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This ten is for Questions number 1-6.

The Chosen Samurai

Once upon a time in Japan, there lived a young- talented samurai. He was trained
well by the best sword man ever who dedicated himself to be his teacher. After years of
training the young samurai became skillful and expert in using sword. "A good samurai must
have a good sword", said the teacher. However, he had no proper sword for his student but
he knew the right place to get one. The young samurai was told to go to Tengu forest.
Tengu forest or 'the ocean of the sea' was a magical forest. According to the legend
there lived the godly spirit who owned the best sword. No sword in this world could compare
it sharpness. It could cut anything even it could kill an evil spirit. It was such a sacred place
that no men had ever survived to get that sword. This legendary sword could only be
possessed by a samurai who had pure heart and soul. Without purity of heart and soul, it
could not be seen.
The young samurai went to 'the ocean of the sea'. Ten days of journey brought him to
the heart of the He kept saying to himself he never wanted to be famous but just making
peace on earth and protecting the weak. Somehow he could meet the god who kept the
sword. The sword keeper gave some tests to the young samurai. As the first test he was

asked to locate the hidden sword. This sword was only visible to those who had a pure heart
and the young samurai had it. He saw that the sword was half stuck on an old-big banyan
tree. The next test was to pull the sword from the tree. It could only be done by a man who
had a pure soul otherwise he would die after touching it. Contemplating for a while, the man
slowly touched the sword. A magical thing happened; the sword seemed moving and

pulling out of the tree by itself. The brave samurai had his perfect sword. He was the chosen

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