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excelncia em educao








Valor da Prova:

40 pontos

Assinatura do responsvel:
Orientaes gerais:
1) Nmero de questes desta prova: 12
2) Valor das questes: Abertas (4): 6,0 pontos cada. Fechadas (8): 2,0 pontos cada.
3) Provas feitas a lpis ou com uso de corretivo no tm direito reviso.
4) Aluno que usar de meio ilcito na realizao desta prova ter nota zerada e
conceituao comprometida.
5) Tpicos desta prova:
- Present Continuous
Adverbs of Quantity
1 Questo: Leia o texto e responda s perguntas em Ingls.

Nota =

Text A delicious breakfast!!!

It is Sunday morning. It is raining and we are having our breakfast together. Mom is
preparing a lot of food, but there isnt much milk. There is only a small glass. Oh, yes, but there is
a lot of orange juice hmmm I love it! And there are many different cakes. She loves making
cakes Im going to eat many pieces
Well I think we arent going to have lunch after this delicious breakfast... Bye I' m going
to eat before my sisters finish all the cakes
a) What is mom doing? ___________________________________________________________
b) What day is today? ____________________________________________________________
c) Are they having lunch? _________________________________________________________
d) Are they having breakfast together?_______________________________________________
e) Are there a few cakes? _________________________________________________________
f) What is the girl going to eat?_____________________________________________________
2 Questo: Quanto ao estudo do Present Continuous, marque a alternativa que tenha a forma
correta de uma frase nesse tempo verbal:
a) Tom and Ana is watching TV together.
Nota =
b) Paul is read a love poem to Maria.
c) We are waiting for the bus at the bus stop.
d) They are eat some sandwiches.
e) Jack are working at the computer.

3 Questo: Escolha, em cada caso, a opo correta para completar cada frase.
- few/little

Nota =

a) There are ________ oranges in the fridge.

b) There was _____________money in my pocket.
c) There was _____________ oil in the bottle.
2 P.R. / Ingls / Dbora / 7 / pg : 1

- A few / a little
a) There were ____________ dogs in the backyard.
b) There is _______________ sugar in the sugar bowl.
c) There are _____________ restaurants in the city.

4 Questo: Leia a tirinha. Marque V ou F e assinale a opo correta:

Vocabulary: staring at me: me encarar; look so cute: est to bonitinha; can't: no pode; to
come over: aparecer; mood swings: mudanas de humor.




est dando uma ordem a Pablo.

est pedindo para Tina vir depois da escola.
est dizendo que Pamela est to bonitinha.
no balano est tendo mudanas de humor.

Nota =

a) V F V V
b) V F F V
c) V F V F
d) F V V V
e) F V V F
5 Questo: Para formar o gerndio em ingls, acrescenta-se a terminao ING no final dos
verbos, porm h algumas regras e excees. Marque a alternativa que tenha todos os verbos na
forma correta do gerndio.
Nota =
a) to drive driveing / to learn learning / to swim swiming / to study studying
b) to drive driving / to learn learning / to swim swiming / to study studing
c) to drive driveing / to learn learnning / to swim swimming / to study studing
d) to drive driving / to learn learning / to swim swimming / to study studying
e) to drive driveing / to learn learning / to swim swiming / to study studing

6 Questo: Escreva frases de acordo com as figuras. Use os verbos no Present Continuous.

Nota =




2 P.R. / Ingls / Dbora / 7 / pg : 2


Rabbit/eat a carrot



The man and the woman/dance _________________________________


The boy/play on the computer


The frog/catch a fly



7 Questo: Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente as frases a seguir no Present

I He ________ (to play) the piano.
Nota =
II My friends ____________ (to dance) rock at the party.
a) playing / dancing
b) is play / are dance
c) is playing / is dancing
d) are playing / are dancing
e) is playing / are dancing
8 Questo: Qual das opes possui os advrbios que completam as frases abaixo?
There are __________ teachers here today.
Nota =
They drank _________ beer and ate __________ hot dogs.
We had been there for ___________ hours.
a) Little few little - few
b) Few few little - little
c) Few few few - little
d) Little few few - little
e) Little little few - few
9 Questo: Escreva as frases abaixo na negativa e na interrogativa.

Nota =

a) Angela is cleaning the bedroom.

Neg.: ___________________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________________
b) David and Max are coming home.
Neg.: ___________________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________________
c) My dog Charlie is running to the park.
Neg.: ___________________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________________
2 P.R. / Ingls / Dbora / 7 / pg : 3

d) I am making breakfast now.

Neg.: ___________________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________________
Leia o dilogo e faa as questes 10 e 11.
Mark: Good morning Mrs. Im making a survey about couple life. So, would you like to answer
some questions about the subject, please?
Ally: Yes, with great pleasure.
Mark: Thank you for taking the time. Now, first of all: What do you do?
Ally: I work in a library. I'm a librarian.
Mark: Are you married?
Ally: Yes, I am.
Mark: What does your husband do?
Ally: He works as a policeman.
Mark: Do you usually have dinner together?
Ally: Yes, we do.
Mark: How often does your husband exercise?
Ally: He sometimes exercises four times a week. But, he usually exercises only twice a week.
Mark: Where do you like going on holiday?
Ally: We rarely go on holiday. However, we like going to the mountains if we can.
Mark: What type of books do you read?
Ally: I often read horror stories.
Mark: Thank you very much for answering my questions.
Ally: You're welcome!
Vocabulary: survey: pesquisa; couple: casal; subject: assunto; married: casado (a); to have
dinner: jantar; Holiday: ferias; usually: geralmente.
10 Questo: Marque a alternativa incorreta:

Nota =

a) O pronome He, sublinhado no texto, se refere ao marido de Ally.

b) O pronome We, destacado no texto, se refere a Ally e seu marido.
c) Ally is a woman.
d) Ally usually has dinner with her husband.
e) Ally often reads romantic stories.
11 Questo: De acordo com o texto, qual das afirmaes incorreta?

Nota =

a) Ally casada.
b) Ally trabalha em uma biblioteca.
c) O marido de Ally um policial.
d) O casal sempre janta junto.
e) Ally e o marido gostam de ir praia nas frias.
12 Questo: Qual a traduo da frase They are working at the computer now?
a) Eles sempre trabalham no computador.
b) Eles trabalharam no computador ontem.
c) Eles esto trabalhando no computador agora.
d) Eles iro trabalhar no computador amanh.
e) Ele est trabalhando no computador agora.

Nota =

2 P.R. / Ingls / Dbora / 7 / pg : 4

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