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This is the story of Marcus an extraordinary man. Marcus was a farmer by

trade and ran most wheat fields south of the river. However, secretly at night he
could be seen reading a very special thick leather bound book. (Texture) It was
uncommon for someone of his title to be in the procession of a book. In this time
and age only royalty is allowed the privilege of reading and writing. The village all
knew, and kept it a secret for good reason. If caught in possession of said materials
it would ultimately lead to his execution. He is a favorable hard worker with a moral
compass as true as any. The book in question wasnt any ordinary book either. The
cover of the book was studded with emerald dragon scales, a little flashy for my
taste but it was the rarest color of scale. (Texture) It was also said to house the
soul of the first elder drake Omnok (DRAGON). He was known as the philosopher of
his era, and with his last dying breath transferred his knowledge into the tome that
Marcus reads now (ABSORBS)(Element)(Combine). At the time of the drakes
passing it rained for 7 days and nights. (weather) Marcus of course doesnt know
any of this and just thinks it just run of the mill paper back. You could say hes
oblivious to its actual value like everyone else. Now I know what youre thinking,
wait how did Marcus end up with this super powerful relic (PWR)? Pure accident I
know, I know its not the most exciting way to start a story, but what you do know
that is an all right kind of guy. Marcus during one harvest was asked for help with a
few wheat fields north of the river. One of the men he helped was a much older
gentleman. He used a very crooked wooden staff to ease his walking. When the job
was finished, Marcus asked for gold for services rendered, but instead the old man
insisted on him taking the book instead. Being who Marcus is he took the book and
went home smelling to high heaven on an empty stomach that night. (smell)
One night Marcus struggled to find some sleep (STRUGGLE). He lights the
candle beside his bed and uses it to guide him to a loose floor board where he kept
this forbidden treasure(CANDLE)(texture)(sound). Feeling comfortable that no
one was watching him, he cracks open the book carefully with his rugged hands and
blew the dust off the pages. (hand/texture)(smell) Something happened when he
blew on the pages, the text itself became luminescent. He attempts to decipher
what the writing says, however its much too complicated. Marcus runs his right
lanky index finger down the middle of the page on a strange triangle symbol and

hears the word RokNar whispered (TRIANGLE/FINGER)(sound). He repeats the

word aloud (sound). In that moment, the book flies out of his hands across the
room and smashes against the wall (FLIES). The pages flip themselves from start to
finish and a burst of blinding light floods the room from the book. Marcus shields his
eyes with his forearm. Marcus takes a deep breath and peaks from out his arm.
What he sees next to extraordinary, for what was once his humble cottage home he
now floats among the stars. The cosmos is full of beautiful and extraordinary colors.
The sky is washed in a blue and green veil, spots of orange clusters hug glimmering
white stars (COSMOS) (light). You would think that he was in heaven, I mean I
would too if I was floating in space among the stars. They say that dragons were the
first to breathe life into the void, and through relics that blessed by the first order of
the drake allowed you to see things not possible by mankind. Unable to sleep that
night Marcus chews on the stem of an earthy valerian plant to aid in sleep (PLANT
The next morning Marcus awoke with what could only be described as one of
the most painful hangovers he had ever felt. He hadnt remembered drinking the
night prior, but still this unimaginable throbbing was getting the best of him. A
secret to be told is that Drake bound books, or books with dragon souls are
particularly powerful when used by humans. Few would test these waters and few
would be found sane afterwards. This wasnt the case with Marcus, what would
typically drive someone mad only excited and thrilled him, the only side effect is
that he temporarily feels like shit. With the book on his mine he was distracted from
his work around the farm which led to him almost milking a steer (ERROR). He
patiently waits till night to start reading from the text again.
That night he comes across an unusual chapter about an owl. The book
describes this winged creature as a spiritual guide to the cosmos and that if
followed can lead you on the path of enlightenment or something like that. Marcus
personally found owls to be creepy just because they could fully rotate their heads
and not break their necks (BIRDS). While reading this chapter, he came across a
unique circle symbol for wisdom, or the eye of the owl. The book whispered AmRok
and he blindly repeated.(sound) The book slams shut and Marcuss eyes rotated
backwards into his head as he gasps for air. (Word) Powerful images sweep through
his mind, but all are unfamiliar. The Owl of AmRok is said to be one of the greatest

seers born of the old kingdom. It was through true sight that some could pierce the
veil into the future (FUTURE). In Marcuss case his vision was brief and not that of
the future but of a time when he was picking wild herbs near the river and fell in
(PLANT 2). In his next vision, he is reminded of a simpler and warmer time, when
his mother still lives. The home smells of freshly picked lavender and a young
Marcus and his mother laughter fills the home (PLANT 3)(Smell). Sun peaks
through the stain glass window and shimmers on the floor (DWELLING) (light). In
this moment, he knows true happiness. The vision begins to fade and Marcus slips
into slumber.
The next day an unfamiliar face abruptly awakes Marcus. In a panic, he
reaches for his feathery pillow and begins swatting at the intruder in his home
(WEAPON)(texture). The intruder to his surprise hisses viciously. (sound) It was
just the neighbors smelly cat Wilkins (RESULT)(smell). Wilkins had a nasty habit of
surprising Marcus occasionally. With the amount of times that cat has woken him up
youd think hed get used to it by now. Marcus continued to read from the tome for
many months. The villages grew worried that he lost his mind. He stopped farming
and just spent most of his time inside his home. Then one day he just vanished.
Some say that he became obsessed with the book and moved to be isolated from
the world. Others say that he gained enlighten and left this plane to higher
knowledge, and some say hes just hiding in the basement. (light) I suppose will
never know.

Do not use the word (or any derivative of the word) wizard anywhere in the paper.
2. _x__ Primarily present tense narration
3. _x_ Words results in change (WORD)
4. x_ A willful struggle (STRUGGLE)
5. x Someone absorbs something into themselves (ABSORBS)
6. x Something flies across a room (FLIES)
7. __x_ A detailed description of an object of great power (POWER)

8. _x_ A pointed finger (FINGER)

9. _x_ Three sentences in a row about a single bird (BIRD 1-3)
10. x_ NO beards, pointy hats, robes or wands; no references to orphans, bastards, families or
blood of any kind
11. x__ Someone sees the future (FUTURE)
12. _x_ candles (put in bold)
13. __x_ Someone follows instructions incorrectly (ERROR)
14. _x__ A description of a dwelling place (DWELLING)
15. x_ Someone combines two things to make a third (COMBINE)
16. __x__ Something unlikely is used as a weapon (WEAPON)
17. _x_ A reference to the cosmos (COSMOS)
18. _x_ three references to plants (PLANT 1-3)
19. _x_ a dragon (DRAGON)
20. __x the elements (ELEMENTS)
21.x a triangle, a square, or a circle (TRIANGLE/SQUARE/CIRCLE)
22. _x an unexpected result (RESULT)
23. Details
24. _x_ 5 references to lighting or weather (L/W 1-5)
25. _x_ a detailed description of someones hands (HANDS)
26. _x_ 5 references to smell (SMELL 1-5) xxxx
27. _x_ 5 references to sound (SOUND 1-5)
28. _x_ 5 references to a texture (TEXT 1-5)

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