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MiDietario 5.4 (updated 2014/02/11)
With MiDietario you can calculate your daily caloric needs "theoretical"
as your constitution,
sex, age , activity level and according to your target (lose, gain, main
Two formulaes are helping you as Harris Benedict equation or Lyle McDona
ld, so you can make a balanced diet
thanks to the built-in database, which has more than 500 foods all its n
utritional values, calories
and minerals. Thus being able to calculate the Calories, Proteins, Carbo
hydrates and fats you
consume throughout the day.
You can edit, delete or add food; create multiple profiles, store, print
or publish
diets, additional information such as: The body mass index (IMM), index
of fat
body (IGC), lean body mass (LBM) and daily caloric expenditure .
Cracked : an0rmal/kdgt14

1. Installation Notes
a. install
b . Replace Exe with file in crk folder
c . Enjoy xD
2. Notes on protection
AES + Base64 algorithm, using a password generated with the key / activa
tion key
Tata, H.

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