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Either / Neither

Either / Neither / Too

1. She didnt like_______ of them.
2. _____ of them told me about it so I didnt go.
3. Mary saw the movie. Her sister saw it ______.
4. Which one do you want?
________ one is fine.
1. In this game you ____ win ____ lose.
2. Jim can _____ read ____ write. Hes illiterate.
3. _____ Charlie ____ Tom can help you with that. Just ask one of
Both / Neither / Either
1. ______ cars are very expensive.
2. Would _____ of you like some ice cream?
3. He plays _______ tennis nor soccer.
So / Neither / Either / Too
1. I really miss Jane.
______ do I.
2. I was so tired after the game.
_____ was I.
3. I havent tried Polish food before.
I havent _______.
4. I got an A in my English class.
Me _____.
5. Jane and Charles werent there.
______ were Tom and Carly.
6. I really dont like broccoli.
Me _____.

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