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Kabeer Ali Khalid

August 29th, 2016

Shariah and Hudood Laws

If Shariah and the Hudood Laws were to replace the current constitution of Pakistan
would be very different. Pakistan may claim to have some of these laws but they do not press to
enforce them, therefore the people are not given a lesson.
If Shariah replaced the current constitution, Pakistan would be very different. Many of
the things available to us would be forbidden. Women would have less freedom than they
currently do. If somebody who is very strong hearted about Islam comes into power than women
may also be stripped of their right to drive cars or work. The Shariah Law put into Pakistan
would not work because it wont be enforced properly and if it is then the people will protest the
change. The Hudood Laws are a very different situation. They give strict punishments for
violations against prohibitions of forbidden acts. These acts occur in Pakistan on a daily basis
but nobody enforces them. If Hudood Laws were enforced then less people would commit such
acts and the country would be better off.
In my opinion, adding some Shariah Law would be nice but completely changing the
face of the Pakistani Constitution would be an act that would have a devastating result.
Pakistanis are much different from Arabic races as our customs vary. They way we live our life is
completely different, therefore our laws should also be different and should be put into place
according to the needs of our people and our country.

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