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HLAC - Lifelong Wellness Application Paper


Erika Sanchez

Date: November 25th, 2016


What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this class?
I learned I need to care more about my health and stop thinking I am okay
and will be fine without it. It is very important to maintain your health
mentally and physically in a positive way. As much as it can become hard to
get in the habit, it is better to try and fail over and over until I get it
compared to not trying at all. It takes practice to be able to get the hang of it.
Even then, changing the route helps so it is not repetitive and your body
doesnt get used to it. If you really want to live a long healthy life, you need
to eat healthy and stay in shape. There are so many things we can do to
make it easier for us but we have to work for it.

How has learning about and applying lifelong wellness concepts impacted
your life (home, school, work, etc)?
I am more energized in my daily life. Prior to starting this class, I would feel
really lazy and not want to do anything. Since I started I see a motive a desire
to do something that will benefit me rather than not doing anything and
wasting time. I have been able to create goals again giving me something to
aim for and giving me the sight that I have lost over time. There were times I
was having pain on my knees or on my back and I realized after taking this
course that I was missing exercise in my daily routine. That was a big eye
opener for me.

What is your intention to continue to exercise in your life and why?

I definitely will continue to exercise in my life because I have realized it is
something that is a need in life and not a want. In order to have a long
healthy life there needs to be some sort of exercise route. I hope to be able to
take the course again but if it doesnt fit in my schedule I will be doing some
sort of exercise from home. I didnt achieve the goal completely that I wanted
but it was because I didnt have the right vision. I always had an excuse. The
good this is I will meet my goal that I created as long as I continue at it.

General ideas for improving this course?

I think everything was great! I truly enjoyed the class and if I can retake the
class I definitely would. Great music to go with the exercise and great
opportunities to learn about being healthy and knowing how to do it in a
positive way.

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