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Michael Lee

Lindsey Griffin
Sarah Schill
Jesse Little
Emily Norris
Team Genre Project #2
For our second genre project, we decided to stick with the theme of promoting equal
rights for women. We have chosen to write out a script for a possible commercial, which we will
be acting out in class. We chose to a commercial on television because TV reaches so many
people. It was our hope to make this commercial Super Bowl worthy. We would air this during
the next Super Bowl game where millions of people from all over the country tune in to watch.
We wanted this ad to be filled with themes of feminism to make our audience aware of the
existing problem in todays society. Similar to our first text, which was bringing attention to
masculinity and its pressures for many men; the purpose of this text is to make aware the issue
of feminism and to draw attention to the fact that it is still a problem and that women are
standing up and fighting back.
Because we want this to be a potential Super Bowl commercial, we wanted to make sure
it had a funny theme. It is no secret that people remember things better when it makes them
laugh. Our commercial features a baking competition between girls and guys. The guy ends up
winning the competition even though his bread is clearly not up to par with that of the girls. The
tagline of the commercial will be Its not equal til were equal, meaning that there is no equality
until all women are equal and treated fairly. We are incorporating the phrase breadwinner by
mentioning that all people can be breadwinners. This will tie everything together by making our
actual bread competition connect to a real topic of feminism- the fact that men typically make
more money and are considered the breadwinners of the home. We are hoping this pun will
really grab the attention of viewers and make them see the real problem at hand.

Our intended audience will be both women and men, particularly of our generation. It is
important to get the message across that women still do not have the same rights as men in
many areas. Our ad is intended for women viewers as it will ensure that they know their rights
and will give them the option of deciding to stand up for them. Our advertisement will also be
good for men to see because if they recognize that there is a problem they can make the
decision to back women up. Our generation is filled with millennials who like to see change. If
we can get millennials fired up about this then we believe that much more headway can be
made regarding these issues.
Originally, our group wanted to actually make and film a commercial to present to the
class. However, because of time and some other factors we were unable to get this done.
Through this project we have also realized that there is a lot more that goes into a commercial
than what it probably seems like. Everything has to be very intentional as most ads only last
about thirty seconds. We have learned a lot through our efforts on this project and we hope that
maybe a commercial like this really will air on live television.

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