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Who Am I?

Writing to Inform & Choosing a Main Point

Choose one of the following 7 Halloween characters: Dracula, witch,

werewolf, Frankenstein, zombie, vampire, headless horseman.
Write a short biography (At least 3 paragraphs), including both necessary and
some unnecessary information. Give the character a personality, physical
traits, and a background. Try not to give too much away, so that your partner
must guess.

What would you call the main point of your short bio and why? (Obviously,
the main point of this activity is to inform your peers about a Halloween
character, but what is the main point within the bio. What makes it clear that
this is a certain character?)

Read your bio aloud to a partner. Have your partner guess who youve
written about.
Partner name:

What was their guess?

Ask your partner what they think the main point of your character bio was
and why?

Why did they guess successfully or unsuccessfully?

How were you writing to inform your reader?

How did you choose a main point in your own writing?

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