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Jang Bogo

by Mark Cartwright
published on 25 November 2016

Jang Bogo (aka Chang Pogo or Gungbok) was a powerful Korean

warlord, naval commander, and merchant who came to monopolise
maritime trade in northeast Asia to such a degree that he was known
as the 'King of the Yellow Sea' during the first half of the 9th century
CE. His exploits have gained him a legendary status which he still
enjoys in Korea today.


Jang Bogo's life and trading activities are described in the Account
of a Pilgrimage to Tang in Search of the Law (Nyu
To kyuho junrei koki) by the Japanese scholar-monk Ennin (aka
Jikaku, 794-864 CE). The account contains a passage describing a
voyage in one of Jang's naval vessels in 840 CE to
the Buddhist monastery at Shandong. Amongst other sources are
the works of the Chinese poet Du Mu, and it is interesting here to

note that, indeed, most of the ancient accounts of Jang's exploits

come from Chinese and Japanese sources, indicating his fame
throughout East Asia. This has led the historian Kyung Moon Hwang
to state, "there might not have been a Korean historical figure
better-known outside northeast Asia until the twentieth century"
Jang was born, perhaps in 788 CE, into a modest family in the town
of Cheonghae (Wando island), located off the south-west coast of
the Unified Silla Kingdom of ancient Korea. In his early career,
we are informed that Jang served as an officer in the army of
the Tang dynasty, like many of his Silla contemporaries, and
fought in the lower Huai River basin of China.


Returning to Korea in 828 CE, Jang requested from the Silla king
permission to establish a garrison at Cheonghae. Jang argued that
only a permanent military presence could eradicate the troublesome
Chinese pirates which were plaguing the East Asian seas at that time
and provide naval escorts for Koreans travelling by sea who were
being captured by the pirates and sold into slavery in China. His
proposal was accepted by King Heungdeok, and Jang was made its
commander, a position he held until 846 CE. It may be that the royal
approval was a mere formality as by then Jang already possessed a
large private navy of his own, but a fortress was constructed, known
as Cheonghaejin, which housed 10,000 soldiers.
From his base, Jang's naval fleet could control all maritime trade
between China and Korea across the Yellow Sea and South Sea as
well as commerce to and from ancient Japan. Goods shipped would
have included precious metals, manufactured goods from furniture
to weapons, silk, tea, and ginseng. In addition, the trade network
of the time established contact with traders from afar afield

as Arabia and east Africa who brought exotic spices, carpets, and
animal products.
Once he had cleared the area of piracy, and with his leadership of
the Korean community on the Shandong peninsula, Jang established
a lucrative monopoly on the region's ceramics trade. He may well
have contributed to the popularity of Chinese porcelain in the wider
world and facilitated technology improvements in Korea's own
potteries. Jang is also credited with establishing the
Buddhist temple of Pophwawon and its monastery at Shandong
which had 28 monks and nuns. Not only did this meet the religious
needs of the Silla expatriates but it also served as his diplomatic and
commercial headquarters.

Map of East Asia


In 839 CE Jang backed Kim Ujing and, attacking the capital

of Gyeongju (Kyongju), helped him ascend the throne of the
Unified Silla Kingdom as King Sinmu. In gratitude the king gave Jang
the impressive title of Grand General of Cheonghae. Unfortunately,
Sinmu would only reign for a year, and so Jang sought to maintain
his influence at court by having his daughter marry the son of
Sinmu's successor, King Munseong to become his second queen.
These overtures proved unsuccessful and Jang was murdered in 846
CE by an assassin known as Yeomjang, hired by his aristocratic
political rivals who, no doubt, saw him as a commoner who had
gained too much power for their own good. The Cheonghae garrison,
having served its purpose, was disbanded in 851 CE.
Jang's reputation has lived on, though, not only in the following
centuries thanks to ancient writers but also in modern Korea where
there has been a renewed interest in national historical heroes.
Museums, TV shows, submarines, and even an Antarctic research
station have been dedicated to this legendary figure from the golden
era when Korea dominated the trade networks of northeast Asia.

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