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Day 6(Story Endings)

From Day 6-12, it focuses on the revised logline for another story and has nothing to do
with Ellen
(Note to self: Fen=Cursed with Trickster God and Aka=Man Fen Falls For And Blessed
with All Powerful One)
Ending 1: Fen finally succeeded in falling in love with Aka, unaware that this was all a
ploy by the male (Aka) to woe his way into ones heart and get what he wants. This
whole ending is one where Fen actually has the blessing of the All Powerful One and
Aka has.
Ending 2: Aka does not return Fens feelings, causing Fen to snap and become push to
the illusion that this due to the curse. He loses his mind and surrender himself to the
trickster god. He ends up become a toy for the trickster god.
Ending 3: Fen succeeds in falling for Aka and it is reveal that this was all a test for Fen to
prove he is worthy of his mark of the Trickster God.
Improved Ending 1: All is well for our main hero and his love interest as the two confess
their feelings for each other. However, the feeling of love blinded him from seeing that
this was simply a ploy for his love interest to have a toy for his own amusement. Then
again, how could our hero see this deception when his love interest is the true cursed
servant of the trickster God?

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