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Directions: Highlight the misplaced sentence in

each paragraph. Circle where it should go in the

1.(1) Chess is a two-player game. (2) One player
uses the white pieces. (3) The other uses the
black pieces. (4) One piece is called the king.
(5) Each player has one. (6) The players take
turns moving their pieces. (7) If a player lands
on a piece, he or she takes it. (8) Each piece
moves in a special way. (9) The game ends
when a player loses his or her king. (10) There
are a few more rules, but those are the basics.
2.(1) They were experimenting. (2) The first TV
station was set up in 1928. (3) It was in New
York. Few people had TVs. (4) The broadcasts
were not meant to be watched. (5) They
showed a Felix the Cat doll for two hours a day.
(6) The doll spun around on a record player. (7)
It took many years to get it right.

(1) The snap of the Venus flytrap is not the only

way that plants eat bugs. (2) Pitcher plants
trick their prey into landing on them. (3) They
offer nectar bribes to the foolish insects that
would take them. (4) Their landing surface is
slippery. (5) They have inward pointing hairs,
making it hard to escape. (6) The fly lands on
the pitcher plant to eat, but it slips into a pit

filled with digestive fluids and is eaten. (7) True

to their name, pitcher plants have deep

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