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United States Independence Scavenger Hunt

Interactive Constitution
1. Where were the Declaration of Independence and the United
States Constitution drafted (building and city)?

2. Where was the Bill of Rights proposed (building and city)?

3. What does the preamble state?

4. Name one amendment and what rights it provides (Amendments 1-10 only)?

This day in history

5. On what day did the U.S. declare its independence?

6. Who published an influential pamphlet in January 1776 that argued for American Independence and what was
the title?

7. Where was the final victory and in what year?

Our American Revolution

8. Why was Benedict Arnold considered a traitor?

9. On what day was Nathan Hale executed? Why was he executed?

10. On what date was George Washington sworn in as the first President and
who was his Vice President?

11. Who was Chief Pontiac?

Answer key
1. Pennsylvania State House in


2. Federal Hall in New York City

3. We the People of the United
perfect Union, establish Justice,
for the common defense, promote
Blessings of Liberty to ourselves
establish this Constitution for the

States, in Order to form a more

insure domestic Tranquility, provide
the general Welfare, and secure the
and our Posterity, do ordain and
United States of America.

4. Amendment I Freedom of
religion, speech, press, assembly, and
Amendment II right to bear
Amendment III quartering of
Amendment IV search and
Amendment V grand jury, double jeopardy, self-incrimination, due process, takings
Amendment VI right to speedy trial by jury, witnesses, counsel
Amendment VII jury trial in civil lawsuits
Amendment VIII excessive fines, cruel and unusual punishment
Amendment IX non-enumerated rights retained by people
Amendment X rights reserved to states or people
5. 4 July 1776
6. Thomas Paine Common Sense
7. Yorktown 1781
8. Benedict Arnold defected to the British in 1780
9. 22 September 1776 he was spying on the British
10. 30 April 1789, John Adams
11. Ottawa chief who led the siege against Fort Detroit

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