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How to Debate Leftists and Win in Their Own

Obama and other Democrat Debaters' Key
Points, Responses and Counter-Responses

Travis L. Hughes

Table of Content
Chapter 1 The Traditional Debate
Chapter 2 Understanding the Leftist
Chapter 3 Know How your Opponent Views You
Chapter 4 - Debating the Leftist Preparation
Chapter 5 - Debating the Leftist During the Debate
Chapter 6 - Debating the Leftist Break down their Approach

If you have ever watched a debate with a leftist, there is no doubt that it was filled with drama,
interesting interjections and a high dose of emotions. When leftists debate, they can achieve two
results bringing out the best in you or bringing out the worst in you. They have a range of tactics that
they use to throw you off balance, and make you lose your line of thought.
So when planning to debate with a leftist, you need your own set of tools to help you understand
them, argue better than them, and overcome any obstacles that they will put in your way.
This book contains details on who the leftist really is. The leftist is someone who is always against
the status quo so if you are for the current way of being, they are sure to object to you. However,
they object differently from the average person. They are noticeably aggressive, unwavering and cut
throat. The leftist will think nothing of completely annihilating your character in order to win an
Within this book, you will also find information on how the leftist views you. In order to win an
argument or debate, you need to know their point of view, and what they believe you are going to say.
This way, you can anticipate all the necessary moves, and argue every point that they bring up to your
Arguing with a leftist does not need to be a challenge. With this guide, it can be exceptionally simple.

Chapter 1 The Traditional Debate

There is a vast difference between preparing for a traditional debate, and preparing for a debate with
a leftist. The steps that you follow when preparing for a debate include: Step 1 Get the Topic
The first item that is agreed upon by both parties is the topic that will be debated. This gives both
parties the opportunity to prepare for the debate, as well as to establish what they stance will be.
When you debate with a leftist, you are most likely going to be on the affirmative side, while the
leftist will be the opposition.
Step 2 Define the Topic
In order to make sure that your point of view is clearly understood, and not misinterpreted, you need
to define the topic and put it in perspective. This provides an excellent starting point for your debate
and puts the leftist in a position where they would need to refute your definition if they choose to do
so. In order to refute your definition, they will need to provide evidence.
Step 3 Organise your Time
Before any debate begins, you are given a designated amount of time to make your argument. Once
you have used your time, the opposition has the opportunity to share their point of view. Make sure
that you write out all the points that you want to share, and then you can plan to argue them all within
the designated time.
If you find that you have some extra time during the debate, do not give it up to the opposition.
Discuss again the points that you would emphasised and attempt to convince the judge of your
Step 4 Present an Orderly Argument
You need to present your argument in an organised, step by step fashion. You should take note of your
tone of voice as well as the passion of your delivery. To bring your point across, speak in a clear
tone, without rushing your words and as loudly as is acceptable. Establish eye contact with the
audience and the judges of the debate. If possible, before you go into a full argument, outline the
points that you wish to address.
Step 5 Rebut your Opponent
After you have made your point, listen to the opposition. Then, you need to find a subtle and effective
way to rebut your opponents points. You do not need to interrupt what they are saying, no matter how
passionate you are about the topic. In a debate, each party is given the opportunity to present their
argument and ask questions.
When you have the opportunity to rebut your opponent, offer evidence for your rebuttal. Do not simply
give an opinion and expect that to be enough. Attack the most important parts of the argument, and
ensure you bring out your points clearly. Make sure you avoid criticising the person presenting their
point of view, instead of their ideas.

Step 6 Know What is being Judged

In most debates, people are judged in three main areas. These are the matter at hand how this matter
is going to be addressed, the points that will be brought forward and the information that will result,
the manner in which is it being discussed the aggression, details and order, and the method that is
being discussed the formality of the debate.
Step 7 Responding to Rebut
In the same way that you would rebut your opposition, you should be ready to be rebutted. Once you
are given the chance to defend yourself, remember to speak in a clear, concise and composed way.
Under no circumstances are you to raise your voice of get emotional about your point of view. When
you do so, you lose ground and give your opposition a footing which they can use to throw you off
If you are unable to address the issue due to a lack of information, admit it, and move on.
You should make sure that you avoid repeating the same point over and over again. This can be
tedious and make you appear ill informed or inflexible.
Step 8 End on a High Note
The aim of a debate is to have a winner and a loser. Whatever the outcome for you, you should wrap
things up as amicably as possible. Even if at the end of it all you do not reach an agreement, you need
to respect your opposition enough that you will not be a sore loser. Sometimes, it is best to agree to
disagree. Disagreeing does not mean that you cannot be friends.
These steps are followed when conducting a traditional debate. A debate with a leftist however,
differs greatly. When debating with a leftist, you must note that they will not keep to the rules. They
are interested in making their point known no matter what. So you should also be aware of the
tactics that they are likely to use.
The next chapter explains exactly who the leftist is, where they get their points of view, and the likely
way that they will behave during a debate.

Chapter 2 Understanding the Leftist

Simply defined, a leftist is a person who supports the political views or policies of the left. They are
also known as a person who advocates for radical individualism and radical egalitarianism. The
radical individual exercises their personal freedom with almost no sense of responsibility to human
history, society or well accepted principles. Egalitarianism advocates for the equality of outcomes
rather than opportunities, and they often make sure to persecute those who have achieved more than
Understanding the modern left entails going back into history, and establishing how leftism came
about. In the early 19th century, French liberals proclaimed that capitalism and private property were
the agents of inevitable moral decay. The had an idea that to resolve this issue, capitalism needed to
be collapsed and replaced with a socialist regime which had a utopian ideal of perfect equality. Their
doctrine was that they best way to move forward is if all men were equal.
The left is often formed by a whole host of demographic groups that believe they have been
victimized by the capitalist system and all its related injustices. So a collection of marginalised
groups get together, and they then contribute their combined voices to a chorus that is aimed at
discrediting all the rightists as people who knowingly and purposefully abuse their vulnerability.
Leftists may often refer to themselves as liberals, although the understanding of a leftist as a liberal
should be used loosely. The reason for this is because liberalism was founded on the rule of law,
private property, limited scope of the government and laissez faire economics, and taken together,
these points form the antithesis of liberals. The modern leftist takes a different, possibly completely
opposite stand to this outlook.
In fact, the liberal may view themselves as broadminded, unprejudiced and tolerant. It has been said
that in the past, the classic liberal was tolerant of divergent beliefs and ideologies, and greatly
respected individual freedom of thought. In contrast, the modern leftist is totally intolerant of
opposing views, and firmly takes the stand that they know what is best, and the modern leftist also
promotes group thinking to an extent.
In contemporary times, the leftist stands for particular societal outlooks including: Expanding the government so that more people can have access to resources and issues
are treated by a larger body, ensuring equality. They believe that the others (people on
the right) are for the promotion of diminishing the total scope of the government.
Establishing group rights and collective identity by ensuring that all minority groups have
a voice. They leftist will term this as affirmative action and the aim is to ensure that
everyone has been represented in community, and that they have a say.
Realising wealth instead of creating it through free markets based on private property. By
advocating for all men to be equal, leftists intend to take away some of the power that is
help by wealthy capitalist advocates who appear to take advantage of the common man.
The circumvention of law, rather than the rule of law as leftists view the law to be
somewhat to rigid, as under certain circumstances, a different stance may be necessary
The contemporary leftist is completely opposed to non-socialist societies, and will argue that these

societies are composed largely of people who dominate or are dominated, or those who oppress and
are oppressed. They attribute this state of being to free-market capitalism, which is viewed by leftists
to be the source of all social ills and vices. So according to the left, any government or country that is
capitalist can only do wrong and has very few redeeming qualities.
In order to eliminate the injustices that are construed to be caused by a capitalist society, the left
seeks to invert the power hierarchy, so that all those groups that they perceive as being oppressed or
dominated become the privileged races or classes.
It is important to note that a leftist will always be against the status quo no matter what the status
quo is. This is because the leftist will hold a burning desire for bringing about political change, and
often, they want an extreme change. Even within this desire, they do not give different types of change
the same weight. The change that they are looking for will largely depend on what is behind their
drive or desire for a change. The leftist will want to change the existing system, and their agreement
on this desire is what brings them all together.

Chapter 3 Know How your Opponent Views You

The person who debates with the leftist is referred to by several terms, the most common being a
rightist or a conservative. If you are going to debate with a leftist, you need to be familiar with these
terms, as well as to understand how the leftist view you. The leftists view of you as a rightist is
highly significant, as it will give you an idea of how to approach your argument and possibly win
during a debate.
The leftist will start off by viewing you as someone who is opposed to change, or someone who is
highly in favour of the status quo. They usually always start their arguments from this premise, with
the intention to make you appear rigid and traditional. The main reason for this point of view is that at
the very core, the leftist is opposed to the status quo, and often looking for some sort of radical
They may view you are a racist, or try to portray you as one. They do this by claiming that you place
significance in matters of race, much more than they do. In fact, they will emphasise how they have
taken into consideration all minority groups so that each and every person can be viewed as equal.
If you make the mistake of identifying with a particular group of people, you will be accused of not
being fully inclusive of everyone in the society. The leftists will condemn you to an unfair degree, to
make it appear as though you are only looking out for yourself, to the detriment of anybody else who
may be around you.
The leftist will also view you as someone who is responsible for making sure that all men are equal
even though this is their premise and not yours. They will hold you accountable for discrepancies in
equality, and try to make it appear as though these have been done on purpose so as to move forward
your own agenda. They will blame you for inconsistencies in equality of all people, and they will
also place full blame on the government for not taking the appropriate action to right all the wrongs.
If you are debating on the side of the government, or you are working with the government, the leftist
will view you as ultimately being responsible for improving all the scenarios that exist in society to
their detailed and extreme specifications. The leftist will be against any ideas that you may have on
the benefits of privatisation and deregulation. The leftist strongly believes that these factors will all
lead to ultimate inequality.
From your point of view, you may truly believe that not all men are equal. For example, mean people
are different from kind people, or hard core criminals differ from the morally upright in society, sane
people are different from the clinically insane and so on. The leftist will argue with you that all men
should be seen as equal, not so much because they are equal, or because the leftist is right, but so that
they can go against the status quo and prove that society is in need of a change.
The leftist is also looking at being politically correct. They believe that you are for economic reforms
to carry out a nation building agenda, and they will then counter you by advocating for social reforms.
During a debate, the leftist may view you as the platform or barrier that they need to overcome in
order to gain some power. By finding ways and topics to argue with you, especially those that they
are highly informed, they can get the publics attention, demonstrate outrage and feel more righteous

than others. You come away from the debate as the used stepping stone that furthered their agenda.
Finally, the leftist may view you as unworthy of having any sort of power, attention or praise. They
focus on people who are rich, may be upper class and living a privileged lifestyle or hold positions
where they yield a certain amount of power. If you are this type of person, then you are potentially
getting in the way of a leftists having what they want.

Chapter 4 - Debating the Leftist Preparation

Before you begin any debate, you are given the topic and the opportunity to prepare. This step
becomes particularly important if you are about to face off with a leftist. So as you are getting ready,
you should keep in mind the following points.
They will Attack you Forcefully
When preparing to debate a leftist, you should keep in mind that they will be ready to face the debate.
Leftists make sure to take the necessary time to find out everything that they can about their enemy or
opposition. The information that they search for includes your stand on a range of issues, your
possible approach to argue on these issues and all the loopholes that they can exploit where you may
not have adequate information.
Once they have found any information that can be used against you, they will go for the jugular. They
come after you with all they have so as to bring you down, right from the very beginning. As you are
now aware that this is their game plan for the beginning of the debate, you can try not to get caught off
balance when they come for you with a forceful attack.
Brace Yourself for their Drama
The leftist will do pretty much anything to avoid answering a question or addressing an issue that is
not directly in their favour. They also do not want to give you a valid answer to any of the issues you
raise either.
To avert your attention and that of the audience from the issues, they will try to distract you with
underhand tactics. They are likely to point out something controversial, but highly irrelevant, when
you are attempting to make your point. It is important that you do not get sucked in to any unnecessary
drama that they are trying to stir up. Stick to the issue at hand as often as you have to, and you will
inevitably draw redirect their attention to addressing it.
Dont Panic if you Dont have all the Information
No matter how well you try to prepare for the debate, it is highly possible that you will not have all
the information that you need at your fingertips. If you are debating a myriad of issues, you are likely
to know a little bit about a lot of things, than to know highly detailed information about all the issues
to be addressed. Be sure that the leftist is going to try and use this point of weakness against you, to
make you appear weak and unprepared.
Surprise the leftist be being responsible, even for information you do not have. The best way to do
this is to point out that you do not have all the information on an issue if it is brought up, but you can
assure the leftist that you will take the necessary time to research and educate yourself on that point.
When you are debating, if you are not 100% informed on a particular issue, then do not be the one to

bring it up. The simple reason is because you are not adequately prepared to do your argument
justice. If the leftist is well versed with the issue, they will aggressively debate and quite likely throw
you completely off balance.

Chapter 5 - Debating the Leftist During the Debate

Now that you are prepared to face the leftist, you should take note of what they are likely to do during
the debate. Their whole aim is to throw you off balance, prove that you are wrong, and make it
impossible for you to bring your point across. These points explain how you should behave during the
debate to counter their attempts at keeping you off track.
Take Control from the Beginning
As you prepare for your debate with a leftist, you now understand that the leftist will come after you
with everything that they have from the beginning of the debate if you allow them to do so.
Therefore, the best way that you can defeat this tactic of theirs is to attack them first. In the same way
that they would throw you off balance with an attack at the beginning of the debate, go for them with
everything that you have got and watch them begin to flounder.
This does not just stop with the beginning of the debate. Once you have taken control, keep the control
by continuously throwing them off balance as you bombard them with more and more points, and
demand for explanations to issues. The aim of all this is to ensure that they never regain their
momentum. When you start off the debate with strength, confidence and a touch of intimidation, you
instantly turn the tables on the leftist.
Be Aware of the Skeletons in your Closet
The leftist will have done extensive research on every aspect of you, and their intention is to paint
you in the worst light possible. Therefore, if you had any past issues or skeletons in your closet, be
prepared for them to be exposed in all their morbid glory.
To avert this situation, which could lead to disaster and you completely losing credibility, you need
to paint and explain yourself in such a way that the leftist is unable to execute a character
assassination. Rather than becoming defensive, offer a simple explanation as to why an issue may
have occurred.
If you do this well, you are likely to get the audience to take your side. This leaves the leftist with no
choice but to stop attacking your character and leave all aspects of your character out of the debate,
thereby focusing on the real issues. The more you place focus on the issues to be discussed, the more
likely you are to make the leftists uncomfortable and insecure.
Avoid Getting Defensive
A leftist will repeatedly attempt to put you on the defensive throughout the duration of the debate. If
they manage to get you there, they will skilfully keep you there. They do this from the beginning of the
debate, where you may find yourself explaining and defending your stance over and over again. The
result of this is that the leftist skilfully dodges having to answer any questions that should have been
directed at them, especially those that could have strengthened your position or argument.

This tactic gives the leftist the edge that they need, allowing them room to avoid addressing important
issues, as well as the unnecessary advantage of defaming your character.
The best way you can avoid this is to take control right from the beginning and to be the one to start
off the debate. As you answer your first question, direct more questions to or mention important
issues that need to be addressed by the leftist. If you do this from the get go, you force them to address
the real issues of the debate, and the more successful you are at this, the more they are likely to
become distinctly uncomfortable.
The Enemy of your Enemy may not be your Friend
When you are debating on any issue with a leftist, do not automatically take the side of every person
or group that opposes them. If you try to create an us versus them team, your plans could badly
backfire on you. This is particularly possible if you and the team you are trying to merge with have
different agendas and varied facts that address a particular issue. When you join up with someone
who is conflicting with you, you create confusion for yourself and anyone else who might be offering
you support.
However, this situation could change if you and a leftist opposing group have similar goals and
expected objectives. In this instance, the way forward would be to rally with the opposing group and
ensure that they are also on your side.

Chapter 6 - Debating the Leftist Break down their Approach

Once you have an understanding of who the leftist is, how they prepare for the debate and what they
will do during the debate, you can greatly benefit by being able to break down their approach. This
chapter outlines the little nuances of leftists, and how you can overcome them.
Leftists try to Cover Up
The reason that the leftist will attack so brutally in a debate is because they often do not have all their
facts straight. Yes, they do their research on anything that you might address or bring up, yes, they
know your side of the argument and how you will execute your approach, and yes, they have
identified all the loopholes in anything that you might have to say - but all this preparation and focus
on what you will do is to the detriment of their own preparation for the debate.
So to cover up the fact that they might not know all the facts, they make sure to make a lot of noise,
raise irrelevant issues and have you defending yourself on points that hold no substance. Their bark is
very loud and much worse that their actual bite.
If you are preparing for a debate with a leftist, make sure that you do your research well not just on
the issues that you want to address or that might be raised, but on them as well. Identify all the
inconsistencies in their views that you can, and argue in detail on those inconsistencies. As they may
not have all the information that they need to defend themselves, you have been able to weaken their
Leftists Relish your Disagreement
Typical leftists like it when you wholeheartedly disagree with them because you then provide them
with the opportunity to bring up all sorts of meaningless arguments that make you look confused, not
versed on the issue and unintelligent. So if during the debate you notice that the leftist is focused on
one point that really holds no weight, the best thing that you can do is agree with them. Avoid getting
sucked into a situation where you are arguing for something which can never be resolved, agreed
upon or a compromise reached.
The reason for this is that if the leftist wants to win such an argument, they will have no choice but to
delve deeper into the issue, and they are unlikely to do so because most likely they are not arguing
about a real issue, they are simply deflecting from what should be discussed. By agreeing with their
point, you create an opportunity to debate over some real issues, and you cut short their time wasting
Leftists Master Non-Verbal Communication
Majority of all communication is non-verbal and leftists know how to make the most of this type of
communication. They are able to portray an air of confidence with the way that they stand, use their
body while speaking and even their one of voice. They can be condescending, intimidating,

authoritative all without saying an actual work.

If you are debating with a leftist, you should not fall into the trap of placing more stock in being
prepared and having all your information, than on your posture, attitude and non-verbal
communication. They go hand in hand, and you can say so much, by not saying anything at all.

Now that you have all the information you need to understand a leftist, you are ready for your next
debate. Remember that when debating with a leftist, you need to keep a few things in mind. First, be
prepared. Have all the information that you need at hand so that you can handle any queries that come
your way. Next, know that they will try to gain an unfair advantage. Make sure you maintain your
integrity but you do not need to be a pushover. And finally, remember that a lot of the time, they are
all bluster. They make noise, but may be unable to advance their argument. If you have all your facts
ready, then it will be easy for you to overcome them and win the debate.
Leftists are extremist, they are loud and they are aggressive. However, in a debate, as long as you are
well prepared, and calm, you will easily be able to win them.
Thank you again for downloading this book! I hope this book was able to help you to prepare for your
next debate with a leftist. The next step is to go forward and practice all the techniques and steps
outlined in this book.
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