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Ive had the true pleasure of being Caroles instructor two times.

In her first
semester at the Mount I taught her Intro PR Writing. By the end of that
class her writing had progressed to the point that the profile article of MLA
Joanne Bernard she wrote for her final assignment was accepted for
publication in Folia Montana, the Mounts alumnae magazine.
The second time I taught Carole was in her third year when she was
enrolled in Strategic PR Writing. Again, I was impressed by her maturity
and the work ethic she brought to the classroom and displayed in her
assignments. Her dedication to social justice was evident when she fulfilled
a class assignment by writing a media pitch about the Halifax Shoebox
Project. In this volunteer role Carole oversees promotion, collection and
distribution of hundreds of gift boxes donated to women in shelters across
Nova Scotia. Once again, she put a class assignment to use in the real world
and her media pitch was picked up by The Coast newspaper. She also
scripted and provided art direction for a video about the Halifax Shoebox
Project that was shot on campus that both featured and inspired many
Mount community members. Further to this, her leadership in the Halifax
Shoebox Project motivated her classmates who enthusiastically came
together and collected gifts for four additional shoeboxes to donate to the
Beyond being a top performing student, outside the classroom Carole has
been able to use her interest in serving the public by gaining co-op
experiences in government departments during work terms, becoming even
more skilled and capable as a communications professional. She appreciates
that her education provides her not only with applicable skills but also with
an enhanced breadth of knowledge and ability to think critically that she
uses responsibly. Shes an articulate and considerate person who has
overcome challenges without using them as excuses. Through her collegial
nature Carole is able to elevate the efforts of others with whom shes
Alison DeLory
Part-time Instructor, Department of Communication Studies
Mount Saint Vincent University
I had the great pleasure of working directly with Carole Rankin over a fivemonth period in the summer/fall of 2015. Carole was a key player on a
twelve-person team tasked with organizing and hosting a major national
conference in Halifax. This annual conference of the Institute of Public
Administration of Canada attracts delegates from across Canada and

around the world. Hosting 600 people over three and a half days was a
major feat for this relatively small team. As Chair of the Organizing
Committee, I had the opportunity to observe the competencies and
contributions of each of our highly-skilled team members and I can say
unequivocally that Carole Rankin was a star among them.
Carole has a level of maturity that you do not often see in someone of her
age and experience. Coming into the team at a later stage in the planning
process, her quiet and unassuming approach immediately put everyone at
ease. She quickly grasped the complexities of what we were trying to
achieve, effectively took charge of those areas assigned to her, and sought
out additional ways she could assist the various sub-committees. Carole
took great pride in a job well done. She ensured her work was always of the
highest quality, accurate and reliable as well as aesthetically pleasing and
tailored to the target audiences.
During the actual event Carole was on the floor problem-solving, working
through critical issues with the National office, and assisting to ensure that
conference participants had an excellent experience. Being such a quick
study, competent in so many areas, and always trying to anticipate what
would be needed were among Caroles most significant strengths that stand
out in my mind.
It was a pleasure to get to know Carole on both a professional and a
personal level and I am going to watch her career path with great interest.
She will be a huge asset to any organization she chooses.
Shannon Delbridge
Organizing Chair, IPAC 2015 Conference
Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives
Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal
I think one of the assets I found the most admirable about Carole is that she
jumped in right away and was not scared to get her hands dirty. She was
very good at finding the gaps and filling them in. It takes a very competent
individual to come into a room of seasoned and diverse public
servants/professionals and hold your own. None of us really had the time to
hand hold her, so I was very impressed at how easy it was to learn on her.
Obviously, it goes without saying she brought a tremendous amount of
knowledge from her field, she was instrumental in supporting us with
communications and I would say specifically working on the social media
side of things. One of the volunteers during the conference mentioned to me

that she sat with them and really helped with twitter, the messaging, and
basically they best practices of the tool.
I feel her attitude, which is very cool and calm, will be a terrific skill that
will prove very helpful her in her career.
Jennifer E. Gardner
Chair, Social Program, IPAC 2015 Conference
Legislative Policy and Regulatory Affairs Branch
Canada Revenue Agency

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