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. 15 . ,
, , - , ,
: , , , , ,

1956. ,

. 1984.
, .

(, 1999). (2012)

( , ),
. (1999) ( )

- (Wolpoff & Caspari, 2013),
, ,

, (Ferembach
et al., 1980,
Phenice, 1969), (Stewart, 1979; Seidermann et al., 1998)
(Ferembach et
al., 1980; Loth & Hennenberg, 2001; Graw
, - , .



et al., 1999).
Roksandic & Armstrong (2011).2 - ,


Murphy (1959).
Trotter & Gleser (1952).
- , .
( ),
Mariotti et al.
(2004) Mariotti et al. (2007).3


() , ,
( dens axis
pars petrosis ;

dI2, dM3, sM2, sM3, dI2 dM3 ( ).
(IV-V ).
( ). ,

, ,
() - , , .
() : (1), (1b),
(1c), (2) (3). ,
, : (, ) (,
(1, 2, 3). - .
Mariotti et al. (2007).

[ meatus acusticus externus
(Scheuer & Black, 2000: 81-83)]
5 .
(incisura ischiadica major, arc compose) (arcus superciliaris, margo supraorbitalis, planum
nuchale, protuberantia occipitalis externa, tubera frontalia et
parietalia, processus mastoideus, mentum, angulus mandibulae,
margo inferior, ).
(Roksandic & Armstrong, 2011), / ,
(Lovejoy, 1985) 3035 .

Schmid & Larsen, 2002).

( )
( ).

2 ( 1, . ; 29. 5. 1985)

( ).4
.5 , .

- :

( 2); m.
pectoralis major, m. latissimus dorsi/teres
major m. deltoideus
( m. pectoralis major 2);
m. brachialis
; m. soleus

( 1).
( 6 ) .
. ,
6 ( 1, 1985)

.6 ( ,
; .

(incisura ischiadica major, arc compose,
angulus pubis, corpus ossis ischii, crista iliaca, , ). (Roksandic &
Armstrong, 2011; Albert, 1998).

: 173,75 3.27 (
sI2, sM1, dI1, dM3, sI1 dI2),
( ).
(V-VII ).
(spondylopathia deformans).

, (spondylosis deformans)

( 2).
- : m. pectoralis major m.
latissimus dorsi/teres major ;
m. biceps brachii
; m. gluteus maximus ;

, m. soleus
( 3).
(dM1) 6.
( ).
(glabela, arcus superciliaris, inclinatio frontale,
planum nuchale, protuberantia occipitalis externa, tubera
frontalia et parietalia, processus mastoideus, mentum, angulus
mandibulae, margo inferior ). Linea aspera
15-17, 14-17


( dI1 dI2),
III - IV .
- :
, .

- .
1 ( 3, 2, 2, .
, 1984)


.8 158 . 817 .
( 104 ).
(Scheuer & Black, 2000). (Meindl & Lovejoy, 1985)
, ,
) , .
. ,
crista illiaca,
. ,
( Roksandic & Armstrong, 2011).
aspera crista supramastoidea ,
. ,
( ), , , , , ( -

-, (Holden et al., 1995);

( ) .
, ,


4 ( 5, 1984)
( , , ,
: 170,18 3,27 (
: sI2,
sC , sP3, sP4, sM1, sM3, dM1, dM2, dM1,
dM2, dM3, sM1, sM2 sM3. III IV stepena (

), , (
), .

: incisura ischiadica major, arc compose, angulus pubis,
crista iliaca, corpus ossis ischii, ,
, ,
linea aspera. Roksandic & Armstrong
(2011) ,

(Albert, 1998).

). .
; .
(3,6 x 2,6 x 2,6 ); (1,6 x 0,5 ) ;
trochanter tertius , ;
( 5,5 ).
- :
m. triceps brachii ;

, m. pectoralis major, m.
deltoideus ;
m. pectoralis major
m. latissimus dorsi/teres major
, m. brachioradialis

; m. biceps brachii;
m. supinator
2 m. brachialis;
m. gluteus maximus
, m. vastus medialis ,
m. iliopsoas ; ;
6 ( 9, 3, 1984)
. 11
, ,
(Scheuer & Black, 2000).
, () .

dI2, dC1, dP3, dM1, dM2, sC1, sP3,

sP4, sM1, dI1, dI2, dC1, dP3, dP4, dM1, dM2,
sI1, sI2, sP3 sP4.
(II-III ).
1 ( 4, 3)

( ).
: sI1, sC1, sP3, sP4, sM1, dC1, dP3, dP4,
dM1, dM3, sI1, sC1, sP3, sP4, sM1, sM2, sM3,
dI2, dP3, dP4, dM1, dM2 dM3.
IV .
. P4 (Hillson,
( ).
2 ( 6, 3, 1984)

ddi2, ddc1, ddm1, ddm2,
, incisura
ischiadica major, arc compose, a linea
aspera, , inclinatio frontale, planum
nuchale, protuberantia occipitalis externa, tubera frontalia et
parietalia, os zygomaticum, forma orbitale,
, mentum, angulus mandibulae, margo inferior
. , , , .
(Meindl & Lovejoy,
1985) (Lovejoy, 1985).
39,4 9,1, 30-35 .
. Ubelakera (1999) 4 1 .


ddc1, ddm1, ddm2, sdm1, sdm2,

3 ( 3 - 2

, . sdi2,
ddc1, ddm1, ddm2, sdm2, dM1, sM1, ddc1,
sdm1, sdm2, dM1, sM1, .
4 ( 8, 3, 1984)
. :
ddm1, ddm2, ddm1, ddm2, sdm1, sdm2,

5 ( 10, 3)


. . ( )
Roksandic & Armstrong (2011),
. Ubelaker
(1999) 6 2 .
(Ubelaker, 1999)
4 1 .

, , . : glabela, inclinatio frontale, arcus superciliaris, margo
supraorbitalis, planum nuchale, protuberantia occipitalis
externa, tubera frontalia et parietalia, pocessus mastoideus,
mentum. ()
(, .) ).
5 1,5 (Ubelaker, 1999).

dC1, dP4, sP4, dM1,
dM2, dM3, dM1, dM2, dM3, 1,
(V - VII ), ( ).
- :
m. pectoralis major
, m.
m. pectoralis major, m. deltoideus m.
m. latissimus dorsi/teres major; m.
triceps brachii, m. supinator m. brachialis;

m. biceps brachii m. pronator teres.

osteochondrosis intervertebralis)
( 3).
?, 3, 1984)

, . ( , )

/ :

sI1, sP4, sM1, dP4,
dM1, dM3, dM1, sM1 sM2;
(VI-VII ).
ddc1, sdc1,
ddm1, ddm2, sdm1, sdm2, ddm1, ddm2,
sdm2, , (dM1, dM2,
sM1, dM1) ;
ddc1, sdc1,
sdm1, sdm2, sdm1, sdc1,

(sM1, dM2) .
.19 dI1, dI2, dC1, dP3, dM1, sI1, sC1, sM2,
dI1, dI2, dC1, dP3, dP4, dM1, dM2, sI1, sI2,
. Ubelakeru (1999)
3 1, 4 1 .
- ,
. Ubelakeru
(1999), 15 3 .

sC1, sP3, sP4, sM1, sM2,

(II-III ).
4 ( 2012)
.21 54 . 742 . .
, ( 69 ).22

(Holden et al., 1995a, b).



(Albert, 1998).

. sulcus prearicularis (Ferembach et
al., 1980), - margo supraorbitalis , ,
(Graw et al., 1999). , ,

, ,
pars petrosa , processus
condylaris ;
(4 15 , ). , ,
( ), (
os ilium facies auricularis),
, , , .


( 600 C),
, ) (Holden et al.,
1995a; 1995b)23.
( ,
, , ,


, .24 12 .
100 . .
59 ).25



Holden et al. (1995a; b) 300 C,

600 C.

, .

. 15-19,
12-19 (Scheuer & Black, 2000).
, , pars petrosa . ,
, ,
, s ilium ( facies auricularis linea
arcuata), / .

, , -
. , ,
, .

( ),
. .

. ,
(2 6 );
( ) ,
. .

15 4 ( 1

, 2 3 ).



( ,
, , ,
) .

, , .

41%, 85,7%
( ).

(spondylopathia deformans),

( ).



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T 2



Bioarcheological anlyses of human skeleton remains

from bronze age locality dubac in Jancici
During archeological excavations on locality
Dubac in Jancici on Kablar Mountain, which were
carried out in 1984, 1985 and 2012, 15 graves in
the form of Bronze Age burial mounds were discovered. According to movable grave findings and
burial ritual, it is determined that graves belong to
so called west Serbian variant of Vatina culture.
The graves contained 16 inhumations and 3 incinerations, as well as mixed fragments of other individuals. Generally, the remains are badly preserved
which was a limitation factor for our analyses. It
was possible to determine gender for 7 adult individuals (mainly women). When estimating individual age we tried not to estimate years of age,
so we included a method which refers to stadiums

(according to Roksandic &Armstrong, 2011). We

carried out a basic dental analysis for each skeleton
separately, analysis of non metric variations, muscle-skeleton stress markers and paleo pathological
analysis of changes. Although the sample is not
big, it is clear that children (especially in the early
years of life) and adolescents made an important
part among buried individuals. Paleopathologies
were mostly identified on spines of the individuals
(degenerative changes). The color of burnt human
remains points to high temperature (over 600 oC)
and traces of copper oxide point to presence of
metal objects during incineration.
Predrag RADOVI

Les analyses bio-archologiques des restes de squelettes humains

de la localit de lge du bronze dubac Jancici
Pendant les fouilles archologiques sur la
localit Dubac Jancici sur le Kablar, qui furent
effectues en 1984, 1985 et en 2012, 15 tombes
furent dcouvertes dans le cadre de quatre tertres
de lge du bronze. Daprs les trouvailles spulcrales mobiles et le rite funraire, il a t dtermin que les tombes appartiennent la soi-disant
variante serbe occidentale de la culture de Vatin.
Les tombeaux comprirent 16 inhumations et 3
incinrations, ainsi que des fragments mlangs
dautres individus. Les restes sont gnralement
mal conservs, ce qui reprsenta indiscutablement
un facteur restrictif pour notre analyse. Il fut possible de dterminer le sexe de 7 individus adultes (
surtout des femmes). loccasion de lestimation
individuelle de lge, nous avons essay dviter de
donner une valuation dge, si bien quon a utilis

la mthode qui inclut les stades ( selon Roksandic

& Armstrong, 2011 ). Pour chaque squelette individuel, nous avons effectu une analyse dentaire
lmentaire, une analyse des variations non-mtriques, des marqueurs musculo-squelettiques du
stress et des changements palopathologiques.
Bien que le spcimen fut petit, il est clair que les
enfants (enfants en bas ge en particulier) et les
adolescents forment une part importante parmi les
individus inhums. Les palopathologies furent au
maximum identifies sur les colonnes vertbrales
des individus ( modifications dgnratives ). La
couleur des restes humains incinrs fait ressortir
une temprature leve ( au-dessus de 600 C ), et
les traces doxyde de cuivre laissent apparatre la
prsence dobjets en mtal dans le cadre de lincinration.
Predrag RADOVI



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