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Expressions with call

Notice the meaning of these expressions with call:

[1] I flew to San Francisco to take care of some

business with Mr. Jordan, but as soon as I
arrived, I got sick and couldnt meet with him; I
had to call our appointment off. [2] Then, when
I felt better, I thought about calling on him at his
home, but he lived too far away. [3] I tried to call
him up during office hours, but he was busy. [4]
The receptionist said Mr. Jordan would call me
back, but he didnt. [5] I gave up trying to make
a new appointment because it called for more
time and effort than I wanted to spend.
[6] A few days later I saw a man on the street
who looked like Mr. Jordan, and I called out to
him. [7] It was somebody else. [8] When I
returned to my hotel that day, I found a message:
Ive been called away unexpectedly. [9] Sorry
to miss you this trip. [10] Yours, R. Jordan. [11]
I was sorry I had missed seeing him, but I really
enjoyed my sightseeing in San Francisco.

[1] Bay Jordanla baz ileri halletmek iin San

Franciscoya utum, fakat oraya varr varmaz
hastalandm ve onunla buluamadm; randevumuzu
iptal etmek zorunda kaldm. [2] Daha sonra, kendimi
daha iyi hissedince, onu evinden aramay dndm,
fakat ok uzakta yayordu. [3] Onu mesai saatinde
aramaya altm fakat meguld. [4] Danma grevlisi
Bay Jordann beni geri arayacan syledi, fakat
aramad. [5] Yeni bir randevu almaya almaktan
vazgetim nk bu benim harcamak istediimden
daha fazla zaman ve enerji gerektiriyordu.

[6] Birka gn sonra sokakta Bay Jordana benzeyen

birini grdm ve ona seslendim. [7] Baka biriydi. [8] O
gn otelime dndmde bir mesaj buldum:
Beklenmedik bir ekilde baka bir yere arldm. [9]
Bu seyahatte sizi kardm iin zgnm. [10]
Sayglar, R. Jordan. [11] Onunla grmeyi kardm
iin zgndm fakat San Franciscoda gezip
grdklerimden gerekten holandm.

call up: telephone, ring, call : telefon etmek, [telefonla aramak] make someone join the army
etc. [silah altna almak]
call back: return a phone call, ring back : [telefonla geri aramak, telefonla geri dnmek]
call off: stop or cancel [son vermek, iptal etmek, yasaklamak]

call out: shout [seslenmek, armak, barmak, yksek sesle hitap etmek, aklamak]; to
summon into action [eyleme gemeye, greve armak]

call on: 1. visit [ziyaret etmek, uramak];2. officially ask someone to do something [birinden
resmi olarak bir ey yapmasn talep etmek]
call away: to ask someone to leave a place, usually by telephoning them or sending them a
message [genelde telefon ederek ya da mesaj yollayarak birinin bir yeri terk etmesi o
yerden ayrlmasn istemek]
be called away: be required to go to another place [baka bir yere gitmesi gerekmek]

call for: require [gerektirmek]; to say publicly that something must happen [bir eyin
yaplmas iin arda bulunmak]

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986


Practice 1

Aadaki cmleleri verilen ifadelerin doru hallerini kullanarak tamamlaynz.

call out


call up

call back

call off

be called away

call on

call for

Mr. Greene:
Mr. Greene:
Mr. Greene:
Mr. Greene:

Hello, may I speak to Mr. Kasten, please?

Im sorry. Hes not here right now. He ____________________ from the office
because of an emergency.

But I have an appointment with him in fifteen minutes - at four oclock. I

was just ____________________ to say that Id be a little late.

You must be Mr. Greene. Im glad you called, because Mr. Kasten asked me
to try to reach you and ____________________ the appointment
I really have to talk to him soon. If I ____________________ him
____________________ tomorrow morning, will he be there?

Im not sure. Why dont you just leave a message? Ill tell him to
____________________ you ____________________ as soon as I see him again.

But this is really urgent. Could you give me his address? Then I could just
____________________ him at his home.

call out


call off

be called away

Practice 2
call up

call back

call on

call for

1. The fire brigade should always be ____________________ to a house fire.

2. The teacher ____________________ from the classroom by the principal.

3. I ____________________ her ____________________ as soon as I got the message.

4. When Europeans settled in Australia at the end of the 18th century, they ____________________
these native inhabitants Aboriginals, meaning people who had lived there since the
earliest times.

5. A grasshopper makes a chirping sound when it is ____________________ a mate or telling a rival

to keep its distance.

6. It was hardly surprising that Newcastle's Easter Monday match at home to Oxford
____________________ because of heavy rain.

7. Sometimes, the UN ____________________ to send a peacekeeping force to a country in order to

prevent war.

8. You had better ____________________ your lawyer to arrange an appointment.

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986


Expressions with come

Notice the meaning of these expressions with come:

[1] One day when Brian was playing at the

park he came across a dog who seemed
very lonely. [2] The dog was wearing a
collar, but the name tag had come off.

[3] Where do you come from? Brian

asked, hoping to find the dogs home or
owner. [4] Of course, the dog didnt have a
lot to say.

[5] Why dont you come over to my

house? suggested Brian. [6] Come on! My
parents can give you some food. [7] The
dog followed Brian eagerly. [8] When they
got back to Brians house, Brian went in
first and then turned to the dog, and said,
Come in!
[9] But Brians little sister had come down
with a bad cold and Brians parents werent
very happy to welcome his new friend. [10]
They put an ad in the paper the next day to
come out the present situation of the dog
and, to Brians great disappointment,
immediately found the dogs owner.

[1] Bir gn Brian parkta oynarken,

yapayalnz gzken bir kpee rastlad. [2]
Kpek bir tasma takyordu fakat isimlii

[3] Nereden geliyorsun sen? diye sordu

Brian, kpein evini ya da sahibini bulmay
umarak. [4] Tabi ki kpein syleyecei
ok ey yoktu. [5] Neden benim evimi
ziyaret etmiyorsun diye neride bulundu
Brian. [6] Hadi! Annem ve babam sana
biraz yiyecek verebilirler. [7] Kpek istekli
bir ekilde Brian takip etti. [8] Briann
evine dndklerinde, nce ieri Brian girdi
ve sonra kpee dnerek, eri gir dedi.

[9] Fakat Briann ufak kz kardei souk

algnlndan dolay yatyordu ve Briann
ebeveynleri bu yeni arkada mutlu bir
deillerdi. [10] Ertesi gn kpein mevcut
durumunu duyurmak iin gazeteye ilan
verdiler ve Brian byk bir hayal
krklna uratacak ekilde hemen
kpein sahibini buldular.

come in: enter; to arrive somewhere; to go to work [girmek, bir yere varmak; ie gitmek]
come off: become separated; to fall off something that you are riding [kopmak, dmek;
srdnz bir eyden yere dmek]
come on: hurry; develop or progress [hadi; ilerlemek, gelimek]
come over: visit (a persons house) [ziyaret etmek, uramak]; feeling: to affect someone [duygu
vb. kaplmak, zerine bir hal gelmek]
come down with: become ill with [hastala yakalanmak, hastalktan yataa dmek]
come across: to meet someone, or to find something by chance [rastlamak, tesadfen
come from: have as a birthplace; originate from [ - den gelmek, - oral olmak, kkenli olmak;
den kaynaklanmak]
come out: to come into public view : make a public appearance [yaymlanmak, yaylmak
(haber)], to turn out in an outcome : end up [sonulanmak]

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986


Practice 1
Aadaki cmleleri verilen ifadelerin doru hallerini kullanarak tamamlaynz.
come across

come down with

come from

come off

come over

come on

come in

come out


A button ____________________ my sweater when it was washed.


I ____________________ an interesting article in the newspaper yesterday. It was about a student

who had walked across the United States.


When you ____________________ a cold, you should try to stay in bed and drink lots of water.


____________________. Lets get on with the job and finish it quickly.


All my grand-parents ____________________ different cities.


I can show you my new hat if you ____________________ to my house this evening.


When friends come to visit me, I first ask them to ____________________ and sit down.

Practice 2



come across

come down with

come from

come off

come over

come on

come in

come out

The people of Cairo are mostly Egyptian, although some ____________________ all over North Africa, as
well as from Europe and the Middle East.
When a prism splits white light into colors, they always ____________________ in the same order, with
red at one end and violet at the other.
She ____________________ for a coffee, and told me enough about her friend Shona.
I have never ____________________ such a horrible person in all my life.


Samantha does never know why a wave of anger ____________________ her when she sees Alex.


____________________, tell me what your problem with those students in your classroom is.


Ahmet was less than two years old when he ____________________ a fever.

She cant come in today because she ____________________ her new bike and hurt her knee yesterday.

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986


Expressions with get

Notice the meaning of these expressions with get:

[1] Sometimes my job gets me down because

my boss and I dont always get along. [2] When
he doesnt agree with me, I cant get the simplest
idea across to him. [3] When we get into arguments, I feel depressed. [4] Then I only want
to get through with my work so that I can
leave at five oclock. [5] I just want to get out of
the office, get on the bus, and get home as fast as
I can.
[6] I often think about quitting. [7] I have
enough money in the bank to get by for a couple
of months while I look for another job. [8] But
then I remember that Ive only had this job for six
months, and I know Ill never get ahead if I keep
changing jobs. [9] I guess Ill just try to get along
better with my boss.

[1] Bazen iim benim moralimi bozar nk

patronum ve ben her zaman iyi geinemeyiz.
[2] Benim ayn fikirde olmadnda, en basit
fikri bile ona anlatamyorum. [3] Tartmaya
girdiimizde, moralim bozulur. [4] Bunun
zerine srf saat bete iten ayrlabileyim
diye iimi bitirmek isterim. [5] Sadece ofisten
kmak, otobse binmek ve olabildiince
abuk eve gitmek isterim.
[6] Sklkla ii brakmay dnrm. [7]
Baka bir i ararken bir ka ay bana yetecek
kadar bankada param var. [8] Fakat o zaman
bu ite sadece alt aydr altm gelir
aklma ve i deitirmeye devam edersem
asla ilerleyemeyeceimi biliyorum. [9]
Sanrm patronumla daha iyi geinmeye

get across (to): make clear; to convey [aklamak, iletmek],

get down: discourage or depress [moralini bozmak, evkini krmak, bozum olmak]

get along (with): be friendly (with) [ iyi geinmek, aras iyi olmak, iyi anlamak]
get through (with): finish [tamamlamak, bitirmek]

get ahead: improve ones position; be successful [konumunu, pozisyonunu gelitirmek;

baarl olmak]
get by: live with little comfort [kt kanaat geinmek, idare etmek]

get in: enter (a car, small boat, or bed) [araba, ufak bot ya da yataa girmek]

get out (of): leave (a car, small boat, bed, room, or building) [ayrlmak, terk etmek; to avoid
doing something [bir eyi yapmaktan kanmak, syrmak]

get on: enter (a train, large boat, or bus); [trene, byk botlara ya da otobse binmek,
girmek], mount (a horse or motorcycle) [ata ya da motosiklete binmek];

get off: leave or exit from (a train, large boat, or bus) [trenden, byk botlardan ya da
otobsten inmek]; dismount, (a horse or motorcycle) [attan ya da motosikletten inmek];
avoid being punished [cezadan yrtmak]

get into: enter (an argument, politics, a house etc.) [girmek (tartmaya, politikaya, eve

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986


Practice 1

Aadaki cmleleri verilen ifadelerin doru hallerini kullanarak tamamlaynz.

get across
get ahead
get through (with)






get along with

get into
get by

get on
get off
get in

get down
get out of

Alice couldnt afford to buy a winter coat. In fact, she could barely on the salary she was making. She wanted
to improve her situation, though, and to
in her job. She would not let her troubles ________________
her ________________.
Bill had almost finished the days work. With a little extra effort, he was sure that he could ________________
it before five oclock.

When you ________________ the train, you should know where its going. When you are on the wrong train,
it is best to ________________.
In business and at home,
people disagree. Trying to ________________ an idea of your own
can sometimes be difficult. But it is better not to ________________ an argument. Its better to
________________ the house or office. Learning to ________________ others helps in the office as well as at
Its not a good idea to ________________ a strangers car. Sometimes its better to walk home.

get across
get ahead
get through with



Practice 2

get along with

get into
get by

get on
get off
get in

get down
get out of

What message are you trying to ____________________ to the consumer?

How do you deal with an employee who ____________________ the rest of the staff?


Today many people wonder how they ever ____________________ without the Internet.


Caves are natural openings in the Earth large enough for a person to ____________________.




People have allowed fertilizers, pesticides, and waste from toilets and sinks and factories to
____________________ the ocean waters.
He wanted safety, security, a home, and a chance to ____________________.

The sequence shown is not necessarily the only way to ____________________ the game.

When the school bus by came and picked Bernice up for school I walked over and
____________________ the boat. I couldn't believe how empty the boat looked inside.
I am sure that Aye is likely to ____________________ with a small fine again.

10. It is a scientific fact that doing the same thing every day can ______________ you _____________.

11. It's amazing what people will do to ____________________ paying taxes.

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986


Expressions with give

Notice the meaning of these expressions with give:

[1] Theresa gave away everything her

jewels, her fur coat, and her valuable
paintings and she went to help the
poor. [2] She worked day and night,
eating little food, and her health began to
give out.

[3] Her friends wanted to give back the

things she had given them, but she never
gave in to their wishes. [4] "You can't
solve the problems of the poor by
yourself," they told her. Why dont you
give up?

[5] Then one day a very poor woman gave

Theresa a red rose. [6] The rose gave off
a beautiful smell like the smell of the
expensive perfumes Theresa used to
wear. [7] Theresa knew then that she
would never give up. [8] She was happier
than she had ever been.

[1] Theresa her eyini mcevherlerini, krk

mantosunu ve deerli resimlerini
bakalarna balad ve fakirlere yardm
etmeye gitti. [2] Az biraz yemek yiyerek, gece
gndz alt ve sal bozulmaya balad.

[3] Arkadalar onun kendilerine verdii

eyleri geri vermek istediler fakat o asla
onlarn bu arzularn kabul etmedi. [4]
Yoksullarn problemlerini kendi bana

[5] Daha sonra bir gn ok yoksul bir bayan

Theresaya krmz bir gl verdi. [6] Gl
Theresann bir zamanlar kulland o pahal
parfmlerin kokusuna benzer gzel bir koku
yayyordu. [7] Bu olaydan sonra Theresa asla
vazgemeyeceini biliyordu. [8] Hi olmad
kadar mutluydu.

give away: allow someone else to have; distribute freely [ba yapmak, bedava

give back: return to original giver or owner[asl sahibine ya da daha nce verene geri

give off: to produce something such as heat, light, or a smell [s, k ya da koku
karmak, samak]
give in (to): accept someone elses plan or opinion [baka birinin plan ya da fikrini
kabul etmek]
give up: stop trying; surrender [denemekten vazgemek, teslim olmak]
give out: be used up or exhausted [tkenmek, bitkin dmek]

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986


Practice 1

Aadaki cmleleri verilen ifadelerin doru hallerini kullanarak tamamlaynz.




give away

give in

give out

give off

give up


give back

The school cake sale was scheduled to end at three oclock. Some of the parents directing the sale
wanted to _______________ the extra food_______________ to the parents who had made each item, but
they hadnt kept a list of what each person had brought.
Lets just_______________ everything ________________ until the supply_______________, said one parent.

Or until our strength does. Weve been standing here for five hours, said another.

Lets just divide everything among ourselves, somebody else said. The discussion continued. No
one wanted to ________________ to the suggestions of the others.


Im going home, said the first parent. I ________________


Lets ________________ her the cookies! All the parents at last agreed. Then we can all go home.


While the parents were arguing, groups of students crowded into the room, and rushed to buy the
cakes and cookies that were left. Suddenly the parents could hardly keep up with the sales. In a
few minutes everything had been sold, except the lemon cookies. Mmm, said a little girl standing
next to the lemon cookies. I just love these. They ______________ such a good smell. But I dont have
any money.

Practice 2





Aadaki cmleleri verilen ifadelerin doru hallerini kullanarak tamamlaynz.

He told them, I can ____________________ everything that I own, and I give it all to you to divide up
between you. However, the one thing I cannot give you is the love that was given me with these

I never ____________________ without a fight, but in this case we had fought and fought and were worn
out with all the fighting.
Gellhorn went on to cover every war that broke out during her lifetime, until the mid-1990s when
her health began to ____________________.
Emperor Cyrus ____________________ them ____________________ the bowls and cups that King
Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the Temple in Jerusalem and had put in the temple of his gods.
When they die, plants ____________________ gases such as carbon dioxide and methane.
Coastguards had ____________________ all hope of finding the two divers alive.

A stranger ____________________ me a lift in his car to within a mile of Archie's place, and told me all
about astronomy.

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986


Expressions with go

Notice the meaning of these expressions with go:

[1] Every day for more than a month

Richard had passed the same antique
store on his way to work, and each time
he went by, he stopped to admire the
antique clock displayed in the window.
[2]He liked it so much that he often asked
friends to go along with him to see it. [3]
Afterwards he would go on talking about
it for hours, until his friends became quite

[4]Hed gone back to the store several

times to ask about the clock, but hed
never gone into the matter of price. [5]
Finally, one day, he decided to buy the
clock. [6] But when the clerk told him the
price, he was shockedit would cost him
a weeks salary! [7] The clerk admitted
that it was expensive, but pointed out that
the prices of antiques generally went up,
and never went down. [8] Next year it
would be even more expensive. [9] But
Richard realized he could not afford it in
any case. [10] He went away feeling

[1] Bir Aydan fazla bir sredir Richard iinin

yolu zerindeki antika dkknnn yanndan
geiyor ve her seferinde maazann
vitrininde sergilenen antika saate kayran
hayran bakmak iin duruyordu. [2] Ondan o
kadar ok holanmt ki sklkla
arkadalarndan onu grmeye giderken
kendisine elik etmelerini isterdi. [3] Ondan
sonra arkadalar olduka sklana kadar
onun hakknda saatlerce konumaya devam

[4] Saat hakknda bir eyler sormak iin

maazaya defalarca geri dnm fakat asla
fiyat konusuna girememiti. [5] Nihayet bir
gn, saati satn almaya karar verdi. [6] Fakat
tezghtar ona fiyat sylediinde ok oldu
onun bir haftalk maa ediyordu! [7]
Tezghtar pahal olduunu kabul ediyordu,
fakat antikalarn fiyatlarnn genelde arttn
ve asla azalmadn vurgulad. [8] Gelecek yl
daha da pahalanacakt. [9] Fakat Richard onu
hibir ekilde alamayacann farkna vard.
[10] Morali bozuk ekilde uzaklat.

go along (with): accompany [elik etmek]; to agree with someone or something [biriyle
ya da bir eyle hem fikir olmak]
go by: pass [ yanndan gemek, gemek (zaman)] go on (with): continue [devam
etmek, srdrmek]
go up: increase; rise [artmak]
go down: decrease; become lower [azalmak, batmak]; become worse [ ktlemek];
sink downward [ batmak, dmek]
go away: leave [ayrlmak, gitmek, uzaklamak]
go back: return [geri dnmek, geri iade edilmek]

go into: investigate or consider in detail [bir eyi detaylca incelemek ya da aratrmak]

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986


Practice 1

Aadaki cmleleri verilen ifadelerin doru hallerini kullanarak tamamlaynz.

go along with

go by

go on with

go up

go down

go away

go back

go into


As time ________________ youll definitely grow older, and you may grow wiser.


When prices ________________ we quietly enjoy the decrease.




When prices ________________, we complain about the increase.

I asked James a few questions about his new project, but I didnt have time to ________________ the
When you feel you cant ________________ your work, its time to ________________ for a vacation.

Although it can be fun to travel alone, its sometimes a good idea to ask a friend to ________________
Vacations are fun, but its sometimes difficult to ________________ to work afterwards.

Practice 2

Aadaki cmleleri verilen ifadelerin doru hallerini kullanarak tamamlaynz.


I woke up one day and I said I'd ____________________ her to her meditation.


I think you had better stop listening to us and ____________________ your work,






My grandmother was becoming sadder and sadder as the years ____________________.

When did the Hubble ____________________ orbit?

If a price, amount, or level ____________________, it becomes higher or greater than it was.

The ship ____________________ off the coast of Africa.

If you ____________________, you leave a place or a person's company.

She will never ____________________ to her husband again as he deceived her.

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986


Expressions with keep

Notice the meaning of these expressions with keep:

[1] Sue was determined not to let the clanging of the fire
engines keep her up. [2] She had had a long and tiring
day and just wanted to keep on sleeping. [3] She was so
sleepy that the noise in the distance didnt bother her, but
as the truck came closer she became annoyed. [4] She
wished they would keep away from her neighborhood
and keep off her block. [5] Then she could get back to

[6] She covered both ears with her pillow as the noise
grew louder and louder. [7] Then suddenly it stopped.
[8] She jumped out of bed and ran over to the window.
[9] There they were, right in front of her apartment
building. [10] They were pulling out the long hoses and
struggling to keep back the crowds across the street.

[11] Quickly she put on some clothes and rushed into the
hall. [12] She joined her neighbors who had left their
apartments and were going down the stairs. [13] Soon
they were all part of the crowd across the street.

[14] In about twenty minutes the firemen announced

that it was only a small kitchen fire and they had put it
out. [15] But everyone had to keep out of the building
until the firemen said it was all right to go back in.

[1] Sue itfaiye aralarnn sirenlerinin kendisinin onu

uykusuz brakmasna izin vermemeye kararlyd. [2]
Sue uzun ve zor bir gn geirmiti ve istedii tek ey
uyumaya devam etmekti. [3] O kadar uykusu vard ki
uzaktan gelen grlt onu rahatsz etmiyordu, fakat
ara yakna geldike o da sinirlendi. [4] Onlarn o
uzaklamalarn diledi. [5] O zaman yeniden uykusuna

[6] Ses gittike arttka her iki kulan minderle kapad. [7]
Sonra aniden ses durdu. [8] Yataktan zplad ve pencereye
kotu. [9] te orada onlarn apartmanlarnn tam
nndeydiler. [10] Uzun hortumlar ekiyor ve kalabal
sokaktan uzak tutmaya abalyorlard.

[11] arabuk bir eyler giyindi ve koridora frlad. [12]

Dairelerini terk etmi ve merdivenlerden aa inmekte
olan komularna katld. [13] Ksa sre iinde hepsi
sokaktaki kalabaln bir parasydlar.

[14] Yaklak yirmi dakika iinde itfaiyeciler sadece

kk bir mutfak yangn olduunu ve sndrdklerini
akladlar. [15] Fakat onlar yeniden ieri girmek iin
uygun olduunu aklayana kadar herkes binadan uzak
durmak zorundayd.

keep back: hold back; restrain [alkoymak, durdurmak, nlemek]; to not use the whole amount of
something so that there is a small amount remaining for later [ bir ksmn kt gnler iin saklamak];

keep up: delay (a persons) going to bed [birinin yatmasn, uyumasn geciktirmek, ayakta tutmak,
uyutmamak]; to not allow something that is at a high level to fall to a lower level [yksek seviyede olan
bir eyin daha dk bir seviyeye dmesine izin vermemek, stte tutmak]

keep away (from): stay away (from); avoid coming or going near (to) [- den uzak durmak, yanndan
yaknndan gememek]

keep out (of): avoid entering [uzak durmak, uzak tutmak]; to not become involved with something [ bir
ey dahil olmamak, karmamak]

keep off: stay at a distance from; avoid walking or riding over [uzak durmak, tutmak, yaklamamak
yada yaklatrmamak];

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986


Practice 1
Aadaki cmleleri verilen ifadelerin doru hallerini kullanarak tamamlaynz.




keep away from

keep off

keep out of

keep back

keep on

keep up

You should turn down the volume of your radio or television before midnight, so you wont
________________ your neighbors.

If you dont want to catch a cold, you should ________________ people who are coughing or sneezing.
When you see a sign that says ________________ the grass, youll soon see someone who doesnt
hesitate to walk on it anyway.

Sometimes it is difficult for the police to ________________ the crowds who want to see a famous actor
or singer.
The cook wanted to be alone while he was working, and he asked us to ________________ the kitchen.
When you have a difficult job to do, dont give up. If you ________________ trying, youll probably
finish it.

Practice 2






Aadaki cmleleri verilen ifadelerin doru hallerini kullanarak tamamlaynz.

Scientists say you should ____________________ TV at least one hour before your sleep.

Some Banger racers talk proudly of how their homegrown sport has ____________________ them
____________________ the streets, out of the pubs and away from trouble.
In some cities trucks should be ____________________ the city center during day time.

During the concert, a barrier had been erected by the police to ____________________ the crowds.
The biggest mammal on land reaches full size at about 20 years of age, but its tusks
____________________ growing.

At dusk the lizard basks with its head facing the Sun ____________________ its body temperature.

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986


Expressions with look

Notice the meaning of these expressions with look:

[1] Martha had just finished college and liked the idea
of getting a job. [2] She was looking forward to
meeting new people and presenting them her
qualifications. [3] But she knew it might be difficult to
find a job if she started looking around without any
plan for meeting employers. [4] So she decided to
look up some of the employment agencies listed in
the phone book. [5] She found one that she liked and
called to arrange an interview.
[6] The representative at the agency first looked
into Marthas qualifications and experience, asking
her many questions like those that a job interviewer
might ask. [7] Then she called several employers to
arrange interviews for Martha.

[8] The interviews all started well, but Martha soon

learned that the people at the companies looked
down on her because she lacked any experience in a
full-time job. [9] However, at the fourth company,
Martha thought that the interviewer was friendlier
and easier to talk to than any of the others. [10] She
didnt know exactly why she felt better until she
realized that the man looked like her own older
brother whom she has always looked up to. [11] And
he was also impressed with Martha. [12] Before she
left the office, he had told her she would be eligible for
three different jobs in the company.

[1] Martha niversiteyi yeni bitirmiti ve bir ie

girmek fikri houna gidiyordu. [2] Yeni insanlarla
tanmay ve onlara vasflarn gstermeyi iple
ekiyordu. [3] Fakat iverenlerle bir araya gelmek
iin bir plana sahip olmakszn ie bakmaya balarsa
i bulmann zor olabileceini biliyordu. [4] Bu
nedenle rehberde listelenen i bulma brolarnn
bazlarn aramaya karar verdi. [5] stedii gibi bir
tane buldu ve bir grme ayarlamak iin onlar

[6] Brodaki temsilci nce ve i grmesi

yapanlarn sorabilecei gibi pek ok soru sorarak
Marthann zelliklerini ve tecrbesini gzden
geirdi. [7] Daha sonra Martha iin grme
ayarlamak iin birka ivereni arad. [8]
Grmelerin hepsi iyi balad fakat ksa sre sonra
irketlerdeki insanlarn tam zamanl bir ite
deneyime sahip olmad onu kk grdklerini
rendi. [9] Yine de, drdnc irkette Martha i
grmesini yapan kiinin dierlerinin hepsinden
daha cana yakn ve konumas daha kolay
olduunu dnd. [10] Adamn hep hayranlk
duyduu abisine benzediinin farkna varana dek
neden daha iyi hissettiini tam olarak bilmiyordu.
[11] Ve o da Marthadan etkilenmiti. [12] Ofisten
ayrlmadan nce, ona irketteki pozisyon iin
uygun olabileceini sylemiti.

look up: try to find in a dictionary or reference book; search for [szlk ya da bir referans kitabnda
bulmaya almak, aramak]; (for situation) to get better [(durum iin) iyiye gitmek]
look around: examine possibilities before deciding; go sightseeing [btn ihtimalleri dnmek,
deerlendirmek; etraf kolaan etmek, etraf seyretmek];

look into: investigate; examine [araturmak, incelemek]

look down on: consider oneself better than; have contempt for [kendini birinden stn grmek, hor,
hakir grmek, kmsemek]
look like: resemble; have a similar appearance to [benzemek, benzer grnme sahip olmak]
look forward to: anticipate with pleasure; expect eagerly [iple ekmek, drt gzle beklemek]
look up to: to admire and respect someone [birine hayranlk, sayg duymak]

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986



Practice 1

Aadaki cmleleri verilen ifadelerin doru hallerini kullanarak tamamlaynz.



look around

look forward to

look like

look down on

look into

look up

Ever since his girlfriend Carol left him, Charlie has wanted to ________________ the possibility of
using a computer dating service.

His problem is that he wants to find another woman who is just like Carol, and hes been
________________ for months with no success.

He thinks that a computer dating service might help him to find a woman who has the same
hobbies and plays the same sports as Carol did. He might even find someone who ________________
Most of Charlies friends ________________ the idea of using a computer to meet new people. But
Charlie is determined to try it.

Today hes ________________ the names of some computer dating services in the phone book.

He will call a few of them, go and fill out the forms, and then sit back and________________ meeting
Carols identical twin sister.

Practice 2


Aadaki cmleleri verilen ifadelerin doru hallerini kullanarak tamamlaynz.

I'm going to ____________________and see what I can find before we call the others for help.


Nemanja Vidic unveiled at Inter Milan as defender ____________________ Serie A challenge.


Real religious people shouldn't ____________________any non-believers, religion is a personal thing

something is not meant to be for anyone else but that religious person.



My sister ____________________me - the same brown hair, eyes the same shade of gray.

Indias new government should ____________________the issue of denial of visas to Sikhs who took
political asylum in the US at peak of the militancy and in the aftermath of the 1984 riots.
I am not the one who has to ____________________ the meaning of this word in the dictionary.

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986



Expressions with put

Notice the meaning of these expressions with put:

[1] James took off his brand-new shirt and put

on another one. [2] He was furious as he put
away the shirt with a large cigarette bum right
in front. [3] So many times he had asked his
sister Ellen to put down her cigarette if she
had to wave her hands when she talked. [4]
Fortunately Ellen was able to put out the fire
immediately after it started, and only the shirt
was damaged.
[5] Ellen felt so bad that she wanted to rush
out and buy him another shirt to replace his
new one, but he wanted her to put off the
shopping trip. [6] He hoped they would be
able to repair the shirt themselves by patching
it with a matching piece from the shirttail.
[7] Ellen was so sorry about what happened
that it was hard for James to stay annoyed with
her. [8] After all, they had put up with each
others bad habits for years.

[1] James yepyeni gmleini kard ve

yenisini giydi. [2] Tamda nnde bir sigara
yanndan dolay gmlei bir kenara koyduu
iin kplere binmiti. [3] Konuurken ellerini
hareket ettirmek zorundaysa sigarasn yere
koymasn kardei Ellenden ka kere istemiti.
[4] Bereket Ellen tutuur tutumaz hemen
atei sndrmeyi baard ve sadece gmlek
zarar grd.

[5] Ellen kendini o kadar kt hissetti ki koup

yeni gmleinin yerine koymak iin ona yeni
bir gmlek satn almak istedi fakat James
alverii sonraya brakmay istedi. [6]
Gmlein eteinden alnacak ona uygun bir
parayla yamayarak onu kendilerinin tamir
edebileceklerini umut ediyordu. [7] Olan
eyden Ellen o kadar zgnd ki Jamesin ona
kzgn kalmas mmkn deildi. [8] Sonuta
alkanlklarna katlanmlard.

put on: dress oneself with [giyinmek]; pretend [ - numaras yapmak, gibi davranmak]; put
on the stage, enact [sahnelemek]

put down: set or place down [yere, yerine koymak]; insult [kmsemek]; stop a protest
using force [bir gsteriyi g kullanarak bastrmak]

put away: put in its usual storage place [olaan yerine koymak, yerine yerletirmek]; put
someone in prison [hapse atmak]; save money [ bir kenara para atmak, biriktirmek]
put out: extinguish (a fire); cause to stop burning [atei, yangn sndrmek]; create problems
[sorun karmak]; defeat [yenmek, malup etmek]

put off: postpone or delay doing [yapmay ertelemek ya da geciktirmek]; make someone not
want/like something [birini bir eyden soutmak]
put up with: endure without protest; bear patiently [katlanmak, sabrla dayanmak]

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986


Practice 1

Aadaki cmleleri verilen ifadelerin doru hallerini kullanarak tamamlaynz.

put on
put up with

put down
put off

put away
put out


I sometimes _________________ my work until the last minute and then have to stay late at work.


At five oclock I usually clean off my desk and ________________ all my papers in the files where they belong.





When I find something interesting to read, its hard for me to ________________ it ________________ and go
back to my work
Then I ________________ my coat and walk out the door.

The burning cigarette started a fire in the wastebasket. Fortunately, someone noticed the fire and was
able to ________________ it ________________ quickly.

Yesterday they hired a new receptionist. They couldn't ________________ the incompetence of the other
one anymore.

Practice 2

Aadaki cmleleri verilen ifadelerin doru hallerini kullanarak tamamlaynz.






Some of the actors share a dressing room where they ____________________ makeup and change into
I had prepared for the meeting by ____________________what I wanted from them.
Every week after the shopping, I go directly to the kitchen to ____________________everything I have
My husband had ____________________everything they said to him, everything they did to him.
Everything. I called him a coward a lot
She will always ____________________making an appointment if she is unwell because she doesn't want
to moan.
We've also fought many fires where the goal was simply to ____________________the fire as quickly as
possible, trying to save someone's home and property.

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986


Expressions with take

Notice the meaning of these expressions with take:

[1] Alice recently received a promotion at work, her

new job means that she has had to take on a lot of
new responsibilities. [2] She has taken over the
position of department supervisor. [3] The previous
supervisor spent his last two weeks training her for
the position. [4] She had to take in a lot of
information during those two weeks, but she took
down everything he said and studied her notes in
the evening after work.
[5] Shes been department supervisor for a month
now, and she finally feels she has everything under
control. [6] Shes thankful that she takes after her
mother, who is extremely well organized. [7] Her
first month on the job has been exciting but
exhausting. [8] She has taken up yoga to help her
get her mind off work in the evening. [9] She also
hopes to take off a few weeks this summer for a
relaxing vacation.

[1] Alice yaknlarda ite bir terfi ald, yeni ii

bir sr yeni sorumluluk stlenmek
anlamna geliyor. [2] Blm efi
pozisyonunu stlendi. [3] Daha nceki
blm efi son iki haftay onu bu greve
hazrlamakla geirdi. [4] Bu iki hafta
esnasnda pek ok bilgiyi zmsemek
zorunda kald, fakat onun syledii her eyi
not etti ve akamlar iten sonra o notlar

[5] O imdi bir aydr blm efi ve nihayet

her eyi kontrol altna aldn dnyor.
[6] ok iyi dzenli olan annesine ekmi
olmasna minnettar. [7] teki ilk ay heyecan
verici ama yorucu oldu. [8] Akamlar
kafasndan ii atmak iin yoga yapmaya
balad. [9] Bu yaz birka haftalna
rahatlatc bir tatil iin izne kmay da umut

take up: begin studying or practicing (something): [bir ey almaya, bir eyle megul olmaya
balamak]; to fill an amount of space or time [kaplamak (yer/zaman)]; to start doing a particular
job or activity [bir i ya da aktiviteyi yapmaya balamak]
take over: take control of [ynetimini, kontroln devralmak]

take on: undertake [stlenmek, zerine almak]; to employ someone [birini ie almak]; to
compete against or fight someone [birine ya da bir eye kar mcadele vermek, savamak]

take in: understand, assimilate [anlamak, kavramak, zmsemek]; to take care of someone and
provide a place in your home for them [birinin bakmn stlenmek ve evinizde o kiilere yer

take down: write notes [not almak]; separate parts of something big [byk bir eyi paralarna

take off: stop working (for a period of time) [bir sreliine almay brakmak, ara vermek]; fly,
leave the ground and fly for planes and birds [havalanmak, umak]
take after: look or act like another person [birine benzemek ya da biri gibi davranmak, birine

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986


Practice 1

Aadaki cmleleri verilen ifadelerin doru hallerini kullanarak tamamlaynz.

take after
take on

take off
take up

take over
take in

take down

1. This semester I chose a course in modern English literature because Id already done the required

reading and thought it would be easy. The instructor soon realized that I knew the material well, so
one week when she had to be away, she asked me to ________________ the class.

I didnt want to ____________________ such a large responsibility but didn't want to say no to her request

3. The evening before she left, I spent two hours with her. I

material she wanted me to cover.

________________ a lot of notes about the

4. I thought that two hours was too little time for me to ________________ all the information I needed, but

I was determined to do my best.

5. The preparation for teaching each class was a lot of work. After two days of teaching, I thought I

needed to ________________ the rest of the week ________________ from my other classes in order to teach one

6. Although my father was an excellent teacher, I had never wanted to teach myself. But this was one

time that I wished I had

________________ my father.

7. When my teacher returned from her trip, she wanted to know how everything went. I told her Id

enjoyed the experience but didnt want to ________________ the profession of teaching.

Practice 2





Aadaki cmleleri verilen ifadelerin doru hallerini kullanarak tamamlaynz.

I get very angry when someone says that my son doesnt ____________________me at all.
Some animals, such as the mongoose, dig their own burrow; others, such as snakes,
____________________ an empty burrow or kill and eat the occupier.
Because helicopters can ____________________ vertically, they do not need to use airport runways and
can fly almost anywhere.
Over the weekend, university workers ____________________ the stadium east side exterior banners
from the 2010 season and installed new banners.
In 2012 I ____________________ the duty of administrating our club accounts and in 2013 I took on the
role of Wedding and Events Organizer, so I am certainly kept busy!
Physicist Dr. Robert Lang ____________________ origami as a hobby when he was at college.
When your mother can no longer live alone, who will ________________ her ________________?

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986



Expressions with turn

Notice the meaning of these expressions with turn:

[1] When I wake up after having a bad dream, I

always have trouble getting back to sleep. [2]
First I try changing my position in bed. [3]
Sometimes if I turn over onto my stomach or my
back I feel more relaxed.

[4] If that doesnt work, I get up and turn on the

lights and the radio. [5] I used to turn the volume
up very high, but recently my neighbor came
over and complained about the noise, so I had to
turn it down. [6] After about ten minutes I have
a hot drink, I turn off the lights, and go back to
[71] Last night I dreamed that my teacher had
turned into a judge, and I was supposed to
appear before her in court. [8] It turned out that
I was given forty years of homework as a
punishment. [9] When I woke up, I decided to
get up and complete my unfinished homework,
so that I could give it to my teacher today. [10]
Maybe if I turn it in on time, Ill get a good nights
sleep tonight.

[1] Kt bir rya grdkten sonra uyannca, yeniden

uykuya dalmada daima glk ekerim. [2] lk nce
yatakta pozisyonumu deitirmeyi denerim. [3]
Bazen eer midemin zerine ya da srtmn stne
dnersem, daha rahatlam hissederim.
[4] Eer bu ie yaramazsa, kalkarm ve klar ve
radyoyu aarm. [5] Sesini ok aardm, fakat son
zamanlarda komum urad ve grltden
ikyet etti, bu nedenle sesi ksmak zorunda
kaldm. [6] Scak bir eyler itikten yaklak 10
dakika sonra, klar sndrr ve yatarm.

[7] Dn gece retmenimin bir yargca

dntn ve mahkemeye kmak zorunda
olduumu hayal ettim. [8] Ceza olarak krk yl
Uyandmda, kalmaya ve tamamlamadm
devlerimi tamamlamaya kara verdim ki onlar
bugn retmenime verebileyim. [10] Eer onu
zamannda teslim edersem, belki bu gece iyi bir
uyku ekebileceim.

turn up: make louder [sesini, seviyesini ykseltmek, artrmak]

turn down: make softer [sesini, seviyesini drmek, azaltmak]

turn in: give (to someone in authority); hand in; submit [ yetkili birine teslim etmek, vermek]

turn on: start the flow of (liquid, gas, electricity) [gaz, sv ya da elektriin akn balatmak,

turn off: stop the flow of (liquid, gas, electricity) [gaz, sv ya da elektriin akn sonlandrmak,

turn over: change positions [pozisyon deitirmek]

turn out: be found to be; prove to be [olduu ortaya kmak, olduunu gstermek, kantlamak]
turn into: be transformed or changed into [bir eye dnmek, deimek, eklini almak]

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986


Practice 1

Aadaki cmleleri verilen ifadelerin doru hallerini kullanarak tamamlaynz.

turn down
turn in

turn into
turn off

turn on
turn out

turn over
turn up

1. At first I enjoyed the three afternoons a week I spent taking care of my little cousin Peter. But the experience
soon ________________ a bad dream.
2. Peter liked music and would always ask me to play a record. He couldnt wait for me to ________________
the record player.

Then hed say, I cant hear it. Please ________________ it ________________ louder!

4. But it was never loud enough for him, and the noise would drive me crazy. Then I would have to
________________ the volume.

5. After the music had played for a minute, Peter would want to hear the other side of the record. Would you
please ________________ it
________________?" hed ask.
6. He often turned on the water and then forgot to
over and poured into the apartment below.

________________ it. Twice the water in the bathtub ran

7. Once the water in the kitchen sink ran over and ruined a science report that I was supposed to
________________ to my professor that day.

8. Finally, I couldnt go back to take care of Peter anymore, but it ________________ that no one else could
stand taking care of him either. His patents were thankful when Peter started school this year.

Practice 2




Aadaki cmleleri verilen ifadelerin doru hallerini kullanarak tamamlaynz.

I still can't believe he ____________________ that incredible offer a few months ago from the Canucks.
If you suddenly ____________________ a Pokemon, what type do you think you'd be?

He went into the bathroom and ____________________ the shower to forget everything he experienced
that day.

She turned over restlessly and shifted so she was once again on the far side of her bed.


Sedat Bay was the only candidate out of six did not ____________________ the documents on time.


At the beginning of the 20th century, using mass production methods, some factories
____________________ tens of thousands of guns per month.



Don't forget to ____________________ taps properly or to fix dripping taps quickly.

Can you _______________ the volume _______________ a bit please, I cant hear it?


Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986



Practice 1

was/ has been

called away
call off
call him up
call you back
call on

Practice 1


get her down


get in


get through with

get on

get across /get into/

get out of /get along

Practice 1

goes by
go up

go down
go into

go on with
go away
go back
Practice 1

Practice 2

Practice 1

Practice 2

called out

came off

come from

called her back

calling for
was called off
is called on
call up

come on
come down with
come from
come in
come over

came in
come across
comes over
came down with
come on
came off

was called away

Practice 2

came across

Practice 1

come out

Practice 2

get across
doesnt get along with
got by
get into

give . back
give. away/ gives out
give in to

give away
give in
give out
gave back

get in
get ahead
get through with
got on
get off
get you down
get out of

give up
give off

give off
given up

Practice 2

go along with
went by
go on with
go into

goes up
went down
go away
go back

Practice 2

Practice 1

keep up
keep away from
keep off
keep back
keep out of
keep on

Practice 1

Practice 2

keep away from

kept off
kept out of
keep back
keep on
to keep up

Practice 2

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986




look into

look around

look down on

look down on

looking around
looks like

looking up
look forward to

Practice 1

take up

take over

took down
take in

take off
taken after
take on

looks forward to
looks like
look into

look up

Practice 2

take after
take over
take off
took down
took on
took up
take in

put off
put away
put down
put on
put out
put up with

Practice 1

turned into
turn on
turn up
turn down
turn over
turn off
turn in
turned out

put on
putting down
put away
put up with
put off
put out

Practice 2

turned down
turned into
turned on
turned over
turn in
turn off
turned out
turn up

Adapted from: Lado, Robert. Lado English Series 5/6., ABC Basmevi, 1986

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