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Unit 3 Study Guide


Plate Tectonics

What is the theory of plate tectonics? What evidence do we have?

What is continental drift?
What pieces of evidence do we have for continental drift?
What are convergent boundaries?
What are divergent boundaries?
What are transform boundaries?
Which boundary type creates new crust?
Which boundary types destroys crust?
Which boundary type does not create nor destroy crust?
What is a hot spot? Give two examples


What is an epicenter?
What is a focus?
What are the seismic waves? Which travels the most rapidly?
What is the minimum number of earthquakes needed to find the epicenter?
What are tsunamis?
What are other hazards associated with earthquakes?
According to Figure 8-1, what is the distance between the seismic station and an earthquake epicenter, if
the first S wave arrives 4.0 minutes after the first P wave?
8- According to Figure 8-1, when will the first P wave be received, if an earthquake epicenter is
approximately 1800 kilometers from the seismic station?


What factors determine if an eruption will be violent or quiet?

What are shield volcanoes?
What are cinder cone volcanoes?
What are composite volcanoes?
What is the most violent type of volcano?
6- Where are most of the active volcanoes on Earth?

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