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Freezing Bananas

How to Freeze Bananas

Freezing bananas is a great idea for several reasons.

My kids like frozen bananas for a treat.

They are great for smoothies.
Freeze bananas that are about to go over ripe and then thaw when you
want to make banana bread.
Give a frozen banana to a teething baby. This makes a huge mess but it
is great on their little gums. (be sure to watch for when the banana
gets small so they don't choke)

Choose ripe bananas.

Peel your bananas before freezing. You can freeze with the skin on but then
you'll need to thaw them out and peel before using them. This makes for a
very unpleasant looking, slimy banana. Fine for banana bread but not too
appetizing for anything else.

Slice your bananas as desired and lay out on a freezer paper lined cookie
sheet. I like 1 to 2 inch pieces. Bananas can also be frozen whole.
Place in the freezer. When frozen solid package in freezer bags. This
freezes each piece separately and allows you to remove just as much as you
When you package the bananas remove as much air as possible from the
bag. Be sure and date and label your freezer bags.

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