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Jordan Harris

Academic Success Reflection Paper Two

On December 2nd I attended the Study Carnival in ACB. This was an event for all
students to come out for a day of fun and games and the chance to receive some extra help on
assignments or for some last minute tutoring. Throughout ACB there were bean bag games, and
other variety of fun interactive games. There was also lots of food that was provided such as
pizza, funnel cakes, ice cream, popcorn, and cotton candy. They offered tutoring for each subject
and many professors were there to give extra help on any assignments. At the study carnival
there were also sessions being held in the lecture classrooms. While I was there I decided to go to
the session that informed students about tips on taking a exam and how to prepare. I found that
session to be very helpful and it gave me some tips that I had never been taught before. I learned
that if one part in the answer is false but the other part is correct the answer will automatically be
false. Never choose "C" if you do not know the answer because it never results in being the
correct answer. When taking a math exam you should always write out every portion of the
problem then proceed to solving. During this session I also reassured myself on why it is
important to get plenty of sleep and to eat breakfast before taking the exam. It is proven that
many students perform better on test when they eat breakfast because it provides the brain with
energy, and I mean it is the most important meal of the day. In all I must say that I enjoyed
myself at the Study Carnival I would highly recommend that they host this again for next
semester. I loved how social and friendly everyone was, I also really appreciated how there were
professors there to help with anything. After it was over me and my friends stayed a while to
finish our work and take our online exams. This event is one that I will return to next semester.

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