.450 | 10.00 cm 10 cm 18.0 2600 - 3950 Nc|Ly = 18.682 16.593 | 3000 Me 1s om 11.5 = 17.6 emla = 14.508 10.747 | 15-22 em] ye. 1700 - 2600 Me|£,, = 16-508 14.107 | 1970 Me 17.6 - : : = 16. 00 em 23 em 7.6 26.5 cmla = 21.931 16.245 | 23.00 ag 1130 - 1700 Me], = 24.955 21.325 | 1300 Me ante 26.0 - 31.5 cmla = 21.931 16.245 | 30.00 em} 1, 950 ~ 1150 Mc|£,, = 28.730 24.000 | 1000 Mc Horns in brackets are scaled waveguide versions of each other, except for the Ly, dimensions, which are chosen to make # simple butt-joint at the a i NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY 23 230 I of Tt cael wo NPL ma + each 1.25.08 BAND | so Te L | 7 apeccaes! Bijssazarear cs asa[cecaccucareo | TSE asa[le torennennac’ “ee “pee : | caIn (08) z { aim (08) ot i 1680 a a, dew dow 2309] T 220] zeal 1 zee : Gain (08) ez} | aol ttt ty aac| es | ‘e caucuvareo $ catcurareo | $ —U , 23.a[-% exeemimenrat + anal X exrerimen rar = - + pal a2 TIE a0 180200210 ED P30 240 ‘ea 36 28 30 32 3a dow acm Fig, A-5{a). Gain curves m4 AND | @ cavcutaTeD | x experimenraL ["@ scaueo From som Bano exi piitiittit 86 42 dom elem eae. ‘@cavcuaten EXPERIMENTAL SCALED FROM 395 CM GANO ra] rr nae 8D eA 7216 dew 7 Fig. A~! NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY 230, eee as B 220 = ed 220] aue|_ eatcuareo (© SCALED FROM 3.2 CM BAND EXP POINTS 26 Me de 40 Az ae Ae 488052 dew spate 193, 4 190) 10 cw BAND. ' © caucuvateo SCALED FROM GCM GAMO EXP. POINTS —_|~ @ SCALED FROM 395 CM BAND EXP. POINTS 70 ae 82 88 ts dew 7 85 8 700 104 108 5 (b). Gain curves NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY 25 re ve : 5 ise z is4] 3 1s2| is2] dew dew tN eR ek TT (me) (em) (oe) (em) (we) (em) (ae) om) (we) (em) mene T 4 2800-10,71 u600- 7 4 Mac te I 30. CM BAND | 1260-25000 abto-8 25 saa] + 3300-23-08 e308: 12 1 pt aia wat TTT’ Ba 33 ates z - Mant BEES | ees Hy | ee lelafal I 3 . 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 Rect ct ° ae ISCHES EE . SoHE HEE os. 20000-3:00 | Fig. A-5(c). Gain curves and conversion chart NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY een A ATR ET A ET (wo ¢1°1-24"0) pxepueys-uyes pueq-wiui-g “usoy pauizojon2era “9-V “BLE bors rfree br sors 21005 SOIL THM 060° OL THIN HI 080" = SEIN ADINL TIM bo er | a7 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY uxoy prepurys-ujeS pueq-wurg Supmsojosz99y9 403 TxPUEW, L-V “BLL “wee y.s00 sxb a7 airs Te fume 7002 470 Hn/7e/ we 770 HoINE ae ‘some oscar 171aG wisnzo PRRLS SETTNNES ~ 7.0 eazy NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY (m9 99°T-€1'T) wxoy paepuTs-upeB pueg-w>-s7°1 “B-¥ “Ba _201nb 34m SL ZFbl Weton eT LHL Le THORS TE we ay leek ee Boiss Fee nay pie re —— i \ | 7 LPIAS SEV V2iNe obo are | Gs wd ok Dane | Vad | ishiey fe \ pure ' Mw ome + q ' wee tg be 1 aornesaznnn ye vob by Beh ou Z (i oto Oe Geog | rfenb ' 7 ' led iy See watnsins TN wrote" b 29 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY (m9 26°2-99°1) axoM paepueys-uye® purg—uruI-—t “6-¥ e310N 2s meanLe srt “no Wh nosis AI070 HANI Pita POE OM, FANT |! z sony s482/ i Corres Elbow puray 2208) copy er a Sr pire je somh snvn nervy TRON HECOONS Eee “FeitMe Thee sve Y/otb-47 WEL 2 | ~ NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY 30 LOLOL IY SPINY HELO CL POEM 70d PLOY LPPNS LLLP pOIht OO “BLL “PUVTY OUD 10 ORL THY oy sreee fee-90 WaN0> sonny OMe 31 (129 0€°¥-0°E) wso04 prepuRys ues pueg-wo-s6E TI-V “BL “azL0N BsIMUBHLO SSITNN Y30TOS YIATIS: ssvug X2IHL .%% BAVTd HOI OML WN [ sy Bo1n9 BAYH SuBaH MeOH ] aes Ve sorsnr S31 a 5 =| a 3 3 | | ie 3 yo Sie ; ; ; ee ‘ \ (wo 02°5-09°¢) wry prepueys-ure8 pueg-wo-s2°% -2I-v “Sha 20M ROP Nero SSIIHT WOON DTD VIII INTE K £4, ~ $08 —— ——— wwans sree yom eond wine 72 eri. pte NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY eroreeres Won orp fae 4 ORE. EP crs ah 32 33 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY (139 09°4-01°6) 204 pavpurrs-uped pueg-w9-9 “EI-¥ “Ba poe] ke once 4 e2son snmemso ssren no Whine arom waar rea 200 Zt eing 1 90 ome SHY whet - sebay Soi smb sam sezze ney Pea MOL I STUDY WLOOWS FOL POLE If. C | mitten 4 4 gal Bebe sme Ae ere NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY 34 190 ABM LL PATE HPAI venie n E PY ad WE 12 mk eth EWM ie PHOS Vib (m9 §°11-09'2) uxou PxepuES-uFeB pusq-w>-o1 “FIV “BLE or re { ar te im A \ <220b shem ce tan woe | tbgagaye? | erecta ie Aner by been aL 3 tb San Zine 35 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY J | | (19 97 1) Uxoy paepurys-uyed pueg-wi9-gt “st-Vv “Bat 2010 rane sto. (27) m0 naney pp tbe Or { 7) a 5 Fo aseru | 8 3vig Ti ed . @ Pid |v >+PI0: nbn, Fire. Hee on peoous VEL Seis iy. | mack Ly al i a \ ? NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY 36 do}4240 4ou op s3401q 24vid y20s om ayoy v BL = poe sere ’ aL esos al Levon SEIMEI TOL (2enray) Wary 8 ~ nan @ aad sero - aa (09 6°92-9°L1) ws0y prepueye-uye8 pung-wi9-¢2 91-¥ “Fiat 2000G ANN 84 22H NUON BAH LOEW SMCS HLOOME YL POLS Fe) 2 B4QY [poet oe fg 04 hin ie Pid |W 24Pid Laka aT NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY (429 ¢"1€-0'92) Uz0y paepurys—uyed poe 0” pueq-wo-0F “ZI-v “Bit Leoinby 1m LL 28LY HEE FAIA LOO LE SMUOIY HLOOWS VOL FOLM th) 38 co a | ar "6 -dojs200 pou op S2401g eyed y>0> omy 2¥PWy 1218-01 ——f || vad sere Ig 24014 i S004 FIUHITOL Qmrn) atk § 7.0 any eerus Vv 24°ld Woy

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