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Yan Lawrence

ENGL 210003 K
Professor Matyakubova
In Why We Need to Understand Science?, author Carl Sagan opening point is that the
interviewer was focused on pseudoscience and not what he believed science is. He points out the
scientific literacy is widespread through America. In fact, he further explains that the rest of the
world is far ahead of the United States in science and in math. Instead of having the willingness
to learn, school students merely memorize the facts without thinking about them.
Carl Sagan makes a valid point on how illiterate people are in science and math. One
important information he pointed out is the relationship between a parent and a child. Most times
at home, parent dont answer questions a kid have about science or math. They are usually
belittled and often indirectly forced to not ask questions. Ergo, this translates to school in which
the child portrays the behavior of not questioning. This inevitably leads to a downfall in the
schools system.

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