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The heroic anime roleplay system

By Austin MacKenzie and Alan Gordon

Copyright 2007-2008, all rights reserved.


character sheet presented at the back of the

rulebook is viable for beginning players, but
it can easily be recreated to make the most
sense to the player using them.
Finally, a grid or battlemap of some
sort is all but essential for many of the
tactical options presented here, as well as
other dice or figurines to represent the
characters. This system functions well in
both square and hex grid format, and either
are appropriate for play, depending on the
desired feel of the GM.

Welcome to Valor, the tabletop

roleplay system based around building
powerful, heroic characters in the vein of
popular adventure and fighting-based
Japanese animation and manga series.
Valor's purpose is to allow you to
duplicate the feel of a high-powered
fantastic anime series in the tabletop
format. The rules are made intentionally
flavor-light and flexible so you can create
any number of different feels. The system is
Creating a Character
also made to be modular enough that you
can build just about any conceivable
Creating a character in the Valor
character under the sun.
This system is not about reality. The system is all about concept. The system is
designed to allow you to build pretty much
system is intentionally abstract to allow
anything you can imagine, and gives you a
players to give the flavor they want to a
basic set of rules with which to do so. One of
character they create, and also to allow
the most important aspects of the Valor
characters to regularly perform physicsdefying feats that are so common in anime. system is the mechanics available can
represent any number of concepts, and most
While the rules make passing nods to
realism when warranted, for the most part it of the extra flavor is added by yourself and
is willing to ignore them completely for the will have absolutely no mechanical effect on
the game.
sake of the narrative.
Say, for example, one player wishes
The importance of the narrative to a
Valor game is far more important than the to create an android, whereas another
wishes to create a cat girl. Initially, this is
dice. While these rules perform the
represented in exactly the same way; both
framework of the game, they are not
absolute. The GM is free to make something players will make a level 1 character. The
happen that isn't codified in the rules, and difference is in the way the character is
encouraged to think of ways for players to built, player one will want to buy a lot of
skills based around toughness and strength,
do things that aren't codified in the rules.
Unlike some other tabletop systems, Valor is whereas the catgirl will want to buy skills
based around agility and swiftness.
built around the idea that you can do
The same applies for the formation of
whatever you want, within reason.
Finally, the system is built to be fun to techniques. The Valor system offers you a
play in. It supports a wide range of character way to achieve any number of attack
builds and it gives you the freedom to make effects; its up to you to decide how they
manifest. A damage core with a range mod,
something uniquely your own.
for example, could be anything from a
to a thrown dagger to a blast of ki
What you need to playgunshot
Another important aspect to
The Valor system is based off a single remember when creating a character is your
die, the 10-sided die (D10). Opposed rolls
character is often going to be several cuts
make up most of the rolls in the system, as above an ordinary human (or whatever
do rolls against a flat difficulty for several
creature happens to primarily inhabit the
non-combat actions.
setting you are playing in). Theyre stronger,
In addition, you will also need pencils faster, and more talented than most people
and paper for character sheets. The official going about their daily business. In many

anime, the main characters are significantly smart, and spiritually gifted they are.
more powerful than a group of minor
Attributes are the core of your characters
warriors. Be it through training or special
abilities, and skills and techniques all key
powers, the heroes are generally on an
into the base attributes in one way or
entirely different level of power than any
normal inhabitant of the world.
Finally, it is important to determine Assigning Attributes:
where your character fits in with the rest of
the party. While many anime series have a At 1st level when creating a character, you
singular hero who is the main character and start with 25 Attribute Points to be divided
does all the important fighting, tabletop
among your 5 Attributes. No Attribute can be
games are different in that theyre
brought above 8 points at 1st level, and no
cooperative. There are many series in the
Attribute can be below 0.
general action genre that are based around
a team instead of an individual, and the
Strength: Strength is the power of your
Valor system is designed for that style of
body, the strength of your punches, and
play. While its not necessary to have
your hardiness and resistance to attack.
characters in your party that are good at
Strength is used for the following:
different abilities present, its usually a good
Additional Hit Points
idea to attempt to create a character that
Determines Muscle
can fit in with a group dynamic and can
Higher Physical Attack
contribute to the group or fill a gap or
Higher Defense
weakness that the other characters may
Some skills
Thats not to say you cannot build a
Agility: Agility is your gracefulness, ability
character that will have some conflict or
overlap in the group, of course. Many series to dodge and strike a foe successfully, and
the speed at which you move. Agility is used
are based around this. However, as the
game is at its core a group activity, it is best for the following:
Determines Dexterity
to coordinate with the other players to make
Determines Speed
a character that will work well with everyone
Higher precision damage
involved, even if there will be some clashing
at first. When making a character, always
Some skills
remember that you arent the only one
playing, its a cooperative game and if your Spirit: Spirit is the strength of ones soul,
character cant get along with the other
their mystic power and their ability to focus
characters in some way, it detracts from
and utilize their aura. Spirit is used for the
everyones ability to have fun and enjoy the following:
Determines Aura
All characters start with a concept.
Higher Energy
While the various skill options can give all
Higher Resistance
kinds of suggestions, the system is
Higher spiritual damage
intentionally designed to be vague enough
Some skills
on the details so that your character can be
whatever you want it to be. Its your
character make it something you really
want to play.

Mind: Mind is the keenness of ones

intellect and/or intuition. High mind is not
necessarily raw intellect or perception, but
rather it can be a combination of both or an
Primary Attributes
excess of either (a high mind character
could be dumb as a brick but extremely
Attributes are the qualities that make perceptive, likewise a high mind character
up your character. It determines how strong, could be extremely intelligent but lack any

ounce of common sense. Low mind

characters will be lacking both of these
traits, or will be reasonable at one or the
other). Mind can also, in the cases of
intellect, be used for courtly mannerisms
and politeness, although it doesn't mean a
high-mind character is necessarily skilled in
such an area. Mind is used for the following:
Determines Intuition
Higher Energy
Higher Resistance
Higher mental damage
Some skills

attacks. Dexterity is used with techniques

that inflict precision damage, and abilities
that favor finesse over brute strength.
Calculating Dexterity:
Add Character Level and Agility
together; divide by two (rounding up).
Aura: Aura is the strength of spiritual
energy that surrounds you, which can be
used to crush an enemys spirit and will to
fight. Aura is used with techniques that
inflict spiritual damage, as well as various

Guts: Guts represents your characters raw

Calculating Aura:
strength of personality. A character with high
Add Character Level and Spirit
Guts is confident and in-control, although
together; divide by two (rounding up).
depending on their personality they may not
be extremely likeable (although they
Intuition: Through logical deduction or gut
generally find it easier to get what they
want). High Guts characters tend to be most feeling, Intuition is your ability to figure
things out. Intuition is used with techniques
associated with unbreakable will and
that inflict mental damage, as well as
various skills.
Guts is used for the following:
Additional Hit Points
Calculating Intuition:
Determines Resolve
Add Character Level and Mind
Higher Defense
together; divide by two (rounding up)
Attacking/Defending from various
Resolve: Resolve is your determination and
Some skills
resilience. It is used to resist hypnotic
effects, push back enemy attacks with your
own techniques, and inspire others to
Secondary Attributes
Secondary Attributes are determined
Calculating Resolve:
by your primary Attributes. They are the
Add Character Level and Guts
statistics used for most calculations within
together, divide by two (rounding up)
combat, as well as any encounters in or out
of combat that required opposed rolls.

Combat Statistics
Muscle: Muscle is your ability to hit
enemies with brute force techniques. Muscle
is used with techniques that inflict physical Combat Statistics determine how much
damage, and other abilities that rely on raw damage you can take, how often you can
use your techniques, and how much damage
power over finesse.
you deal to your target.
Calculating Muscle:
Hit Points: Hit points are the amount of
Add Character Level and Strength
together; divide by two (rounding up). punishment you can take before you are
incapacitated or killed. When your hit points
Dexterity: Dexterity is your ability to move reach 0 you are incapacitated, you can take
and react quickly to enemy movements or no further actions until you are restored to

at least 1 hit point. Hit points represent your

characters general ability to resist or soak
damage, and while hit points remain they
still have the strength to fight, although they
may be battered and bleeding. When you
are reduced to your hp total in negative hit
points, your character is dead and is
permanently removed from play. The GM
may elect to create some means for revival
if desired, but in general death means the
creation of a new character.

After a battle, energy immediately

recovers to its maximum value.
Energy naturally recovers at a rate of
2 per Character Level for every five
in-game minutes the character has
done nothing more strenuous than
vigorous travel.
Energy naturally recovers at a rate of
6 per Character Level for every five
in-game minutes the character
remains at rest and more or less inert
(be it through sleep or relaxation).

Calculating Hit Points:

Base 50
Attack: Attack is represented by four
+10 for each point of Strength
individual stats that determine the strength
+10 for each point of Guts
of your techniques based on how they
+10 for each Character Level, starting manifest.
at level 1 (thus, a level 1 character
Types of Attacks: There are four types of
with 5 Strength and 5 Guts has 160
attacks; each represents a way in which
Hit Points)
techniques might manifest. These only apply
to Techniques that make use of the Damage
Recovering Hit Points:
Use of the healing skill.
Physical Attack: Physical Attack is
After battle, if you are below your
used to calculate the damage of
hit point total, your hit points are
melee-based attacks that focus
recovered to .
around fairly mundane means such as
Hit Points naturally recover at a rate
swords, axes, hand-to-hand combat
of 5 per Character Level for every ten
or, in some cases, large thrown
in-game minutes the character has
weapons, even if the weapons
done nothing more strenuous than
themselves are enchanted or
vigorous travel.
otherwise empowered. Physical Attack
While a character is resting, hit points
is calculated by adding Character
recover at a rate of 10 per Character
Level to Strength and multiplying by
Level for every ten in-game minutes
the character remains at rest and

Precision Attack: Precision Attack is

more or less inert (be it through sleep
used to calculate the damage of
or relaxation).
primarily ranged-based attacks that
focus around fairly mundane means
Energy: Energy is the reserves of power
such as bows, guns, thrown weapons
you draw upon in order to attack your foe. It
or, in some cases, light melee
lets you use more powerful attacks that
weapons, even if the weapons
would exhaust you if used too frequently.
themselves are enchanted or
Base 8
otherwise empowered. Precision
+2 for each point of Spirit
Attack is calculated by adding
+2 for each point of Mind
Character Level to Agility and
+4 for each Character Level, starting
multiplying by 2.
at level 1 (thus, a level 1 character
Mental Attack: Mental Attack is used
with 5 Mind and 5 Spirit has 32
to calculate the damage of magical
spells that make use of incantations,
formula, and other such mystic
Recovering Energy:
traditions, in addition to attacks that

assault the targets mind directly.

Valor you are automatically incapacitated
Mental Attack is calculated by adding until the end of the encounter or until
Character Level to Mind and
someone else brings your Valor above -20
multiplying by 2.
with the use of a skill, and for every 5 points
under 0 you are forced to hold back a step
Spiritual Attack: Spiritual Attack is
(refer to the Combat chapter for more
used to calculate the damage of
information on holding back). If your Valor
attacks that draw upon the
characters inherent power or spiritual reaches 20, your Attack is increased by half
energy, such as ki-based shockwaves. of its base value.
Spiritual Attack is calculated adding
Unlike most Attributes, Valor is not static. It
Character Level to Spirit and
constantly increases and decreases
multiplying by 2.
depending on your actions. Actions that are
Defense: Defense is your ability to absorb generally more honorable and in-keeping
with the Shounen theme (holding back in
physical damage when an offensive
battle, fighting to protect someone, etc.)
technique is used against you. Defense is
give bonuses to Valor, whereas dishonorable
subtracted from all Physical and Precision
damage targeting you. Damage negated in actions or otherwise non-shounen actions
(attacking someone while theyre
this fashion cannot be reduced below 0.
transforming or charging an ultimate attack,
using poison, etc.) cause Valor penalties. In
Calculating Defense:
Add Strength and Guts together, and addition, a number of skills can also raise or
lower Valor, such as crushing someone with
add twice your Character Level.
the strength of your aura or inspiring them
to greater heights.
Resistance: Resistance is your ability to
absorb damage from supernatural sources
when an offensive technique is used against Calculating Valor:
Start with 0 Valor every battle.
you. Resistance is subtracted from all
Add or subtract from starting Valor
Spiritual and Mental damage targeting you.
Damage negated in this fashion cannot be
based on Flaws or Skills.
reduced below 0.
Valor increases by one every combat
Calculating Resistance:
Add Spirit and Mind together, and add Levels and Leveling Up: Normally,
twice your Character Level.
characters begin at level 1. As they increase
in strength, their level also increases, giving
Speed: Speed is the number of spaces you them new and more powerful abilities. A
can move across the battlefield with a single character levels up by accruing a certain
Move Action.
amount of experience. The amount of
experience required to attain the next level
Calculating Speed:
is the characters current level multiplied by
Base 2
Increases by 1 for every 4 points of
agility, rounded up (3 at 1 agility, 4 at When a character levels up, they gain 3
attribute points, which can be distributed
5 agility, and so on)
among their attributes. You cannot raise any
Valor: Valor represents your fighting spirit attribute above 8 at Character Level 1, but
and resolve to defeat your foes. Valor allows this value increases by one each Character
Level. In addition, you gain 10 HP and 4 EN
you to use attacks with Valor-based limits,
each level in addition to what you might
and, depending on the situation, can give
gain from raising your attributes. You gain 8
special bonuses or penalties. Valor is
calculated on a scale from -20 to 20. At -20 additional Skill Points, and 3+1/2 Character

Level technique points (rounded up) which

you can use to make your techniques
stronger. At levels 7, 12, and 17 you gain
access to an alternate form (assuming your
game is using them). Finally, at levels 5, 10,
15, and 20 you gain access to an Ultimate
Technique. Depending on your level and how
you raise your attributes, you may need to
recalculate your secondary attributes.

taking a flaw, you gain extra skill points to

use during character creation. Flaws can be
taken whenever your character gains a level
Skills are special abilities and talents your
or inflicted on a character during the course
character possesses. Skills have a variety of
of game-play as the prerogative of the GM.
uses, both in and out of combat, and can
also augment your general performance.
Flaws can be bought off during game-play
by expending twice the skill points they
Skills have a base cost and a cost to level
would normally grant. This is generally
up, represented as base/level up. Certain
discouraged without good reason, as flaws
skills have level caps that are dependant on
are intended to help make characters
the level of the character.
distinctive and interesting, while giving
equivalent bonuses in exchange for their
You begin with 20 Skill Points at 1st level, and
gain another 8 Skill Points every level
thereafter. You do not have to spend all your
Some flaws can be leveled up. Each
skill points at once; they can be saved if
additional level of the flaw grants the
amount of extra skill points the second
number specifies, so a flaw that grants
Leveling Up Skills: Many skills have the
+2/+1 skill points would grant 2 at Flaw
ability to be leveled up over time to increase
Level 1 and 1 for each level thereafter.
their potency. The max level of a skill
increases as a character increases in level.
The GM can ban any flaws they wish at their
There are four different skill leveling speeds,
discretion. Flaws are intended to have actual
Fixed, Fast, Medium, and Slow. Fixed skills do
impact on the game, and should not be
not level up at all, the maximum level of a
permitted if they will have no bearing.
Fast skill is equal to 1 + character level / 2
rounded up, the maximum level of a Medium
You cannot gain more than 8 points from
skill is equal to character level / 3 rounded
flaws at first level, this number increases by
up, and the maximum level of a Slow skill is
2 every level. If the flaws you have taken
equal to character level / 4 rounded up. The
exceed the maximum, you will slowly gain
table below displays the maximum level for
the extra points from the flaws you have at
Fast, Medium and Slow skills. At 20th level, all
each level until all the points from your flaws
skills can be leveled up an additional time,
are accounted for. Thus, if you take 11
regardless of progression.
points of flaws, you gain 8 additional points
at character creation, 2 extra points at 2nd
Retraining Skills: Every level, you may
level, and 1 extra point at 3rd level.
choose to drop one skill you possess, and
gain a full SP refund which can be spent

Skills and Flaws

Skill Cost: The cost of each skill is

represented by two numbers (fixed skills
only have one listed number). The first
number is the cost it takes to initially
purchase the skill, the second is the number
it takes to level it up. For example, Attacker
costs 6 skill points initially, and 3 skill points
to level up, and it's cost is thus represented
as 6/3.

Aggravated Wounds

Flaws: Flaws are deficiencies and

weaknesses a character possesses. By


The wounds you take do not heal properly.

Value: +2 SP
Effect: When a Healing Core technique is
used on you, the base HP recovered is
calculated as 12 + 4 * Core Level instead of
15 + 5 * Core Level.

As your health decreases, you throw yourself Your different forms restrict the use of your
into battle with reckless abandon, attacking skills.
your foes with all your might.
Level Progression: Fixed
Value: +2 SP
Value: +2 SP
Effect: Whenever you drop below 40% HP, Effect: Choose one of your skills. It counts
you enter a rage. During the rage, the only as a Tier 1 Advanced Skill for purposes of
actions you may take are a move action to when it applies.
bring you closer to the closest enemy on the Special: You may take the flaw multiple
field and a medium or, if necessary, slow
times, applying it to a different skill each
action to use the strongest damage core
time. If the skill you choose has a value of 2
technique available to you at the time. If you SP, then this flaws value is reduced to +1
cannot do both in the same action, using the SP.
technique receives higher priority. If you
cannot reach a target with your move
action, you must spend your medium action
on a move action to try to move within
You have difficulty rolling with punches and
range of your target.
staying on your feet.
Special: While Berserk, rolls to attack are
made at +2, rolls to defend are made at -2, Level Progression: Medium
Attack increases by 10, and Defense is
Value: +2/+1
reduced by 10.
Effect: Maximum HP is reduced by 30. For
each additional flaw level, HP is reduced by
Damage Vulnerability
a further 15.
You are particularly vulnerable to a specific
type of damage.


Your resolve is shaky and halfhearted, you

Value: +2/+1 SP
are less likely to stand your ground.
Level Progression: Medium
Effect: When taking damage of a specific
Level Progression: Slow
type (Physical, Mental, Spiritual, or
Value: +2/+1 SP
Precision), Defense or Resistance (whichever Effect: Resolve is reduced by 1. Level Up:
is applicable) is reduced by 10.
Resolve is reduced by a further 1.
For each additional flaw level, Defense or
Resistance is reduced by a further 5.
Lack of Control
Special: You may take this flaw multiple
times. Choose a different damage type each You have difficulty controlling your power
and expend more than is necessary.

You are weak and have difficulty with
powerful attacks.
Level Progression: Slow
Value: +2/+1
Effect: Muscle is reduced by 1. Level up:
Muscle is reduced by a further 1.

Form Restriction

Level Progression: Medium

Value: +2/+1 SP
Effect: Maximum Energy is reduced by 8.
Level Up: Maximum Energy is reduced by a
further 6.

Malevolent Spirit
You are inhabited by a malevolent spirit that
is constantly attempting to break free and
bend you to its will.

Value: +5 SP
+1 SP.
Effect: You may use the Dark Power limit
with your Techniques. When you first obtain Mystic Vulnerability
this flaw, the Spirit has a Resolve score
equal to 3 plus half your Character Level.
You are vulnerable to spiritual and magic
Every time you take damage and are at 40% attack.
HP or less after the damage, or any time you
use a technique with the Dark Power Limit, Level Progression: Medium
make an opposed Resolve check against the Value: +4/+2 SP
spirit. If you succeed, you retain control over Effect: Your Resistance is reduced by 8.
your body, and the spirits Resolve increases Level up: Resistance is reduced by a further
by 1. If you fail, the spirit takes control of
your body and immediately gains 4 Resolve.
Once the spirit has control of your body, the Non-proficient
GM has total control of your actions in
battle; you may attack enemies or allies
You are incapable of performing a particular
indiscriminately. After each turn, you may
make an opposed Resolve check against the
spirit. If you fail, the spirit retains control,
Value: +1 SP
but its Resolve decreases by 1. If you
Effect: Select a certain out-of-combat action
succeed, you regain control as normal, and that requires an attribute check, such as
the spirits Resolve returns to 3 plus half
bluffing, a specific knowledge, or swimming.
your level.
When making a check to perform this action,
Special: While dominated, you get a +2
subtract 6 from the roll. This flaw only
bonus to all attack rolls, and +10 to Attack. applies to actions that could significantly
Every time you gain a level that increases
impede your ability to progress, it cannot
the base resolve of the spirit, its current
apply to minor things such as cooking or arts
Resolve increases by one. While dominated, and crafts, all those should be fleshed out as
you cannot use Overdrives to improve your a purely character-driven concept.
chances of breaking free from the spirits
Special: You can take this Flaw multiple
control. The spirit, however, is free to spend times, choosing a different action each time.
your Valor to use Overdrives as normal.
Allies can Overdrive to help you break free Oblivious
as normal. As a free action, you can
surrender to the spirits will at any time. If
You have difficulty staying grounded in
you do so, however, the spirits Resolve
reality and interpreting or understanding the
immediately rises to 5 plus your Resolve.
world around you.

Mode Restriction
Your different mods restrict the use of your

Level Progression: Slow

Value: +2/+1 SP
Effect: Intuition is reduced by 1.
Level Up: Intuition is reduced by a further

Level Progression: Fixed

Value: +2 SP
Gradual Start
Effect: Choose one of your skills. It is only
available in one of your Modes.
Through indolence or overconfidence, you
Special: You must have the Mode Shift skill take some time to fully throw yourself into
to take this flaw. You may take the flaw
multiple times, applying it to a different skill
each time. If the skill you choose has a value Level Progression: Unlimited
of 2 SP, then this flaws value is reduced to Value: +1/1 SP

Effect: At the start of every battle, you must not need to spend a Fast Action to do so;
be holding back at least one tier. You cannot they automatically recognize your Character
stop holding back until the end of the first
Level immediately upon coming near you.
Level Up: You have to hold back another
tier at the start of battle. You must stop
holding back tier by tier, at a rate of one per You are clumsy and accident-prone.
Special: You do not receive a Valor bonus
Level Progression: Slow
when you stop holding back after the first
Value: +2/+1 SP
round of combat. After that round, Valor
Effect: Dexterity is reduced by 1.
bonuses for holding back resolve as normal. Level Up: Dexterity is reduced by a further
You cannot take this Flaw above level 3.



You cross distances more slowly than


In battle you feel the need to constantly

attack your foe, leaving little room for rest.

Level Progression: Slow

Value: +2/+1 SP
Effect: Your Speed is reduced by 1.
Level Up: Speed is reduced by a further 1.
Special: You cannot take or level this flaw if
doing so would reduce your Speed below 2.

Level Progression: Fixed

Value: +3 SP
Effect: Any turn you take in which you do
not use a Damage Core technique against
an enemy, lose 2 valor.

Slow Healing
Your wounds heal slowly.

Weak Attacker
You are unskilled in basic combat.

Value: +1 SP
Effect: You recover 2 less hit points per
Character Level every ten minutes.

Level Progression: Medium

Value: +3/+2 SP
Effect: Attack decreases by 6.
Level Up: Attack decreases by a further 3.

Slow to Act

Weak Aura

Your reflexes are poor and you generally

react slowly to danger.

Your Aura is particularly weak and


Value: +1 SP
Effect: When rolling Initiative, reduce the
roll by 3.

Level Progression: Slow

Value: +2/+1 SP
Effect: Aura is reduced by 1.
Level Up: Aura is reduced by a further 1.

Uncontrolled Aura

Weak Defender

Your aura radiates uncontrollably, making it

easy for others to discern your level.
You have difficulty defending yourself.
Value: +1 SP
Level Progression: Medium
Effect: Anybody can ascertain your aura as Value: +3/+2 SP
if they possessed the Aura Reader skill.
Effect: Your Defense is reduced by 8.
Special: Those with the Aura Reader skill do Level Up: Defense is reduced by a further


Your Valor is weak and you have difficulty
getting started in battle.
Level Progression: Slow
Value: +4/3 SP
Effect: You start every battle with 1 less
Level Up: Valor penalty is increased by 1.

Active Skills

have created. You must be within 20 spaces

of the Attack Node to use it. The maximum
number of Attack. You can initially produce
up to two nodes with this skill
Level Up: You can produce an additional
Special: Anyone can occupy the same
space as an Attack Node. No technique can
directly target an Attack Node aside from a
Nullify Core.

Attack Node Network

You can strike at a target through a number
of attack nodes, making it nigh impossible to
dodge the attack.

Level Progression: Fixed

Active skills can be used in place of
Cost: 5 SP
techniques in combat. They require an
Effect: When using a technique, if you have
action to activate, and may also require the
one or more Attack Nodes within range of all
expenditure of energy.
targets, you may spend an additional 2
Energy per additional node to attack from
Abundant Creation
multiple nodes at once, getting a +1 bonus
to your attack roll for each additional node.
You can create special effects on the
This does not in any way increase the
battlefield very rapidly.
amount of times the Technique is used or
the damage it deals.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 5 SP
Aura Reader
Effect: Whenever you use the Attack Node
or Portal skills, you may create one
You can examine a target and discern their
additional node or portal respectively.
Special: You must still pay the full cost of all
nodes and portals created.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 4/1 SP
Attack Node
Speed: Fast
Effect: You can ascertain the Character Level
Either through manipulating the fabric of
of a target within 20 spaces. Additionally,
reality or setting proxies for yourself, you
you can locate someone by their aura within
can place nodes on the battlefield from
a 1 mile radius. If they are within range, you
which you can attack as if you were standing will learn the direction towards them, as well
as a general sense of distance or proximity.
Level Up: Increase the tracking radius by 1
Level Progression: Medium
Cost: 5/2
Special: If the target has the Discrete Aura
Action: Fast
skill, you must succeed an opposed Aura roll
Effect: Expend 4 Energy and create as
against the target to obtain an accurate
many Attack Nodes as you are capable of
reading or detect their presence.
producing anywhere within 5 spaces of
yourself. For the rest of the battle, any
Battle Analysis
technique you use can originate from your
location, or that of any Attack Node you

You are skilled at analyzing the attack

patterns of your foe and formulating the
appropriate defense.

opposed Intuition roll against any target

within 20 spaces of your location. If you
succeed, you gain control of one Attack
Node, Portal, or persistent effect that they

Level Progression: Fixed

Cost: 6 SP
Speed: Fast
Effect Transfer
Effect: Make an opposed Intuition roll
against a target. If you succeed, then at any You can move an effect on the field at your
one point during the battle, you or an ally
can defend against an attack from the target
at a +5 bonus to defend.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 5 SP
Speed: Fast
Effect: Expend an amount of Energy to
You can challenge a foe to single combat.
move any node, portal, or persistent effect a
number of spaces equal to the amount of
Level Progression: Fixed
Energy you expended.
Cost: 2 SP
Special: The maximum distance you can
Speed: Fast
move an effect in a single action is equal to
Effect: Challenge a foe to single combat. If your Aura. If the target effect was created by
the target accepts, neither you nor the
an enemy, you must succeed an opposed
target can attack anyone but each other
Intuition roll against the initiator of the effect
until one of you falls or the challenge is
to move it.
broken. You both gain +2 Valor. When one of
the challengers is defeated, the challenge
Exploit Weakness
ends and all will bonuses are retained. If
either the challenger of the challenged make You can find a weakness in a targets
an attack not targeting their opponent, they pattern, finding the appropriate place to
break the challenge. If anyone outside of the strike for maximum effect.
challenge attacks either of the challengers,
they break the challenge. If the challenge is Level Progression: Fixed
broken, both challengers lose 2 Valor, and
Cost: 6 SP
the one who broke the challenge loses 4
Speed: Fast
Valor. If a technique has multiple targets, it Effect: Make an opposed Intuition check
doesnt break the challenge as long as the against a target. If you succeed, then at any
challenger is one of the targets. If the
one point during the battle, you or an ally
challenge is refused, the one who refused
can make an attack against the target at a
the challenge loses 2 Valor.
+5 bonus to hit.
Special: You cannot issue more than one
Special: If you have the Sneak Attack skill,
challenge in a battle. You can only challenge then you may add the bonus damage to
Elites in this fashion.
attacks made in this way. You cannot use
this skill on the same target twice in one
Effect Capture
You can wrest control of an effect on the
field from it's creator.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 5 SP
Speed: Fast
Effect: Expend 5 Energy and make an

Through skilled combat technique you can
trick your foe into leaving an opening for you
to exploit.
Level Progression: Fixed

Cost: 6 SP
Speed: Fast
You can jump exceptionally high, allowing
Effect: Make an opposed Dexterity or
you to strike at airborne enemies and leap
Intuition check against a target. If you
over large obstacles.
succeed, you gain +2 to your next attack roll
against the target and you may apply bonus Level Progression: Fixed
damage from the Sneak Attack skill to your Cost: 4 SP
next attack against that target.
Speed: Fast
Special: This does not stack with anything Effect: Expend 2 Energy. You are then
else that allows you to add your Sneak
considered to be Flying (as per the Fly skill)
Attack damage to an attack.
until the start of your next turn.
Special: You do not gain a Speed bonus
when using this skill.
You can remain aloft for long periods of time, Mode Shift
soaring through the skies with ease.
By entering a different stance or shifting into
Level Progression: Slow
a different form entirely, your Attributes
Cost: 6/2 SP
Speed: Fast
Level Progression: Fixed
Effect: You may expend 4 energy to begin Cost: 4 SP
flying, as well as an additional 4 energy each Speed: Fast
round to remain aloft. While flying, your
Effect: When buying this skill, create an
speed increases by 1, and you cannot be
alternate set of secondary attributes by
attacked by melee attacks. If an enemy is
freely rearranging your current set. As a Fast
also flying, then they can attack you with
Action, you can switch between these modes
melee attacks. If any enemy is not flying,
during battle.
you may freely move through the space they Special: Attack attributes are rearranged
occupy, as long as you dont stop on it. You accordingly. You may buy this skill multiple
are unaffected by rough terrain while flying, times; each time allows you to make another
and it takes no action to remain aloft while Secondary Attribute set. If you have an
flying. If you are Immobilized, you cannot
alternate form, each purchase of the skill
take flight.
only functions in a single form.
Level Up: +1 Speed while flying.

You have the ability to inspire an ally to

You negate ongoing effects on the

Level Progression: Fixed

Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 5 SP
Cost: 5 SP
Action: Fast
Speed: Medium
Effect: Expend 5 energy to try to remove
Effect: Expend 3 Energy to make a Resolve temporary effects from a target. Make an
check. Divide the result by five, rounding up, opposed Aura or Resolve check against the
and distribute that many points of Valor
target. Upon success, you can cancel an
among yourself and any allies within 20
effect caused by a Boost, Weaken, Seal,
spaces of you. You can use this skill once per Immobilize, Illusion, or Barrier Core
technique initiated by the target.


Passive Healing

Outside of battle, you can quickly mend the You can lock a target's techniques or skills so
injuries of your allies.
they cannot be used.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 4 SP
Speed: Special
Effect: Expend 5 Energy. Restore one ally to
full health.
Special: You cannot use this skill during
battle. Application takes about five minutes.

You can create portals that allow
instantaneous transportation between two
or more points.

Level Progression: Fixed

Cost: 6 SP
Action: Fast
Effect: Expend 5 energy to try to disable an
enemys technique or skill. Make an opposed
roll of a secondary attribute chosen when
the technique is created. Upon success, one
of their techniques or active skills at your
choice cannot be used for the next three
combat rounds.
Special: If you disable the Attack Node or
Portal skills, the created Nodes and Portals
remain on the battlefield; however, they
cannot be used until the skill is unsealed.

Level Progression: Moderate

Size Up
Cost: 6/3 SP
Speed: Fast
Effect: Expend 5 Energy to create a portal You can analyze a foe and discern their
on the battlefield anywhere within 20 spaces statistics and flaws.
of your location. If you or any ally are on the
same space as a portal, they can move to
Level Progression: Fixed
any other portal belonging to you as if they Cost: 6 SP
were moving one space. You can initially
Speed: Fast
create 2 portals.
Effect: Make an opposed Intuition roll
Level Up: You can create another portal.
against a target. If successful, you learn the
Special: If an enemy moves over a portal, target's current HP, EN, secondary
the owner of the portal may choose to
attributes, and flaws.
transport them to any other portal they
control. Techniques using the Ranged
Spirit Sight
Technique mod can use portals in the same
manner as movement. No technique can
You can use your spiritual sense to locate
directly target a Portal aside from a Nullify invisible or obscured foes.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 5 SP
Speed: Fast
You can sustain ongoing effects longer.
Effect: You can activate this ability by
expending 2 energy. While Spirit Sight is
Level Progression: Fixed
active, you can identify the square any
Cost: 5 SP
invisible or otherwise concealed targets and
Speed: Fast
suffer no attack roll penalties when
Effect: Pick one Persistent Effect technique attacking them. You can keep Spirit Sight
currently in effect on the field initiated by
active by expending an additional 1 energy
you or an ally. Pay half of the Energy cost of each round. The expenditure of this energy
the technique, and reset the duration of the requires no action.
effect to last for three turns.


Swift Step

Either through a powerful burst of speed or

sliding through dimensions, you can adjust
your location with unbelievable speed.

action (you may move yourself and your

Companion with a single Move action). If a
Companion is killed (not just reduced to 0
HP), any SP spent on Companion skills are
Level Progression: Fixed
returned to the character, and may be spent
Cost: 5 SP
on a new companion or on the character as
Speed: Fast
desired. Whenever you use a technique, it
Effect: Expend up to half your Dexterity or can originate from either you or your
Aura in energy, and then teleport to any
square within as many spaces of your
Special: You must take this skill to take any
current location as you expended energy.
other skills in the Companion category.
Special: Swift Step may be used as a Move
Action. It can be used multiple times in one Fast Companion
turn with the proper action expenditure.
Your companion moves with great speed to
Will Crush
assist you in battle.
Through crushing aura or sheer force of will Level Progression: Moderate
you can completely demoralize your foe.
Cost: 2/1 SP
Effect: Your Companions Speed increases
Level Progression: Fast
by 1.
Cost: 5/2 SP
Level Up: Your Companions Speed
Speed: Medium
increases by a further 1.
Effect: Expend 3 Energy and make either an Special: You must have the Companion skill
opposed Aura roll or an opposed Resolve roll to take this skill.
against any target within 20 spaces. If you
succeed, reduce the targets Valor by the
Flank Attack
margin of success. If you fail, reduce your
own Valor by the margin of failure.
You coordinate your attacks with your
Level Up: You may target 1 additional
companion for greater accuracy.
Special: You cannot Will Crush the same
Level Progression: Fixed
person more than once a battle. If you fail
Cost: 4 SP
against multiple targets, reduce your Valor Effect: If you and your Companion are both
by the greatest margin of failure.
adjacent to an enemy, you gain +1 to attack

Companion Skills
Companion skills allow you to gain a
companion who can aid you in combat.


rolls made against that enemy.

Special: You must have the Companion skill
to take this skill.

Sense Malice
Your companion can inherently detect malice
or evil in others.

You have a companion that follows you and

assists you.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 2 SP
Level Progression: Fixed
Effect: Your Companion can alert you to
Cost: 8 SP
nearby people having hostile intent towards
Effect: You gain access to a companion. The you or your friends.
companion has a Speed of 4 and your HP Special: You must have the Companion skill
total. They cannot make any attacks on their to take this skill.
own, and may only move during your move

Hidden Companion

Protect Master

Your companion can hide itself from the

sight of enemies.

Your companion will take hits intended for its


Level Progression: Fixed

Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 4 SP
Cost: 4 SP
Effect: Your Companion can mask itself from Effect: Once per round, if your Companion
your foes senses. You may turn on and off is adjacent to you, it may take damage in
invisibility at will. When invisible, the
your place. Protect Master is used after dice
Companions location is not known to the
have been rolled and the attack is
enemies. What IS known is where they were determined to have hit. The Companion is
last time they performed a technique.
automatically hit by the technique.
Enemies can attack any space they suspect Special: Protect Master can be used to
of having an invisible Companion in it if the defend against techniques with an area of
square is empty, nothing happens, and if its effect. It is possible to be hit by the same
occupied, then the attack is resolved
technique more than once when using
normally. While invisible, the Companion
Protect Master. You must have the
gets a +2 bonus to defense rolls. Each turn Companion skill to take this skill.
spent invisible expends 5 Energy for the
Companions owner.
Special: Enemies can attempt to follow an Flying Companion
invisible Companions movement. As a Fast
Action, anyone can make an opposed
Your companion can take to the air at will.
Intuition roll against you to ascertain your
Companions location. If they have the Aura Level Progression: Fixed
Reader skill, they can make an opposed
Cost: 3 SP
Aura roll instead, and you do not gain the +2 Effect: Your Companion is considered to be
bonus to your defense roll against their
Flying at all times.
attacks if they succeed. You must have the Special: You must have the Companion skill
Companion skill to take this skill.
to take this skill.

You can ride your companion to move
around the battlefield at high speed.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 3 SP
Effect: If you are adjacent to your
companion, then you may make a fast
action to ride them as a mount. The
Companion is removed from the battle and
cannot be targeted while you are riding it,
and you now use the Companions Speed
instead of your own. As a fast action, you
may stop riding the Companion, and it reenters the battle in a space adjacent to you.
Special: You cannot use any other
Companion skills while riding your
Companion as a mount.

Companion Sense
Your companion can detect enemies using
senses you may lack.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 2 SP
Effect: While your Companion is above 0
HP, you can activate this ability by
expending 2 energy. While Companion Sense
is active, you can identify the square any
invisible or otherwise concealed targets and
suffer no attack roll penalties when
attacking them. You can keep Companion
Sense active by expending an additional 1
energy each round. The expenditure of this
energy requires no action.
Special: You must have the Companion skill
to take this skill.

instantly make an opposed check to break

the illusion, and gets a cumulative +1 bonus
Illusion Skills
on all further attempts to break it. This
bonus resets if the illusion ends and is reWhen you use an illusion, unless people
have any reason to suspect you are using it, activated. When creating the illusion, spend
3 Energy for each illusory assailant. For each
no opposed rolls are involved, and the
illusion simply works. However, if an enemy combat round that you maintain this illusion,
spend 3 energy.
has any reason to suspect that you are
deceiving them, they can make an opposed
Illusory Terrain
roll using the higher of Aura or Intuition to
try and break the illusion at the beginning of
You can use illusions to make the world
each turn (or once each minute, out of
combat). If they succeed, they see through arround you appear different.
the illusion, and are no longer affected by it.
For each ally that has broken an illusion, the Level Progression: Fast
person rolling to break it gets a +1 bonus to Cost: 4/2 SP
their roll. All illusions can be dismissed as a Speed: Fast
Effect: Pick a number of spaces equal to or
fast action.
less than your level in this skill, all within 20
spaces of you; those spaces are occupied by
Illusory Disguise
illusory barriers. Anybody who is under the
effect of the illusion treats them as
You can supernaturally alter your
impassable terrain. Alternately, in exchange
for one space of impassable terrain, you can
create four spaces of illusory difficult terrain.
Level Progression: Fixed
When creating the illusion, spend 2 Energy
Cost: 3 SP
for each space of barriers (or each four
Speed: Fast
Effect: Expend 1 energy, and change your spaces of difficult terrain). For each combat
appearance to something else close to your round that you maintain this illusion, spend
2 energy.
size and shape. For each combat round or
each minute that you maintain this illusion, Special: If someone has an ally who has
broken through illusory terrain, then they
spend 1 energy.
Special: If an enemy sees you use this skill, can move through illusory barriers as if they
were difficult terrain, as long as they dont
then they are not affected by it.
end their movement inside them.

Illusory Assailant
You can use illusions to make the world
arround you appear different.

Pierce Illusion
You can see through illusions even without
making an active effort to do so.

Level Progression: Medium

Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 6/3 SP
Cost: 4 SP
Speed: Fast
Effect: Create a number of illusory targets Effect: You can make checks to break an
less than or equal to your level in this skill, illusion even if you arent aware of it.
all within 5 spaces of you; these illusions can Special: If you fail this check, you get no
look like anything occupying a single space. indication that anything is unusual.
All your illusory assailants move with your
Permanent Skills
Speed, and move whenever you do.
Whenever an illusiory assailant is attacked,
it defends using the higher of your Aura and Permanent skills are constantly active, and
Intuition. If they hit, then the enemy gets to you always benefit from them.

You are an aggressive fighter capable of
striking powerful blows.
Level Progression: Slow
Cost: 6/3 SP
Effect: Attack increases by 6.
Level Up: Attack increases by a further 3.

Level Progression: Slow

Cost: 5 SP/3 SP
Effect: +1 Dexterity.
Level Up: +1 Dexterity.

Fast Healing
Your wounds heal faster than normal.

Level Progression: Medium

Cost: 3/2 SP
Effect: You recover 3 more hit points every
You are always ready to throw yourself into a ten minutes. For each additional skill level,
you recover an extra 2 hit points every ten
Level Progression: Slow
Iron Defense
Cost: 8/6 SP
Effect: +1 Valor at the start of battle.
Level Up: You start with an additional +1
Your body or the armor you wear is
especially tough, allowing you to shrug off
powerful blows as if they were nothing.


Discrete Aura

Level Progression: Slow

Either through general lack of distinction or Cost: 6/3 SP
active design, your aura is difficult to follow. Effect: Defense increases by 8.
Level up: Defense increases by a further 4.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 4 SP
Effect: Anyone reading or tracking your
aura must succeed at an opposed Aura roll. You have great strength and muscle mass.
If they fail, you can choose to either reveal
no information, or give them false
Level Progression: Slow
Cost: 5 SP/3 SP
Special: If an enemy attempts to detect you Effect: +1 Muscle.
using Spirit Sight, you may attempt to stay Level Up: +1 Muscle.
concealed by making an opposed Aura

You can see in the dark.

Through speed of movement or other

defenses, you can completely dodge or
block attacks that affect a large area.

Level Progression: Fixed

Cost: 3 SP
Effect: You can identify the space targets
occupy in the dark, and suffer no attack roll
penalty when attacking them.

Level Progression: Fixed

Cost: 4 SP
Effect: If an Area of Effect or Line Technique
misses, you take no damage instead of


Nimble Movement

You are quick and nimble.

You can dash past your foes without opening

yourself to attack.


Level Progression: Fixed

Cost: 4 SP
Effect: You may move through (but not end You can shrug off effects and influence
your move action on) spaces occupied by
others with greater ease.
enemies by making an opposed Dexterity
roll against them. If you fail, your movement Level Progression: Slow
ends before entering their space.
Cost: 5 SP/3 SP
Effect: +1 Resolve.
Overpowering Aura
Level Up: +1 Resolve.
Your aura is crushingly strong.


Level Progression: Slow

Cost: 5/3 SP
Effect: +1 Aura.
Level up: +1 Aura.

You either dont need to eat regularly

through training or body composition, or can
survive without food.

Your intuition is remarkably sharp.
Level Progression: Slow
Cost: 5/3 SP
Effect: +1 Intuition.
Level up: +1 Intuition.


Level Progression: Fixed

Cost: 4 SP
Effect: You do not receive penalties to Valor
for not eating.

You are swift of feet, able to cover long
distances quickly.
Level Progression: Slow
Cost: 4/2 SP

You are skilled in certain out-of-combat areas Effect: Your Speed increases by 1.
such as swimming or stealth.
Level up: Speed increases by a further 1.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 1 SP
Effect: Select a certain out-of-combat action You never seem to run out of energy.
that requires an attribute check, such as
bluffing, a specific knowledge, or swimming. Level Progression: Medium
When making a check to perform this action, Cost: 4/2 SP
add 3 to the roll.
Effect: Maximum EN increases by 8.
Special: You can take this Skill multiple
Level up: Maximum EN increases by a
times, choosing a different action each time. further 6.



You are able to resist supernatural attacks.

You are hardy and able to take punishment

that would fell a lesser hero.

Level Progression: Slow

Cost: 6/3 SP
Level Progression: Medium
Effect: Resistance increases by 8.
Cost: 6/3 SP
Level up: Resistance increases by a further Effect: Maximum HP increases by 30.

Level up: Maximum HP increases by a

further 15.

Versatile Fighter
You are more adept at using techniques in
Level Progression: Medium
Cost: 6/3 SP
Effect: You gain an additional 4 Technique
Points with which to build your techniques.
Level up: You gain a futher 2 Technique

Situational Skills

damage from the Sneak Attack skill in any

other circumstances besides a Surprise

As you take damage, an adrenaline rush sets
in, continuously prodding you to new
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 4 SP
Effect: While HP is below 40%, every time
you dodge an attack, gain 1 Valor.

Defensive Stance

Situational Skills only activate under certain Instead of moving, you prepare to defend
yourself from attack.

Bounce Back
You recover quickly from mental setbacks.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 6 SP
Effect: Valor increases by 2 every round
instead of 1, as long as your Valor is below

Level Progression: Fixed

Cost: 6
Effect: If you don't use your move action,
you gain +1 to your defense rolls.
Special: This does not stack with a fulldefense action. You cannot take this skill if
you have the Offensive Stance skill.


As you take damage, your desperation

allows you to see your opponents
As the damage you take increases, so does movements more precisely, allowing you to
move faster than normally possible.
the ferocity of your attacks.


Level Progression: Medium

Cost: 4/2 SP
Effect: Attack increases by 6 when HP is
below 40%.
Level up: Attack increases by a further 3.

Danger Sense

Level Progression: Fixed

Cost: 5 SP
Effect: Defense rolls are made at +2 when
HP is below 40%.

Energy Burn

You can draw on your own life-force to fuel

You can respond to an attack instantly, as if your attacks.
you saw it coming.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 5 SP
Level Progression: Fixed
Effect: When expending EN to do
Cost: 4 SP
something, you can instead burn 5 times the
Effect: When you are surprise attacked,
same amount of HP.
your defense roll is not reduced and any
Special: You cannot use this skill unless you
Sneak Attack damage is negated.
do not have enough energy remaining to
Special: This does not prevent additional

pay the EN cost normally.

where you react swiftly to danger.

Offensive Stance

Level Progression: Fast

Cost: 3/1 SP
Effect: When rolling Initiative, add 3 to your
Level up: Increase bonus by 1.

You move aggressively, increasing your

ability to hit your foe.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 6
Effect: If you have moved at least 2 spaces
since the beginning of your turn, you gain
+1 to your attack rolls.
Special: This does not stack with a fulldefense action. You cannot take this skill if
you have the Offensive Stance skill.

Reckless Attack
You can leave yourself wide open in order to
deal devestating blows.

Level Progression: Slow

Cost: 5/3 SP
Effect: Whenever you attack, you can add
Overload Limits
an amount up to the level of this skill to your
attack roll. If you do so, all defense rolls are
Through expenditure of raw power, you can made at a penalty equal to the bonus you
ignore limitations placed upon your
added to your attack until your next turn.
Level up: Increase the maximum bonus and
penalty by 1.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 6 SP
Sneak Attack
Effect: When performing a technique, you
may ignore all Limits on the technique, and When striking an unaware or unguarded
instead pay the full Energy cost as if it had opponent, you are especially skilled at
no Limits.
dealing great damage.

You have sworn to protect a person
important to you.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 5 SP
Effect: Designate one person. If that person
takes damage and is at 40% or less HP after
the damage, gain 1 Valor.
Special: You can buy this skill multiple
times. Each time applies to a different
person. You cannot buy this skill without
appropriate in-game justification that goes
beyond the level of normal friendship and
without the GMs explicit approval. You can
only gain Valor from this skill once per

Quick to Act
You have honed your reflexes to the point

Level Progression: Medium

Cost: 4/2 SP
Effect: You do an additional 6 damage when
striking an unaware foe.
Level up: +4 damage.

Support Skills
These skills allow you to use your stronger
secondary attributes to attack and defend
when you might otherwise use a weaker
secondary attribute. These skills do not
affect the person targeting you or the
person you are targeting, they only apply to
your own attack or defense.

Acrobatic Dodge
You can nimbly dodge attacks that might
otherwise be impossible to avoid.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 5 SP

Effect: When defending against attacks that Level Progression: Fixed

do not inflict precision damage, you can still Cost: 5 SP
use your Dexterity to defend. When
substituting Dexterity for Muscle, you suffer Effect: When using attacks that do not
a -3 penalty to defense and resistance until inflict spiritual damage, you can still use
after the Technique resolves. When
your Aura to attack. When substituting Aura
substituting for Intuition or Aura you suffer a for Intuition, you must expend 2 EN. When
-6 penalty to defense and resistance until
substituting for Muscle or Dexterity, you
after the Technique resolves.
must expend 4 EN.

Attack Prediction

Brute Force

You can read the patterns in a foe's attack

and move accordingly to dodge it entirely.

You can use your overpowering strength to

crush through your target's defenses.

Level Progression: Fixed

Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 5 SP
Cost: 5 SP
Effect: When defending against attacks that
do not inflict mental damage, you can still
Effect: When using attacks that do not
use your Intuition to defend. When
inflict physical damage, you can still use
substituting Intuition for Aura, reduce your your Muscle to attack. When substituting
Initiative count by 1 after the attack
Muscle for Dexterity, your attack is rolled at
resolves. When substituting for Muscle or
-1. When substituting for Intuition or Aura,
Dexterity, reduce your Initiative count by 2. your attack is rolled at -2.
If Initiative is reduced below 0, then you are
denied your action for the turn, and next
Ignore Effect
turn your Initiative is increased by an
amount equal to the highest Initiative count You overcome an effect with pure resolve.
of anyone in the battle. If you have already
acted this turn, you cannot act again, even if Level Progression: Fixed
your initiative count is reduced low enough Cost: 5 SP
to give you another action.
Effect: When targeted by a technique or
active skill that does not cause damage but
Aura Deflect
creates a secondary effect, you can defend
with Resolve, so long as your Valor is 2 or
You can crush incoming attacks with the
sheer force of your aura.

Pattern Reader

Level Progression: Fixed

Cost: 5 SP
You can track a foe's movement and attack
Effect: When defending against attacks that their path of movement.
do not inflict spiritual damage, you can still
use your Aura to defend. When substituting Level Progression: Fixed
Aura for Intuition, you must expend 2 EN.
Cost: 5 SP
When substituting for Muscle or Dexterity,
you must expend 4 EN.
Effect: When using attacks that do not inflict
mental damage, you can still use your
Aura Guidance
Intuition to attack.
When substituting Intuition for Aura, reduce
You can use your aura to guide your attacks, your Initiative count by 1 after the attack
making them more accurate.
resolves. When substituting for Muscle or
Dexterity, reduce your Initiative count by 2.

If Initiative is reduced below 0, then you are

denied your action for the turn, and next
turn your Initiative is increased by an
amount equal to the highest Initiative count
of anyone in the battle.

Through careful precision, you can throw
your attacks with great accuracy to ensure
their success.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 5 SP
Effect: When using attacks that do not
inflict precision damage, you can still use
your Dexterity to attack. When substituting
Dexterity for Muscle, your attacks damage
is reduced by 3. When substituting for
Intuition or Aura, damage is reduced by 6.

Resolute Defense
You can throw off attacks with the sheer
force of your will.

Cost: 5 SP
Effect: When defending against attacks that
do not inflict physical damage, you can use
your Muscle to defend. When substituting
Muscle for Dexterity, your defense is rolled
at -1. When substituting for Intuition or Aura,
your defense is rolled at -2.

Reaction Skills
These skills are used to react to certain

You move so quickly you leave an image of
yourself behind.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 4 SP
Effect: When moving with the Swift Step
skill, you may spend 2 energy to leave a
clone of yourself at your location before
movement, as per the Clone Core.
Special: At the beginning of your next turn,
this clone vanishes.

Level Progression: Fixed

Cost: 5 SP
Effect: When defending against attacks,
you can use your Resolve to defend. You
must be below 40% health in order to use
this skill.


Level Progression: Fixed

You can combine your attack with that of an

You are skilled at overpowering an enemys

technique with your own.

Level Progression: Fixed

Cost: 6 SP
Resolute Strike
Speed: Medium
Effect: Expend a Medium Action and declare
You can land hits with attacks with the sheer a damage core technique. When next you
force of your will.
are attacked, you may attempt to counter an
enemys technique with the technique you
Level Progression: Fixed
declared, negating theirs and damaging
Cost: 5 SP
them with yours if you win an opposed
Effect: When using any damage technique, attack roll. The winner of the clash hits
you can use your Resolve to attack. You
automatically, and the other attack is
must be below 40% health in order to use
neutralized. Each Tech gives a bonus to the
this skill.
Clash roll equal to the Tech's core level.
Special: You may prepare as many clashes
Steel Guard
as you wish. You cannot perform more than
one reaction in response to a technique.
You can shrug off attacks through sheer
power and toughness.
Combination Attack

ally to make it harder to dodge.

possible to be hit by the same technique

more than once when using Cover.

Level Progression: Fixed

Cost: 6 SP
Effect: Once per round, delay your action
until an ally attacks, then attack the same You are skilled at blasting aside an
target. Your initiative is set to just before
opponents attack at the critical moment.
your ally. You both get +2 to your attack rolls
while making the attack.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 6 SP
Speed: Medium
Effect: Expend a Medium Action, designate
You can strike an enemy just before they
an ally, and declare a damage core
land their own attack.
technique. When the designated ally is next
attacked, you may attempt to counter an
Level Progression: Fixed
enemys technique with the technique you
Cost: 6 SP
declared, negating the attack if you win an
Speed: Medium
opposed Resolve roll. The designated ally
Effect: Expend a Medium Action to prepare must be within range of the declared
a counterattack. The next time you are
technique to use this ability. You do not have
attacked, you may use any Damage
to expend your Deflect action until after the
technique on the enemy simultaneously as attack roll has been made against the ally
they use their technique on you. The attack you have designated. If you fail the Resolve
is rolled as normal.
roll, the attack hits the target normally. Each
Special: You may prepare as many
Technique gives a bonus to the Deflect roll
counterattacks as you wish. You cannot
equal to the Technique's core level.
perform more than one reaction in response Special: You may prepare as many
to a technique. If you wish to use a
deflections as you wish. You cannot perform
technique that requires more than a Medium more than one Deflect action in response to
Action, then you must expend other actions a technique.
accordingly when preparing the counter.

You can throw yourself in front of an ally,
taking a hit that was meant for them.
Level Progression: Medium
Cost: 6/2 SP
Effect: Once per round, you may take
damage instead of an adjacent ally. Cover is
used after dice have been rolled and the
attack is determined to have hit. The person
using Cover is automatically hit by the
Level up: You can use Cover once more per
Special: If you have prepared a
Counterattack or Clash, you may activate
that action when you use the Cover skill.
Cover can be used to defend against
techniques with an area of effect. It is

Final Attack
With a final defiant surge of strength you
can make one last attack before you lose
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 6 SP
Effect: If an enemy technique reduces you
enough HP to incapacitate you, you can
instantaneously use any one tech, ignoring
all energy costs and limits before falling
unconscious as normal. Ultimate Techniques
cannot be used in this manner.

Interrupt Attack
You can attack a foe as he tries to pass you,
stopping them in their tracks.
Level Progression: Fixed

Cost: 6 SP
You can throw your opponent off balance as
Effect: Expend a Medium Action and declare you dodge their attack, setting you up for a
a damage core technique. Whenever an
better attack.
enemy moves out of a space that can be
targeted by the prepared technique, you
Level Progression: Fixed
may immediately use the prepared
Cost: 6 SP
technique against them. If the technique
Effect: Any time you succeed a defense roll
hits, their Speed is reduced by 2 for that
using Dexterity, you may make an opposed
action in addition to the normal effects of
Dexterity roll against your attacker. If you
the technique resolving.
succeed, then until the end of your next
Special: You may prepare as many interrupt turn, you get a +2 bonus to all attack rolls
attacks as you wish. You cannot perform
against that target.
more than one reaction in response to a
Special: If you have the Sneak Attack skill,
you may apply the bonus damage to attacks
made this way.

Mobile Cover
You can take hits for allies at a great
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 5 SP
Speed: Move
Effect: You may expend a move action to
prepare to Cover. Whenever any ally within
your movement range is attacked, you may
move adjacent to them as part of the use of
the cover ability.
Special: If you possess the Swift Step skill,
you may instead expend a Fast Action for
this, and use Swift Step in order to adjust
your position accordingly. If desired, you
may also expend a Move Action to set a
Swift Step. The energy cost is paid when the
Mobile Cover skill is used.

Mobile Dodge

You are able to counter attacks upon
entering combat.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 6 SP
Effect: When you enter combat, set a
Deflect, Clash, Counterattack , or Interrupt
Attack action. You must pay the cost for the
technique you prepare immediately upon
entering battle. The technique is considered
to have been used once at the start of battle
for the purposes of cooldown, ammunition,
and other related limits. If the limits prevent
you from using the technique at the start of
the battle, you cannot use it with the
Prepared skill.

Shrug Off
Irresolute attacks cannot bring you down.

You move around quickly to avoid attacks.

Level Progression: Fixed
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 6 SP
Cost: 4 SP
Effect: If an attack would reduce you from 2
Effect: Any time you succeed a defense roll or more HP to 0 or less HP, make an
using Dexterity, you may instantly move one opposed resolve check against the attacker.
space in any direction.
If you succeed, you are instead reduced to 1
Special: If you have the Swift Step skill, you HP.
can use this skill as a free action instead of
moving one space. Energy costs are paid as Valor Skills
These skills increase with your Valor, and
Opportunistic Dodge
decrease if your Valor is negative. If your
Valor is negative, round down to determine

the effect instead of rounding up.

As your will increases, you become faster
and more agile.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 5 SP
Effect: When your Valor reaches 3, and for
every 2 points of Valor you gain thereafter,
gain +1 to Dexterity.


Level Progression: Fixed

Cost: 6 SP
Effect: Defense increases by 2 for every
point of Valor.

Resolute Aura
As your Valor increases, your aura grows to
new strengths.
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 5 SP
Effect: When your Valor reaches 3, and for
every 2 points of Valor you gain thereafter,
gain +1 to Aura.

As your Valor increases, you become more

able to read and understand a situation and Strength of Will
the factors involved.
As your Valor increases, so too does your
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 5 SP
Effect: When your Valor reaches 3, and for Level Progression: Fixed
every 2 points of Valor you gain thereafter, Cost: 5 SP
gain +1 to Intuition.
Effect: When your Valor reaches 3, and for
every 2 points of Valor you gain thereafter,
gain +1 to Muscle.
Burning Passion
As your Valor increases, you become more
able to influence others and throw off
adverse effects.

You can remain standing even when you
would otherwise be rendered unconscious.

Level Progression: Fixed

Cost: 5 SP
Effect: When your Valor reaches 3, and for
every 2 points of Valor you gain thereafter,
gain +1 to Resolve.

Level Progression: Fixed

Cost: 6 SP
Effect: Character is not incapacitated until
HP reaches -10 multiplied by Valor.

Fighting Spirit

Advanced Skills

As your Valor increases, the Strength of your These skills are exceptionally powerful, but
attacks grows as well.
they only function when the character has
entered an alternate form, using a
Level Progression: Fixed
Transformation technique.
Cost: 6 SP
Effect: Attack increases by 2 for every point Change Attributes
of Valor.
Your alternate form fights completely
Hardened Defense
differently than you normally do.
As your Valor increases, your ability to shrug Level Progression: Fixed
off attacks increases.
Tier: 1st
Cost: 3 SP

Effect: When buying this skill, create an

alternate set of secondary attributes by
freely rearranging your current set. When
entering your alternate form, switch to this
set of secondary attributes.
Special: All Attack attributes change

Damage Feedback


Extended Swift Step

You can move through space as naturally as
Level Progression: Fixed
Tier: 2nd
Cost: 3 SP
Effect: The maximum range of the Swift
Step skill increases to the greater of your
Aura and Dexterity.

Level Progression: Fixed

Tier: 2nd
Cost: 4 SP
Effect: Every time you successfully guard
Special: This effect damages allies as well. Extra Actions
This effect can be suppressed or made
active as a Fast Action.
You are able to act more frequently in battle.

Defense Shift
Your defensive capabilities are highly
different in your alternate form.
Level Progression: Fixed
Tier: 1st
Cost: 2 SP
Effect: When in your alternate form, your
defense and resistance are swapped.

Level Progression: Fixed

Tier: 3rd
Cost: 8 SP
Effect: You may use two Fast Actions every
Special: If you use a Slow Action, it denies
both of your Fast Actions.

Free Flight
You can stay in the air effortlessly.

Your determination to win allows you to
quickly focus in combat.
Level Progression: Fixed
Tier: 3rd
Cost: 8 SP
Effect: Valor increases by 2 every round
instead of 1.
Special: Does not stack with the Bounce
Back skill.

Energy Regeneration
Your energy recharges at a rapid rate.
Level Progression: Slow
Tier: 1st
Cost: 4/2 SP
Effect: EN recovers by 2 every combat
Level up: EN recover increases by 2 per

Level Progression: Fixed

Tier: 1st
Cost: 3 SP
Effect: Maintaining flight costs no energy.
Special: Activating flight stills costs actions
and energy as normal. You must have the
Fly skill before taking this skill.

Free Swift Step

You can move through space as naturally as
Level Progression: Fixed
Tier: 1st
Cost: 3 SP
Effect: Using the Swift Step skill costs no
Special: You must have the Swift Step skill
before taking this skill.

Overpowering Attack

Your attacks are far more powerful than


Cost: 4 SP
Effect: You can freely move through
enemies and obstacles, as long as you end
your movement on an unoccupied space.

Level Progression: Fixed

Tier: 3rd
Violent Aura
Cost: 8 SP
Effect: Your Attack is recalculated to use 3 * Level Progression: Fixed
Attribute instead of 2 * Attribute.
Tier: 2nd
Cost: 4 SP
Overpowering Defense
Effect: Everyone adjacent to you takes
damage equal to twice your Aura at the start
You are able to shrug off far stronger blows of your turn. This damage ignores defense.
than normal.
Special: This effect damages allies as well.
This effect can be suppressed or made
Level Progression: Fixed
active as a Fast Action.
Tier: 3rd
Cost: 6 SP
Creating Skills
Effect: Defense is increased by half of its
base value.
The skill system is made to accommodate
just about any skill you might need in a
Overpowering Resistance
standard game. However, sometimes
someone might have a concept that requires
You are able to resist far stronger mystic
a more specialized or unique skill that isnt
attacks than normal.
presented in this book. Creating an original
skill is not a difficult process, but it involves
Level Progression: Fixed
the GM and player working together to make
Tier: 3rd
the skill fit within the GMs system.
Cost: 6 SP
Effect: Defense is increased by half of its
Creating a Custom Skill: The cost of a
base value.
Skill is based on how dramatically it can

Your wounds knit and heal rapidly on their
Level Progression: Slow
Tier: 2nd
Cost: 6/4 SP
Effect: HP recovers by 5 every combat
Level up: HP recovery increases by 5 per

Your warp from one place to another
instantly whenever you move.
Level Progression: Fixed
Tier: 2nd

affect the narrative of the story and the

kinds of advantages it can grant. In many
cases, what the player wants can be easily
represented by a simple bonus to a certain
non-combat action, which is represented by
a fixed +3 bonus to attribute checks in a
certain situation, and a cost of 1 SP.
However, sometimes a desired Skill is harder
to represent. Assuage the narrative effect of
a skill, and set a price accordingly.
Generally, a skill should be 1 or 2 SP for a
minor effect on the game, 3 SP for a
moderate effect on game play, and 4 or
more SP for a skill that can potentially have
a major effect on game play. In general,
Minor skills (such as non-combat bonuses or
slight or highly situational combat
advantages) are likely to have a Fast
progression, Moderate Skills (such as a
helpful combat advantage or a reasonable

role-play advantage like the ability to see

the map of an area the characters are in) are Telepathy
likely to have a Medium progression, and
Major Skills (such as an increase to
You can speak directly to the minds of
attributes or statistics that are often used) others.
are likely to have a Slow progression.
Max Level: Fixed
Example: The character Steve wants to
Cost: 2 SP
build for the upcoming fantasy game is a
Effect: You can communicate telepathically
psionic character one who can use the
through words, feelings, and images with
power of his mind to influence others.
any sentient creature within your field of
Looking at the custom skills rules, he makes vision. If you do not share a common
two skills that will work conceptually with his language, you can still communicate to a
character and brings them to Jessica, his
degree, but must communicate through
pictures and feelings instead.
The skills he proposes look like this:

You can speak directly to the minds of
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 2 SP
Effect: You can communicate telepathically
through words, feelings, and images with
any sentient creature within range. If you do
not share a common language, you can still
communicate to a degree, but must
communicate through pictures and feelings

Mind Reading
You can read the surface thoughts of a
Level Progression: Fixed
Cost: 3 SP
Effect: By spending 2 Energy and winning
an opposed Intuition check, you can read
the surface thoughts of any sentient
creature within your field of vision.

The second skill, Jessica feels, should

have a more specific combat application,
since her game is going to be a bit more
combat-oriented. She suggests that it can,
in battle, give a slight bonus to defense rolls.
Steve also suggests that it might also give
him an idea of what actions the enemy is
going to take next, intending to use his
characters telepathy to pass on the results
of the check to his allies if necessary.
She also says that the target should
be aware of what is happening when their
mind is read. However, Steve says he
intended the skill to be more subtle, one in
which he quietly picks up the surface
thoughts being projected. After a bit of
discussion, Jessica agrees to this as well, but
increases the SP cost by 1 to compensate.
She also has him add that the skill requires a
Fast Action in combat. Thus, the final skill
looks like this:

Mind Reading
You can read the surface thoughts of a

Max Level: Fixed

Speed: Fast
Jessica looks over the presented skills. Cost: 4 SP
She immediately notices that the Telepathy Effect: By spending 2 Energy and winning
skill mentions a range, but doesnt specify an opposed Intuition check, you can read
what that range is. Realizing his oversight, the surface thoughts of any sentient
Steve changes the skills description slightly creature within your field of vision. If you
to specify that it works on anybody he can succeed in combat, gain a +1 bonus on your
see. The new skill looks like this:
next defense roll against the an attack

initiated by the target and a vague idea of

what they plan to do next.

taking hits and dealing high levels of

damage. John wants to build a powerful
ranged attack for Hiiro, so he decides to
The flashing sword, the magicians fireball,
make an attack called Beast Fang Slash,
all these abilities are Techniques. Techniques
which will unleash a blade of destructive
represent your combat ability; they are
spiritual energy at his foes.
special moves unique to your character that
allow you to attack your enemy. Techniques
Step 3: Core
can vary from mundane to exotic. A single
The Core determines what the function of
well-placed sword blow is a Technique, as is
the technique is. Different Cores lend
a ball of intense spirit energy that explodes
themselves to different kinds of techniques;
on contact with an enemy. Techniques are
a Damage Core is best for a sword attack or
the primary means to act in combat, and as
fireball, but a Boost Core would be better for
you increase in power, so do they.
a sudden burst of speed or temporary
energy shield. The higher level the core is,
Building a Technique:
the better its basic effect, so a higher level
Damage Core deals more damage and a
Step 1: Level
higher level Boost core gives greater
When first constructing a character, you
start with 10 Technique Points (TP) with
Example: Since Beast Fang Slash launches
which to build techniques. Each technique
a blade of destructive energy at its target,
point can be used to create a new technique
John opts for the Damage Core.
or increase the level of a technique at the
cost of one TP per technique level. A
Step 3 (Continued): Determine Attack
technique can be any level up to your
This step is only used for techniques built
character level + 3.
around Damage Cores. There are four kinds
When you build your technique, the level of
of attacks in the Shounen System Physical,
the Core plus the levels of all the Modifiers
Mental, Spiritual and Precision. These
combined add up to the full technique level.
damage types apply to attacks that use
Techniques cannot exceed your current level
Strength, Mind, Spirit and Agility to
+3. For each subsequent higher form,
determine their additional damage
techniques built specifically for that form
respectively. This also controls which
can exceed your level by an additional +2
secondary attribute is used when rolling to
(+5, +7, and +9 for second, third, and final
attack with or defend against this technique.
forms respectively.)
When determining the appropriate attack
type, it is important to have an idea of how
Step 2: Concept
an attack manifests. Physical attacks, for
Building a technique is more than just
example, are generally straightforward
designing an attack. Techniques embody the
strikes with a sharp or blunt object, whereas
fighting style of your character. As with
precision attacks are attacks with arrows
skills, the technique cores and mods can be
fired from a bow or bullets fired from a gun.
represented in any number of ways to
Spiritual attacks tend to make use of a
represent any number of possible attacks. A
characters inner power, whereas mental
damage core, for example, can be anything
attacks are either psychic attacks, or
from a sword slash to a beam of
ritualistic spells a character knows, such as
concentrated energy to a magic fireball
a fireball or lightning bolt spell.
spell. Design techniques to suit a character
If you have skills that increase your attack,
and give your character the weapons
the bonuses they grant are added in this
necessary to defeat their foes in the best
step as well.
way they are able.
Example: Most of Hiiros attacks are
Example: John is building techniques for his
physical attacks, but Beast Fang Slash is
new first level character, Hiiro. Hiiro is a
different. It unleashes a burst of energy that
fighter; he has high strength and is good at
travels along the ground to hit its target.


Since Beast Fang Slash is tapping into Hiiros albeit more limited. Deciding whether
spiritual power to launch the attack, it is
function or power is more important in the
instead a Spiritual attack. Since Hiiro has a technique is important to building a good
Spirit of 5, his attack is 10, which is added to technique - if you want to deal a lot of
the base damage of the Damage Core Hiiro damage you need a high damage core but if
has selected. If it were a physical attack, he you want to have a high range you need to
would instead add 16, as his strength is 8, spend points on mods so it can be used at a
but because hes making an attack at range, distance.
making it a physical attack isnt viable.
Example: Two levels of Line Attack is a +2
mod. Since the technique is level 4, John
Step 4: Modifiers
decides to bring the Damage Core up to
Modifiers are what set one technique apart level 2, giving it a base damage of 25, which
from another. They can add special
is added to his attack of 10 for a total of 35
attributes to a technique, or change how it is damage.
used in battle.
Each Modifier has a Level adjustment
Step 6: Energy Cost and Limits
associated with it. This is how much the
All cores have a listed energy cost to
level of the technique is increased by that
determine how much a technique costs to
modifier. For example, a technique with a
use. The cost is calculated by the total level
Level 3 Damage Core and the Drain Modifier, of a technique (Core and mods) multiplied
which has a level of +3, would be a level 6 by the Cores energy cost.
Limits are drawbacks that can be applied to
Some Modifiers have a variable level - these techniques in order to make them cost less
can be taken with any value for the level of energy to utilize. Each limit reduces the
the Modifier. The higher the Modifier Level, Energy cost by a number dependent on the
the more powerful the Modifier becomes. For type and level of the limit. The Energy cost
example, the Ranged Technique modifier
of a technique cannot be reduced below 0.
allows the technique to target someone up Example: Since Beast Fang Slash is a level
to 3 spaces away at Modifier Level 1, but if 4 damage technique, it costs 2 energy +1
taken at level 3 it can target someone up to for each Technique Level, or 6 energy. John
9 spaces away.
decides to put some limits on the technique
Keep in mind that since your Core must be since Hiiro has low energy and cant afford
at least level 1, so you cant fill up your
to spend 6 energy on his techniques. First he
entire technique with just mods, you need to decides that he doesnt need to use Beast
allow at least 1 level for the Core.
Fang Slash every turn, and puts a Cooldown
Example: John wants this technique to be a 1 limit on it, bringing its energy cost down to
level 4 high damage technique, but he also 4. This is still a bit too much for John, so he
wants to give it a good range. He decides
decides he also doesnt think Hiiro can fire
that Line Attack, which hits every target
the attack more than a few times in battle.
within a straight line is more suited to how He puts a level 1 Ammo Limit on the
the attack works than ranged technique. He technique, so that Hiiro can only use the
takes two levels of Line Attack, giving it a
technique 3 times in a battle. This brings the
line of 4 spaces.
Energy cost down to 0, meaning he doesn't
have to spend any energy at all, but can
Step 5: Core Level
only fire it 3 times.
Take the total level of the technique, and
subtract the levels of the modifiers. What
Upgrading a Technique:
remains is the Core Level.
As stated earlier, higher level cores are more Every Character Level, you gain 3 +
powerful. While techniques with many levels Character Level Technique Points to upgrade
in mods tend to have greater utility,
your Techniques. You may spend a Technique
techniques built around high level cores are point to increase the level of a technique by
stronger and more effective at what they do, one. Alternately, you can spend any amount

of TP up to character level + 3 to create a

new tech of that level. Techs cannot be
upgraded beyond character level + 3.

Barrier HP: 40 + 5 per Core Level

Barrier Def/Res: 2 per Core Level

Special: The barrier can be targeted by

techniques as if it were a character. Ranged
techniques and Line attacks are blocked by
Whenever you level up a technique, you
the barrier. A Line or Blast Radius Attack
change any aspects of it you wish, rebuilding stops at the barrier but also damages it.
it completely if so desired.
Attacks made against the barrier
automatically hit, and cant score a critical
Ultimate techniques:
hit. If the Barrier is broken by a Line or Blast
Radius attack, the attack continues through
Every 5th Character Level, you gain an
unimpeded. Spring Attacks stop outside the
ultimate technique. Ultimate techniques are barrier and deal damage, if the barrier is
built using an Ultimate Core. Mods can be
broken by the damage they continue
attached to it as normal, including special
through as normal.
Ultimate Mods. An Ultimate Technique is
gained three levels higher than your
Boost Core
Character Level. Technique points can be
applied to an Ultimate Technique normally. You increase your own capabilities through a
Ultimate Limits may also be applied to an
surge of internal spirit or through the casting
Ultimate Technique to help reduce its energy of enchantment.
cost, in addition to normal Limits.
Speed: Fast
Energy Cost: 1 + Technique Level
Effect: Technique increases user's stats for
a duration specified by the effect mod. If the
Cores represent the most basic form of a
technique. They determine it's function and Boost has multiple effect mods, it is treated
as if it is multiple boosts, and each one is
purpose when used.
expended as noted by each individual effect
Barrier Core
Boost Cores require an Effect Mod in order to
You create a powerful field of force or even a function, and 1 level of Effect Mods can be
attached to this core for free without the
physical wall to block off parts of the
expenditure of a tech point, increasing the
battlefield or protect yourself.
technique's level or increasing the tech's
energy cost. If you add more than one Effect
Speed: Medium
Modifier to this Core, then you must
Energy Cost: 3 + Technique Level
distribute the Core Levels between the
Effect: Creates a square that cannot be
Modifiers. For example, a Level 8 Boost Core
passed through until the barrier is
with Offense Mod and Defense Mod attached
destroyed. When combined with the blast
radius mod, a barrier is only created on the could increase Offense by 6 and Defense by
outer edge of the blast radius. Each square 2, or Offense by 3 and Defense by 5. The
created by the tech has it's own hit points. A distribution must be determined upon
building the Technique.
barrier only affects the ground, flying
Bonus Value: Core Level
characters can pass over them and attack
through them without penalty. Flying
characters may end their turn on a Barrier Clone Core
Core, so long as they remain flying. If they
are forced to land for whatever reason, they You create afterimages or dopplegangers of
are moved to one side of the barrier decided yourself that move independently and
confuse your enemy.
by the character forcing them to land.
Altering a Technique:

Special: Value increases by 1 for each point

Speed: Fast
of either Mind or Spirit (chosen when the
Energy Cost: 3 + Technique Level
technique is created). Healing only targets
Effect: Create a number of copies of
the user unless the technique has the Ally
yourself. Summon all Clones anywhere
Target mod.
within 3 spaces of you. As a single Move
Action, you may move any combination of Immobilize Core
yourself and your clones, each using your
own Speed. Any time you use a technique, You stop your target from moving through
you may choose to have it originate from
magic bindings or sheer might.
any of your clones instead of from yourself.
Whenever a technique targets one of your Speed: Medium
Clones, it defends using your attributes. Any Energy Cost: 2 + Technique Level
attack that hits a Clone instantly destroys it. Effect: Technique prevents an enemy from
You many not use this technique while you moving. The target is denied their Move
have at least one Clone on the field. As a
action while you are holding them. To
fast action, anyone can make an opposed
grapple requires an opposed Attribute
Intuition check against you to try and
check, with a bonus equal to the Core Level.
ascertain which copy of you is the real one. Choose the attribute when you build the
If they fail, you may choose one of your
technique, between Muscle, Dexterity
Clones to be revealed to them as the real Intuition, or Aura. Once immobilized, the
one. If they have the Aura Reader skill, they target can continue to make Attribute
may make an opposed Aura roll instead.
checks of the same type as the initial one,
Number of Clones: 1 at Core level 1, and 1 with a cumulative +1 bonus to succeed each
every 3 levels thereafter starting at level 4. turn, as a Medium action. Once someone is
immobilized, you must spend a Fast action
Damage Core
every turn to keep them in that state. If you
take too much damage while immobilizing a
You attack your foe in any number of ways in target, they are automatically freed. The
order to defeat them.
damage required to break the hold is equal
to 10 * Core Level. You cannot immobilize a
Speed: Medium
target if you are already immobilizing
Energy Cost: 2 + Technique Level
another target. While a target is
Effect: Technique reduces an enemys HP. immobilized, you may make an opposed
The technique requires an attack roll to take attribute check to push or drag them along
effect. When creating this technique, choose with you as part of a move action if they
a damage type: Physical, Precision, Mental, begin the round adjacent to you. If you do
or Spiritual. Add the appropriate Attack to
not do this, you cannot move while
the Cores value. All attack rolls with this
immobilizing a target. If a target is
technique and defense rolls against it use
immobilized at a range, they can attack the
the corresponding attribute, Muscle,
hold directly, you roll defense as normal but
Dexterity, Mind or Spirit.
do not take damage.
Value: 15 + 5 per Core Level
Damage Required to Break Hold: 10 per

Healing Core
You heal a target's wounds.

Mimic Core
You copy the techniques of your enemy.

Speed: Fast
Energy Cost: 1 + Technique Level
Effect: Technique restores a targets HP.
Value: 12 + 4 * Core Level

Speed: As technique being mimicked (see

Energy Cost: Special, see text.

Effect: Copy a technique you have seen for Technique's Core level can not be built
the duration of the battle. Make an opposed above your Character Level.
Intuition roll against the owner of the
Summon Level: Core Level
technique you wish to mimic. If your check
succeeds, this technique is replaced with a Weaken Core
copy of the target technique until the end of
battle. As part of using Mimic technique, use Either through enchantment or exerting your
the technique that is copied immediately,
will upon another, you lower their
paying all costs. Should the Mimic fail, the
capabilities momentarily.
action that would have been used to
activate the technique is still expended. If
Speed: Fast
the Mimic Cores level is lower than the level Energy Cost: 1 + Technique Level
of the target technique, the techniques Core Effect: Technique reduces an enemys stats
level is reduced by the difference. Should
for a duration specified by the effect mod.
this bring the Core level below 1, the Mimic Requires an opposed roll of a secondary
fails. If the Mimic Cores level is higher than attribute chosen when the technique is
the technique it is duplicating, the other
created to take effect. Has no effect without
techniques Core level is increased by the
a relevant Modifier. You can add 1 level of
difference. If applicable, any limits the
Modifiers to this core without increasing the
technique possesses are also mimicked. The techniques level. This can target anyone
target must have used the technique in your within 20 spaces of the user.
presence at least once during the battle, and Value: Core Level
must be within 20 spaces of you when you
use the Mimic technique. As a Fast action,
you can dismiss a Mimicked technique,
replacing it with the original Mimic Core
Target Modifiers
technique. You cannot mimic an Ultimate
Technique or a technique that uses a Core
Target Modifiers affect the area you can
that is only available to NPCs.
target with your technique, allowing you to
Value: Core level
hit more than one target or attack at a
Special: You can set the Mimic Core as a
Counter, Clash, Deflect, or Interrupt Strike,
and mimic a technique as use use the
Blast Radius

Summoning Core
You create or call forth a monster to do your

Your attack explodes in a burst, targeting

everyone around it's focal point or creating a
field or barrier within a wide area.

Applicable to: Damage Core, Boost Core,

Weaken Core, Barrier Core
Speed: Slow
Effect: This technique targets everyone
Energy Cost: 3 + 2 * Technique Level
within a certain radius of the user.
Effect: Technique summons a creature to
Radius: Mod Level, rounded up. If the
assist you in combat.
Technique is a Damage Core inflicting Mental
Summoned creature must be pre-built.
or Spiritual damage, the radius is increased
Summons are constructed as Soldiers.
to Mod Level.
Summons act directly after their creator,
Special: Allies can also be hit with this
starting on the turn they are summoned.
technique. The user is not affected by the
Once this Technique is used, it cannot be
technique, even if they are in range. If
used again as long as any summoned
combined with Ranged Technique, the
creature you control is in the battle. Minions
center of the area can be somewhere other
and Soldiers cannot use this Core. This
than the user. If used with a Barrier Core, the

barrier is only placed on the outside edge of

the blast radius.
Either through multiple attacks or a splitting
effect, your technique can attack a number
of people at once.
Chain Attack
Your technique can leap from target to
target, harming multiple people.

Applicable to: Damage Core, Boost Core,

Weaken Core, Barrier Core, Nullify Core, Seal

Applicable to: Damage Core

Effect: This technique can target multiple
Effect: If you hit with this technique, you
can target another with the technique as if it entities at once.
originated from the first target. You cannot Total Targets: 1 additional target for each
mod level. If the Technique is a Damage
target more characters than this mod has
Core inflicting Precision damage, the targets
increase to two additional targets for the
Level: Variable
first mod level, and one extra target for each
mod level thereafter.
Line Attack
Your attack travels in a line, striking
everyone within it.

Indirect Attack

Your technique can reach past barriers and

Applicable to: Damage Core, Boost Core, other defenses and strike at great range.
Weaken Core, Barrier Core
Applicable to: Damage Core inflicting
Effect: This technique hits everyone in a
Mental Damage
line originating at the user.
Range: 2 per Mod Level. If the Technique is Effect: This technique can target any target
a Damage Core inflicting Mental or Spiritual within 20 spaces of the user.
damage, the range is increased to 3 per Mod Level: +3
Special: This modifier cannot be combined
with any Target Modifiers besides Multiple
Targets. This modifier allows the attack to
Special: Allies can also be hit by this
pass through barriers and target characters
technique. If combined with Ranged
with cover or invisible without penalty. The
Technique, the origin of the line can be
somewhere other than the user. If combined correct square must still be targeted if the
target cannot be seen.
with Blast Radius, the technique targets
anyone within a certain distance of any
space on the line, equal to the radius of the Ranged Technique
Blast Radius mod.
Your technique can strike people from a
Line Variation
Your line can twist and turn around obstacles Applicable to: Damage Core, Immobilize
Core, Barrier Core, Healing Core, Illusion
to strike in the most opportune ways.
Core, Summoning Core
Applicable to: Any technique with the Line Effect: This technique can be used at a
Attack Mod
Effect: The line can change it's direction as Value: 3 squares per Mod Level. If the
Technique is a Damage Core inflicting
it is projected, so long as the new path is
Physical damage the range is decreased to 2
adjacent to the prior path.
squares per Mod Level. If the Technique is a
Line Shifts: 1 per Mod level
Damage Core inflicting Precision or Spiritual
damage, the range is increased to 4 squares
Multiple Targets

per Mod Level.

Special: The Ranged Technique can be
combined with other target modifiers like
Blast Radius and Line Attack. It allows the
point of origin of the line or blast to be set
from anywhere within the range of the

Smart Area of Effect

You can control the blast of your technique
and prevent allies from being harmed.

how they function.

Accuracy Mod
You increase the accuracy of your attacks or
reduce that of your enemy.
Applicable to: Boost Core, Weaken Core,
Damage Core with Debilitating Strike
Effect: Effect applies to Attack rolls. Mod
Level (rounded up) applies. Lasts until your
next attack.
Level: +1

Applicable to: Any technique with Blast

Radius or Line Attack mods.
Aura Mod
Effect: You can choose not to affect targets
in the area of effect of this attack.
You heighten your aura or reduce your
Level: +2
enemy's aura.

Spring Attack
You mow through your enemies as you
move, rushing through and attacking them

Applicable to: Boost Core, Weaken Core,

Damage Core with Debilitating Strike
Effect: Effect applies to Aura.
Level: +1

Defense Mod

Applicable to: Damage Core, Weaken Core,

Seal Core
You increase your Defense or reduce your
Effect: Combine this attack with your Move enemy's Defense.
action. You can move through enemies with
this move action. After moving, attack all
Applicable to: Boost Core, Weaken Core,
enemies you moved through.
Damage Core with Debilitating Strike
Level: +3. If the Technique is a Damage
Effect: 3 per allotted core level. Effect
Core inflicting Physical or Precision damage, applies to Defense. Lasts until the next time
the Level is reduced to +2.
the target is hit by a technique that is
affected by Defense.
Level: +1
Whirlwind Attack
You quickly spin around, attacking all
enemies within your reach.
Applicable to: Damage Core inflicting
Physical or Precision damage
Effect: Attack all enemies adjacent to you.
Level: +2. If the Technique is a Damage
Core inflicting Physical damage, the Level is
reduced to +1.
Special: This attack does not target allies.

Effect Modifiers

Dexterity Mod
You increase your Dexterity or reduce the
Dexterity of your enemy.
Applicable to: Boost Core, Weaken Core,
Damage Core with Debilitating Strike
Effect: Effect applies to Dexterity. Lasts
until the next time you make an opposed roll
with your Dexterity.
Level: +1

Evasion Mod

Effect Modifiers are special mods that attach

to Weaken and Boost cores that determine You increase your ability to evade attacks or

reduce your enemy's ability to evade

Applicable to: Boost Core, Weaken Core,
Damage Core with Debilitating Strike
Effect: Effect applies to Defense rolls.
Mod Level (rounded up) applies. Lasts until
the next time you are attacked.
Level: +1

Intuition Mod

Applicable to: Boost Core, Weaken Core,

Damage Core with Debilitating Strike
Effect: Effect applies to Muscle. Lasts until
the next time you make an opposed roll with
your Muscle.
Level: +1

Mystic Attack Mod

You increase your Attack or reduce the
Attack of your enemy.

You increase your Intuition or reduce the

Intuition of your enemy.

Applicable to: Boost Core, Weaken Core,

Damage Core with Debilitating Strike
Effect: 3 per allotted core level. Effect
Applicable to: Boost Core, Weaken Core,
applies to Spiritual and Mental Attack. Lasts
Damage Core with Debilitating Strike
until you next hit.
Effect: Effect applies to Intuition. Lasts until Level: +1
the next time you make an opposed roll with
your Intuition.
Resistance Mod
Level: +1
You increase your Resistance or reduce the
Location Mod
Resistance of your enemy.
You adjust your location or that of an enemy. Applicable to: Boost Core, Weaken Core,
Damage Core with Debilitating Strike
Applicable to: Boost Core, Weaken Core,
Effect: 3 per allotted core level. Effect
Damage Core with Debilitating Strike
applies to Resistance. Lasts until the next
Effect: Allows the adjustment of targets
time the target is hit by a technique that is
location by a number of squares equal to or affected by resistance.
less than the Core Level as if through the
Level: +1
use of a Move action. Adjustment is
Resolve Mod
Level: +1
You increase your Resolve or reduce the
Might Attack Mod
Resolve of your enemy.
You increase your Attack or reduce the
Attack of your enemy.
Applicable to: Boost Core, Weaken Core,
Damage Core with Debilitating Strike
Effect: 3 per allotted core level. Effect
applies to Physical and Precision Attack.
Lasts until you next hit.
Level: +1

Muscle Mod
You increase your Muscle or reduce the
Muscle of your enemy.

Applicable to: Boost Core, Weaken Core,

Damage Core with Debilitating Strike
Effect: Effect applies to Resolve. Lasts until
the next time you make an opposed roll with
your Resolve.
Level: +1

Speed Mod
You enhance your movement, or decrease
the movement of your enemy.
Applicable to: Boost Core, Weaken Core,
Damage Core with Debilitating Strike
Effect: Effect applies to Speed. Mod Level

(rounded up) applies. Lasts until the next

time the target moves.
Level: +1

Special: If the technique has the EN

Damage mod, it instead adds half of the
damage to the users Energy.

Special Attack Modifiers

Persistent Effect

Your attack lingers, it's effects remaining on

Special Attack Modifiers are Mods that
change the nature of a damage core while the field.
reducing its power. All techniques with this
modifier have their damage reduced to 12 + Applicable to: Boost Core, Damage Core,
Weaken Core
4 per core level, and attack is reduced by
half its base value when calculating damage Effect: The effects of this technique persist
for this technique. Only one Special Attack for three turns, rather than resolving
immediately. When used, and on the
Modifier can be applied to any given
technique. None of these Mods increase the beginnings of your two next turns, the
technique activates, targetting everyone
base level of a technique.
within its area of effect. Techniques will
target all allies or enemies in their area of
Debilitating Strike
effect indiscriminately.
Special: The Smart Area of Effect mod
Your attack also weakens your target,
cannot be applied to a Boost or Weaken Core
draining their abilities.
Persistent Effect.
Applicable to: Damage Core
Effect: All Effect Modifiers can be attached Piercing Strike
to this technique. Mods attached this way
Your attack punches through a target's
function as if attached to a Weaken Core.
Treat the Damage Core as a Weaken Core of defenses as if they weren't there.
half the Damage Cores level for any
necessary mods. The second effect resolves Applicable to: Damage Core
after the damage is calculated. You gain one Effect: This attack ignores all defense and
free level of Effect Mods when you take this resistance.

Direct Assault.
Your attack is so powerful other modes of
defense are meaningless.
Applicable to: Damage Core
Effect: The target cannot use any Support
Skills when defending against this

As you attack, you siphon the health or
energy from your target and add it to your
Applicable to: Damage Core
Effect: Half of the damage inflicted by this
technique is added to the users HP.

Sapping Strike

Your attack continues to cause damage after

it lands.
Applicable to: Damage Core
Effect: In addition to the normal damage, if
this attack hits it deals and additional 1/3 of
the base damage dealt after resistance or
defense is applied for the next three turns.
This additional damage takes effect starting
on the targets next turn, and ignores
defense and resistance entirely.

Alteration Modifiers
Alteration Modifiers are Mods that add
special effects to the technique.

Accurate Strike

Your attack is more accurate and liable to


Resistance, and vice-versa.

Level: +1


Applicable to: Damage Core, Weaken Core,

Immobilize Core
You are able to reposition yourself after your
Effect: Attack rolls with this technique are attack lands.
made at a bonus.
Level: 2 * Attack roll bonus
Applicable to: Damage Core
Bonus: If the Technique is a Damage Core Effect: After using this technique, move a
inflicting Precision damage, the bonus is
number of spaces equal to mod level.
increased by 1.
Special: This cannot be combined with
Ally Target
Spring Attack.
You can grant Boosts to an ally.

Dexterous Strike

Applicable to: Boost Core

Effect: Can target an ally other than
yourself within 20 spaces of you with this
Level: +1

Your attack makes use of your speed and


Aura Strike

Applicable to: Damage Core

Effect: This Technique uses opposed
Dexterity rolls to determine whether or not it
Level: +1

Your attack makes use of your aura.

Applicable to: Damage Core
Effect: This Technique uses opposed Aura
rolls to determine whether or not it hits.
Level: +1

Constricting Damage
When immobilizing a target, you can
constrict their bindings, causing them harm.
Applicable to: Immobilize Core
Effect: Every round that the target spends
immobilized, at the start of their turn, they
take damage that is not modified by
Damage: 3 per Mod Level

Drop Attack
Your Technique knocks a target out of the air.
Applicable to: Damage Core, Weaken Core
Effect: If the target is flying when they are
hit by this technique, they immediately stop
flying and take an additional 10 damage.
Level: +1

Energy Damage
Your Technique damages the target's energy

Damage Shift

Applicable to: Damage Core inflicting

Mental or Spiritual damage
Effect: Damage is reduced to 1/4th and
ignores defense. It reduces EN instead of HP.

Your attack targets different defenses than


Explosive Strike

Applicable to: Damage Core

Effect: If the technique would normally
target Defense, it instead targets

Your Technique damages the target even if

they defend against it.

Applicable to: Damage Core

Effect: If the target defends against the
attack, they still take damage as if they had
been hit, halved after defense or resistance
is applied. The technique is still considered
successfully defended against for the
purposes of other techniques or skills; any
effects of a hit other than damage do not
take effect.
Level: +2. If the Technique is a Damage
Core inflicting Mental or Spiritial damage,
the Level is reduced to +1.

Free Immobilize
You are not tied to your target when you
immobilize them, allowing you to move
Applicable to: Immobilization Core using
Aura or Intuition
Effect: After immobilizing a target, can
move independently of them as normal.
Level: +1

Applicable to: Transformation Core

Effect: You can transform as a Fast action.
Level: +3
Special: Cannot use with Slow Limit.

You can mend the wounds of multiple allies
Applicable to: Healing Core
Effect: When using this technique, you can
distribute the recovered HP between any
number of targets within range.
Level: +1

Muscular Strike
Your attack makes use of your strength.
Applicable to: Damage Core
Effect: This Technique uses opposed Muscle
rolls to determine whether or not it hits.
Level: +1

High Barrier

Nullification Resistant

Your Barrier blocks the movements and

attacks of those who are flying.

Your Technique is tenacious and difficult to


Applicable to: Barrier Core

Effect: The Barrier Core's effects extend to
all flying characters as well as land-bound
Level: +1

Applicable to: Boost Core, Weaken Core,

Illusion Core, Immobilize Core, Barrier Core
Effect: The technique is more resistant to
being nullified when rolling against a
Nullification Core technique to attempt to
nullify the effect of this technique, you roll at
+3 per Mod Level.

Intuitive Strike

Your attack makes use of your intuition and Quick Technique

You can use particularly complex Techniques
Applicable to: Damage Core
Effect: This Technique uses opposed
Intuition rolls to determine whether or not it Applicable to: Illusion Core, Summoning
Level: +1
Effect: Your techniques speed changes
from Slow to Medium.
Lightning Transform
Level: +2
Special: Cannot use with Slow Limit.
You transform into your Alternate Form
Ramming Attack

Applicable to: Damage Core

cannot end your movement on a Barrier
Effect: When you use this attack, make an square.
opposed Resolve or Muscle check against
Level: +1
the user. If you win or tie, take your Move
action immediately, and the target is moved Terrain Disruption
to a space adjacent to you at the end of your
move. If you lose, you are denied your Move Your technique is so powerful that it
action this turn.
damages the ground around where it hits.
Level: +2. If the Technique is a Damage
Core inflicting Physical damage, the level is Applicable to: Damage Core
decreased to +1.
Effect: All spaces targeted by this technique
Special: You cannot use this ability if you
become difficult terrain for the remainder of
have already used your Move action for the the battle.
turn. This Technique cannot be taken with
Level: +1
Ranged Technique, Line Attack, or Blast
Radius. If the target hits a solid obstacle,
both your movement and their movement
stop, and the damage of the technique
Your Technique blasts its target into others,
increases by 10. If the target hits another
causing them equivalent damage.
character, both characters are pushed the
remaining distance, but no additional
Applicable to: Damage Core technique
damage is taken by either.
with Push Attack or Knockback Attack
Effect: If the target is knocked into another
target, roll to attack and damage the second
target as well.
Your Technique allows you to shift your
Level: +2. If the Technique is a Damage
enemy's position.
Core inflicting Physical damage, the level is
decreased to +1.
Applicable to: Damage Core
Effect: When you strike an enemy with this Limits
technique, the target is also pushed a
number of spaces in the direction of your
Limits can be attached to techniques in
order to reduce the energy cost but
Distance Pushed: 1 + Mod Level. If the
otherwise make the technique more difficult
Technique is a Damage Core inflicting
to use. Any number of limits can be attached
Physical damage, the push distance is
to any given technique, but the energy cost
increased to 2 + 1 * Mod Level.
cannot be reduced below 0.
Special: If the target hits a solid obstacle,
their movement stops, and the damage of Accuracy Limit
the technique increases by 10. If the target
hits another character, both characters are Your attack is inaccurate or unstable and has
pushed the remaining distance, but no
difficulty landing hits.
additional damage is taken by either.
Applicable to: Damage Core, Weaken Core,
Mimic Core, Immobilize Core
Effect: All opposed checks made when
Your Barrier does not impede the progress of using this technique are rolled at a penalty
you or your allies.
equal to the Limit Level.
Cost reduction: 3 per Limit Level
Applicable to: Barrier Core
Effect: You and your allies can move and
Airborne Limit
attack through this Barrier unimpeded, but

Selective Barrier

Your technique is only usable while flying.

Applicable to: All cores
Effect: You must be flying to use this
Cost Reduction: 1

Cooldown Limit
Your technique takes some time to recharge
or reposition before it can be used again.

Applicable to: Damage Core, Boost Core,

Weaken Core, Seal Core, Nullify Core, Barrier
Core, Healing Core
Your technique requires ammunition rounds Effect: After using this technique, you
or drains on you in such a way that you
cannot use it again for a number of turns
cannot use it more than a few times within a equal to the Limit Level.
short period of time.
Cost reduction: 2 per Limit Level
Special: Cannot take Limit above level 3.
Applicable to: Damage Core, Boost Core, Cannot use on an Ultimate Technique.
Weaken Core, Barrier Core, Healing Core
Effect: You can only use this technique a
Dark Power Limit
limited number of times per encounter.
Value: 3 rounds at limit level 1, 2 at level 2, Your technique draws upon a more powerful
and 1 at level 3.
entity deep within, allowing it a chance to
Cost reduction: 4 per Limit Level
Special: Cannot take Limit above level 3.
Cannot use on an Ultimate Technique. If the Applicable to: Any Core
Technique is used outside of combat, it takes Effect: After using this technique, the Spirit
5 minutes to replenish or restock the
makes an attempt to take over the user (see
ammunition before it can be used again, if Malevolent Entity flaw).
Cost reduction: 10
Special: The user must have the Malevolent
Clone Limit
Spirit Flaw to take this Limit.

Ammunition Limit

You must have Clones on the field in order to Drop Limit

use this Technique.
Applicable to: Damage Core, Boost Core, You must drop from the skies to use this
Weaken Core, Seal Core, Nullify Core, Barrier technique.
Core, Healing Core, Summoning Core,
Transformation Core
Applicable to: All cores
Effect: You must have an equivalent
Effect: You must be flying to use this
number of clones as you have levels in this technique. After using it, you are no longer
Limit in order to use the Technique.
Cost Reduction: 2 per Limit Level
Cost reduction: 3

Companion Limit

Form Limit

Ths technique can only be used by your

Applicable to: Damage Core, Boost Core,
Weaken Core, Heal Core, Seal Core, Nullify
Core, Barrier Core, Summoning Core
Effect: This technique must be used
originating from your Companion. It cannot
be used if you have to Companion.
Cost Reduction: 2

You must be in an Alternate Form to use this

Applicable to: All cores
Effect: This technique can only be used
while in a certain form.
Cost reduction: 2 per tier

Health Limit

mods, Nullify Core, Illusion Core

Effect: If you are not flying, you cannot
target enemies who are flying with this
Applicable to: Damage Core, Boost Core, technique.
Weaken Core, Seal Core, Nullify Core, Illusion Cost Reduction: 1
Core, Mimic Core, Immobilize Core, Barrier
Core, Clone Core, Summoning Core,
Melee Limit
Transformation Core
Effect: Using this technique consumes the Your Technique can only be used on targets
users HP. The HP loss is not affected by
close to you.
defense or resistance.
HP Drained: 5 per Limit Level
Applicable to: Weaken Core, Seal Core,
Cost reduction: 2 per Limit Level
Nullify Core, or any technique with the Ally
Target mod
Initiative Limit
Effect: You can only use this technique on
someone who is immediately adjacent to
Your Technique puts you off balance, making you.
it take longer you to act again.
Cost Reduction: 2
Your Technique drains your vitality to use.

Applicable to: All Cores

Effect: After the attack resolves, reduce
your Initiative count by an amount equal to
1 + the Limit Level. This initiative change
takes effect next turn. If your Initiative is
reduced below 0, you are denied your turn
next round. Then, increase your Initiative
count by an amount equal to the highest
Initiative count of anyone in the battle.
Cost reduction: 2 per Limit Level

Injury Limit
You cannot use your Technique until you
have sustained a suitable amount of

Minimum Range Limit

Your Technique cannot be used on targets
close to you.
Applicable to: Any tech with the Ranged
Technique Mod
Effect: You cannot use this technique on
someone who is too close to you.
Minimum Range: Limit Level + 1
Cost Reduction: Limit Level
Special: Minimum Range cannot exceed
Maximum Range.

Mode Limit

You must be in certain Mode to use this

Applicable to: All cores
Effect: You cannot use this technique unless
your HP is under a certain amount.
Applicable to: All cores
Maximum HP before technique can be Effect: This technique can only be used
used: 100% - 20% per Limit Level
while in a certain Mode.
Cost Reduction: 2 per Limit Level
Cost reduction: 2
Special: Cannot take Limit above level 5.
Special: You must have the Mode Shift skill
to take this limit.

Landbound Limit

Movement Limit

This technique cannot target those in the air

from the ground.
You need to move before using this
Applicaple to: Damage Core with Range
mods, Healing Core, Boost Core, Weaken
Applicable to: All cores
Core, Seal Core, Immobilize Core with Range Effect: You need to move at least one space

per limit level before using this technique.

Cost Reduction: Limit level

Immobile Limit
Your Technique requires stationary
positioning to use effectively.
Applicable to: Damage cores
Effect: You cannot move before using this
Cost Reduction: 3
Special: You cannot use this limit in
conjunction with the Slow limit.

Node Limit
This Technique must be channeled through
an Attack Node.
Applicable to: All cores
Effect: This technique must be targeted
through an Attack Node. You cannot take
this limit unless you have the Attack Node
Cost Reduction: 2

Node Sacrifice Limit

Push Limit
This technique can push the enemy away,
but not bring them closer.
Applicable to: Any technique with the
Reposition mod
Effect: When moving the enemy with this
technique, their final location must be
farther away from you than where they
Cost Reduction: 1

Reload Limit
You must manually reload or refocus
whenever you use the Technique before you
can use it again.
Applicable to: Barrier Core, Boost Core,
Damage Core, Healing Core, Nullify Core,
Weaken Core
Effect: After using this technique, you
cannot use this technique again until you
spend a Fast action reloading the technique.
You cannot combine this technique with
Cooldown Limit or a level 3 Ammunition
Cost Reduction: 4

This Technique must be channeled through

an Attack Node and it consumes the Attack
Revert Limit
Node in the process.

Applicable to: All cores

After using this technique, you revert back
Effect: This technique must be targeted
to an earlier form.
through an Attack Node. After using the
technique, the Attack Node is destroyed. You Applicable to: All cores
cannot take this limit unless you have the
Effect: This Technique must also have the
Attack Node Skill.
Form limit. After using the Technique, you
Cost Reduction: 8
revert back to the form before the one you
are currently in.
Cost Reduction: 5
Pull Limit
This technique can bring the enemy closer, Sequence Limit
but not push them away.
Your Technique needs to be set up by
Applicable to: Any technique with the
another Technique before it can be used.
Reposition mod
Effect: When moving the enemy with this
Applicable to: All cores
technique, their final location must be closer Effect: Pick one other technique. You cannot
to you than where they were.
use this technique unless you have used the
Cost Reduction: 2
selected technique earlier in the battle. After

using this technique, you must use the

2. Cannot use on an Ultimate Technique. If
selected technique again before you can use the Techniques are used outside of combat,
this technique again. Cannot be taken with it takes 5 minutes to replenish or restock the
Cooldown Limit.
ammunition before they can be used again,
Cost Reduction: 4
if depleted.
Special: If multiple techniques are
sequentially tied to the same technique, you Slow Limit
must choose which to activate when the
technique is used. You may not activate
Your Technique takes some time to execute
more than one sequence for each use of an properly.
activating technique.
Applicable to: Damage Core, Healing Core,
Set-Up Limit
Immobilize Core
Effect: This technique requires a Slow
You need to prepare this Technique for
action instead of a Medium action.
awhile, making it inaccessible in early
Cost reduction: 6
Applicable to: All cores
Effect: You cannot use this Technique for a
number of combat rounds equal to the Limit
Level. This cannot be combined with the
Valor limit or the Sequence Limit. If it is
combined with the Alternate Form limit, the
count begins the turn after you enter your
Alternate Form, unless the Transformation
Core has the Lightning Transform mod, in
which case it begins on the turn you enter
your Alternate Form.
Cost Reduction: Limit Level

Time Limit
Your Technique only functions for a limited
time before the effect ends.
Applicable to: Transformation Core,
Summoning Core, Domination Core
Effect: Effect automatically ends after a
certain number of turns.
Time Until Effect Ends: 5 turns at limit
level 1, -1 for each additional limit level.
Cost reduction: 4 per Limit Level
Special: Cannot take Limit above level 5.

Shared Ammunition Limit

Unstable Summon Limit

A number of your technique require

ammunition rounds or drains on you in such
a way that you cannot use it more than a
few times within a short period of time.
These Techniques share the same base
construction, and using one consumes a
ammunition or energy for all of them.

Your summon has a mind of it's own and

doesn't always obey your command.

Applicable to: Damage Core, Boost Core,

Weaken Core, Barrier Core, Healing Core
Effect: Each technique with this limit can
only be used a total of 3 times, spread
among all the techniques sharing this limit.
Every time you level up the limit, give it to
an additional technique.
Cost reduction: 8 at limit level 2, and an
additional 4 for each limit level added
Special: Cannot be taken below limit level

Applicable to: Summoning Core

Effect: Every turn the Summon is in play,
roll a d10. If the result is less than or equal
to the limit level, the Summon acts as it
pleases at the GM's discretion.
Cost Reduction: 4 per Limit Level
Special: Cannot take Limit above level 10.

Upkeep Limit
Your Technique costs energy to maintain.
Applicable to: Barrier Core, Transformation
Core, Summoning Core, Domination Core,
Illusion Core
Effect: Form consumes EN every round that

it is active, reverting when you run out.

Energy Upkeep per turn: Limit Level
Cost reduction: 4 per Limit Level

Vitality Limit
You cannot use your Technique if you have
taken too much damage.
Applicable to: All cores
Effect: This technique cannot be used if
your HP is below 40%.
Cost Reduction: 4

Valor Limit

Speed: Medium
Energy Cost: 4 + 2 * Technique Level
Effect: Technique greatly reduces an
enemys HP.
Damage: 24 + 8 * Core Level
Special: An Ultimate Damage Core
technique gets 2 levels of Mods at no cost. If
combined with a Special Attack Modifier, the
base damage is reduced to 15 + 5 * core
level and attack is not halved when
calculating damage. Each level of an
Ultimate Damage Core technique that is not
used for a Core level counts as two levels for
the purpose of mods.

Ultimate Limits

You need a certain amount of Valor to use

your Technique.

Ultimate Limits can only be applied to

Ultimate Techniques and Transformation
Applicable to: All cores
techniques. They are costlier, but also
Effect: You cannot use this technique if you provide far greater energy reduction.
do not have Valor equal to the limit level.
Cost Reduction: 2 per Limit Level
Collateral Limit

Ultimate Cores

Your attack is incredibly unstable and may

explode and damage everyone.

Ultimate Cores are used to build Ultimate

Techniques, powerful techniques attained at Applicable to: Ultimate Damage Core
levels 5, 10, 15 and 20.
Effect: There is a chance of a large area is
destroyed when you use the technique. If
the effect is triggered, then the tech targets
everyone on both sides of the battle,
including the user.
You shift into a more powerful form.
Chance: 20% per Limit Level
Cost reduction: 10 per Limit Level
Speed: Fast
Energy Cost: 3 + 2 * Technique Level
Effect: Technique changes the user into an Fatigue Limit
alternate form. All advanced skills you have
that are of a tier equal or less than this form You become fatigued after using your
are now available. While in the form, your
maximum and current HP increases by 10
per tier per character level, and all your
Applicable to: Any Ultimate Core or
secondary attributes are increased by 1 per Transformation Core
Effect: You become fatigued after using this
Level: 5 for a Tier 1 form, 10 for a Tier 2
technique, or after you leave your alternate
form, 15 for a Tier 3 form
Cost reduction: 10

Ultimate Attack

You strike your foe with an attack that

causes massive damage.

Final Limit
Using this Technique drains the last of your
strength to use.

Applicable to: Ultimate Damage Core

Effect: After using this technique, HP and
Valor are both reduced to 0.
Cost reduction:
Special: If your HP or Valor were already
below 0, they instead remain unchanged.

Ultimate Cooldown Limit

It takes a longer period of time to refocus
your Technique.
Applicable to: Any Ultimate Core or
Transformation Core
Effect: You cannot use this technique for a
number of encounters equal to the Limit
Level after using it once.
Cost reduction: 20 per Limit Level

Ultimate HP Limit
You lose large portions of health when you
use this Technique.
Applicable to: Any Ultimate Core or
Transformation Core
Effect: You lose HP when you use this
HP Lost: 10% of total HP per Limit Level
Cost reduction: 10 * Limit Level

Ultimate Valor Limit

You must expend Valor to use this Technique.
Applicable to: Any Ultimate Core or
Transformation Core.
Effect: After using this technique, Valor is
reduced by an amount equal to the Limit
Cost reduction: 10 * Limit Level


Medium Action to add +1 to their defense

rolls, or use a Slow Action to add +2 to their
defense rolls.

The Valor system is based around the tensided die (d10). A d10 roll is used to resolve
Delay: A character can delay their turn,
any kind of conflict, from attacking to the
acting at a lower point in the turn order. If a
use of skills and abilities.
character elects to delay their action, the
next person in the turn order acts. After that
Valor requires opposed rolls between two
action, the delaying character may either
interacting characters whenever a conflict
take their turn or delay again. If multiple
arises. The higher roll, after the appropriate
characters delay, once the end of the turn
modifiers are added, is the successful player.
order is reached, the character with the
Thus, if you wish to attack someone, you
lowest Agility Roll must act, followed by the
and the defender both roll, if you succeed
next lowest in ascending order until all
your attack hits, if your opponent succeeds
actions have been completed. If you delay,
they dodge the attack.
your place in the turn order is dropped to
the point you delayed to until the end of the
Movement and Battle Mapping: All
movement takes place on a square or
hexagonal grid. You can move vertically or
Terminology in Battle:
horizontally in any direction on the grid for
Round = one full cycle of everyone acting.
as many squares as you have Move.
Turn = one persons set of actions
Movement along diagonals is treated
identically to other movement. You may
Surprise Attacks: Through use of stealth
move through (but may not end your
or subtlety, it is possible to attack before the
movement on) spaces occupied by allies,
other team is prepared. This allows each
you may not move through spaces occupied
person taking part in the Surprise Attack
by enemies.
take a full turn as part of a Surprise Round.
All defense rolls made during the Surprise
Rough Terrain: Some terrain is rough,
Round by surprised characters are made at
flavor text flavor text. When moving through
a -2 penalty, and Sneak Attack damage may
rough terrain, each space counts as two
be surprised. Valor does not increase at the
spaces for purposes of move distance. This
end of the Surprise Round.
does not affect the range of techniques or
flying characters.
Attacking: All attacks by default can be
made against any adjacent enemy.
Turn Order: At the beginning of combat, all
Techniques with the Ranged Mod can be
players and enemies roll a d10 and add their
made against any enemy within the
Agility score. The turn order resolves starting
appropriate range, diagonally or otherwise.
with the highest result, moving in order
There are no penalties imposed for using a
down the line until the lowest score has
ranged attack when obstructed by other
acted. After the final action, the turn
characters, but sizable obstacles can provide
resolves, every character gains 1 Valor, the
cover bonuses that make dodging easier.
order resets, and the next turn begins. This
repeats until the battle ends. Ties go to
When attacking, the attacker and defender
highest Initiative bonus, tied Initiative bonus
roll an opposed secondary attribute check. If
rolls off
the attacker wins, or the roll is a tie, the
technique hits. Which secondary attribute is
A character is not required to act on their
used depends on the type of technique
turn; there are a number of other options
being used. For Damage Core techniques,
the secondary attribute corresponding to the
type of damage being inflicted is used
Defend: A defending character can use a
physical damage attacks roll Muscle,

precision damage attacks roll Dexterity,

you may elect to leap in front of the attack,
spiritual damage attacks roll Aura, and
taking the damage or effect for them.
mental damage atttacks roll Intuition. For
other kinds of Cores, the secondary attribute Combination Attack: This requires the
to use is specified in the Core description.
Combination Attack skill. By expending a
Medium Action on your turn, you can delay
Actions: There are five different actions
your attack Technique until an ally
that can be taken during the course of the designated beforehand attacks, and launch
battle. So long as you have the appropriate it at the same time, making both attacks
actions remaining on your turn, they may be more accurate. To use this skill, you must be
used in any order.
within range of the enemy your ally is
targeting in order to successfully use this
Fast Action: Fast Actions are actions that
action. You must select the Ally you are
take little time to complete. Fast Actions
attempting to combine your attack with and
include using Boost and Weaken Cores, as
the Technique you will be using on your turn.
well as using certain active skills. You can
If you are not within range, the Combination
use one Fast Action during your turn.
Attack fails and your action is expended. The
ally you wish to Combine your attack with
Medium Action: Medium Actions include
does not need to possess the Combination
most battle-oriented actions such as using Attack skill. In a Combination Attack, all
an Offensive Technique or using certain
Weaken Core Techniques resolve first.
Active Skills. You can use one Medium Action
during your turn. A Medium Action can be
Combination Technique: This requires a
exchanged for either an extra Fast Action or Technique with the Multiple User limit. By
an extra Move Action.
expending a Medium Action on your turn,
you prepare to launch the Combination
Move Action: Move Actions allow you to
Technique. All participants in the
move a number of squares equal to your
Combination Technique must take this action
in order for it to work, and all participants
must be within range of the intended target
Slow Action: A Slow Action expends your
for it to work. When all participants in a
Fast, Medium, and Move action to use. This Combination Technique have taken this
generally applies to increasing your power action, the attack immediately resolves. If all
through the use of Alternate Forms, and has participants are not in range of the desired
some special actions as well.
target, the attack fails.
Charging: Charging requires a Slow action. It Clash: This requires the Clash skill. By
allows you to do one of two things increase expending a Medium Action on your turn,
your Valor by 2 or recover Energy equal to you can prepare a Technique to push an
double your spirit. You cannot exceed 10
enemys Technique back at them. If any
Valor in this manner, and energy you
enemy targets you with a Damage-Core
recover from a charge action is subtracted Technique, you may attack with your own
from your energy total after it is recovered Damage-Core Technique. You and your
once a battle has been completed.
opponent make opposed Resolve rolls. If one
technique is higher level than the other,
Reaction: Reactions are special actions that subtract the lower-level technique from the
can be taken outside of the normal order.
higher technique. The remaining number is
Reactions all require a specific skill to use
added to the Resolve check of the character
and some require an additional action.
that used the higher-level technique. The
loser of the rolls technique is lost, and they
Cover: This requires the Cover skill, but no are hit with the winners technique. You
additional action to use. When an ally
must select the Technique you wish to
adjacent to you is targeted with a Technique, employ in a Clash during your turn.

Level+2 or higher, cannot use

Deflect: This requires the Deflect skill. By
Ultimate techs, Cannot use alternate
expending a Medium Action on your turn,
forms, Defense and Resistance
you can prepare to deflect a Technique
reduced by half of their base value,
aimed at an ally. If an enemy targets the ally
then rounded up to the nearest ten.
you designate with a Technique, you can
3rd Tier: -3 to all secondary attributes,
attack with your own technique. You and the
cannot use techs of Character
attacker make opposed Resolve rolls. If one
Level+1 or higher, cannot use
technique is higher level than the other,
Ultimate techs, Cannot use alternate
subtract the lower-level technique from the
forms; Attack, Defense and Resistance
higher-level technique. The remaining
are all reduced by half of their base
number is added to the Resolve check of the
value, then rounded up to the nearest
character that used the higher-level
technique. If you win the Resolve roll, the
attackers technique is negated completely. Critical Success: If you succeed in an
If you lose the Resolve roll, the attack
opposed roll by 10, you have made a critical
resolves normally. You must select the Ally success, which gives greater bonuses. Every
you wish to defend and the Technique you additional 10 points you succeed your roll
wish to employ in the Deflection during your by, the critical success bonus increases.
turn. You must use a Damage-Core
If you critically succeed an attack roll,
Technique in a Deflect action.
your Attack is increased by an amount
equal to its base value for each level
Assist: No skill is required to make an Assist
of critical success bonus for the
action. Instead, declare an assist and
purposes of this attack.
expend the action required for the kind of
If you critically succeed on a weaken
assist you are going to give. When the ally
core, the core lasts an additional turn
you are assisting makes their action (such as
for each step you critically succeed.
making an attack against a target), make
the roll as well, using your own modifiers. If Overdrives: Overdrives represent your
you succeed, of the roll (rounded up) is
characters ability to defy fate and overpower
added to your allys roll. This action may be foes. Overdrives allow for a number of
used out of combat.
special actions, and are used by expending 3
Holding Back: While engaged in combat,
you may hold some of your power in check
and not fight at full strength. There are three
tiers at which you can limit yourself, with
each higher tier imposing a greater penalty.
During combat, you can go down as many
tiers as you have spent combat rounds
holding back to gain a +2 will bonus for
each tier. You can stagger this progression,
dropping one tier after the first combat
round and then another after the second
combat round to gain the full will bonus from
holding back.
1st Tier: -1 to all secondary attributes,
cannot use techs of Character
Level+3 or higher, cannot use
Ultimate techs.
2nd Tier: -2 to all secondary attributes,
cannot use techs of Character

Second Wind: As a Free Action during
your turn in combat, so long as you
are not incapacitated, you can recover
hit points equal to 10 multiplied by
your Resolve. These hit points are lost
at the end of the encounter. It is
possible to die from hit point loss in
this manner.
Exceed Limitations: As a Free Action
during your turn in combat, so long as
you are not incapacitated, you can
recover energy equal to 4 multiplied
by your resolve. This energy is lost at
the end of the encounter.
Unbreakable: As a free action during
your turn in combat if you are
incapacitated, you can recover hit
points enough to set your hit point
total at 1. These hit points are lost at

the end of the encounter. It is possible hazardous to pass through or stand in, and
to die from hit point loss in this
can cause ongoing damage so long as the
character remains within it. Functionally, this
Perfect Strike: As a reaction after any is the same as the Persistent Effect mod for
Damage Cores, any time a character passes
roll you make, add 10 to the roll.
Teamwork: As a reaction after any roll through or begins their turn in dangerous
terrain, they take the corresponding
an ally makes, add 5 to the roll.
Shrug Off: As a free action during your damage. Damage from dangerous terrain is
calculated by damage core, and can have an
turn in combat, end all adverse
assigned terrain level based on the level of
effects currently affecting you. This
damage core that is used. Unless specified
includes the effects from Weaken,
by the GM, flight will generally allow a
Immobilization, and Seal Cores.
character to bypass the damaging effect
Furthermore, no effects of this type
can affect you until the beginning of completely.
your next turn.

Dialog: Characters are assumed to be able

to talk as much as they want during a round
or turn. This especially applies to villains,
who will often deliver dramatic monologues
within the first round of combat. As a
general rule, talking requires no actions, but
the GM is free to divide a speech up over
multiple rounds if it seems too long. In
general, this isnt necessary; anime
convention dictates that an entire speech
can be given in the space of a few seconds.
Battlefield Effects: A number of effects
can shape or change the battlefield.
Cover: Cover can take the form of buildings,
trees, or other objects that partially obscure
a character. Characters within cover gain +2
to their defense rolls. Characters with total
cover (inside a building or behind a wall)
cannot be targeted without the cover first
being destroyed or by techniques with
modifiers that allow it. Generally, the target
cannot be seen by cover and if you have the
means to target them you must still target a
square. The attack resolves normally if the
correct square is targeted.
Difficult Terrain: Certain terrain is hard to
manage, such as thick underbrush or rocky
crags. Difficult terrain costs at least one
additional movement space to characters
who are not flying. The jump skill may also
be used to circumvent this.
Dangerous Terrain: Certain terrain is

Non-Combat Actions

completely unnecessary.

Standard Non-combat Actions:

While much of the Valor system is dedicated
to combat, where the most governing rules
Acrobatics: Acrobatics represent displays
are required, many campaigns will want to
of agility and physical prowess, such as
include methods for resolving other
swimming, climbing, tumbling, and the like.
interactions between characters and NPCs.
These checks are normally made against a
In general, this system is intended for use by
flat difficulty, and generally make use of
PCs against NPCs, and, in some cases, for
either Strength or Agility, depending on
NPCs against PCs. In most cases, PCs should
which seems more applicable.
not be using non-combat actions against
each other; many players dislike being told
Diplomacy: Diplomacy generally
how to play their character or how their
encompasses issues such as making
character would react based on the roll of a
someone believe what youre telling them is
die and this should be avoided if at all
true. It generally requires a Guts roll or a
Mind roll, Mind applying to more subtle or
complex situations that require eloquence or
Resolving a Non-combat Action:
complex word games, Guts applying to
situations that require personal magnitude
When a PC and NPC are interacting and
or presence. Penalties or bonuses can be
come into conflict for some reason or
assigned for extenuating circumstances,
another outside of combat, most can be
since deals with obvious benefit are more
resolved by a simple opposed roll of two
likely to cause a positive reaction and deals
Secondary Attributes. The Attributes dont
that are clearly stupid or dangerous are
necessarily need to be the same, but the
highly unlikely to be accepted. The listed
general result is the same. If the aggressor
modifiers are applied to the person making
of the action rolls equal to or higher, their
the roll. In general, this should not be used
action is successful. If they roll lower, their
against other players; players are
action is a failure.
responsible for dictating their characters
actions and this should not be taken away
In some cases, the PC will be attempting
from them.
something that doesnt require an opposed
roll, like attempting to climb a cliff or build a
Knowledge: Knowledge represents the
machine. In this case, characters instead
summation of your characters knowledge
use their regular Attributes, not their
and experience. Knowledge checks are
secondary attributes. You assign a number
almost always made against a flat difficulty
based on the difficulty of a task. A
and make use of a Mind roll, although in
moderately challenging task for a normal
some cases a Guts roll may be appropriate if
person, for example, is a 10, which means
it's more intuitive. In general, knowledge is
an average person will succeed at the task a
handled on a broad basis; topics of
good 55% of the time. You can increase the
knowledge tend to be based around things
difficulty as desired, depending on the action
like Science, Mathematics, Politics,
being attempted. This number increases by
Psychology, and History.
1 for each further level.
In general, this system is meant for
situations you want left in some degree to
random chance. You shouldnt be rolling if
you already know what you want to happen,
and you shouldnt be forcing rolls for every
action a character wishes to take out of
combat, that bogs the game down and is

Perception: Perception represents a

characters ability to notice unusual details
or catch someone sneaking up on them.
Perception normally makes use of Mind, but
in some cases Spirit is also appropriate. In
cases of noticing a small but significant
detail, a flat difficulty can be assigned. For
cases such as noticing if someone is using

stealth, Mind, Spirit, or even Guts might be

Stealth: Stealth can manifest in various
forms, but general indicate a concentrated
effort to remain unnoticed. In some cases,
Stealth can require Agility for hiding, in
others it can require Spirit for suppressing
ones apparent power or even Guts or Mind
for blending into a crowd (Guts for appearing
like you know what youre supposed to be
doing and Mind for faking certain social
patterns, especially among the upper class).
Penalties or bonuses can be assigned for
extenuating circumstances. When one
character is utilizing Stealth, the other
character uses Perception to find them.
Other: This system can be applied to just
about any circumstance. In most cases, an
assigned roll or a flat difficulty against an
applicable stat works just fine. In other
cases, you may want to assign bonuses or
penalties to the roll based on extenuating
circumstances. There is no non-combat
situation that cannot be solved in one of
these two ways if necessary. In most cases,
it is best to assume that the characters can
do most normal tasks without difficulty, if it
comes down to a roll it should at least have
some level of difficulty.
Fatigue: Characters require sleep to
function properly. If a character has not slept
for at least 6 hours in the past 24 hours,
their energy cannot recovered above half its
normal value, rounded up to the nearest 10.
For each additional 24 hours the character
remains awake, that number is halved again.
If the character remains awake for another
24 hours after their energy cannot be
recovered past 10, they immediately
collapse from exhaustion and dont wake up
for the next 6 hours, at which point their
energy starts recovering at a normal rate.
Hunger: Lack of food causes major morale
penalties to characters. For every day in
which a character does not eat, their
starting Valor decreases by 1 for every
encounter they engage in. Should a
character receive food in battle, they
immediately gain Valor equal to the Valor

they were losing due to hunger. If their Valor

reaches -20 in this manner, they are
incapacitated and cannot move nor gain
Valor until they eat something, although the
remain conscious and are able to complain
loudly about how hungry they are.

Game Masters Guide

to help tell the story. In these cases, the PCs

may be employing non-combat actions
against them. You can assume that an
average NPC has 5 in all attributes across
the board for purposes of these actions.
These numbers can be adjusted as need be
to suit your purposes, and some NPCs might
have skills that make them better at
noncombat actions, allowing you to inflate
their checks to whatever number you want
within reason.
However, sometimes you need to
make important NPCs. These NPCs, be they
friendly or hostile, require their own
statistics. The rules presented below are
special NPC-only abilities and rules on how
to craft NPCs to make interesting and
flavorful encounters for your PCs.

Have you ever wanted to be the

villain? Have you ever wanted to sit behind
the screen cackling as a ragtag bunch of
heroes struggles vainly to thwart you? Do
you like planning intricate adventures for
groups of your friends? Do you like rarely
ever winning fights? If so, GMing may be for
The Game Master has the duty of
preparing the adventures, running the NPCs
(both hostile and friendly), and creating the
world. Its generally more challenging than
being a simple player, but it is not without
The GM is considered to have the last
say on any in-game situations. They can
ignore or alter rules at will if it suits the
NPC Skills
narrative, and are the ones in charge of
telling the story. The GM may be ostensibly
antagonizing the party, but in actually he or NPC skills are skills only NPCs have access to
she is setting the background for the story of because they are too powerful for regular
characters. They are intended for Standard
the PCs triumph, or possible downfall.
and Boss-class NPCs to give them abilities
While the GM has a great deal of
power, the power is given to them to make normal characters do not have access to in
the game fun and engaging for everyone. If order to make them more difficult and
interesting encounters. It is possible to give
the GM wishes to alter the rules, these
normal PCs access to some NPC skills, but it
alterations should be consistent for
everyone and should always be the case. If is advised against without extenuating
they wish to ignore rules, there should be a circumstances. While some NPC-only skills
(such as Extended Teleportation and Escape)
good reason for doing so. In general,
ignoring or fudging rules should be made in are meant for villains who need a way to
survive combat so they can return, in
favor of the PCs, although it is all right for
the GM to send impossible encounters at the general these skills are meant for
particularly difficult boss encounters or
PCs from time to time if it suits the
special Standard encounters against a lone
narrative. The bottom line is the game is
made to be fun for both the players and the Standard Enemy (possibly with minions) to
GM. They are all working together to tell a make him more challenging.
story, and both parties should at the core of
it be working together, not competing.

Non-Player Characters (NPCs)

Battle Damage

Be they friendly or antagonistic, most Taking significant damage reduces your

overall combat capabilities.
encounters the PCs have in the world you
have created will be with the NPCs,
characters you run to make it more flavorful. Level Progression: Fixed
This can range from the simple innkeeper to Value: +3 SP
the evil overlord bent on world domination. Effect: If you lose more than 40% of your
health in one attack, you take a -1 penalty to
Many NPCs do not require statistics, they
wont be engaged in combat and are there all secondary attributes for the rest of the


Extended Teleportation

Special: Minions and Soldiers cannot use

the Fusion skill.

Increased Size
You are larger than normal.

You can traverse long distances in the blink

Level Progression: Unlimited
of an eye.
Cost: 2/2 SP
Effect: You take up all adjacent squares to
Level Progression: Medium
the square you would normally occupy, as
Cost: 4/2 SP
per the Blast Radius attack mod. You gain
Speed: Medium
Effect: Transport yourself over a distance of +1 to all attack rolls, -1 to all defense rolls,
miles. You can teleport one target (including and +2 to the roll required to critical hit you
for each level.
caster) per Skill Level
Level Up: You take up all adjacent squares
Range: 1 mile
to the squares you currently take up.
Level up: 1 additional mile and one
Special: Techniques can originate from any
additional target.
square you occupy. Any square you occupy
cannot be moved through by enemies. Any
technique that targets a square you occupy
affects you.
You can flee from battle before the killing
blow is dealt, so long as you have a place to
Through stealth or supernatural ability, you
Level Progression: Fixed
can remove yourself from sight.
Cost: 4 SP
Effect: Take an action immediately to
Level Progression: Fixed
escape from combat.
Special: Requires Extended Teleportation. Cost: 8 SP
This allows you to act out of turn in battle. Speed: Fast
You must use this ability to escape to a base Effect: You can mask yourself from your
of operations or equivalent; if you have none foes senses. You may turn on and off
invisibility at will. When invisible, the NPCs
left, this ability cannot be used.
location is not indicated to the players. What
IS indicated is where they were last time
they performed a technique. Players can
attack any space they suspect of having an
You can combine into one being with an ally.
invisible target in it if the square is empty,
nothing happens, and if its occupied, then
Level Progression: Fixed
the attack is resolved normally. While
Cost: 12 SP
invisible, you get a +3 bonus to defense
Speed: Slow
rolls. Each turn spent invisible expends 5
Effect: You and one other adjacent person
with Fusion combine into one being. Current
Special: Characters can attempt to follow
and maximum HP and EN are pooled.
an invisible character's movement. As a Fast
Attributes and Valor are set to the maximum
Action, anyone can make an opposed
of the two people fusing. All techniques and
Intuition roll against you to ascertain your
skills are pooled, If two skills are mutually
location. If they have the Aura Reader skill,
exclusive, they are not carried over. A fused
they can make an opposed Aura roll instead,
character gains +1 to all secondary
and you do not gain the +3 bonus to your
attributes, as well as +10 Attack. A fused
defense roll against their attacks if they
character cannot use the Fusion skill.


You can restore vitality to your minions,
causing them to keep fighting or summon
more minions at will.
Level Progression: Slow
Cost: 8/3 SP
Speed: Medium
Effect: A defeated Soldier allied with the
NPC is restored to full HP.
Level Up: One more Minion can be revived
by a use of the skill. In place of reviving one
Soldier, two Minions can be revived. Each
Soldier or pair of Minions revived costs 1 per
Target Character Level EN.

Applicable to: Damage Core, Boost Core

Effect: Can target allies or enemies while
not participating in the battle with this
technique. Extends the duration of a Boost
Core for the entirety of the battle.
Level: +2

Multiple Immobilization
You can immobilize a number of targets at
Applicable to: Immobilize Core
Effect: You can keep multiple opponents
immobilized simultaneously through the
expenditure of the required action.
Maximum targets: 1 additional target per
mod level.

NPC Techniques


Like NPC Skills, NPC Techniques are more

powerful than normal Techniques, and are
generally not intended for PC use.

Sacrifice Limit

Domination Core
The enemy bends the mind of the target to
their will, controlling them utterly.

Applicable to: All Cores

Effect: The HP of an ally is reduced when
using this technique.
Value: 5 per Limit Level
Cost reduction: 3 per Limit Level

Constructing NPCs

Unlike PCs, NPCs can be constructed

Speed: Slow
in a variety of ways to suit whatever purpose
Energy Cost: 4 per Technique Level
they need to serve. There are the lowly
Effect: Control the actions of the target.
minions, that are intended to be defeated by
Opponent takes no actions while dominated. the PCs in large numbers to help emphasize
On your action, you can either act yourself their personal power when compared to
or make the target act. You cannot dominate average characters. And then there are
multiple targets at once.
Standard and Boss encounters, which are
Ensnare check: Opposed Intuition
used to significantly challenge the party and
Escape difficulty: Intuition + 1 per 3 Core serve as recurring antagonist. Almost all
Levels (rounded up) vs. Intuition or Resolve major NPCs will fall into the latter two
(defender's choice)
Special: Difficulty drops by 1 each turn
NPC Types:


HP x
Sphere of Command
All secondary attributes (Mus, Dex, Aura,
You can grant power to your underlings from Resolve, Int) -1
SP: normal
great distances.
TP: normal

Attack from Primary Attributes is calculated every target inside the space the swarm
at 1 * attribute instead of 2 * attribute
There should be an equal number of soldiers When a swarm reaches 40% HP, its radius
as there are PCs in a standard encounter.
decreases by one, and all its secondary
attributes are reduced by one.
As Soldiers
Experience and PC Progression
HP 1
SP: normal
As your PCs fight more battles and
TP: normal
experience more, they become stronger. The
Valor fixed at 0
system is built to progress the PCs in power
Attack from Primary Attributes is calculated
every two or three sessions, and the
at * attribute instead of 2 * attribute
encounters can be planned accordingly.
There should be twice as many minions as
Below are charts on how to distribute
there are PCs in a standard encounter.
experience to your PCs and the rate at which
Minions are treated as having the Negation
it should be given. Experience is by no
skill for purposes of area of effect spells that
means required in a game, it's just a tool
normally deal half-damage. They can only be
presented to allow GMs to track character
defeated on a successful hit.
progression if they so desire.
Constructed as PCs
There should be half as many standard
enemies as there are PCs in a standard

Experience Values: All enemies are

constructed much as PCs are, with modified
numbers in certain areas to reflect their
specific roll. However, in all cases, when
defeating a specific type of enemy the PCs
gain the amount of experience listed
multiplied by the level of the enemy they
HP x2
defeated. That experience is divided among
EN x2
them evenly.
Attack from Primary Attributes is calculated
Minions are worth 5 experience per
at 3 * attribute instead of 2 * attribute
If fighting 4+ people, takes 2 turns each
Soldiers are worth 20 experience per
Roll initiative normally. This is the count on

Elites are worth 80 experience per

which the Masters first action will take
place. Subtract 10 from that roll, minimum
Masters are worth 300 experience per
1. The Master acts again on that new
initiative count.
+1 to all attack rolls
SP 25 at level 1, 10 every subsequent level Assigning Non-Combat Experience:
Masters are intended to fight PCs by
Experience doesnt have to be rewarded in
combat alone. You can give experience for
overcoming trials or difficulties, as well as
for good role-playing and accomplishing
As Soldiers
HP and Secondary Attributes as Elites
In general, non-combat experience is
Swarms take up their own space, along with determined by how difficult the completed
all spaces within a radius of 2. However,
task is. Again, experience should generally
other targets can freely enter spaces
be divided amongst the party whenever
occupied by the swarm.
possible. While its possible to have a party
Techniques built by the swarm cannot use
of uneven level, its usually best to keep
any ranged modifiers; all Damage or
everyone equal.
Weaken techs used by a swarm instead hit

The harder a task is, generally the greater Also, depending on how heroic an action is,
number or more rolls it requires to
it should grant more or less Valor. For
successfully complete. The difficulty level is example, consistently calling the names of
assigned based on how hard it would be for attacks or being particularly in-character, for
an average person of equivalent level (10+1 example, might net a character +1 Valor,
every 2 levels) to complete it.
whereas delivering a dramatic I will defeat
you monologue may net +2 or even more
Minor tasks are generally worth 25
experience per difficulty level
Use Valor as an encouragement for more
Moderate tasks are generally worth
dramatic role-play. Valor is useful for most
50 experience per difficulty level
Difficult tasks are generally worth 100 characters either in terms of a disposable
resource to fuel their techniques or as
experience per difficulty level
something to boost their characters
capabilities. Use it to encourage your
Leveling Characters Up: Normally,
players to act like anime heroes.
characters level up at the end of a gaming
session. However, as this system is meant to
Increasing Valor: There are many actions
duplicate shounen conventions, dont be
players can take to increase their Valor. Here
afraid to be creative with this.
are a few examples; in general, if something
If you know the PCs have enough experience
seems incredibly heroic it should give a
to level up in-combat, dont be afraid to let
Valor bonus.
them do so in the middle of battle if the
Buying techs during a battle.
battle is ferocious enough. Assuming the
Calling the names of their attacks in
players have a good idea of what they
wanted to do for their next level anyway,
Giving a dramatic monologue to an
this wont slow the game down too much
(especially at higher levels where they know
Protecting non-combatants.
the system better) and, if done sparingly,
can have a great dramatic effect on battle.
Confronting a rival.
Players are also able to save Skill Points and
Holding back.
Technique Points between levels, which
Using Heroics.
neednt be spent at a new level. These
points are available whenever they want, so Decreasing Valor: By the same token,
using leftover resources in harsh battles if
certain actions can lower the Valor of a
theyre needed should be encouraged.
character. Here are some suggestions as to
actions that will lower Valor.
Attacking someone while they are in
the middle of a monologue.
The Valor mechanic is meant to represent a
Attacking someone while they are
characters fighting spirit, and is the most
transforming or using a technique.
role-play oriented stat available. While it
Harming innocents.
does slowly rise, and there are abilities that
can bring it higher, any character can,
Campaign-Specific Mechanics
through the proper role-play, drive their
Valor higher. Note that in most cases, these
Certain campaigns require certain
bonuses are intended for battles against
mechanics that aren't necessary for all
Standard or Boss enemies.
games. These mechanics are strictly here for
If something can be done repeatedly, it
GMs who need them, you should not under
shouldnt be constantly giving Valor
any circumstance feel obligated to add
bonuses. However, repetition of the same
these mechanics if it doesn't fit in your
action and a general style of play that
involves it should warrant progressive Valor game.
bonuses every few combat rounds.

Valor Mechanics in the Game

Using an Elemental System in your

World: Generally, elemental systems are
there if they have a dramatic impact on the
Depending on the feel of your game, you
world. At the very least, a world with an
may wish to include an elemental tree of
elemental system should have a high
different elements that interact with each
other. In general, if youre making use of the number of enemies that have at least
elements, they should have a large impact elemental vulnerability flaw and an
elemental resistance skill. To make it more
on the game world, which can be done by
important, requiring characters to take an
imposing elemental alignments and
elemental vulnerability flaw and giving them
weaknesses, or by making a number of
a free elemental resistance skill, both of
enemies have weaknesses to and employ
elements in order to make the players more which level at a rate you as the GM
conscious of their existence. The system for prescribe, is not out of the question. These
the elements is set up in such a way that its flaws and skills should neither give nor
easily ignored if it doesnt suit the world, but require skill points, they should just be
with a little extra effort it can be a large and inherent to the character, enemy or NPC.
active part of the feel of the world if desired.


Elemental Flaws

Building an Element System: In general,

elemental systems are designed in one of
three ways: a direct opposition system, a
wheel system, or a combination of both. In
the direct opposition system, two elements
are both strong and weak against each
other. This makes the elemental reactions
limited between pairs of opposition. In the
wheel system, the elements work with and
against each other in a cyclical manner, so
that one element will be good against
something but bad against a completely
different element. This allows elements to
interact more, but depending on its
configuration can leave many elements
neutral to each other or, in more complex
settings, be difficult to track. The third
system tends to involve the standard wheel,
as well as a direct opposition of some of the
stronger elements (Light and Darkness
being an example of this).

Elemental Vulnerability
You are particularly vulnerable to certain
Level Progression: Slow
Value: +2/+1 SP
Effect: From a certain element, Defense or
Resistance (whichever is applicable) is
reduced by 10.
Level up: Defense or Resistance is reduced
by a further 5.

Elemental Skills
Elemental Resistance
You are resistant to an element.

Level Progression: Fast

Cost: 2/1 SP
Example Element Systems:
Effect: When attacked by a certain element,
Direct Opposition: Earth opposes Air, Defense or Resistance (whichever is
Fire opposes Ice, Lightning opposes
applicable) is increased by 10 for purposes
of the attack.
Wheel: Lightning defeats water, water Level Up: Defense or Resistance is
defeats fire, fire defeats earth, earth increased by a further 5.
defeats air, air defeats ice, ice defeats
Elemental Mods
Combination: Earth defeats water,
water defeats fire, fire defeats air, air Element Attack
defeats earth, light opposes darkness.
Your technique is infused with an element.

might want to make the HP and EN numbers

higher to reflect this. Multiplying all HP totals
by 10 and all EN totals by 5 gives you a
feeling of a much grander scale, which can
be helpful for evoking a particular image.
Similarly, you may not want to work with an
experience system at all. The system is
designed for characters to gain a new level
every 2-3 sessions, and all characters should
always be at the same experience and level
(it's seldom fun for someone to be
constantly trailing behind their allies in level
and power). If desired, the experience point
system can be done away with entirely, and
characters can simply gain a level when you
Multiple Element
decide it is time. The experience system is
Your Technique melds a number of elemental to give a set idea of how characters should
be progressing, it can be ignored if you wish
forces together for maximum effect.
them to progress at a set rate.
Applicable to: Damage Core or Immobilize
Core with the Constricting Damage Mod with Ultimate Techniques and
Element Strike Mod
Alternate Forms
Effect: An attack has multiple elements; use
the most effective one.
Depending on the style of game you are
Special: The attack gains a number of
playing, one Ultimate Technique every five
elements equal to the Mod Level.
levels may not feel right for the characters.
If so, as a GM, you can freely alter the points
Values and Experience
at which characters gets Ultimate
Techniques. For example, in a high-powered
Depending on the experience, you may wish game, characters may get an Ultimate
to change the numbers involved. For
Attack at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20, then
example, if the characters in your campaign Transformations at levels 7, 12, and 17. You
represent giant mecha and their pilots, you may
even allow characters to
take an Ultimate Technique at
level 1, although if you allow
them to take a
Transformation, youll have to
let it exceed the normal
limitations on technique
Applicable to: Damage Core, Immobilize
Core with Constricting Damage
Effect: An element is associated with this
attack. If the Technique is a Damage Core
inflicting Spiritual or Mental damage, the
level is decreased to +0.
Level: +1
Special: If applied to a Constricting
Damage immobilize core, it does one
additional point of damage per core level for
each level of elemental weakness the target

First beta release.
-Guts now increases HP in addition to Strength.
-Rewrote rules for Attack on minions/soldiers.
-Altered Interrupt Attack to be more viable and less cheesy.
-Battle Analysis improved.
-Transformation Core moved to Ultimates.
-Accuracy Limit increased to 3 per limit level.
-Magic Damage renamed to Mental Damage.
-Added Drop Limit, Push Limit, Pull Limit.
-Added Offensive Stance skill.
-Split Attack Mod into Mystic and Might.
-Revamped Counterattack.
-Revamped Clone Core and Invisibility.
-Attacker, Iron Defense, and Resistant skills reduced to Slow level progression.
-Added the special skills Free Flight, Free Swift Step, Extended Swift Step, Teleportation,
and Extra Actions.
-Changed Overdrives, Battle Analysis, and Exploit Weakness from +10 to +5.
-Chain Attack mod added.
-Companion skills added.
-Lots of effects changed from range 10 to range 20.
-Accurate Strike now costs 2 per level.
-Swarms re-introduced.
-Special Skills renamed to Advanced Skills, and moved back into the Skills chapter.
-Added skills Mount, Abundant Creation, and a number of Advanced Skills.
-Replaced Overwhelming Strike with the more balanced Direct Assault.
-Revamp of alternate forms and ultimate techs. Added a number of new skills, flaws, and
limits accordingly.
-Renamed Mobile Limit to Movement Limit and Movement Limit to Immobile Limit.
-Move renamed to Speed.
-Persistent Effect rules simplified.
-Lots of other minor revisions.
-Replaced Illusion Core with the Illusion Skills.
-Turned Nullify Core and Seal Core into active skills.

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